Three Stories?

For discussion of rumors of any new Lunar games, including the nonexistent Lunar 3
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Three Stories?

Post by Rlfhst2000 »

I forgot where I read it (Might have even been on LunarNET) but I read that before the Lunar games were even made, they wrote out three stories. They wrote the story of Alex, the story of Hiro and the Four Heroes story. Here's what I'm wondering, though. If GameArts wanted to make Lunar DS a decent game, why didn't they use the Four Heroes story? Are they keeping that story to use in something much bigger (Such as Lunar 3)?

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

The creators did say once in an interview talking about DS that they pretty much planned on the story of the original Four Heroes to be the next Lunar game, so if the series does continue on, we'll probably get that next.

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Post by Kizyr »

A big reason is that Lunar: DS seemed to 'test the waters' with releasing a new Lunar game on a handheld, or more specifically, the DS.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a fair test since the game was okay at best. But if Game Arts were going to put the effort into a Four Heroes game, it'd have to be a pretty safe bet rather than a hit-or-miss gamble. That's the kind of story that really belongs on a home console. KF
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Post by Xenthorious »

Hey guys. I'm new here; you can call me Chris if you want. Listen, I have a question for you all. Several of you are talking as if there IS a company developing Lunar 3. Specifically speaking, there is much talk about Game Arts’ involvement in the development.

My question is, could someone please explain to me how this is possible, given that Game Arts declared themselves closed a few years back? If there is a company continuing the work of the Lunar Series, I really want to know about it.

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Post by Mag »

Hmm, well Grandia III just came out and that was developed by Game Arts. However, I am far from the definative source for that kind of info. Maybe some others can enlighten us? :lol:
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Post by Kizyr »

Xenthorious wrote:My question is, could someone please explain to me how this is possible, given that Game Arts declared themselves closed a few years back? If there is a company continuing the work of the Lunar Series, I really want to know about it.
They never declared themselves closed. There were, however, a few mergers.

You sure you're not thinking of Working Designs? KF
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Post by GhaleonOne »

No, he's likely talking about GameArts, as there seems to be a great deal of people that seemed to think GameArts was closed. SquareEnix bought a large stake a few years back (or rather, Enix did right before the Square/Enix merger). Then GungHo bought a huge stake in GameArts about 6 months ago. They're still around though, and I believe working on an online Grandia. At least, that's the last thing I heard. As for a new Lunar, it's nothing but rumor. There are comments from GameArts people and others involved with the series, even recently, but certainly nothing official in terms of a confirmed new game. Everything here is speculation.

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