Is LUNAR the BEST game for you?

For discussion of rumors of any new Lunar games, including the nonexistent Lunar 3
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Is LUNAR the BEST game for you?

Post by Fatboyslim »

Well, someone might say "NO"

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Post by Sonic# »

Alright. This is a warning. We've had too many spammed one-liners just like this in the past from you, even if it was under another name. Your month of temp-ban is up, and that's cool. But if you're going to come back, you have to take these warnings seriously.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by phyco126 »

Hmmmm, Lunar = Best game of all time for me. SSSC more specifically, as I just felt more in touch with the characters. Not that I hated EBC or anything, it just didn't sway my heart like SSSC did. :)

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Post by Zophar »

You again?! Haven't you learned your lesson yet? *Sighs* Well whatever. Once a spammer, always a spammer. As for someone saying that they don't like Lunar they would have to be one of these kinds of people:

1. Anti-RPG (like my friend)
2. Dumb spammers (like you)
3. People who don't even know what Lunar is and just say that they don't like it (god I hate those people)
4. A just plain insane person.

Lunar is one of the greatest RPGs ever made. It is truly unlike any other. Don't know why... it just is.

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Post by phyco126 »

Ah, but you forgot number 5 my friend. People who think that if a RPG isn't 3D and doesn't have cloud in it and doesn't have Final Fantasy for a name, it's automatically crap. Had alot of those people in my school, very aggrivating. Never gave the game a chance, just branded it as crap. Though those who DID play it, at least liked it enough to say it WASN'T crap.

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

You forgot number 6.... stupid hosts of a show based on reviewing games who are completely immature and obviously never played even two seconds of the game... just watched the intro and made fun of it like they were 2 years old - which is highly insulting to 2 year old since they probably have a higher IQ... for those of you who aren't quite sure what I'm talking about, let's just say I never watched Xplay (or whatever it's called I tried to forget about it after that) again.

Anyhow, Lunar is the best game for me. I love others but only Lunar will have that ultimate special place in my heart and memories. It basically was one of the main elements that brought me and my best friend closer because we played both games together and we did silly "dialogues" where we recorded ourselves acting out the cutscenes or places that just had voice overs. ^^; It's a little embarrassing to admit I suppose, but it was a lot of fun, a lot of good times. So yeah... it's the best game for me.

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Post by TheRadicalAusa »

Jean summed it up.

Most people don't like giving new RPG's a try because their not popular enough. Or like Phyco said they don't have 3D graphics.

I myself prefer lil itsy bitsy sprite cause their so dang adorable!

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Totally adorable! My fiance laughs when they attack or do anything really. He only really likes Lunar because I love it, I've never been able to get him to play it unfortunately... but I did manage to get him to watch all of the cutscenes from both games... so he gets the gist of everything. He's the one that got me the Korean Lunar for PC, and he likes the artwork, which has been a big inspiration to my artwork yet another special thing in my life so yeah... Lunar is the awesomeness..ness. x)

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Post by phyco126 »

PrettyGirlJean wrote:You forgot number 6.... stupid hosts of a show based on reviewing games who are completely immature and obviously never played even two seconds of the game... just watched the intro and made fun of it like they were 2 years old - which is highly insulting to 2 year old since they probably have a higher IQ... for those of you who aren't quite sure what I'm talking about, let's just say I never watched Xplay (or whatever it's called I tried to forget about it after that) again.
Don't worry, I know of what you speak. Such an outrage that who deal was. Is that show even still around? I haven't heard anything about it in quite sometime (perhapes some lunar fans found where they lived?)

