Forbidden Forest?

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Forbidden Forest?

Post by brit »

So I'm replaying SSSC and I'm curious about heading into the Forbidden Forest where the Althena's Spring for girls is located. It's something I've never really done in any of my playthroughs just because I had bad memory of it from the first time playing the game. I stumbled in by accident and got killed right away. Needless to say it's the only location I normally skip over every time just because the monsters always seem so strong. XD

But anyways, I'm curious as to what level you all think would be a good place to go in. Right now I'm level 38 (guys) and 37 (girls). Alex is a dragonmaster, however, I want to fight the monsters seriously to work on some level grinding. ^^ So I have no intentions of using Black Dragon Grief to get me through.

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by JonOU812 »

First off this was in the PSP version that I did this, I went in at about 40-45ish and I basically just swept through them (good grinding like you said btw), as for the ps1 version i'm not quite sure but possibly the same levels as described maybe 5 higher (45-50) mainly cause of the limited healing items you have (20 each I believe)
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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by AkagisWhiteComet »

You're not supposed to "fight" the monsters in the Forbidden Forest, per say.

When Alex becomes Dragonmaster (more specifically when you obtain the Dragon Armor item) you receive the "Dragon Grief" spell. This spell immediately kills all enemies on-screen. You're supposed to use this spell to progress through the Forbidden Forest. Attempting to fight the monsters, even at high levels, will likely end in your party being killed off.

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by Alunissage »

AkagisWhiteComet wrote:You're not supposed to "fight" the monsters in the Forbidden Forest, per say.
Says who? There's no "supposed to" about getting through. Using Dragon Grief is an easier method, but that doesn't make it the "right" one. And she said in the first post that she had no intentions of doing it that way. (P.S., it's per se.)

I went through there the first time possible in SSSC, I think. The key for me was using Nash's status spells, which actually work on those enemies sometimes. Afraid I can't say what level I was at though.

OK, let's see what I have for monster weaknesses/resistance.
They're all strong against poison. The Killer Weed/Ambusher is strong against all status effects and fire, but weak to ice. The Cannon Foot is strong against ice and weak to fire. The Shell Walker is weak to wind* and strong against sealing/muting. The Hell Hound/Vorpal Boar isn't weak to anything.

* I cannot for the life of me remember wind spells in SSSC at all other than Ghaleon's Tornado, but there are a couple of weapons that have a wind attribute.

I should note that they don't give you much EXP compared to the other enemies you'll have encountered more recently, so they may not be great for grinding. But while I have detailed stats information for all of the enemies, I don't have info on how many enemies are in each area or how many of each kind are typically in each battle. And I'm realizing that actually I still have a lot to fill in on some of these tables...

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by Sonic# »

I recall being at around level 40 when I went through the first time. And I definitely fought my way through, sparing nothing of magic or special techniques. Other than that, I don't remember many details.

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by brit »

Thanks guys. ^^ I went in at level 38 and did manage to make it through at least one fight. It gave me like 555 experience. I probably could have done one more, but decided to go level in the Black Dragon Cave for a bit instead. I went through a lot of MP during the fights but I don't want to waste my items- even if I have silver to spare. Once I get stronger I'm gonna revisit it; it will definitely be soon though since I'll be going into the frontier and the end of the game soon.

Right now I have Alex and the guys at level 41 and the girls are on level 40. I'm just kind of lingering in the Black Dragon Cave since the experience is ranging from 1,000+ to 2,000+. ^^

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by Leo »

Do did you make it through?

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by brit »

Super late, but yes I did! :D

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by Leo »

brit wrote:Super late, but yes I did! :D
Did you get the scenes? If you wait too long they say they've been tainted or something.

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by Alunissage »

I think she's saying she's replying super late -- she's answering your question five months after it was asked.

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by Leo »

Still gets me wondering.. When exactly do you stop being able to use the springs?

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Re: Forbidden Forest?

Post by Alunissage »

I'll have to check -- I think the guide says when. In TSS it's more obvious because the overworld gets perceptibly darker.

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