Wasn't there a Hot Springs scene in this version?

For discussion of Lunar: Eternal Blue, the original game for the Sega CD
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Wasn't there a Hot Springs scene in this version?

Post by Jenner »

There's a Let's Play of Lunar: Eternal Blue (Sega CD) up on Something Awful right now, where I also post.

The LPer has gotten to the Haunted House and the Lucia Into Hotsprings Scene did not happen.

But... I distinctly remember that scene happening at this point in this game.

What's going on with my memory, I'm not imagining it, right?
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Re: Wasn't there a Hot Springs scene in this version?

Post by Sonic# »

I thought that it happened later, before Pentagulia.

Then again, I didn't play the original EB.

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Re: Wasn't there a Hot Springs scene in this version?

Post by Kizyr »

Huh... I was wrong initially. That scene was just added in the EBC remake...

Wow, my memory was fuzzier than I thought. KF
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Re: Wasn't there a Hot Springs scene in this version?

Post by Shiva Indis »

Hiro does walk in on Lucia in the Sega CD version, but it's at Taben's Peak. Funny how different the placement is...

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