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Lunar iOS differences

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:40 pm
by protivakid
I was not able to find a list of differences with the new iOS version compared to say the playstation version.

From the few videos I watched, it seems to use the vocie acting and game script from Silver Star Harmony, yet has the level maps of Story Complete. It also seems to use higher quality movies, possibly from the Saturn MPEG edition.

Is there a list of differences, or any I am overlooking?

Re: Lunar iOS differences

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:16 pm
by protivakid

Re: Lunar iOS differences

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:13 am
by Kizyr
The Lunar Touch ( forum has some discussion going on that lists a few differences, but no, there's no compiled list that anyone's put together. KF