The big big big question!!!

For discussion of Lunar: Dragon Song (Lunar: Genesis), the only Lunar game on the DS

are you satisfied with the lunar DS?

yes this game rocks the world!
no I hate this game
Total votes: 28

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The big big big question!!!

Post by keyblade_master »

ofcourse I'm not satisfied with this game I mean lunar let us all down right?

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Post by Werefrog »

Why must a game either be awesome or horrible? Can't it just be okay?

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Post by Sonic# »

No! All game reviews should rate either 100% or 0%!

... As for me, yes, I think it's okay. Lackluster for what I wanted, but not absolutely abhorrent.

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Post by Aaron »

no i hate this game

with a bloody passion

it killed the franchise and when I played it, it didn't even feel like a lunar game. It sure did look like it though.

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Post by phyco126 »

That's on thing I never liked about polls, doesn't matter how many options there are to choose from, there just doesn't seem to be any answers that suit me best.

In any event, I'm nuetral, haven't played the game. Haven't even opened mine from the packaging and I've had it since Christmas :P

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This game is eccentric in a good way.

Post by CreatedThinker »

I love how this game got creative. It's not an RPG that is set up like all the others, the two combat systems made me really love the game.

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Although I voted "hate", I didn't hate it, I just didn't like it very much. I LOVED the art of Kubooka, and I love it for what it could've been. So, I guess I'm pretty neutral as a whole. I definitely didn't love it, but didn't exactly hate it either.

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Post by Kizyr »

Funny thing is, Kubooka was really trying to be specific that he didn't actually draw the characters, but presided or directed their design. Something more specific; I can't quite recall what without digging through some old emails. KF
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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Regardless, I still really liked the artwork. They definitely fooled me :p I thought it was Kubooka for sure. And despite the fact that Iwadare didn't compose the music I still thought the majority of it was still pretty lunar-esque.

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Re: This game is eccentric in a good way.

Post by keyblade_master »

CreatedThinker wrote:I love how this game got creative. It's not an RPG that is set up like all the others, the two combat systems made me really love the game.
:? are you kiddin?! this game really sux! :shock:

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Re: This game is eccentric in a good way.

Post by Werefrog »

keyblade_master wrote:
CreatedThinker wrote:I love how this game got creative. It's not an RPG that is set up like all the others, the two combat systems made me really love the game.
:? are you kiddin?! this game really sux! :shock:
Let's try respecting the opinions of others, okay?

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Post by Angelalex242 »

I came in with a thumbs down on DragonSong, overall. The things it could've done right, it didn't.

And it suffered from a bad case of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it.' They fixed stuff that wasn't broken.
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Post by Loud Mouth »

I have to say, in my own opinion (Raises flame shield), that it was pretty bad... what I've played, currently stuck in the water temple with no motivation to keep going... the battle system just kills it for me, the breaking of my items. It's worse then not being able to target. And then the split battle system just made it annoying. I was never patient enough to stick around and level up even with a normal experiance system, but now I'm not only under leveled, but also flat-broke with crappy armour and weapons that are constantly being broke, forcing me to re-start from my last save because the newest shiny peice of mettle or ribbon is so darn expensive.

...That was far more then I had expected to say... simply put, the battle system kills it for me... and the damage while running. The only other games, I can think of, that was is worse then this is... Beyond the Beyond and Ephemeral Fantasia (Which isn't that bad when played with a guide... Rummy makes it tolerable)

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Re: This game is eccentric in a good way.

Post by Zophar »

CreatedThinker wrote:I love how this game got creative. It's not an RPG that is set up like all the others, the two combat systems made me really love the game.
I think you are the only person in existence who has ever said that you like this game. Wow, I never thought I would see the day when someone would say that they liked Dragon Song. That aside I would rather not know what other games you like.

Anyway I hate Dragon Song. If that's the best that they can do, they might as well give up. The sales are enough to prove that, not to mention the reviews. In the category of not so great RPGs, Final Fantasy X-2 was far better than Dragon Song, and that is saying A LOT.

