Last set of J-to-E differences!

For discussion of Lunar: Eternal Blue, the remake of Lunar 2 for Saturn/Playstation and all its translations
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Last set of J-to-E differences!

Post by Kizyr »

Ok I just finished with Eternal Blue Complete. This was relatively easy to do, since there weren't a lot of major changes--and most of the changes were things that were also changed in the original Sega CD versions as well.

You'll probably notice a lot more things in the (3) category. A number of these were places in the dialogue where the Japanese version might have omitted something that was implied (either in the same place, or elsewhere in the dialogue), while the English version explicitly states something. Or, the reverse occurs.

Also, the bromide locations thing is mostly there for completeness. Nearly everything is identical, except for "Bromide X".

All right, here they are:
1) Major changes: Very noticeable, and intentional
2) Minor changes: Not story-impacting, but usually intentional
3) Translation ambiguities: Ambiguities in English or Japanese version
4) Name clarifications: Changes or clarifications in names and titles
5) Miscellaneous changes
6) Equal

[Type]) [Location]
E: [English version]
J: [Japanese version]
1) Larpa
E: Ronfar doesn't give a specific time for the incident in Raculi with Mauri. | Ronfar: "I... I've never failed to break a spell, except once when... (Oh, Mauri....)"
J: Ronfar says the incident in Raculi with Mauri was three years ago. | Ronfar: "As I thought... I can't save people!? Three years ago... when Mauri fell ill... that time, too..."

1) Mystic Ruins
E: The pixies at the bottom were brought there because Ghaleon said the world will be destroyed soon. | "Master Ghaleon said that this world will be destroyed soon. That is why he made this Secret Garden and brought us here. He said we'd be safe here forever."
J: The pixies at the bottom were brought there because they are almost extinct. | "We are almost extinct, Master Ghaleon said. That's why Ghaleon brought us here, to help the pixies <3"

1) Meribia
E: Meribia was said to be 'founded' by Mel. | (Outside NPC): "Meribia has flourished since the day it was founded by Hell Mel. But until recently, it was really dangerous here. I was afraid to walk down the street! Master Lunn and his followers have made Meribia safe again. I love him for what he's done!" (In Lunn's Dojo): "The first guy in charge was Hell Mel. He founded Meribia and even named it after himself! Cool, huh? Every ruler of Meribia has lived in this mansion, but when Lunn took charge of the city... he turned the mansion into a dojo! I guess he didn't care about luxurious living quarters, huh?"
J: Meribia was governed by Mel, who made the city great. The word used is 'osameru', which means 'govern', but has been translated as 'found' in English versions of The Silver Star, Silver Star Story, and Eternal Blue Complete. | (Outside NPC): "Long ago, Meribia, which was governed by Master Mel, one of the four heroes, was prosperous. Is it better now? I think so... Since Master Lunn came, the town's been great! Ha ha ha! ... Meribia seems to have been named after Master Mel, because he made it great. Ha ha ha!" (In Lunn's Dojo): "This town has been governed by heroes of the era. Ever since Master Mel, from whom Meribia gets its name, it's been governed by the era's great warriors... They governed this city from where this dojo is. Now, the master of this dojo is Blue Master Lunn. Master Lunn is said to be the hero of this era."

1) Vane
E: Sources in game place difference between Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue at about 1000 years. | "After my husband and I moved here, we paid a visit to the Magic Library to research Taben's Peak. We found a book which said that the Peak didn't exist until about a thousand years ago. It also said that the Peak is really the rusted remains of the Grindery that blasted Vane out of the sky! The book said that some people think that the story of Taben's Peak is a fairy tale, but we don't."
J: No specification of the time interval between Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue. | "At the big library there was a book which said that Taben's Peak wasn't there a long time ago... It was a fearful castle that caused Vane to fall to the ground. It sounds like a fairy-tale, but we believe it."

1) Vane
E: Book lists Dragonmasters: Leon (Zeon in Sega CD version), Gaull (Loka in Sega CD version), Natto (not in Sega CD version), Dyne, and Alex. Dyne is also called hero of the 'Heresy War'. Alicia and Laticia/Lina are not mentioned (although they were in Silver Star Story). Extra bylines are also given about the other heroes mentioned. | "Famous Dragonmasters | Some of the most popular Dragonmasters in the history of our world include: Leon, the Mighty Gale, who fought his foes with the blinding force of a hurricane. Gaull, the Iron Hand, who could fell the largest man with a single swing of his granite fists. Natto, the Singing Swordsman, who often burst into song while decimating his enemies. Dyne, the hero of the Heresy War... and Alex, the last of the Dragonmasters."
J: Book lists Dragonmasters: Zeon, Loka, Alicia and Lina, Dyne, and Alex. Dyne is called one of the Four Heroes of the Battle of the Black Dragon, which conforms with the backstory of the Sega CD The Silver Star, but not necessarily with the backstory of the remake Silver Star Story. Natto is not mentioned (although he was in Silver Star Story). | "Heroes, Dragonmasters | Some of the most popular Dragonmasters in history are Cyclone Zeon [shippuu zeon], Iron Fist Loka [tekken roka]... the Gold and Silver Sisters Alicia and Lina [arishia, rixina], one of the Four Heroes of the Battle of the Black Dragon, Dyne, and... the last Dragonmaster Alex..."

1) Vane
E: Extra note about the Vile Tribe's mixing with the general population is added by Phacia in one of the books (Phacia being from Silver Star Story) . Hiro also wonders who Phacia is. | "History of Lunar Volume 1 | The existence of the Vile Tribe was confirmed... during the terrible battle in which Vane fell from the sky. The behaviors and desires of the Vile Tribe are still shrouded in darkness... but it is clear that they have not chosen to coexist peacefully with humanity." Hiro: "Someone scribbled a note in the margin. What does it say?" "This is wrong! The Vile Tribe has left The Frontier... and now lives alongside the rest of Althena's children. --Phacia"
J: Extra note about some of the Vile Tribe living with humans is added by Alice in one of the books (Alice is from the Eternal Blue-based Childhood's End manga, which occurs three years after the events of Eternal Blue, and is not available in English). Prior to the Epilogue, Hiro wonders who Alice is. During the Epilogue, Hiro recalls that the note was written by Alice (note that the meaning of this is ambiguous, and doesn't mean that Hiro knows who Alice is at this point). | "In the fierce battle when the floating city of Vane fell, the existence of the Vile Tribe was confirmed. However they chose to live, what purpose they had, is wrapped in shadow... It seems clear they have not chosen the path of coexistence with us humans..." Hiro: " What's this? There's a note scribbled in here." "This is a lie!! There are those in the Vile Tribe who chose to live with humans! -Alice" (Prior to Epilogue) Hiro: "Alice? ...who is that?" (During Epilogue) Hiro: "I see... Alice wrote this. Yeah, that's right, Alice."

1) Vane
E: Note in bookcase in upper-right corner of library referring to Borgan's Bromide X. | "Cloth... secret... Guild... spy... my secret is safe with... "
J: No reference to Borgan's Bromide X; "Bromide X" is also not in any of the Japanese versions.

1) Hiro's House
E: The book in the back of the main room is a set of fan-submitted haikus.
J: The book in the back of the main room is the same list of mysterious ruins as at the beginning of the game.

1) White Dragon Cave
E: When you enter the cave, Nall mentions the 'four ice treasures' you need to get to progress. Note that this is the same dialogue pulled from the Sega CD version of Eternal Blue, and doesn't actually apply to the cave in the remake version (this was due to a last-minute issue with missing the translation for this section prior to the game being finalized). | Nall: "Ha! You got the White Dragon Aura from Leo at last! ... I'm where I need to be! Listen, you need the four ice treasures to open the passage to my lair. Once you have those, you may have to backtrack a bit, but the way will be open. Each one is in a big, white ice chest in the corners of this cave."
J: When you enter the cave, Nall mentions using the monsters in the cave to break the ice columns to progress. | Nall: "Ha! You did it!! You got the White Dragon Power back from Leo! ... Ha, if you continue towards the back, then you'll find me. Don't worry! Listen up, will you? This place is awfully cold. A lot of places are blocked up by columns of ice. It's really tough to break through even one of them through human power, or the flame of a tiny dragon... But, well, I don't think it'll be a problem[sonna mon hetomo omawanee], since there are some monsters that live in here. Make use of them, and you'll manage to come through. If you can somehow jeer [tobashite] those weird things, then they'll charge and break them. Maybe that's how you managed to get at that stubborn Leo guy? Ha, then you should be fine. This will be easy for you! Now, take care! Don't make me wait."

1) Raculi
E: No legend behind Serak or the name of Serak Palace is given.
J: The legend behind Serak and Serak Palace is given by one of the villagers. | "I heard about this often from my dead grandfather... Long ago, a single girl with strong magic power was born in this village. She performed various miracles, and saved this village. She called the rain, and protected us from drought. She saved men who would get lost in the storms. It's said that when this village was attacked by the Vile Tribe, she struck them down single-handedly. Serak Palace [serekamu shinden] was built and is associated with that girl, Serak [serekamu]. ... Among the stories that my grandfather told me, apparently Serak left behind a prophecy. When this village is in crisis, A girl will appear, a savior who gives off light... I thought that the savior in that prophecy was Mauri, but..."

1) Raculi
E: One of the villagers gives Ronfar a note from Mauri. | "This is the second time a catastrophe has hit our little village. The last catastrophe was a terrible disease that killed almost everyone here. The only person that got the disease and lived to tell about it was Mauri. Oh, and speaking of Mauri, she left this letter for you, in case you came back."
J: No villager has a note from Mauri to Ronfar. | "This is the second time a catastrophe has hit Raculi... Some years ago, an awful sickness spread, and killed [taorechau] the people in this village one by one... At that time, the only one who caught the illness and was left alive was Mauri..."

1) Vane
E: One man in the library refers to being from Meryod, which burned down. | (Prior to Epilogue) "Mah Ma an' Pah wur from tha grat city uh Meryod. Too bad it burned down. Cousin Bob liked matches too much, I guess." (During Epilogue) "Afta Meryod burned ta tha ground, Ma an' Pah went ta live in Yankshod. I lak it there. There's lotsa purdy grass and thars even fishies yew kin catch!"
J: No references ever made to Meryod. | (Prior to Epilogue) "The Goddess Althena was an imposter... And were the people of Althena's Chosen all consumed so that Zophar could be revived? Hm, the hearts of people should not be toyed with!" (During Epilogue) "I read lots of books in this library. I like stories about heroes. Whatever era, whatever hero, they do such cool things that I can't believe it. But, I think now that that's true. That there was a god who was struck down, and that there were heroes."

1) Vane
E: After Zophar's defeat, the letter from Luna that Nall gives to Hiro refers to him by name. | "Although I was once known as the Goddess Althena, I am now Luna, and I shall remain so. I have chosen happiness and love as a human... a mortal. As such, I will not be alive to tell you this in person. I have seen your coming, but my life will end long before you are even born, Hiro. I have but one regret, and that is Lucia. Lucia has been left to protect the Blue Star... living not for herself, but for others. She waits silently for the Blue Star to revive, and now, she waits alone. I wanted to teach Lucia all about human warmth, love, and kindness... but that chance has now slipped beyond my grasp. Hiro, you must free Lucia from the servitude and loneliness on the Blue Star. For me... and for love. The way is open to you. Luna"
J: After Zophar's defeat, the letter from Luna that Nall gives to Hiro does not refer to him by name. | "...My name is Luna. This letter is meant for someone I haven't yet seen, in the distant future. I once existed, known as the Goddess Althena. But, I chose life as a human, I wished for happiness as a human. But I have one regret, and that is... Lucia... Lucia is all alone. If only she lived not just for the Blue Star, but for herself... That is what I had hoped. Humanity's warmth, kindness, greatness... That is what I want to teach Lucia. But, that is something that I can no longer do. That is why... I leave that up to you, a person whom I've never seen. Somehow, for Lucia..."

1) Vane
E: Ruby says Nall's going to show her how to change into human form. | Ruby: "I'm going back with Nall to Taben's Peak. He promised to show me how to morph into human form."
J: Ruby only says Nall's going to show her how to be like an adult dragon. | Ruby: "Nall is going to show me how to have the heart of an adult dragon!"

