Hiro Epilogue Solo Run

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Hiro Epilogue Solo Run

Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Hey everyone! It's been ages since I last visited. Here's hoping everyone is doing well!

Recently, I got that familiar itch to play the games again. It had been a while since I played through LUNAR 2, so I dove in and played it hard. After beating it, I found my LUNAR cravings still weren't sated, so I returned to the start of the epilogue and decided to do a solo Hiro run, something I'd never done before. It was a blast! It was also surprisingly easy. I expected I'd need to grind to or at least near max level, but it ended up not being necessary. With good use of crests and equipment, as well as using items when needed, the amount of grinding required to do off of Chiros was minimal. I ended the game at I believe level 70, and even that is probably unnecessary. The biggest challenge was the Water Guardian because of its bubble attack, but using White Dragon Protect to counter this made it an easy fight once familiar with the animation indicating the attack was coming. I ended up using Althena's Sword, the Dragon Armor, Shield, and Helm, and then I'd swap out my accessories and crests depending on the fight. I used the Spirit Talisman, Fiend Ring, Hero's Talisman, Purity Ring, and occassionally a leftover Angel Ring if I wanted to bypass a mechanic here and there. As for crests, I'd use the Goddess Crest paired with the Magic Eye Crest, Warrior's Crest, White/Red Dragon Crests, etc., depending on the battle. Also, farming Chiro's made money easily accessible, so after each dungeon I would just refill my inventory with Starlights, Healing Nuts and Passion Fruits.

So, in the end, what differences are there? Well, it's been discussed on these forums before, but for those who are unfamiliar, the cutscene that usually plays with your friends saying there farewells is gone. Instead, a voiced line of dialogue is given by Ruby. I believe this is a unique line of dialogue in that it only plays when the cutscene is absent? I recorded it and posted a link below if anyone is interested in giving it a look. I went ahead and included the full ending, though the voice clip happens in the first few seconds, so no big time investment needed.

If anyone is looking for a fun little LUNAR related challenge, I'd recommend this! It was a blast. The only think I want to point out is, make sure to unequip your party members before going in to the epilogue or you'll be missing some of the essentials like the Goddess Crest and White Dragon Crest. Without White Dragon Protect, I'm not sure if I would have been able to beat the Water Guardian.

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Re: Hiro Epilogue Solo Run

Post by Alunissage »

The cutscene with farewells only plays if you have all of them. Otherwise, everyone in the party has a voiced line. Since you only had Ruby, that's the only line you heard. To hear them all, play through the epilogue with just two other characters (or none, as you did) and save and grab a third person just before the last dungeon, and play through the end. Then reload and grab the other character to hear their voiced line.

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Re: Hiro Epilogue Solo Run

Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Yeah, I'd like to hear all the other dialogue too. The real goal was the challenge of doing it solo, but getting something unique is a nice bonus for sure.
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Re: Hiro Epilogue Solo Run

Post by Kizyr »

Oh interesting! I've done a Hiro solo epilogue in the original EB, but not in the remake. The original definitely required level grinding but that's not too difficult since all the EXP accrues to one person so leveling up is much faster.
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Re: Hiro Epilogue Solo Run

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

This is something i have never done. Mainly because I can't bring myself to do it! LOL. My heart. I want to collect all the characters and get the same ending all over again (^^;;;) But it would be a great challenge to do it all with Hiro
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