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Whose got their copy so far?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:13 am
by segaboy7
As I am still waiting for my copy to arrive at ebgames who say their copies are supposed to be in on October 1st. So whose got their copy?

Re: Whose got their copy so far?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:19 am
by DevNall
segaboy7 wrote:As I am still waiting for my copy to arrive at ebgames who say their copies are supposed to be in on October 1st.

Same sort of thing around here, apparently.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:54 am
by GhaleonOne
I just picked mine up against better judgement. I blew my tire out tonight, and probably should have waited to pick this up, but eh, it's Lunar. :P Only EBGames had it, as GameStop either didn't get theirs in yet, or were sold out. WalMart and Best Buy didn't have it yet either.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:05 am
by JordAnime
I just got mine, it'd be a fanstic game if you didn't waste HP on running, whoever thought that up needs to be shot. Also, the auto target bit in physical attacks is bothersome too. Graphically I like it, it's no masterpiece but it's far superior than any GBA RPG. Music is also good, Iwadare-ish even though he didn't do the music. I think this game would have benifited from a more traditional setup. Also, they should have had at least one opening cutscene. So far it seems like a mixed bag.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:05 am
by Silver Phoenix
I got my two copies at GameStop tonight, and got a call from their automated service sometime yesterday, to let me know the game would be in today. How impersonal! I stopped by Wal*Mart to pick up a few things, and it's looks like they didn't have Lunar. Maybe they will put it out tonight when they receive a new shipment. I don't know when I'll have a chance to play it, with the assload of schoolwork I have.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:32 am
by GhaleonOne
Yeah, WalMart and Best Buy still didn't have it here. GameStop was sold out... at least the one I checked. EBGames still had copies at all locations though.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:37 am
by Ghaleon_EME
I got mine today at EB games. still getting into it. will post later.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:45 am
by Lunar Eclipse
I got mine around 5:30 from EB. They'd just gotten their shipment, so I was able to grab the very first copy. I must say . . . I love this game! I, too, blew my whole night, but it's just so good. The HP running thing was minorly annoying at first, but now that I'm level 11, I can run through the entire Thieves' Forest without stopping. It's only really a problem until about level 7. I've gotten to Healriz, but I think I need to do some sidequests soon so that I can actually get some cash. There's so much cool stuff to buy in the city, but I don't have enough money yet.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:10 am
by DragonmasterDan
I got mine earlier from Gamestop, they had it in this morning. I also got the automated call from Texas informing me it would be ready today last night.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:26 am
by That Other Person
I got my copy for only 30 bucks at a Game Rush inside Blockbuster. Everywhere else I've seen or heard is selling it for 40. Pick it up at a Game Rush if you have access to one. :)

Got mine already.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:42 am
by Kale
I got mine from game stop yesterday and i havent wanted to put it down. I dont like how when you get into a battle, you have to blow on the mic in the DS to run away. Appearntly the air currents on my bus LOVE blowing on that little hole :evil:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:31 pm
by Tigalys
I got mine yesterday during my lunch hour but was unable to really play it till I got home. So far though I really like it other than the usual complaints everyone has with it. One other thing I don't like is the fact you don't know when Lucia gains a new spell. I think she started out with like 3 spells but then a few levels later she had gained a few more and I was like where the hell did those come from. So yeah other than that I really like it so far can't wait for the story to really start.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:33 pm
by HuBBsDoctor
Got mine wednesday. Loving it so far.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:32 pm
by Mormon88
just picked mine up 2 seconds ago... haven't even opened it yet

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:39 pm
by Jyd3n
EbGames has ticked me off for the last time. I'm in college and all i have is a checkbook. I have no car and when my friends and i finally go to a mall to shop today I try to buy Lunar DS. The jacka%% there say they can't take checks. GAHHH!! Now i'm gonna have to wait longer. Oh well, can't complain, i havent waited 10 years for this to happen like some have.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:45 pm
by LUNARverse
I do! I do! have had it since the 25th :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:53 pm
by alvyman89
I got mine yesterday and have been playing for most of the day. Except for now.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:18 pm
by Dark_Fairy
I got mine yesterday at 7:30pm from EB games. I preordered mine to make sure I got it. :P I've only played for 1:43 though because of getting it so late and then having school the next day. >_<

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:43 pm
by Alunissage
Having learned the hard way what a deleterious effect having the import game during working hours has on my actual work, I'll be getting it this weekend. :o

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:15 pm
by SilverOcean
I finally found one at GameStop last night. It was almost closing time. Ugh...but it cost me 40 bucks. Why, oh why, did I tell my mom I would pay?