2) Hiro's House
E: Gwyn says that he knew Ronfar's father back in the day. | Gwyn: I believe there is a priest by the name of Ronfar in the village of Larpa. I knew his father back in the day, and he's a good kid. I just pray he can help us."
J: Gwyn never mentions having known Ronfar's father. | Gwyn: "Ah, that's it! There should be a priest by the name of Ronfar in the village of Larpa."

2) Larpa
E: No book by the leader of Reza is on the mayor's bookshelf (NEED TO DOUBLE-CHECK).
J: There's a book by the leader of Reza on the mayor's bookshelf. | "'...A thief with pride steals from those with wealth, and never steals from those who are poor. Those who cannot do that should not call themselves thieves.' -Leader of Reza."

2) Larpa
E: The mayor's daughter talks like an idiot.
J: The mayor's daughter talks politely, not like an idiot.

2) Forest of Illusion
E: Jean mentions she's been dancing for 'only a few years'. | Jean: "Not that long, Hiro. I learned to dance when I joined the caravan a few years ago."
J: Jean mentions she's been dancing for 2-3 years. (Note that in the Japanese Sega CD version, she's been with the caravan for only 1 year.) | Jean: "I haven't been dancing that long. It's been perhaps 2, 3 years?"

2) Takkar Village
E: Post at the front of the village is an accurate wanted notice for Hiro, Ronfar, and Lucia. | "Althena's Guard has reason to believe that a group of criminals is in the vicinity of Takkar. Criminal #1 is a young woman wearing a scarlet-colored outfit. Criminal #2 is a young man in a yellow cape with green tattoos underneath his left eye. Criminal #3 is a notorious gambler and habitual weed-chewer from the town of Larpa. If you see these fugitives, or the flying pink cat in their company, inform the Guard at once."
J: Post at the front of the village is (intentionally) full of errors about Hiro, Ronfar, and Lucia. | "Wanted, report the following people if seen. [A person with] a red bread-roll on her head, and an unidentifiable red cloak. A criminal from the frontier who makes his living by raiding tombs, named Piro [piero, meaning clown, which is a play on 'hiero'] male, age 16. A swindling cheat based in the city of Larpa, named Ronpar [ronpaa, misspelling of 'ronfaa'], male, age 45. ...and, one additional creature. If you see any of these people, inform The Chosen / Althena's Guard [same word]."

2) Haunted Manor
E: After the flying carpet crashes, Lemina says it's been in her family for generations. | Lemina: "Aw, geez! That magic carpet was in my family for eight generations! It's irreplaceable!"
J: After the flying carpet crashes, Lemina is upset, but says she can buy another. | Lemina: "Aaww, that carpet I really liked... Boo hoo... ... You're right, you're right. I can just buy another carpet..."

2) Carnival
E: A girl in the middle is singing Lucia's Song. | "When I was alone as one, my eyes were as blind, I know... Sky, brilliant with blue elegance, I could not behold..."
J: A girl in the middle is singing Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Boat Song) from Silver Star Story. | "Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? [dare ka o aisuru koto ya~ dare ka ni ai sareru koto~ donna kimochi kashira~ tooku kanjiru~]"

2) Nota
E: Person in tavern mentions rumor of The Chosen's false goddess. | "For example, I just heard that Althena's Chosen are serving a false Goddess. Weird, isn't it?"
J: No one in tavern mentions rumor of a false goddess.

2) Meribia
E: Person mentions that Ramus's father was named Grant, and he's the one who nearly ruined the business. | "When I was a child, Ramus' Store was much larger than it is now. Back then, the owner was a guy named Grant. He had a horrible reputation, and no business sense. His son, Ramus the Sixth, is trying to salvage the family business, but it won't be easy. I'm pulling for him..."
J: Person mentions that Ramus's grandfather was the one who nearly ruined the business because of his spending. No mention of the name 'Grant' (on the contrary, in the Japanese versions, everyone who owns Ramus' Store in the family line is named Ramus). | "When I was a child, Ramus's Store was many times bigger than it is now. At that time, the current young owner's grandfather was worthless... He used up all their wealth, and now his son is desperately trying to turn it around..."

2) Meribia
E: Ramus refers to Ramus the First and the Water Dragon when talking about the sewers. | Ramus: "I was cleaning up the store the other day, and I stumbled upon an entrance to the Solaris! I'd heard stories about the sewers from my grandpa, but I didn't really believe them. He said that Ramus the First was almost killed by a vicious Water Dragon down there! Now I have to figure out how to seal off that entrance and get rid of that awful sewer smell!"
J: Ramus doesn't refer to the first Ramus and the Water Dragon when talking about the sewers. | Ramus: "This was a surprise. The wall suddenly gave way to the entrance to the sewers! I heard stories about the sewers from grandpa... But I didn't think they were true! But this is bad... It's no good for business if there's a big hole in the wall."

2) Vane Transmission Spring
E: Person mentions that only one man has gotten every bromide. | "Hello, friend. I see that we have something in common... we both collect beautiful bromides. You have a decent collection, but you don't have them all yet. Heck, only one man ever has. Tell you what... here's a freebie, from one collector to another. Come back here and show me your collection every once in awhile, okay? Take care, now!"
J: Person doesn't mention that only one man has gotten every bromide. | "You are gathering bromides, but are still not yet done. There are other bromides of cute girls lying around this world. Keep up your search."

2) Vane
E: Book mentions ancient human sacrifices to gods of war. | "Festivals of Sacrifice | The earliest festivals were held to offer human sacrifices to the gods of war. Today's festivals are held to honor Althena, and instead of human lives, we offer her... singing and dancing. Althena revels in watching her children celebrate their existence."
J: No mention of human sacrifices or gods of war; only sacrifices. | "Ancient Festivals | Originally, festivals were to offer sacrifices to the god(s). For us, the purpose of that was for the Goddess Althena, to dedicate to her. At the festivals for the Goddess Althena were offered songs and dances, and it was much fun."

2) Azado
E: Leo says that he risks death by not executing Lucia, and bringing her to Althena. | Leo: "Lucia was judged by Althena herself, and sentenced to death. And by defying the will of the Goddess, I am guilty of treason, and sentence myself to death..."
J: Leo doesn't say anything about risking death by bringing Lucia to Althena. | Leo: "I will let you be judged directly by Althena. ...that is all that I can do..."

2) Pentagulia
E: Leo greets Ghaleon when you enter the city. | Leo: "Ah! Dragonmaster Ghaleon! This is an unexpected pleasure."
J: Leo tells Ghaleon that he's prepared for whatever punishment he deserves for not carrying out Althena's orders back in Azado. | Leo: "By my own judgment, I have brought Lucia here. I am prepared to receive whatever punishment I deserve. Dragonmaster Ghaleon."

2) Pentagulia
E: Ghaleon says he was watching their progress at Althena's behest. | Ghaleon: "For you see, I have been following Lucia's progress at the behest of Althena."
J: Ghaleon never says he was watching their progress by Althena's request.

2) Pentagulia
E: Ronfar says that the goddess is a fraud when he speaks with Mauri in Pentagulia. | Ronfar (to Mauri): "Mauri, I can't join you here. Can't you see that the Goddess is a fraud?! And worse, she's imprisoned you in some kind of eternal darkness! I'm here to get you out. To find the real Mauri again!" Ronfar (to Hiro and the others): "Mauri is obviously under some kind of black spell from the false Goddess. ...and has been ever since the day I cured her from the disease. That imposter goddess will pay for what she's done to Mauri..."
J: Ronfar doesn't say (nor know) that the goddess is a fraud when he speaks with Mauri in Pentagulia. | Ronfar (to Mauri): "You've changed... Your laugh isn't anything like the way you were long ago. Your smile now is so cold..." Ronfar (to Hiro and the others): "But, it has to be because of the Goddess Althena that Mauri is like this... Mauri... whatever happens, I will return you back to normal!"

2) Pentagulia
E: Jean mentions the goddess being a fake when you first rescue her from the Blue Tower. | Jean: "Say, what's Leo doing here? Isn't he working for the fake Goddess?"
J: Jean doesn't mention (nor know) that the goddess is a fake when you first rescue her from the Blue Tower. | Jean: "Um, Leo... is that you? What's with that weird mask..."

2) Tournament
E: Jean says she cannot succumb to the hatred she has for Lunn prior to the third fight. | Jean: "(I can't succumb to the hatred I feel for Lunn... for if I do, he's already won the fight.) I will defeat Lunn with Blue Dragon Karate. I will dissolve the darkness with light!"
J: Jean doesn't mention hatred for Lunn prior to the third fight. | Jean: "...inside me is the fight between the Blue Dragon Fist and Shadow Dragon Fist... The fight between light... and darkness... I will not fail!!"

2) Neo-Vane
E: The examiner says Ronfar and Jean are sent to the mines of Zaback (note that they're actually found underneath Neo-Vane, not in the Zaback Mines). | "People without magic power, like those two commoners... are made to work in the mines of Zaback until they die. Harsh, but necessary, I'm afraid. In any case. To the rest of you, congratulations, and welcome to the wonderful city of Neo-Vane!"
J: The examiner says Ronfar and Jean are sent to underground Neo-Vane (which is where they are actually found). Since the people in Zaback Mine mention that some of them have failed the trial and must work there, it's possible the punishment for failure may have recently changed. | "People like those two, worthless people without magic power... They must work in the underground of Neo-Vane until they die. ...well anyway, congratulations and welcome <3"

2) Raculi
E: The villager in the front says that Leo's just come back from Serak Palace. | "What in tarnation's happened to Leo? He just came back from the palace, wearin' a long face."
J: The villager in the front only says that it's been a long time since Leo's come back; no mention of returning from Serak Palace. | "What's wrong with Leo? He just went back home with a serious look on his face... It's been a long time [since he's been back], so it would be nice if he were a bit more cheerful."

2) Serak Palace
E: Healing at the statue in Serak Palace costs 666S.
J: Healing at the statue in Serak Palace costs 100S.

2) Goddess Tower
E: Lucia doesn't show disdain for humanity after defeating the False Althena. | Lucia: "Zophar can never be trusted to keep his promises. He takes advantage of the darkness of the human heart to gain what he desires. And his desires are... horrible..."
J: Lucia shows some disdain for humanity after defeating the False Althena. | Lucia: "She was a foolish woman... She was a servant of Zophar, who takes advantage of the darkness in one's heart... Humans haven't changed... Like this, that tragedy would once again..."

2) Vane/Horam
E: Jean is less forgiving of Lunn after Zophar's defeat. | (in Vane) Jean: "I'll never forgive Lunn for the terrible things he did to me and other children with his teachings, but at least now, I can try to forget." (in Horam) Jean: "I know that Lunn's crimes are very hard to forgive... but we MUST forgive him. If we don't allow ourselves to place our faith in others, we become monsters..."
J: Jean never says something about 'never forgiving Lunn' after Zophar's defeat. | (in Vane) Jean: "Like this, I can overcome the issues of my past." (in Horam) Jean: "It's definitely not a simple thing to forgive what he's done... But, I believe in him. Because everything begins with believing in the other person."

2) Carnival
E: Jean tells one girl in the caravan that she herself is 'lovesick'. | Jean: "Actually, I think I'm coming down with a terminal case of lovesickness." Girl: "Oh, really?! I wonder who made you sick... and if you're going to ask them for a cure!"
J: One girl in the caravan tells Jean that she is 'lovesick'. | Jean: "Lately your face has always been red. What's wrong? I'm worried..." Girl: "It, it must be lovesickness... <3"

2) Takkar
E: Mystere the masked avenger of justice was carrying out his duties in Takkar Village. | Person: "Just when Takkar had started to settle down, there was another crisis, and it was very bizarre. A masked avenger was running around town, shouting "Justice has arrived!" while wreaking havoc. I remember the day he shattered every window in town as he chased a thief. I was terrified!" Leo: "You were terrified? But don't you realize that he was only trying to help?" Person: "Well... I also remember that he told all the kids in the village about justice and valor. He might have been a clumsy warrior, but at least he was also a good-hearted one."
J: Mystere the masked avenger of justice was carrying out his duties in surrounding towns (but not Takkar itself... yet); stories of his exploits have reached Takkar Village. | Person: "Just when Takkar had become peaceful again, now we have this problem with the Masked Man. He runs around yelling 'I call forth justice!' and causes trouble. I heard a rumor that, while chasing down a guy who skipped on a bill [restaurant check, e.g.], he broke windows throughout the village. I was scared..." Leo: "Sc... scared...? But, that time, didn't he just want to be helpful to others..." Person: "...Well, he would always tell the children in the streets about justice. Right now this is just a story from other villages, but now I hear that this Masked Man has come here!"

