Tell me of the Dark Scimitar

For discussion of Lunar: Eternal Blue, the original game for the Sega CD
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Post by GhaleonOne »

I should say, sorry about not getting the guide up quicker. It will be up by Christmas though. And welcome to the boards!

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Post by Kizyr »

JWL! So what took so long? KF
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Post by Alunissage »

Hey, cool. I suppose it's a bit of a kneejerk reaction to think of the DS as a touchy subject, but shortly after I joined LunarNET's forums there was a big fuss about it that resulted in, I believe, a lot of flames (the post was deleted before I saw it and so I only saw bits in Kizyr's reply). Incidentally, while I've heard that four people were banned from the WDMB at that time, i've only known of three, since Synbios was still around when I joined later that year. He changed his username to Parn around January and then was banned by his own request a month or two later. Vic turned a knowingly blind eye when he returned as Synbios a few years later, though.

And yes, the treasure chest placement and contents are completely nuts. Most notably are the two best bows in the game placed in the same dungeon exactly one floor apart, and I think at that point it'd been several dungeons since the last bow. And the Flame Fist which is totally lame by the time you get it. I swear, I wish someone would redo the chests to make them progress more logically, and toss in the cool unused stuff in the process. Fan hack! :o

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Post by JWL »

One example of dungeon strangeness that has always really stood out to me is the Red Dragon Cave. There's this long path you can take, riding platforms across the lava, and they take you to... nothing. You end up in an area which looks like a treasure chest should be there, but there's just nothing there. My guess is that the Wind Sword or Grim Saber was supposed to be there, since Hiro gets all new armor in this dungeon but not a new weapon.

As for the Flame Fist, Game Arts mistakenly made it impossible for Jean to equip this, which should be her ultimate weapon. It actually has stats in Mega CD Lunar EB, but WD removed the ATP stat from the item description since nobody can equip it. If I recall correctly, everyone gets a new weapon in the Epilogue EXCEPT for Jean, and that's because Jean's weapon is supposed to be the Flame Fist.

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Post by snaztacular »

Here's a pic straight from the manual:


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Post by ifeelancient »

Last edited by ifeelancient on Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

BTW, EvilC, feel free to stick around. You were a pretty prominent member in Lunar fandom, so if you have the time and desire, I'm sure a lot of us would love for you to stick around here. You're always welcome for sure.

Same for JWL, but I already told him that via Email.

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Post by LUNAR Otaku »


Jeebus Krist!

I can't believe that after ssssssoooooooooooooooo many years the very mention of the Dark Scimitar gets some peoples' panties in a twist!

Especially the ones who weren't even there for the spit show - let alone involved in the mess - to begin with!

I am speaking as one of the guys who was in the thick of that mess. Being 19 at the time, my debating skills sucked more than they do now! LOL!

This mystifying and almost hallowed fear of those 2 words is inane, really. I don't recall the topic of the Dark Scimitar causing any trouble in years - OTHER than the hissy fits that is thrown when it is brought up.

In other words, if people didn't get all "OH NO!!!! YOU BROUGHT UP THE BAD BAD BAD TOPIC which we dare not mention" whenever someone asked about it, there would have been no problems with that topic in the past fews years whatsoever!

I find it funny, the main people involved in that mess (Evil-C, Hatless, Me, Keith, Synbios, Dr. Carter, etc.) have all moved on LONG AGO, but others appear to insist on living in the past when those two words were not to be brought up for fear of offending vic.

Think about it. There will always be someone who will play LUNAR: Eternal Blue on the SEGA CD for the first time. There will always be someone who will wonder where the Dark Scimitar shown in the manual is. There will always be someone who will ask about it.

End of story.

It is ridiculously stupid to jump down someones throat whenever that person brings up or asks about the Dark Scimitar. Especially given that odds are very good, and getting better with time, that that person didn't even know of the LUNAR games until many years after the Dark Scimitar debate.

Let's let that knee-jerk behaviour die along with the WD boards.

Let's just answer any questions as if it were a normal topic. If anyone asks about the Dark Scimitar debate, which in hindsight was a pretty lame event IMO (it's status has only reached near mythical proportions because too many people continue to perpetuate this uber-irrational terror of the topic), I, and I'm sure JWL and perhaps ifeelancient would have no problems at all answering.

Any hard feelings were left in the past.

We've moved on.

I wish others would too.
~LUNAR Otaku

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Post by Kizyr »

You should probably read the thread more carefully.

First off, all the 'knee-jerk' reactions were dropped at the first page, within one post, in a thread that was started seven months ago.

Secondly, why the hell are you posting with dark-blue text on a dark-blue background? Do you want people not to be able to read what you're saying? KF
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Post by Roas Atrades »

Like Kiz said, take a look at the thread as a whole. No one is whining, -Borgan-, or complaining.

