Playing Lunar: EBC again

For discussion of Lunar: Eternal Blue, the remake of Lunar 2 for Saturn/Playstation and all its translations
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Nanza Bandit
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Playing Lunar: EBC again

Post by waterpolowrestle »

Hiro, Ruby, Gwyn at the Blue Spire. For EBC, I find it best to play as a slacker. Taking in story. I get laziest towards the end. I click on non-playable characters. New flags.

Lunar since way little, love games. Nice talking.

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Re: Playing Lunar: EBC again

Post by Sonic# »

I've been thinking about Eternal Blue a lot lately. I replayed the first game a year ago, and am itching to get back into it, now that my Alundra playthrough has stalled somewhat. (No fault of the game - just very long between saves, so it's tough to find time to play!)

By coincidence, Kotaku's Jason Schreier wrote a bit about Lunar: Eternal Blue (primarily the PS1 version) on Friday. High praise in a summer that also included his playing games like Chrono Trigger and Lufia 2.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Playing Lunar: EBC again

Post by Alunissage »

I've been planning on replaying it again myself. I've played bits and pieces in various versions, but haven't sat down to play through the whole thing since it came out. I really need more hands than I have; can't knit and play at the same time.

Nanza Bandit
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Re: Playing Lunar: EBC again

Post by waterpolowrestle »

I couldn't sneeze at Eternal Blue. I mainly like enjoy TSS.

Totally playing strategically night after night. Hehe.

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Re: Playing Lunar: EBC again

Post by waterpolowrestle »

This can be closed, by the way.

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Re: Playing Lunar: EBC again

Post by Sonic# »

We don't close threads. Please don't ask again.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Re: Playing Lunar: EBC again

Post by brit »

I replay both EBC and SSSC every summer, been doing it since 2002. I actually have it down to a system now. SSSC takes me 2 days (give or take a few hours for sleeping and eating) and EBC takes 3 or 4 depending on how detailed I wanna go (like if I want to do all the dungeons in the epilogue and stuff). ^_^

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