2) Nota
E: Regarding the Romeo-Julia marriage, the Mayor of the West will supposedly take over leadership of the town. | "Behold, travelers! Behold the beauty of Julia, my precious daughter, on her wedding day! This wedding will bring much happiness to my family, and to the entire village of Nota! Our town has been divided for so many years, and now it will be whole again! My daughter's husband will assume leadership of our town after it has been reunited... and my daughter will produce many grandchildren for my wife and I to spoil! Hah, hah, hah!"
J: Regarding the Romeo-Julia marriage, there is no mention of the Mayor of the West taking over leadership of the town. | "Well? So, travelers, how does my only daughter look? This wedding is a great thing for my daughter, and for the future of Nota! For a long time Nota has been divided in two, and now it will be one again. And, my daughter will have a good live. This way, there's nothing that couldn't make her happy! Ha ha ha!"

3) Blue Spire
E: Gwyn refers to himself as Hiro's grandpa. | Gwyn: "You've gone and grown up on me, Hiro, much as your grandpa hates to admit it."
J: Gwyn doesn't refer to himself as Hiro's grandpa (note that in other sources, it's implied that Gwyn is Hiro's adoptive grandfather). | Gwyn: "...I thought of you as a child, but in no time, Hiro, you've become an adult."

3) Blue Spire
E: Ruby theorizes that Lucia could be a goddess. | Ruby: "She looks like she could be some sort of goddess or something."
J: Ruby doesn't theorize that Lucia could be a goddess. | Ruby: "Does she mean the Goddess Althena?"

3) Larpa
E: When Lucia leaves Hiro for Dalton, she pauses for reflection. | Lucia: "(I know that parting from Hiro is the correct decision... but why do I feel so...)"
J: When Lucia leaves Hiro for Dalton, she doesn't pause for reflection. | Lucia: "...Farewell."

3) Forest of Illusion
E: Leo makes reference to The Fugitive when he orders the search. | Leo: "I want a low-level search of every bird house, dog house, outhouse, tree house, hen house, road house, boat house, and penthouse within a two-mile radius!"
J: Leo only issues orders to search. | "Search! I want a thorough search of these surroundings!!"

3) Forest of Illusion
E: Person in the caravan mentions Jean being injured when she first joined when referring to her rapidly-learned dancing ability. | "I remember when she was too injured to walk without tripping over her own feet... And now she's the hottest dancer in all the land!"
J: Person in the caravan only mentions Jean's rapidly-learned dancing ability. | "Hm... such a genius. Until a short while ago, she didn't know the first thing about dancing [lit., she didn't even know the 'o' character in 'odori']... And now, well, she's the best dancer in the caravan."

3) Forest of Illusion
E: Lucia says (early in the game) that Althena would love song and dance. | Lucia: "Althena would love singing and dancing because of the joy they bring to humans."
J: Lucia wonders about the purpose of song and dance. | Lucia: "Song and dance... what purpose do those serve, I wonder...?"

3) Carnival
E: One carnival prize is a book on Vane and Neo-Vane. | "Right now, each and every winner receives a copy of "The History of Vane and Neo-Vane"!"
J: One carnival prize is just a book on Vane. (Note that Neo-Vane is not even mentioned anywhere until the confrontation between Lemina and Borgan in Pentagulia.) | "As a prize... 'Seeking History and Romance, Vane in Three Nights and Four Days'!"

3) Mystic Ruins
E: Lemina senses no magic at the top. | Lemina: "Are you sure? I have excellent magical skills, and I don't sense anything at all."
J: Lemina senses something at the top, but can't identify it. | Lemina: "What's this feeling...? This is clearly different from any magic that I know..."

3) Mystic Ruins
E: Hiro points out runic writing on the recorder. | Hiro: "It looks like runic writing. I've seen Grandpa studying symbols like these."
J: Hiro doesn't mention any runic writing on the recorder. | Hiro: "What is this?"

3) Mystic Ruins
E: Ghaleon claims that the record was of his 'best work'. | Ghaleon: Hm hm hm hm hm... That was a record of my best work."
J: Ghaleon claims that the record was from a 'foolish man'. | Ghaleon "That was the record of a foolish man from long ago..."

3) Zulan
E: Ronfar makes joke about 'something he ate' as the cause of the rumbling before the avalanche on the mountain.
J: Ronfar makes no joke before the avalanche on the mountain. | Ronfar: "Be on the lookout! There's no telling from where it's going to attack!"

3) Zulan
E: Kid thanks you for defeating the monster; makes reference to 'being like Mike' (note that English Sega CD version had reference to Eddie Vedder instead of Michael Jordan). | "Thanks for getting rid of the monster! Now my girlfriend is well again! When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Well, either you or Mike. I haven't really decided yet. I'm going to protect this village from monsters and blizzards and everything else!"
J: Kid thanks you for defeating the monster; he makes no contemporary references. | "Thanks for getting rid of that monster!! When I grow up, I want to be just as strong as you... and protect everyone in this village!!"

3) Meribia
E: Althena's Guard is offering 1000S for any information leading to Lucia. | "Althena's Guard is offering 1,000S for any information leading to the arrest and execution of... Lucia the Destroyer, or any of her traveling companions."
J: Althena's Guard is offering 1000S for information about Lemina specifically. | "Travelling with Lucia the Destroyer is a woman who is a magician. We are seeking detailed information! Anyone who has it will be given 1000 silver."

3) Taben's Peak
E: Ronfar jokes about 'keeping his hands on his valuables' when you enter. | Lemina: "Keep your eyes peeled and your hands on your valuables. Ronfar! Take your hands out of your pants!"
J: No jokes from Ronfar when you enter. | Lemina: "As Master Lunn said, this is where bandits come out. Huh? There are supposedly bandits, but merchants walk through here alone all the time. But then, we should stay in a group so that the bandits don't attack."

3) Taben's Peak
E: Ronfar mentions having to prepare breakfast 'for a few overnight guests'. | Ronfar: "Well, let's just say I had to prepare breakfast in bed for a few overnight guests. Actually, this reminds me of the times that Leo and Mauri would come over to my house. I'd make us a huge meal, and we'd stay up all night, eating and talking and laughing."
J: Ronfar only mentions memories of Mauri and Leo. | Ronfar: "Ha ha. I didn't think that I would be useful in a place like this. But, holding the frying pan like this reminds me of long ago. Mauri, and Leo... the three of us together would eat the food that I made."

3) Meribia
E: Reference to 'Being John Malkovich' regarding hole in Ramus' Store's wall. | "There's just no WAY I'm going to crawl into that whole. I mean, what if I end up inside the mind of John Malkovich?!"
J: No movie reference regarding hole in Ramus' Store's wall. | "We should really close up that hole as soon as possible. But, leaving it like that is... I'm scared of what might appear from inside that hole... Brr! Scary!"

3) Meribia
E: After the Masked Man flees, Jean mulls over his voice. | Jean: "You know, there was something strange about the masked man. Was it... his voice? Anyway... let's go to see Lunn. We don't have time to waste!"
J: After the Masked Man flees, Jean doesn't say anything about his voice being familiar. She does express concern that something may have happened to Lunn, however.

3) Vane Cave of Trial
E: Lemina gives history of Cave of Trial when you enter. | Lemina: "This is the Cave of Trial. In the old days, it was used as an exam of sorts. It's separated those who were worthy to join the Guild from those who weren't. Anyway... that's ancient history. We need to get moving. But be careful! I don't know what kind of freaks might be lurking in this creepy cave!"
J: Lemina doesn't give history of Cave of Trial, only that it hasn't been used in a long time. | Lemina: "...this is the Cave of Trial. This is the first time I've set foot in here... This hasn't been used for a long time, so even I don't know what kind of monsters might be in here. Everyone, be careful."

3) Vane
E: Book mentions that, besides humans, other races on Lunar include beastmen, the Four Dragons, and the Vile Tribe. | "Life on Lunar | There are many creatures other than humans in this land of Lunar. The most obvious example is the race of beastmen, which are strongly similar to humans. There are also the Four Dragons, which serve Althena... and the Vile Tribe, about which very little is known."
J: Book mentions that, besides humans, other races on Lunar include the Four Dragons and the Vile Tribe. Doesn't mentio beastmen. | "There are many creatures on this land of Lunar besides humans... Among them are those whose existence transcends humans--no, all living creatures... those are Dragons, the "Four Dragons" who serve the Goddess Althena... and, the Vile Tribe..."

3) Azado
E: Old man refers to 'Kakar'--supposed to be his wife, though during the epilogue it sounds ambiguous. | (Prior to Epilogue) "Where's the High Priest? Pah! - Ask Kakar that kind of thing!" (During Epilogue) "Now that Balse has returned to his post as High Priest, Kakar is as happy as can be. I don't see how anyone can see a boy that happy and not have a smile on their face. He is such a sweet child."
J: Old man refers to his wife. Mistranslation of the word 'kakaa' as a proper name instead of slang for one's wife. | (Prior to Epilogue) "Where's the High Priest? Hm, ask my wife that sort of thing!" (During Epilogue) "Now that Balse is back as High Priest, my wife and me are really happy. That's just how it is... Anyway, everyone is happy once they see the joy on that kid's [Porom's] face."

3) Azado
E: Person in Shrine mentions his neighbor being injured by divine punishment. | "My friend next door was injured by the divine punishment last year. All I want to know is... why?"
J: Person in Shrine mentions his neighbor, named Lily, being injured by divine punishment, then getting sick. | "My neighbor, Lily, was injured by the divine punishment one year ago. Because of that, she became sick, and still hasn't recovered. That's why I'm praying to the Goddess Althena, so that she'll get better soon."

3) Azado
E: Jamil mentions that everyone expected Ronfar to become High Priest. | Jamil: "Yes. Ronfar here was the one we all expected to be the first High Priest."
J: Jamil only says that everyone looked up to Ronfar. | Jamil: "Ronfar was the priest that we all learned from and wanted to be like."

3) Azado
E: Priest mentions that Balse stood up to Mauri and so was expelled. | "Balse was foolish and openly resisted the guidance of Mauri. It was not a big surprise that he lost his place as High Priest."
J: Priest mentions that Balse went against the teachings of Althena and so was expelled. | "Balse foolishly stood up against the teachings of the Goddess Althena. His release from being High Priest was inevitable."

3) Azado
E: Leo quotes 'Heart of Darkness' when he sees Azado burning. | Leo: "The horror... the horror!"
J: Leo doesn't quote anything when he sees Azado burning. | Leo: "What in the world..."

3) Pentagulia
E: Resident complains about the music. | "I really wish they'd turn down that blasted music they have playing here night and day! It's driving me stark raving mad!"
J: Resident wishes it could be more city-like. | "Having to live here is a real burden... But there are many good things about being so close to the Goddess Althena. I just wish that this place could be a bit more urban/city-like."

3) Pentagulia
E: Jean was the one to put it together that the Masked Man was Lunn--although at the last minute when Lunn talks with her in Pentagulia. | Lunn: "I'm surprised it took you so long to put it together. But then again, you were bred to fight, not to think. And fight you did. Under my watchful eye, your fighting skill increased no less than a hundred-fold!"
J: Lunn explicitly tells Jean that he is the same one as the Masked Man. | Lunn: "You still don't see, Jean. I am the Masked Man you are looking for!"

3) Pentagulia
E: Jean says to Lunn that he stole her childhood, corrupted her, etc. | Jean: "You molded me into what? An emotional wreck who is running for a past I don't understand? Or perhaps a trained killer who can never live a normal life. You took everything I had to advance your own selfish desire and gave me nothing in return. You never cared about me... not really. I was simply another child whose soul you would blacken for your own evil purpose. A trusting child whose innocence you would tear away with no hint of remorse."
J: Jean doesn't explicitly tell Lunn that he stole her childhood, and doesn't mention never forgiving him.