In fact, those of us who were there are remenicing about how crazy it was and having a nice chuckle over it. No where is the old debate for it resurfacing in any form. If anyone is fanning the flame you seem to be.

Take it easy, no one is reinstigating that old feeling of the DC. We're just talking about the old days.

And "just say no" to colored text :P
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Post by DragonmasterDan »

LUNAR Otaku wrote: :roll:

Jeebus Krist!

I can't believe that after ssssssoooooooooooooooo many years the very mention of the Dark Scimitar gets some peoples' panties in a twist!

Especially the ones who weren't even there for the spit show - let alone involved in the mess - to begin with!

I am speaking as one of the guys who was in the thick of that mess. Being 19 at the time, my debating skills sucked more than they do now! LOL!

This mystifying and almost hallowed fear of those 2 words is inane, really. I don't recall the topic of the Dark Scimitar causing any trouble in years - OTHER than the hissy fits that is thrown when it is brought up.

In other words, if people didn't get all "OH NO!!!! YOU BROUGHT UP THE BAD BAD BAD TOPIC which we dare not mention" whenever someone asked about it, there would have been no problems with that topic in the past fews years whatsoever!

I find it funny, the main people involved in that mess (Evil-C, Hatless, Me, Keith, Synbios, Dr. Carter, etc.) have all moved on LONG AGO, but others appear to insist on living in the past when those two words were not to be brought up for fear of offending vic.

Think about it. There will always be someone who will play LUNAR: Eternal Blue on the SEGA CD for the first time. There will always be someone who will wonder where the Dark Scimitar shown in the manual is. There will always be someone who will ask about it.

End of story.

It is ridiculously stupid to jump down someones throat whenever that person brings up or asks about the Dark Scimitar. Especially given that odds are very good, and getting better with time, that that person didn't even know of the LUNAR games until many years after the Dark Scimitar debate.

Let's let that knee-jerk behaviour die along with the WD boards.

Let's just answer any questions as if it were a normal topic. If anyone asks about the Dark Scimitar debate, which in hindsight was a pretty lame event IMO (it's status has only reached near mythical proportions because too many people continue to perpetuate this uber-irrational terror of the topic), I, and I'm sure JWL and perhaps ifeelancient would have no problems at all answering.

Any hard feelings were left in the past.

We've moved on.

I wish others would too.
Lunar Otaku is on these boards, it's been ages since I've seen you around.

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Post by Ardekh »

Wow, I almost wish I was around...or had discovered Lunar at that point (except I don't because I've seen how I typed in 1998 and it was not pretty) because it seems like the community was more alive. But the more people, the more stupid people, and I like it here how it is.

...and I just wasted quite a bit of time reading over that old website that I could have spent doing something productive like watching TV.

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Post by snaztacular »

Wow, I haven't been around here for a couple of months now, but I was just thinking that I would love to have a Dark Schimitar T-shirt. That would probably be one of the most niche Ts in the world...if I ever saw anyone wearing one I would pretty much die :D

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Post by phyco126 »

A t-shirt? Hmm, sounds intresting, but how would it look on a shirt? Just the weapon on the back/front, or a t-shirt with borgan's bromide on the back of the shirt with a small picture of the Dark Scimitar on the front right hand corner of the shirt?

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Post by Master Lunn »

:shock: this is alot of Lunar history to read about. I didnt even know something like that could happen to a game or a company...makes me wish that i knew about Lunar when i was younger...

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Post by snaztacular »

Hmm, sounds intresting, but how would it look on a shirt?
Woops, haven't been on in a while. I was thinking front-only image of the DS, with text underneath. It could say "**Thread locked**" or include some other highlight from the whole "conflict". Come to think of it, was that original thread locked or deleted, and does anyone remember what those forums locked message looks like?

Anyway, if anyone else is interested, I'll draw up something. Actually I might do it anyway, because it sounds like something I want to wear.

PS- Come to think of it, the hex code for hacking it might be a kind of cool caption also :D

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Post by phyco126 »

Eh, would be neat to have Borgan's Bromide of the Dark Scimitar on the back of the shirt with the text: Thread locked or something along those likes, or a fanmade picture of the general things.

Then on the front have a small picture of it on the top right corner with the hack code underneath it. :P

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Post by snaztacular »

Do you have a link to the Borgan picture? I couldn't find it on Lunar-net, and I don't have my strategy guide at school with me (trying to wrap up the semester :D).

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Re: Tell me of the Dark Scimitar

Post by Zhane Masaki »

Sorry for the uber necro, but I just read through this and I know I wasn't around for the super s***-storm that this topic brought up in the past. I know only a tad of the history behind it, and I was already aware GA dummied it out (sort of how like Nintendo dummied out the Azure Flute key item in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, as another example of a dummied-out item).

In the end, I was aware it got Vic's ire up and several people got /B/anned. >.> Sorry for the 4chan reference X3 :?
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