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There were some things I didn't like.

Post by CreatedThinker »

Wow a lot of people quoted me lol. I admit there are some things I did not like about the game, the armor breaking and not being able to repair along with the targeting system weren't good. I played the game upto killing the Blue Dragon so far, and I still enjoy the two different battle systems. I was expecting people to complain about the cards and easy boss battles...I use insector card, and then 30 secs later the dragons are dead. Overall I still enjoy the game but I agree with you guys when you say it needs inprovement.,

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Post by Kizyr »

I still maintain that DS was a decent RPG on its own. There were some major flaws, but with the exception of the lack of targeting and the item breakage, the rest were overblown and weren't a huge deal.

That said, it doesn't look good when compared with the rest of the Lunar series, and it is honestly the relatively "worst" Lunar game out there.

But I can see where people are coming from if they say they liked the game. There were some good elements to it. KF
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Post by Dark_Fairy »

I still have yet to complete DS. I'm nearly at the end of the game, but I don't feel like training. I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it either so I had to vote for 'hate'. The story sheads a little more light on the Lunar series so its better than nothing I guess. I think they could of done more with the story though. I really hate the battle system. I can't target anything and that gets on my nerves.

Yes, I read the ending so I know what happens. That's why I'm probably not playing it again. :P

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Re: This game is eccentric in a good way.

Post by hob »

Zophar wrote:In the category of not so great RPGs, Final Fantasy X-2 was far better than Dragon Song, and that is saying A LOT.
Hahahahahaha! Heheheheh HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh! Oh! OHahAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Yeah... *sniff* yeah. Oh man, it's so true!
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Re: This game is eccentric in a good way.

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

hob wrote:
Zophar wrote:In the category of not so great RPGs, Final Fantasy X-2 was far better than Dragon Song, and that is saying A LOT.
Hahahahahaha! Heheheheh HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh! Oh! OHahAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Yeah... *sniff* yeah. Oh man, it's so true!
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Re: The big big big question!!!

Post by jay_are »

You know what? I loved this game. :D

Plus, I was lucky. I heard people complain about it's price when it came out?
It was like $40 or something? That would suck.

Well I paid $10 and it was brand new factory sealed. I looked at the game cover for months before opening it XD just to torture myself and make me want to play it. I didnt have a DS at the time anyway, just the game.

I HAD read reviews, BAD reviews, but I didn't care. Then I got my DS and opened the game.
Weird enough, it was like this when i first opened it >_O (yes i took a pic) ... dedown.jpg

As for the battles, yes, bad, horrible, but so what? I almost always left my DS on, fighting while I went to either brush my teeth or was just using my computer. Auto Battle is the way to go >_>. And the battle BGM was addicting. And the victory one too. XD And holding R and L helped a lot too. Breaking armor and weapons just made me more excited, but scared.
The soundtrack was sweet. The story was good, the dialogue felt like they humbly tried :P
it always made me feel nice. Yeah they did copy from Lunar SSSC mostly... BUT they added strange/cool things that I would never see in RPGs XD
And yes, I enjoyed this game til the very very end, I wanna play again!!!!

Things that suck? Blowing the mic to escape. Using the stylus to move. -_- what were they THINKING?!

I thought "Hmm... This was my first game on the DS, maybe I liked it just cause of that?"

WRONG!! I have played many more DS games after that, AND I only like Lunar DS even more now. Other DS games feel so generic they are boring.

Games like Megaman, Metroid, Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Pokemon, THESE are the games that disappointed me on DS, not Lunar DS =P

Also sucked: the character's names... I didnt like Jian that much, Lucia(very creative name -_-;), Gabryel, Rufus, Ignatius, and maybe a few more. I liked Flora's name though.
As for the losing health when running, dude! You dont HAVE to run. XD I walked almost the entire game with no prob, cause you have to fight every enemy anyway... Until I had enough HP to run a lot.

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