3) Pentagulia
E: Borgan shows more disdain for Vane when he says Neo-Vane will replace it. | Borgan: "Yes! Soon Miria will agree to be my wife! I can feel it! After Miria and I are united, your ability to revive the Magic Guild of Vane will be forever sealed."
J: Borgan doesn't show the same disdain for Vane, and says that Neo-Vane's power will be 'tied to' Vane. | Borgan: "Once Miria marries me, then Neo Vane's power will be tied to the tradition of Vane. And thus, Lemina, you'll never be able to restore the Magic Guild as you wish. Geh heh heh."

3) Taben's Peak
E: Ghaleon refers to Nall's father when he takes his Dragon Aura (in flashback). | Ghaleon: "Surrender your Dragon Aura to me. ... But then again, I did manage to crush your father. Wouldn't it be rather... ironic if you forced me to shoot for a matched set?"
J: Ghaleon doesn't refer to Nall's father when he takes his Dragon Aura (in flashback). | Ghaleon: "The world is going to face great chaos and destruction, hm hm hm... by my hand. But first, to seal away the Goddess Althena, I will take your Dragon Power..."

3) Taben's Peak
E: Nall says that Leo senses Nall at Taben's Peak. | Nall: "White Knight Leo, of course. He senses me here..."
J: Nall implies that he senses Leo approaching Taben's Peak. | Nall: "It's Leo... I sense the White Dragon Power..."

3) Neo-Vane
E: One man in dungeon was Borgan's magic teacher. | "Borgan threw me in here because I was his teacher at the Magic Guild. He thought if I told people that he was one of the worst students in Guild history... they wouldn't respect him, and they'd start to wonder where he got his powers."
J: One man in dungeon knew Borgan long ago, and knew about his poor magic abilities. | "I knew Borgan since long ago... That guy never had much power. But how did Borgan gain so much power now...? Hmm... Whatever it is, it has the smell of a secret..."

3) Neo-Vane
E: One kid makes Harry Potter reference when referring to his class. | "One kid in my class was great with magic. His name was... uh... Harry something. Weird accent."
J: One kid doesn't make Harry Potter reference; he only talks about not having to compete with other kids anymore. | "Everyone's talking about Neo-Vane falling to the ground, but... I'm happy! You know, now I don't have to compete with other kids any more."

3) Raculi
E: The man in front sounds like Ronfar's literal grandfather. | Ronfar: "Grandpa! It's me... Ronfar! Don't you remember me?"
J: The man in front isn't necessarily Ronfar's literal grandfather. | Ronfar: "Hey old man [jiisan], you forgot me, Ronfar? That's no good."

3) Goddess Tower
E: After entering the Goddess Tower, Ghaleon appears outside and refers to Lucia thinking her 'life' ends here. | Ghaleon: "Lucia... my life ends here. Is that what you're thinking? Heh, heh, heh... you are soon to meet the Goddess Althena. But what will you do after that, I wonder? Will you remain as Lucia, the Princess of the Blue Star? Or... hmmph. Whichever path you choose, your time in this world is short. I will enjoy watching the struggle within you, Lucia."
J: After entering the Goddess Tower, Ghaleon appears outside and refers to Lucia thinking her 'mission' (not life) ends here. | Ghaleon: "Lucia... My mission ends here... Is that what you are thinking? Hm hm hm... First, you should meet the real Goddess Althena... But, then what will you do? Will you live on as Lucia of the Blue Star, or... Whichever it is, the time you have left in this world is short."

3) Goddess Tower
E: Nall reminisces about Alex, Nash, Mia, Jessica, and Kyle before the recording. | Nall: "I've waited so long for this day... I've kept my promise, Luna. ... It's been so long since I've seen her face. It brings back so many memories. Nash's crazy hairdo... Mia's shy laughter... Kyle's nasty belches... Jessica's sassy attitude... and Alex's quiet smile... Look at me, huh? After all the snobbish things I said to Ruby, I'M the driveling fool."
J: Nall reminisces, but not specifically about everyone from the events of Silver Star Story, before the recording. | Nall: "Just wait, Lucia... You're about to know all the answers to your questions. ... Don't ignore Luna's... no, Althena's feelings, Lucia. ... I believe in you, Lucia. And so... in you too, Hiro!! Now then... Well... I have fulfilled my promise, Luna. ...sniff! It's been so long since I saw Luna's face. I remember so many things, it brings me to tears... Heh, if Ruby saw this, she'd just laugh at me. ... Heh, somehow, Ruby, it looks like you understand what it is to be a dragon now. All right, the rest I leave up to you... Later!!"

3) Goddess Tower
E: Ronfar comments on how you made it out of the ridiculously long dungeon in moments when fleeing. | Ronfar: "I don't know how the hell we made it, but we did! Now let's blow this joint!"
J: Ronfar doesn't comment on how you made it out of the ridiculously long dungeon when fleeing. | Ronfar: "We made it in time!! Quickly, let's leave on the Destiny!"

3) Pentagulia
E: Hiro first thinks Zophar is lying about Althena's power destroying the world. | Hiro: "Lucia never told me that. He must be lying."
J: Hiro doesn't think Zophar is lying at first about Althena's power destroying the world. | Hiro: "Althena's power... will destroy this world?"

3) Vane
E: When the Destiny leaves, Ghaleon refers to Dyne by name. | Ghaleon: "Are you watching in secret, Dyne? These children shine with your light."
J: When the Destiny leaves, Ghaleon doesn't explicitly refer to Dyne by name. | Ghaleon: "Are you watching these children?"

3) Zophar's Domain
E: Zophar says he can never be truly defeated, just before being finally defeated. | Zophar: "I... am ZOPHAR! Architect of Anarchy, Lord of Darkness and the Master of Mayhem! I will never be completely defeated... never."
J: Zophar doesn't say he can never be truly defeated. | Zophar: "...I am Zophar... God of darkness... and destruction... a complete god... Ahh!!"

3) Vane
E: Lemina mentions the Magic Guild Hall of Fame (in response to Ronfar packing up his dice) as part of how she'll revive Vane's traditions.
J: Lemina doesn't mention the Magic Guild Hall of Fame, just how she's going to continue to revive the guild and Vane's traditions.

3) Hiro's House
E: Ruby says that Lucia meant for Hiro to find a way to the Blue Star. | Ruby: "I know you'll find a way to the Blue Star, Hiro. Lucia wouldn't have left her pendant otherwise!"
J: Ruby doesn't say that Lucia meant for Hiro to find a way to the Blue Star. | Ruby: "You can see the Blue Spire clearly today. Lucia... she's all alone on the Blue Star. But, well, Hiro you're going to go there soon, so I'm sure she'll be ok!"

3) Raculi
E: One person says he thinks Lucia is more powerful than Althena. | "Lucia is more powerful than the Goddess Althena, I think."
J: No one compares Lucia and Althena's power directly.

3) Carnival
E: One boy in the caravan tells Jean he's practicing the Blue Dragon Fist. | "Jean, I'll keep practicing the Blue Dragon Fist while you're gone!"
J: One boy in the caravan only tells Jean that he's becoming stronger. | "Jean, I'm becoming stronger! And then I'll protect you."

3) Vane Transmission Spring
E: Person at the spring brings back the Tootsie Roll Pop reference from The Silver Star. | "My grandfather once told me a riddle which I have yet to solve. Just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?"
J: Person at the spring has the same dialogue as before the Epilogue. | "This is the Transmission Spring. If you use the magic transport, then you can teleport to Vane's underground."

3) Vane
E: One person in the library idly speculates on the next Dragonmaster. | "Perhaps the next Dragonmaster will study in this very library!"
J: No one in the library speculates on the next Dragonmaster.

3) Larpa
E: Larpa is celebrating a festival for the Blue Star / Althena. | "Welcome to the town of Larpa. You picked a great time to show up... we're holdin' our annual festival! Our village is supposed to be celebratin' the Blue Star with singin' and dancin'... but we usually end up celebratin' with drinkin' and carousin'! ... We play a lot of drinkin' games during the festival, an' my fave is "The Althena Game." Every time you hear Althena's name, you have a shot... and I've heard it twice! Slammer time!"
J: Larpa is celebrating a festival, but it's not said to be specifically for Althena or the Blue Star. | "Welcome to the desert village of Larpa. A lot of people are gathered in the village. Right now we're in the middle of a festival. We praise the Blue Star, and choose the best singer... That's the purpose of the festival. But, it's also a drinking festival, and a gambling festival, so everyone does what they like! ... The people of the village will all drink, and during the festival it gets rowdy."

3) Nota
E: After the party interrupts the Romeo-Julia wedding, Kyle (Julia's true love) is the one who gives Hiro the Rememberizer Crystal. | Kyle: "I can't express my gratitude to you in words, Hiro... but perhaps this gift will suffice."
J: After the party interrupts the Romeo-Julia wedding, Julia (not Kyle) is the one who gives Hiro the Rememberizer Crystal. | Julia: "Yes, Hiro, as thanks, I'd like to give you this."

3) Nota
E: After the party interrupts the Romeo-Julia wedding, Julia's father seems cheerful about the entire episode. | "Hah, hah, hah! Life is always unpredictable, my friends! Look at my daughter for the proof! Instead of marrying the Mayor of West Nota, she's eloped with a pauper named Kyle! I thought I was going to kill them both, but I suppose I've mellowed in my old age! Hah, hah, hah! I'll be the most famous leader in the history of East Nota, but for different reasons than I expected!"
J: After the party interrupts the Romeo-Julia wedding, Julia's father is not as cheerful about the entire episode, although he's willing to accept Julia's choice. | "Hrmph, what's so good about this good-for-nothing boy! Right now he can't do anything, but I suppose there's no helping it... I'll give this good-for-nothing a position as a merchant who'll start from the bottom-up! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!! Haaaaaa...."

3) Nota
E: After the party interrupts the Romeo-Julia wedding, Romeo (the mayor of West Nota) feels trapped in a corner. | Mayor: "I can't believe what happened... but I can't go back on the agreements I signed with East Nota's Mayor. Everyone already thinks me a fool. And if I canceled those agreements, I'd be kicked out of office! I always wanted the people of West Nota to remember me, but not like THIS!"
J: After the party interrupts the Romeo-Julia wedding, Romeo (the mayor of West Nota) feels less upset about the situation. | Mayor: "Ah, I give up. I can't believe that the wedding ended up like this... hmmm... I'm not really that angry. There's no helping it. If I think about how the future will be handed over to young people, I don't get that angry... After all, I'm the Mayor of the West... Whatever happens, I have to be calm, calm..."

3) Dragon Ruins
E: When you retrieve the jewel in the Epilogue, Ruby/Hiro comments on the first time they were there: the dialogue indicates it's Hiro speaking, but it has Ruby's picture. | Ruby: "Do you remember the first time we found this room, Ruby? We were so green! I think my ribs are STILL sore from that fall... We're lucky we didn't get killed back then. We were such kids! But we survived, and now we're great adventurers!"
J: When you retrieve the jewel in the Epilogue, Ruby comments on the first time they were there: the dialogue and picture both indicate it's supposed to be Ruby speaking. | Ruby: "It was here all along! When we came here before, there were a lot of monsters... So we had to sneak around, and could only take one of the jewels. Now, you're so much cooler, Hiro!"

4) General
E: Lucia's Spell-List (before curse): Spark Cannon, Thunder Blow, Plasma Rain, Heal Litany, Power Charge, Magic Barrier, Blue Star Prayer, Solar Bomb
J: Lucia's Spell-List (before curse): Spark Cannon, Satellite Bomb, Homing Canon, Atomic Burn, Healing, Solid Charge, Forcefield, Blue Star Prayer, Dejon Cluster [dejonkurasutaa]

4) General
E: Lucia's Spell-List (after curse): Atomic Burn, Heal Litany, Power Charge, Magic Barrier, Blue Star Prayer
J: Lucia's Spell-List (after curse): Spark Shot, Healing, Solid Charge, Forcefield, Blue Star Prayer

4) Salyan Desert
E: The jewels that open the Blue Spire are called the 'Right Dragon's Eye' (from the Dragon Ruins), and the 'Left Dragon's Eye' (from Gwyn). The jewels that open the Star Dragon Tower are also called the 'Left Dragon's Eye' (from the Dragon Ruins) and 'Right Dragon's Eye' (from the Water Ruins).
J: The jewels that open the Blue Spire are called the 'Right Eye Sapphire' (from the Dragon Ruins), and the 'Left Eye Opal' (from Gwyn). The jewels that open the Star Dragon Tower are called the 'Left Eye Sapphire' (from the Dragon Ruins), and the 'Right Eye Opal' (from the Water Ruins).

4) Hiro's House
E: You retrieve the 'Ancient Dagger' from the basement.
J: You retrieve the 'Adventurer's Dagger' from the basement.

4) General
E: The organized priesthood is referred to as The Chosen or, sometimes, Althena's Guard.
J: The organized priesthood is referred to as, literally, 'Althena's Devotees' (Althena shindan)

4) Larpa
E: Note on Ronfar's door signed 'LM'. | "Ronfar: I need to speak with you of an urgent matter. I will return... when I have completed the day's work. Take care, friend --LM"
J: Note on Ronfar's door signed 'Your friend'. | "Ronfar: I came to talk with you, but it seems that you're not home... After my work is done, I will return. --Your friend"

4) Forest of Illusion
E: The bird pulling the caravan is called a 'Chuckuboo', and named 'Natori'.
J: The bird pulling the caravan is called a 'Donmore' [donmooa], and named 'Kuku'.

4) Takkar Village
E: Hooded girl refers to the house atop the mountain as a haunted manor. | Hooded Girl: "There's a secret mountain pass to the east of here, leading all the way around to Nota. ... BUT the mountain pass also leads to a haunted manor. If you don't pass through the manor... you can't continue along the pass, and you won't get to Nota."
J: Hooded girl refers to the house atop the mountain as a fortress. | Hooded Girl: "If you cross the mountain behind Takkar, then you can reach the other side of that gate. ... But, there is an old fortress [toride] on the mountain, where an evil magician lives. But, if you don't go through the fortress, then you can't cross the mountain. ... If you have enough power, then you can probably get through the fortress."

4) Carnival
E: The fortuneteller is named 'Katarina'.
J: The fortuneteller is named 'Kate'.

4) Taben's Peak
E: The kids are referred to as "Danger Kids" ("Dragonkids"/"Lostest Boys" in Sega CD version).
J: There's no direct analogy for 'Danger Kids'--closest is 'kids at Taben's Peak'.

4) Sluice Forest Ruins
E: The forest is called the Sluice Forest.
J: The forest is called the Floodgate Forest [suimon no mori].

4) Azado
E: Leo's sword that he has equipped when he first joins you is called 'Dyne's Sword'.
J: Leo's sword that he has equipped when he first joins you is called 'Defender Sword'.

4) Pentagulia
E: The defender of justice is named Mystere! | Mystere: "Mystere has arrived to save you! ... Uh, er... I... I am not White Knight Leo! I am the amazing Mystere! Protector of the innocent and... uh... defender of... TRUTH!"
J: The defender of justice is only known as the 'Masked White Knight'! He has no name! | Mystere: "The messenger of justice, the Masked White Knight [kamen no shirokishi], has arrived! ... I... I am not Leo! I am... the mysterious man, the Masked White Knight!"

4) Horam
E: The master of the Blue Dragon Fist is named Wong-Lee.
J: The master of the Blue Dragon Fist is named Tauren.

4) Tournament
E: The tournament area is called 'Zen Zone'.
J: The tournament area is only called '[Fighting] Tournament'.

4) Horam
E: The area south of Horam is called the Marius Zone (same as a region of The Silver Star and Silver Star Story). | "If you head south from Horam, following the river, you'll soon enter the Marius Zone."
J: The area south of Horam is called the Dix Mountains (note that the Marius Zone was called something different in The Silver Star and Silver Star Story, and doesn't exist by name in Eternal Blue). | "From Horam, if you go south, following the river, you'll be able to enter the Dix Mountains [dikkusu sanchi]"

4) Zaback Mine
E: The area around Zaback is referred to as the 'Freaky Peaks'; note that earlier, the same area was referred to as the 'Marius Zone'. | "I've heard of places near the Freaky Peaks and the Minea Sea that are loaded with treasure! One of them is a dragon's nest, and the other is supposed to be in the shape of an animal. ... Wondrous treasures await the adventurers who find Lionhead and the Dragon's Nest."
J: The area around Zaback is referred to as the 'Dix Mountains'. This same place was translated as 'Freaky Peaks' and 'Marius Zone' in English version. | "In the Dix Mountains here and the Minea Sea to the east, there are places where treasure is hidden. I've heard they're called Lionhead and Dragon's Nest."

4) Raculi
E: Mauri's ritual is referred to as the cleansing.
J: Mauri's ritual is referred to as the 'Holy Kiss' by everyone.

4) Raculi
E: The remnant of Althena's power in Serak Palace is called the Aura of Althena (note that in the Sega CD Eternal Blue, it was referred to as Althena's Tears). | Ronfar: "According to the legends, there is rumored to be an ancient stone in the palace. It is called the Aura of Althena. And it is said to carry the essence of Althena's power and love."
J: The remnant of Althena's power in Serak Palace is called Althena's Tears. | Ronfar: "According to a story in this village from long ago, in Serak Palace there is something called 'Althena's Tears'... There's supposed to be a jewel enshrined there, in which resides the Goddess Althena's power."

4) Serak Palace
E: The monster you fight while Ronfar is in Mauri's mind is called 'Mauri's Id'.
J: The monster you fight while Ronfar is in Mauri's mind is called 'Zophar Mind'.

4) Red Dragon Cave
E: One of the items in the cave is called 'Dyne's Armor'.
J: One of the items in the cave is called 'Warrior's Armor'.

5) General
E: Enemies seem not to drop items as often.
J: Enemies seem to drop items more often in Saturn version (possibly subjective).

5) Opening
E: Opening has vocal narration by John Truitt.
J: Opening does not have any vocal narration, only text.

5) Blue Spire
E: Four guardians attack when you exit. The battle is over after the first turn.
J: Four guardians attack when you exit. The battle is over after the second turn (possibly Saturn-PSX difference).

5) Pentagulia
E: Inside Leo's tower, Mystere's Theme (White Mask Funk) is playing.
J: Inside Leo's tower, the Azado Theme (same as the other towers) is playing. (The first time White Mask Funk plays is below deck in the Destiny, after you get it from Leo.)

5) Pentagulia
E: Items cannot be used in the fight against Ghaleon.
J: Items can be used in the fight against Ghaleon (possibly Saturn-PSX difference).

5) Zophar's Domain
E: After Zophar's second defeat, as the giant floating head, he has the same deep booming voice.
J: After Zophar's second defeat, as the giant floating head, he has a voice rapidly rising and falling in pitch.

5) Credits
E: The credits after Zophar's defeat (before the Epilogue) are in color and animated.
J: The credits after Zophar's defeat (before the Epilogue) are in color and not animated in the Saturn version, animated in the Playstation version.

5) Credits
E: After the credits after Zophar's defeat (before the Epilogue), the game asks you to save and notes the epilogue. | (1) "The save you just made can be used to access the Epilogue of LUNAR 2!" (2) The save is called "Hiro's House"
J: After the credits after Zophar's defeat (before the Epilogue), the game asks you to save, but doesn't explicitly note the epilogue. | (1) "You can't forget these events, right? - Yes/No" (2) "TO BE CONTINUED... PRESS RESET BUTTON" [written in English] (3) In the Saturn version, the save allows a third option called "Special" at the title screen.

5) Epilogue General
E: The English Playstation version has four extra dungeons: Lionshead, Dragon's Nest, Brave Labyrinth (near Horam), and Lost Labyrinth (in Illusion Woods).
J: The Japanese Saturn version has two extra dungeons: Lionshead and Dragon's Nest. The Japanese Playstation version has four extra dungeons: Lionshead, Dragon's Nest, Brave Labyrinth (near Horam), and Lost Labyrinth (in Illusion Woods).

5) Credits
E: Outtakes are after the credits, after the Epilogue.
J: No outtakes after the credits.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Kizyr »

Update with bromide locations and the one item under part 6:
5) Bromides
Differences in which bromides are in the game occur between the Saturn and Playstation versions. However, the location of the bromides is largely consistent between the Saturn Japanese, Playstation Japanese, and Playstation English versions. This is a consolidated list of all the bromide locations.
- 1 Luna / Luna's Bromide
E: (Epilogue) In Vane, talk to the woman inside the first house on the left.
JS: (Epilogue) In Vane, talk to the woman inside the first house on the left.
JP: (Epilogue) In Vane, talk to the woman inside the first house on the left.
- 2 Mia / Mia's Bromide
E: At the Vane Transmission Spring, talk to the bromide collector.
JS: At the Vane Transmission Spring, talk to the bromide collector.
JP: At the Vane Transmission Spring, talk to the bromide collector.
- 3 Jessica / Jessica's Bromide
E: In Meribia, in the tavern, talk to minstrel at the counter.
JS: In Meribia, in the tavern, talk to minstrel at the counter.
JP: In Meribia, in the tavern, talk to minstrel at the counter.
- 4 Lucia / Lucia's Bromide 1
E: In Larpa, after the night at Ronfar's house (prior to finding Lucia), talk to the man near the northeastern house.
JS: In Larpa, after the night at Ronfar's house (prior to finding Lucia), talk to the man near the northeastern house.
JP: In Larpa, after the night at Ronfar's house (prior to finding Lucia), talk to the man near the northeastern house.
- 5 Lucia / Lucia's Bromide 2
E: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, check the baby in the crib on the outside playground of the hideout.
JS: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, check the baby in the crib on the outside playground of the hideout.
JP: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, check the baby in the crib on the outside playground of the hideout.
- 6 Lucia / Lucia's Bromide 3
E: (Epilogue) At the Mystic Ruins, talk to one of the fairies on the right side in the garden at the bottom.
JS: (Epilogue) At the Mystic Ruins, talk to one of the fairies on the right side in the garden at the bottom.
JP: (Epilogue) At the Mystic Ruins, talk to one of the fairies on the right side in the garden at the bottom.
- 7 Jean / Jean's Bromide 1
E: (Epilogue) In Horam, talk to the master of the Drunken Fist dojo.
JS: (Epilogue) In Horam, talk to the master of the Drunken Fist dojo.
JP: (Epilogue) In Horam, talk to the master of the Drunken Fist dojo.
- 8 Jean / Jean's Bromide 2
E: In the Forest of Illusion, after defeating Plantella, speak with the girl at the north exit of the clearing.
JS: In the Forest of Illusion, after defeating Plantella, speak with the girl at the north exit of the clearing.
JP: In the Forest of Illusion, after defeating Plantella, speak with the girl at the north exit of the clearing.
- 9 Jean / Jean's Bromide 3
E: (Epilogue) at the Carnival, the vendor at the north end near the caravan will sell you this for 3000S.
JS: (Epilogue) at the Carnival, the vendor at the north end near the caravan will sell you this for 3000S.
JP: (Epilogue) at the Carnival, the vendor at the north end near the caravan will sell you this for 3000S.
- 10 Lemina / Lemina's Bromide 1
E: In Vane, in the library, check the bookshelf on the second row, rightmost side.
JS: In Vane, in the library, check the bookshelf on the second row, rightmost side.
JP: In Vane, in the library, check the bookshelf on the second row, rightmost side.
- 11 Lemina / Lemina's Bromide 2
E: In Meribia, in Ramus' Store, check the barrels in the northwest corner of the shop (the second-from-left barrel).
JS: In Meribia, in Ramus' Store, check the barrels in the northwest corner of the shop (the second-from-left barrel).
JP: In Meribia, in Ramus' Store, check the barrels in the northwest corner of the shop (the second-from-left barrel).
- 12 Lemina / Lemina's Bromide 3
E: In Meribia, in Ramus' Store, talk to Ramus's grandfather multiple times.
JS: In Meribia, in Ramus' Store, talk to Ramus's grandfather multiple times.
JP: In Meribia, in Ramus' Store, talk to Ramus's grandfather multiple times.
- 13 Mauri / Mauri's Bromide 1
E: (Epilogue) in Raculi, after Ronfar rejoins you, talk to Mauri.
JS: (Epilogue) in Raculi, after Ronfar rejoins you, talk to Mauri.
JP: (Epilogue) in Raculi, after Ronfar rejoins you, talk to Mauri.
- 14 Nall+Ruby / Nall's Bromide
E: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, after everyone has rejoined the party, talk to a kid on the upper floor of the hideout.
JS: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, after everyone has rejoined the party, talk to a kid on the upper floor of the hideout.
JP: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, after everyone has rejoined the party, talk to a kid on the upper floor of the hideout.
- 15 Mystere / Mystere's Bromide
E: (Epilogue) In Takkar, talk to the gatekeeper at the northern end of town.
JS: (Epilogue) In Takkar, talk to the gatekeeper at the northern end of town.
JP: (Epilogue) In Takkar, talk to the gatekeeper at the northern end of town.
- 16 Borgan / Borgan's Bromide
E: (Epilogue) In Vane, after Lemina rejoins you, talk to Borgan in the Magic Guild.
JS: (Epilogue) In Vane, after Lemina rejoins you, talk to Borgan in the Magic Guild.
JP: (Epilogue) In Vane, after Lemina rejoins you, talk to Borgan in the Magic Guild.
- 17 Lucia / Lucia's Bromide 4
E: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, check the jail cell on the bottom floor of the hideout.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: (Epilogue) At Taben's Peak, check the jail cell on the bottom floor of the hideout.
- 18 Lemina / Lemina's Bromide 4
E: (Epilogue) In Meribia, in the sewers, check the treasure chest in the southwest part of the sewers.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: (Epilogue) In Meribia, in the sewers, check the treasure chest in the southwest part of the sewers.
- 19 Jean
E: (Epilogue) at the Carnival, check the treasure chest behind the caravan at the north end of the area.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: (Epilogue) at the Carnival, check the treasure chest behind the caravan at the north end of the area.
- 20 Hiro / Hiro's Bromide
E: (Epilogue) At Lionhead, at the top of the structure (outside), check the treasure chest on the 'nose' of the lion.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: (Epilogue) At Lionhead, at the top of the structure (outside), check the treasure chest on the 'nose' of the lion.
- 21 Mauri / Mauri's Bromid 2
E: (Epilogue) in Raculi, check the treasure chest behind a house at the north end of town.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: (Epilogue) in Raculi, check the treasure chest behind a house at the north end of town.
- 22 Ghaleon / Ghaleon's Bromide
E: (Epilogue) At the Mystic Ruins, in the Record Room at the top of the tower, check the treasure chest now there.
JS: This bromide is not in Saturn version.
JP: (Epilogue) At the Mystic Ruins, in the Record Room at the top of the tower, check the treasure chest now there.
- Borgan's Bromide X
E: (Epilogue) In Vane, after Lemina rejoins you, go to the Magic Guild's main hall and in front of the tapestry press XOXOXOX.
JS: This bromide is not in Japanese version.
JP: This bromide is not in Japanese version.

6) Meribia
E: Meribia is said to have been named after Master Mel. | "Say, youngsters, did you know that Meribia was named after the great and powerful Master Mel? Mel was one of the Four Heroes, who took part in a battle with the fate of the world at stake! In his later years, Mel retired from the adventuring life and became the governor of Meribia. ... Master Mel had one daughter. She bore a remarkable resemblance to her mother, who died tragically... and she had the bold, cheerful spirit of her father. Like her father, she took part in a great battle to save the world, and like her father, she won. Jessica fought alongside Dragonmaster Alex on that historic day."
J: Meribia is said to have been named after Master Mel. | "Say youngsters, did you know? Meribia's name was taken from Master Mel. Master Mel was one of the four heroes who was in the fight to save this world in his younger days. After that, he governed and brought prosperity to Meribia. ... Master Mel had one daughter, from his wife who died very young. But, her attitude was like Master Mel's, a very bold person. That daughter was Jessica, and she also was in a fight to save the world... together with the last Dragonmaster, Alex."
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Last set of J-to-E differences!

Post by Alunissage »

Fortunately for you, I don't know this game as well, so don't have much to say. ^^;
Kizyr wrote:1) Vane
E: Sources in game place difference between Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue at about 1000 years. | "After my husband and I moved here, we paid a visit to the Magic Library to research Taben's Peak. We found a book which said that the Peak didn't exist until about a thousand years ago. It also said that the Peak is really the rusted remains of the Grindery that blasted Vane out of the sky! The book said that some people think that the story of Taben's Peak is a fairy tale, but we don't."
J: No specification of the time interval between Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue. | "At the big library there was a book which said that Taben's Peak wasn't there a long time ago... It was a fearful castle that caused Vane to fall to the ground. It sounds like a fairy-tale, but we believe it."
May want to mention that the Lunar I+II artbook (or simply "other sources") gives Nall's age as being 500-600 years.
1) Vane
E: Extra note about the Vile Tribe's mixing with the general population is added by Phacia in one of the books (Phacia being from Silver Star Story) . Hiro also wonders who Phacia is. | "History of Lunar Volume 1 | The existence of the Vile Tribe was confirmed... during the terrible battle in which Vane fell from the sky. The behaviors and desires of the Vile Tribe are still shrouded in darkness... but it is clear that they have not chosen to coexist peacefully with humanity." Hiro: "Someone scribbled a note in the margin. What does it say?" "This is wrong! The Vile Tribe has left The Frontier... and now lives alongside the rest of Althena's children. --Phacia"
J: Extra note about some of the Vile Tribe living with humans is added by Alice in one of the books (Alice is from the Eternal Blue-based Childhood's End manga, which occurs three years after the events of Eternal Blue, and is not available in English). Prior to the Epilogue, Hiro wonders who Alice is. During the Epilogue, Hiro recalls that the note was written by Alice (note that the meaning of this is ambiguous, and doesn't mean that Hiro knows who Alice is at this point). | "In the fierce battle when the floating city of Vane fell, the existence of the Vile Tribe was confirmed. However they chose to live, what purpose they had, is wrapped in shadow... It seems clear they have not chosen the path of coexistence with us humans..." Hiro: " What's this? There's a note scribbled in here." "This is a lie!! There are those in the Vile Tribe who chose to live with humans! -Alice" (Prior to Epilogue) Hiro: "Alice? ...who is that?" (During Epilogue) Hiro: "I see... Alice wrote this. Yeah, that's right, Alice."
1) There's an extra space between the first close-parenthesis and the period.
2) I suggest rephrasing the J note something like this: "(Alice is from the Eternal Blue-based manga Childhood's End, which was published before the remake of Silver Star Story and takes place three years after the events of Eternal Blue; see the translation here (link) for details of the relationship between Alice, Phacia, and the Vile Tribe)." The reason I suggest this is to indicate that replacing "Alice" with "Phacia" isn't random and that Japanese players might reasonably be expected to know who she is since the manga had been out for several years by then.
1) Vane
E: One man in the library refers to being from Meryod, which burned down. | (Prior to Epilogue) "Mah Ma an' Pah wur from tha grat city uh Meryod. Too bad it burned down. Cousin Bob liked matches too much, I guess." (During Epilogue) "Afta Meryod burned ta tha ground, Ma an' Pah went ta live in Yankshod. I lak it there. There's lotsa purdy grass and thars even fishies yew kin catch!"
Anyone know if "Yankshod" is a reference to something? Putting it into Google turned up... this thread.
2) Carnival
E: A girl in the middle is singing Lucia's Song. | "When I was alone as one, my eyes were as blind, I know... Sky, brilliant with blue elegance, I could not behold..."
J: A girl in the middle is singing Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Boat Song) from Silver Star Story. | "Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? [dare ka o aisuru koto ya~ dare ka ni ai sareru koto~ donna kimochi kashira~ tooku kanjiru~]"
Eh? Those lyrics are more or less literal? Those specific lines always irritated me.
2) Meribia
E: Person mentions that Ramus's father was named Grant, and he's the one who nearly ruined the business. | "When I was a child, Ramus' Store was much larger than it is now. Back then, the owner was a guy named Grant. He had a horrible reputation, and no business sense. His son, Ramus the Sixth, is trying to salvage the family business, but it won't be easy. I'm pulling for him..."
J: Person mentions that Ramus's grandfather was the one who nearly ruined the business because of his spending. No mention of the name 'Grant' (on the contrary, in the Japanese versions, everyone who owns Ramus' Store in the family line is named Ramus). | "When I was a child, Ramus's Store was many times bigger than it is now. At that time, the current young owner's grandfather was worthless... He used up all their wealth, and now his son is desperately trying to turn it around..."
I'm still confused by those last two sentences. The current owner's grandfather was worthless... and now his son is trying to turn it around." Whose son? There seems to be an extra generation in here somewhere. Or is Ramus in the game "the owner's son"?
2) Vane Transmission Spring
E: Person mentions that only one man has gotten every bromide. | "Hello, friend. I see that we have something in common... we both collect beautiful bromides. You have a decent collection, but you don't have them all yet. Heck, only one man ever has. Tell you what... here's a freebie, from one collector to another. Come back here and show me your collection every once in awhile, okay? Take care, now!"
J: Person doesn't mention that only one man has gotten every bromide. | "You are gathering bromides, but are still not yet done. There are other bromides of cute girls lying around this world. Keep up your search."
Incidentally, I seem to recall that the bromide collector's dialogue is inaccurate in the epilogue: he tells you you have them all when there are still one or two to go.
2) Vane
E: Book mentions ancient human sacrifices to gods of war. | "Festivals of Sacrifice | The earliest festivals were held to offer human sacrifices to the gods of war. Today's festivals are held to honor Althena, and instead of human lives, we offer her... singing and dancing. Althena revels in watching her children celebrate their existence."
J: No mention of human sacrifices or gods of war; only sacrifices. | "Ancient Festivals | Originally, festivals were to offer sacrifices to the god(s). For us, the purpose of that was for the Goddess Althena, to dedicate to her. At the festivals for the Goddess Althena were offered songs and dances, and it was much fun."
I don't understand "For us, the purpose of that was for the Goddess Althena, to dedicate to her." Is the text saying that in general festivals were for offerings to the gods and while other gods got sacrifices, Althena got song and dance?
2) Pentagulia
E: Leo greets Ghaleon when you enter the city. | Leo: "Ah! Dragonmaster Ghaleon! This is an unexpected pleasure."
J: Leo tells Ghaleon that he's prepared for whatever punishment he deserves for not carrying out Althena's orders back in Azado. | Leo: "By my own judgment, I have brought Lucia here. I am prepared to receive whatever punishment I deserve. Dragonmaster Ghaleon."
Is that supposed to be a comma after "deserve"?
2) Pentagulia
E: Ronfar says that the goddess is a fraud when he speaks with Mauri in Pentagulia. | Ronfar (to Mauri): "Mauri, I can't join you here. Can't you see that the Goddess is a fraud?! And worse, she's imprisoned you in some kind of eternal darkness! I'm here to get you out. To find the real Mauri again!" Ronfar (to Hiro and the others): "Mauri is obviously under some kind of black spell from the false Goddess. ...and has been ever since the day I cured her from the disease. That imposter goddess will pay for what she's done to Mauri..."
J: Ronfar doesn't say (nor know) that the goddess is a fraud when he speaks with Mauri in Pentagulia. | Ronfar (to Mauri): "You've changed... Your laugh isn't anything like the way you were long ago. Your smile now is so cold..." Ronfar (to Hiro and the others): "But, it has to be because of the Goddess Althena that Mauri is like this... Mauri... whatever happens, I will return you back to normal!"
This is also the case in the SegaCD game; I noted that Ronfar knows about the false goddess before Lucia does. I didn't note whether this is also the case with Jean, though.
2) Carnival
E: Jean tells one girl in the caravan that she herself is 'lovesick'. | Jean: "Actually, I think I'm coming down with a terminal case of lovesickness." Girl: "Oh, really?! I wonder who made you sick... and if you're going to ask them for a cure!"
J: One girl in the caravan tells Jean that she is 'lovesick'. | Jean: "Lately your face has always been red. What's wrong? I'm worried..." Girl: "It, it must be lovesickness... <3"
That seemed like it must've been a mistranslation in the SCD game, and it still does here.
2) Nota
J: Regarding the Romeo-Julia marriage, there is no mention of the Mayor of the West taking over leadership of the town. | "Well? So, travelers, how does my only daughter look? This wedding is a great thing for my daughter, and for the future of Nota! For a long time Nota has been divided in two, and now it will be one again. And, my daughter will have a good live. This way, there's nothing that couldn't make her happy! Ha ha ha!"
"have a good live" -> "have a good life"
3) Mystic Ruins
E: Ghaleon claims that the record was of his 'best work'. | Ghaleon: Hm hm hm hm hm... That was a record of my best work."
J: Ghaleon claims that the record was from a 'foolish man'. | Ghaleon "That was the record of a foolish man from long ago..."
I'd call this a type 2 difference, since it shows quite a difference in how Ghaleon sees himself... or rather, how he wants his audience to think he sees himself. The J version is presumably his actual opinion, which the party and player aren't to know until later.
3) Vane
E: Book mentions that, besides humans, other races on Lunar include beastmen, the Four Dragons, and the Vile Tribe. | "Life on Lunar | There are many creatures other than humans in this land of Lunar. The most obvious example is the race of beastmen, which are strongly similar to humans. There are also the Four Dragons, which serve Althena... and the Vile Tribe, about which very little is known."
J: Book mentions that, besides humans, other races on Lunar include the Four Dragons and the Vile Tribe. Doesn't mentio beastmen. | "There are many creatures on this land of Lunar besides humans... Among them are those whose existence transcends humans--no, all living creatures... those are Dragons, the "Four Dragons" who serve the Goddess Althena... and, the Vile Tribe..."
mentio -> mention
3) Azado
E: Jamil mentions that everyone expected Ronfar to become High Priest. | Jamil: "Yes. Ronfar here was the one we all expected to be the first High Priest."
J: Jamil only says that everyone looked up to Ronfar. | Jamil: "Ronfar was the priest that we all learned from and wanted to be like."
I'd call this a category 2 change also, except that it's so inconpicuous (meaning I didn't remember it :P) that it doesn't seem to have made much impact.
3) Pentagulia
E: Borgan shows more disdain for Vane when he says Neo-Vane will replace it. | Borgan: "Yes! Soon Miria will agree to be my wife! I can feel it! After Miria and I are united, your ability to revive the Magic Guild of Vane will be forever sealed."
J: Borgan doesn't show the same disdain for Vane, and says that Neo-Vane's power will be 'tied to' Vane. | Borgan: "Once Miria marries me, then Neo Vane's power will be tied to the tradition of Vane. And thus, Lemina, you'll never be able to restore the Magic Guild as you wish. Geh heh heh."
I don't see the disdain in your E quote. What I see instead is his intent to thwart Lemina; Neo-Vane isn't mentioned. Maybe there was supposed to be more text quoted?
4) Generall
E: Lucia's Spell-List (before curse): Spark Cannon, Thunder Blow, Plasma Rain, Heal Litany, Power Charge, Magic Barrier, Blue Star Prayer, Solar Bomb
J: Lucia's Spell-List (before curse): Spark Cannon, Satellite Bomb, Homing Canon, Atomic Burn, Healing, Solid Charge, Forcefield, Blue Star Prayer, Dejon Cluster [dejonkurasutaa]
1) Canon -> Cannon
2) I advise identifying more clearly what Solar Bomb / Dejon Cluster do, as most players won't have seen them.
3) I don't see why you have this labeled as "general" when clearly the only place you can see this is the Blue Spire. I'd label the after-curse list as "Blue Spire" also for convenience, since that's where the curse happens... though I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to put it in as her spells evolve like everyone else's so just the before and after curse lists are incomplete.
4) Salyan Desert
E: The jewels that open the Blue Spire are called the 'Right Dragon's Eye' (from the Dragon Ruins), and the 'Left Dragon's Eye' (from Gwyn). The jewels that open the Star Dragon Tower are also called the 'Left Dragon's Eye' (from the Dragon Ruins) and 'Right Dragon's Eye' (from the Water Ruins).
J: The jewels that open the Blue Spire are called the 'Right Eye Sapphire' (from the Dragon Ruins), and the 'Left Eye Opal' (from Gwyn). The jewels that open the Star Dragon Tower are called the 'Left Eye Sapphire' (from the Dragon Ruins), and the 'Right Eye Opal' (from the Water Ruins).
My vague recollection is that there's an error in the E game with the labels and the left/right or something. Maybe it's just in the guide.
4) Raculi
E: The remnant of Althena's power in Serak Palace is called the Aura of Althena (note that in the Sega CD Eternal Blue, it was referred to as Althena's Tears). | Ronfar: "According to the legends, there is rumored to be an ancient stone in the palace. It is called the Aura of Althena. And it is said to carry the essence of Althena's power and love."
J: The remnant of Althena's power in Serak Palace is called Althena's Tears. | Ronfar: "According to a story in this village from long ago, in Serak Palace there is something called 'Althena's Tears'... There's supposed to be a jewel enshrined there, in which resides the Goddess Althena's power."
May want to refer to the SCD difference here, that the item was referred to once as Aura in that game but as Tears the rest of the time?
4) Red Dragon Cave
E: One of the items in the cave is called 'Dyne's Armor'.
J: One of the items in the cave is called 'Warrior's Armor'.
I think Leo also joins the party equipped with it at some point. I only remember this because someone asked Vic why would he and Hiro both have Dyne's Armor. I assume the name change was across the board.
5) Opening
E: Opening has vocal narration by John Truitt.
J: Opening does not have any vocal narration, only text.
Specify that the narration is in Ghaleon's voice, for the two fans who don't know who Truitt is.
5) Epilogue General
E: The English Playstation version has four extra dungeons: Lionshead, Dragon's Nest, Brave Labyrinth (near Horam), and Lost Labyrinth (in Illusion Woods).
J: The Japanese Saturn version has two extra dungeons: Lionshead and Dragon's Nest. The Japanese Playstation version has four extra dungeons: Lionshead, Dragon's Nest, Brave Labyrinth (near Horam), and Lost Labyrinth (in Illusion Woods).
I'd call these "optional" rather than "extra", as the latter implies that you're comparing it to a version of the game which has none at all.

Okay, some other things to consider mentioning:

1) In Azado, a boy says he needs to go preorder Arc Collection. (I figure that if you're going to mention Harry Potter you may as well throw this in too.)

2) I'm pretty sure there are several crests whose names are different. The main reason I think this is the case is that the names of two of them in the (WD) guide are different from the in-game names. However, going into all of the name changes could be a pain, since of course other spells besides Lucia's have different names.

3) Since you're mentioning Bromide X, you may as well mention the other things that were put in the E game only, like the combination of equipment to dash longer and making Ruby attack the Guardian. (I don't know if the animation to make Ruby dizzy on the menu was also added for the E version, but I doubt it.)

4) Rather than listing all of the bromides with the same text about how to get them, I'd just list them as Saturn/PS differences, since this section is about version differences and there are none to speak of between the J and E bromide locations in this game. So I'd only note that six bromides were added to the PS game (and their locations), and at the same time note that the Hero's Talisman and Alex's Ocarina were added (as the prizes in the two additional optional dungeons). The verbose list can and should be in a site section, but I don't think it should be here when there's nothing different, unlike in SSS.

5) If you do decide to keep the verbose bromide list in this section, you'll want to correct Mauri's Bromid 2 to Bromide, and note when to get the bromide from the collector at the transmission spring.

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Re: Last set of J-to-E differences!

Post by DezoPenguin »

Alunissage wrote:
2) Carnival
E: A girl in the middle is singing Lucia's Song. | "When I was alone as one, my eyes were as blind, I know... Sky, brilliant with blue elegance, I could not behold..."
J: A girl in the middle is singing Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Boat Song) from Silver Star Story. | "Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? [dare ka o aisuru koto ya~ dare ka ni ai sareru koto~ donna kimochi kashira~ tooku kanjiru~]"
Eh? Those lyrics are more or less literal? Those specific lines always irritated me.
I always found them snicker-worthy, that the Goddess was (unknowingly) holding out hope for divine guidance in her teenage life. Logical enough for the character, though.
2) Carnival
E: Jean tells one girl in the caravan that she herself is 'lovesick'. | Jean: "Actually, I think I'm coming down with a terminal case of lovesickness." Girl: "Oh, really?! I wonder who made you sick... and if you're going to ask them for a cure!"
J: One girl in the caravan tells Jean that she is 'lovesick'. | Jean: "Lately your face has always been red. What's wrong? I'm worried..." Girl: "It, it must be lovesickness... <3"
That seemed like it must've been a mistranslation in the SCD game, and it still does here.
That's one of the lines I was talking about that led me to believe Jean had a thing for Hiro (a conclusion, by the way, my wife came to as well...actually, since she's not fond of Lucia, Lynne wished Hiro had gone for the dancing karate mistress instead... :D)
3) Mystic Ruins
E: Ghaleon claims that the record was of his 'best work'. | Ghaleon: Hm hm hm hm hm... That was a record of my best work."
J: Ghaleon claims that the record was from a 'foolish man'. | Ghaleon "That was the record of a foolish man from long ago..."
I'd call this a type 2 difference, since it shows quite a difference in how Ghaleon sees himself... or rather, how he wants his audience to think he sees himself. The J version is presumably his actual opinion, which the party and player aren't to know until later.
Sounds like WD saving time on re-recording another handful of dialogue again...

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Re: Last set of J-to-E differences!

Post by Kizyr »

Alunissage wrote:May want to mention that the Lunar I+II artbook (or simply "other sources") gives Nall's age as being 500-600 years.
Not bad. I'll do that.
2) I suggest rephrasing the J note something like this: "(Alice is from the Eternal Blue-based manga Childhood's End, which was published before the remake of Silver Star Story and takes place three years after the events of Eternal Blue; see the translation here (link) for details of the relationship between Alice, Phacia, and the Vile Tribe)." The reason I suggest this is to indicate that replacing "Alice" with "Phacia" isn't random and that Japanese players might reasonably be expected to know who she is since the manga had been out for several years by then.
I'd rather let readers make their own conclusion on the reasons for replacement of Alice with Phacia. But, I still should include a link to the manga translation, as you said.
2) Carnival
E: A girl in the middle is singing Lucia's Song. | "When I was alone as one, my eyes were as blind, I know... Sky, brilliant with blue elegance, I could not behold..."
J: A girl in the middle is singing Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Boat Song) from Silver Star Story. | "Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? [dare ka o aisuru koto ya~ dare ka ni ai sareru koto~ donna kimochi kashira~ tooku kanjiru~]"
Eh? Those lyrics are more or less literal? Those specific lines always irritated me.
Those lyrics aren't literal. I pulled the English version of the song at the same point where the Japanese lyrics were used. The actual meaning isn't the point here, so it makes more sense to pull the official English translation of the lyrics.

I don't see why those lines would be irritating. The English version is just as good, if not better, than the Japanese version of the song.
I'm still confused by those last two sentences. The current owner's grandfather was worthless... and now his son is trying to turn it around." Whose son? There seems to be an extra generation in here somewhere. Or is Ramus in the game "the owner's son"?
Ramus in the game is the song that the sentence refers to--the one who's trying to turn it around. Sorry for the ambiguous pronouns; I'll try to clear that up, but it's not much clearer in the original dialogue.
I don't understand "For us, the purpose of that was for the Goddess Althena, to dedicate to her." Is the text saying that in general festivals were for offerings to the gods and while other gods got sacrifices, Althena got song and dance?
No, it just means that they don't do "sacrifices" anymore, but song and dance as an offering. There's also no definite plural of god/gods there.

Maybe I should do a less literal translation in this point to clear that up.
"have a good live" -> "have a good life"
Must've had a cold when I typed that.
I'd call this a type 2 difference, since it shows quite a difference in how Ghaleon sees himself... or rather, how he wants his audience to think he sees himself. The J version is presumably his actual opinion, which the party and player aren't to know until later.
Considering it's a change in nuance, not meaning, it's still going to be a type (3) difference.
3) Azado
E: Jamil mentions that everyone expected Ronfar to become High Priest. | Jamil: "Yes. Ronfar here was the one we all expected to be the first High Priest."
J: Jamil only says that everyone looked up to Ronfar. | Jamil: "Ronfar was the priest that we all learned from and wanted to be like."
I'd call this a category 2 change also, except that it's so inconpicuous (meaning I didn't remember it :P) that it doesn't seem to have made much impact.
I don't see how that's a type (2) difference. It's such a minor issue, and doesn't affect anything that Jamil says thereafter.
3) Pentagulia
E: Borgan shows more disdain for Vane when he says Neo-Vane will replace it. | Borgan: "Yes! Soon Miria will agree to be my wife! I can feel it! After Miria and I are united, your ability to revive the Magic Guild of Vane will be forever sealed."
J: Borgan doesn't show the same disdain for Vane, and says that Neo-Vane's power will be 'tied to' Vane. | Borgan: "Once Miria marries me, then Neo Vane's power will be tied to the tradition of Vane. And thus, Lemina, you'll never be able to restore the Magic Guild as you wish. Geh heh heh."
I don't see the disdain in your E quote. What I see instead is his intent to thwart Lemina; Neo-Vane isn't mentioned. Maybe there was supposed to be more text quoted?
It's not reflected in that quotation--those are only the lines from the same location in the game. Borgan usually insulted Vane throughout the English version of the game; but he didn't really do so in the Japanese version, at least not as much.
1) Canon -> Cannon
2) I advise identifying more clearly what Solar Bomb / Dejon Cluster do, as most players won't have seen them.
3) I don't see why you have this labeled as "general" when clearly the only place you can see this is the Blue Spire. I'd label the after-curse list as "Blue Spire" also for convenience, since that's where the curse happens... though I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to put it in as her spells evolve like everyone else's so just the before and after curse lists are incomplete.
(2) makes sense, but I'm not sure what Solar Bomb does so either.

It's General because, while the Blue Spire is the only place you can really access all the spells, it has nothing to do with the Blue Spire as the location.
May want to refer to the SCD difference here, that the item was referred to once as Aura in that game but as Tears the rest of the time?
It was only referred to once as the Aura in the Sega CD game. I don't see any compelling reason to cross-reference that difference, since the general name for the same thing was Tears of Althena anyway.
4) Red Dragon Cave
E: One of the items in the cave is called 'Dyne's Armor'.
J: One of the items in the cave is called 'Warrior's Armor'.
I think Leo also joins the party equipped with it at some point. I only remember this because someone asked Vic why would he and Hiro both have Dyne's Armor. I assume the name change was across the board.
True. I might add that in the same place; it's the same item.
Specify that the narration is in Ghaleon's voice, for the two fans who don't know who Truitt is.
Heh, right, I'll do that.
I'd call these "optional" rather than "extra", as the latter implies that you're comparing it to a version of the game which has none at all.
Extra/optional sounds like it has the same implication to me.
1) In Azado, a boy says he needs to go preorder Arc Collection. (I figure that if you're going to mention Harry Potter you may as well throw this in too.)
Yeah I don't have the dialogue from both points in the game recorded for this.
2) I'm pretty sure there are several crests whose names are different. The main reason I think this is the case is that the names of two of them in the (WD) guide are different from the in-game names. However, going into all of the name changes could be a pain, since of course other spells besides Lucia's have different names.
Well, I kept all crests when I played through both versions of the game. I don't see much of a reason to go through the names of all of them. Do you have any one in particular in mind?
3) Since you're mentioning Bromide X, you may as well mention the other things that were put in the E game only, like the combination of equipment to dash longer and making Ruby attack the Guardian. (I don't know if the animation to make Ruby dizzy on the menu was also added for the E version, but I doubt it.)
Huh? I didn't know about the last two items.
4) Rather than listing all of the bromides with the same text about how to get them, I'd just list them as Saturn/PS differences, since this section is about version differences and there are none to speak of between the J and E bromide locations in this game. So I'd only note that six bromides were added to the PS game (and their locations), and at the same time note that the Hero's Talisman and Alex's Ocarina were added (as the prizes in the two additional optional dungeons). The verbose list can and should be in a site section, but I don't think it should be here when there's nothing different, unlike in SSS.

5) If you do decide to keep the verbose bromide list in this section, you'll want to correct Mauri's Bromid 2 to Bromide, and note when to get the bromide from the collector at the transmission spring.
I'm going to keep the bromide list. I'll have the table cells for this span across multiple columns so it's not repetitive.

Since I'm trying to stick Saturn-PSX differences here as well, I might do that with the Hero's Talisman and the Ocarina. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Last set of J-to-E differences!

Post by Alunissage »

Kizyr wrote:
2) Carnival
E: A girl in the middle is singing Lucia's Song. | "When I was alone as one, my eyes were as blind, I know... Sky, brilliant with blue elegance, I could not behold..."
J: A girl in the middle is singing Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Boat Song) from Silver Star Story. | "Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? [dare ka o aisuru koto ya~ dare ka ni ai sareru koto~ donna kimochi kashira~ tooku kanjiru~]"
Eh? Those lyrics are more or less literal? Those specific lines always irritated me.
Those lyrics aren't literal. I pulled the English version of the song at the same point where the Japanese lyrics were used. The actual meaning isn't the point here, so it makes more sense to pull the official English translation of the lyrics.

I don't see why those lines would be irritating. The English version is just as good, if not better, than the Japanese version of the song.
I'm just heartily sick of the guardian angel idea. It really seemed grafted on to Lunar, since the only angels in TSS were the Dragon Angels. Of course, at the time I heard the song I hadn't yet seen the rest of the changes to the game, like the cathedral-like temple complete with stained glass and pipe organs. But I still really dislike that first line.
3) Azado
E: Jamil mentions that everyone expected Ronfar to become High Priest. | Jamil: "Yes. Ronfar here was the one we all expected to be the first High Priest."
J: Jamil only says that everyone looked up to Ronfar. | Jamil: "Ronfar was the priest that we all learned from and wanted to be like."
I'd call this a category 2 change also, except that it's so inconpicuous (meaning I didn't remember it :P) that it doesn't seem to have made much impact.
I don't see how that's a type (2) difference. It's such a minor issue, and doesn't affect anything that Jamil says thereafter.
What I was getting at was the implication of Ronfar's actual rank in the priesthood. Not just talented, but thought to be in line for the top job. I'd thought the implication elsewhere was that he was still in training, but maybe I'm mistaken.
1) Canon -> Cannon
2) I advise identifying more clearly what Solar Bomb / Dejon Cluster do, as most players won't have seen them.
3) I don't see why you have this labeled as "general" when clearly the only place you can see this is the Blue Spire. I'd label the after-curse list as "Blue Spire" also for convenience, since that's where the curse happens... though I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to put it in as her spells evolve like everyone else's so just the before and after curse lists are incomplete.
(2) makes sense, but I'm not sure what Solar Bomb does so either.

It's General because, while the Blue Spire is the only place you can really access all the spells, it has nothing to do with the Blue Spire as the location.
Solar Bomb is only used if you level Hiro up to 14 while still in the Spire (before Lucia is cursed). After he gains that level, in every battle Lucia casts Solar Bomb, which vacuums up all the enemies (their sprites get distorted and sucked into the middle of the screen), and the message "All that work and you didn't get squat!" appears -- because you get no EXP or silver. It's definitely restricted to the Blue Spire in location; it's the only one of her spells that never returns to her arsenal.
I'd call these "optional" rather than "extra", as the latter implies that you're comparing it to a version of the game which has none at all.
Extra/optional sounds like it has the same implication to me.
It would to me too in isolation; it's just that in this context I expect it to mean as compared between versions... never mind. The nuance is there but probably not that conspicuous to other people.
2) I'm pretty sure there are several crests whose names are different. The main reason I think this is the case is that the names of two of them in the (WD) guide are different from the in-game names. However, going into all of the name changes could be a pain, since of course other spells besides Lucia's have different names.
Well, I kept all crests when I played through both versions of the game. I don't see much of a reason to go through the names of all of them. Do you have any one in particular in mind?
It'd be a pain to check since I don't have any EBC saves to look at, but I remember the Archer and Ogre crests being involved -- or maybe they're the same crest. I'll look at the guide and see if my memory is jogged... had to put it away because my cats were trying to chew on the bookmark ribbons.
3) Since you're mentioning Bromide X, you may as well mention the other things that were put in the E game only, like the combination of equipment to dash longer and making Ruby attack the Guardian. (I don't know if the animation to make Ruby dizzy on the menu was also added for the E version, but I doubt it.)
Huh? I didn't know about the last two items.
They're in the back of the WD guide. If you want the verbose edition I can type it up as it appears there; I'm going from memory here.

1) If you equip a character with the Yellow (?) Pajamas, Rubber Boots, and Gorgon Doll (the most ridiculous combination of items programmer Ken Innes could come up with), Hiro's dashes will last 4x as long (but the person thus equipped will be asleep in battle, since that's what the Pajamas do).

2) In the Guardian battle, if Hiro and Gwyn are knocked out in such a way as to block the Guardian from reaching Lucia, the game is at a permanent stalemate, since Lucia's only action is to defend. So WD put in a fix that if this happens, Ruby will attack the Guardian and finish it off herself.

3) On the menu screen, if Ruby has to go back and forth rapidly from one end of the menu to the other she'll eventually get dizzy and float around in a little circle for a bit. Easiest way to see this is to put her at the leftmost edge and press left, which will make her fly to the rightmost side, then press right, etc.

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Re: Last set of J-to-E differences!

Post by DezoPenguin »

Alunissage wrote:
3) Azado
E: Jamil mentions that everyone expected Ronfar to become High Priest. | Jamil: "Yes. Ronfar here was the one we all expected to be the first High Priest."
J: Jamil only says that everyone looked up to Ronfar. | Jamil: "Ronfar was the priest that we all learned from and wanted to be like."
I'd call this a category 2 change also, except that it's so inconpicuous (meaning I didn't remember it :P) that it doesn't seem to have made much impact.
I don't see how that's a type (2) difference. It's such a minor issue, and doesn't affect anything that Jamil says thereafter.
What I was getting at was the implication of Ronfar's actual rank in the priesthood. Not just talented, but thought to be in line for the top job. I'd thought the implication elsewhere was that he was still in training, but maybe I'm mistaken.
I have to agree with Alunissage on this one. The "next High Priest" comment firmly establishes Ronfar's past with The Chosen as being not just a dedicated follower of (false) Althena and user of priestly magic, but as someone also ascending through the political ranks. It also makes it even more significant that he gave it up when he lost his faith over his inability to save Mauri and her subsequent Zophar's-Blood-fueled-craziness. In the English version he abandons not only his faith in Althena but also the temporal benefits of power and influence. Although one could argue the Japanese version is more symbolically apropos, as it centers solely around his excellence as a man of faith and his loss of that faith...but then again one could argue instead that the English version better sets up why he would retain sufficient faith to help Hiro and Lucia, because a truly disenchanted man would have been more likely to take the power...

Whatever; I still think Alunissage is right.

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Re: Last set of J-to-E differences!

Post by Temzin »

I'd call this a type 2 difference, since it shows quite a difference in how Ghaleon sees himself... or rather, how he wants his audience to think he sees himself. The J version is presumably his actual opinion, which the party and player aren't to know until later.
Considering it's a change in nuance, not meaning, it's still going to be a type (3) difference.
Really? I might rank it a bit higher in my personal experience---some of WD's biggest dialogue alterations in the Lunar series (often for the better, from a storytelling perspective) have always been with Ghaleon, it seemed to me. They tend to keep you guessing a lot more.

Ghaleon's appearance as Magic Emperor before the White Dragon in SSS revealed less about "a new awakening" and of "installing a new god for this world" in the US version, and you actually had a chance of guessing ahead of time that Ghaleon had reformed in the Japanese version of EB. It's not just that he says, "those are the memories of a foolish man," but that he immediately follows it with, "humanity never ceases to amaze me...what mysterious beings they are, humans....don't you think so, LUCIA?" rather than his sneering, "the whole world will once again be mine and you can't stop me, LUCIA." I'd call that a full-blown change in meaning rather than merely a different nuance, personally.

The same goes for his appearance at Pentagulia port, which is far less threatening, and for his banter with you before the battle in Vane when you recover your MP, where in the US version Ghaleon is far more contemptuous of humanity's power rather than saying something to the effect of, "yes, this is the same power that once even defeated me," as if awed, in the original.

These are just my impressions, but being a Ghaleon fan I always found it interesting that they were so different, and I think I'd rank them as fairly notable myself.

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