Though PGJ, you chibi-chars where uber. Whenever you get some time, you should totally do another one! You know, just throwing it out there, ya know. No pressure >_> Hehe, man, I suck at Family Guy impressions =P

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Post by TheRadicalAusa »

LMAO!! No the best one was when he tripped and feel and when

"Ssssttth....Aaaah" For like 10 minutes !! XD

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Post by Kazie Solo »

Oh, absolutely! I like others, like Valkyrie Profile and Suikoden II, but Lunar is Lunar. It's LOVE. My favorite game of all time.
phyco wrote:SSSC more specifically, as I just felt more in touch with the characters. Not that I hated EBC or anything, it just didn't sway my heart like SSSC did.
Me too! :D
<font color=pink>Beware of Phyco the Bunny Master, Lunartic the metal-rolling-pin-wielding Diva Sweetheart, and Kazie the White Bunny. We are going to take over... er, save the world!

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Post by Rlfhst2000 »

phyco126 wrote:
PrettyGirlJean wrote:You forgot number 6.... stupid hosts of a show based on reviewing games who are completely immature and obviously never played even two seconds of the game... just watched the intro and made fun of it like they were 2 years old - which is highly insulting to 2 year old since they probably have a higher IQ... for those of you who aren't quite sure what I'm talking about, let's just say I never watched Xplay (or whatever it's called I tried to forget about it after that) again.
Don't worry, I know of what you speak. Such an outrage that who deal was. Is that show even still around? I haven't heard anything about it in quite sometime (perhapes some lunar fans found where they lived?)

Though PGJ, you chibi-chars where uber. Whenever you get some time, you should totally do another one! You know, just throwing it out there, ya know. No pressure >_> Hehe, man, I suck at Family Guy impressions =P
X-play's "Worst Musical Moments". I think they had Rhapsody, Seven Samurai and Lunar on the list.

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About the TOPIC.......

Post by Fatboyslim »

You guys forgot these:
a.) Unwanted Replyers
b.) "Find your own place!" Pepz
c.) Jelous poeple?
d.) lastly, ""IF you DON'T have anything nice to SAY it better
if you say NOTHING at all"

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Post by Fatboyslim »

Zophar wrote:You again?! Haven't you learned your lesson yet? *Sighs* Well whatever. Once a spammer, always a spammer. As for someone saying that they don't like Lunar they would have to be one of these kinds of people:

1. Anti-RPG (like my friend)
2. Dumb spammers (like you)
3. People who don't even know what Lunar is and just say that they don't like it (god I hate those people)
4. A just plain insane person.

Lunar is one of the greatest RPGs ever made. It is truly unlike any other. Don't know why... it just is.
Like I need you advice!

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Post by TheRadicalAusa »

Dude! First of all don't post if you don't want any one to comment!!

And learn to spell!! Jeebus!

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Post by Fatboyslim »

People should mind thier own business...... If they have nothing to say related about the topic then they should probably shut the -Fatal Hopper- up!

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Post by TheRadicalAusa »

Well, all he's doing is telling the truth! I could careless if its off topic. You do spam!
Seriously just grow up, now right now I'll be the bigger person and end this little spat.


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Dont know what to do?

Post by Fatboyslim »

TheRadicalAusa wrote:Dude! First of all don't post if you don't want any one to comment!!

And learn to spell!! Jeebus!
shutting up would be the best thing to do by you........

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Get off my boards and don't come back. I was about to give you a second chance, but you've just proven you don't belong here. And don't come back whining about being unbanned, because noone here sympathizes with you at all. Moron. Don't come back.

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Post by Zophar »

Fatboyslim, I wasn't giving you advice. I was merely presenting the truth in it's simplest form. You are a spammer and an annoying one at that, got it memorized?

Oh and it isn't RadicalAusa who should shut up. It's you, plain and simple truth once again. Oh and I hear that Grammar/Spelling school helps. You should sign up for a few classes. Or maybe you should just go back to 1st grade.

Anyway I have added my two cents and I am done with him. I doubt he will come back anyway. Here is the updated list.

1. Anti-RPG (like my friend)

2. Dumb spammers (like fatboyslim)

3. People who don't even know what Lunar is and just say that they don't like it (god I hate those people)

4. A just plain insane person.

5. People who think that if a RPG isn't 3D and doesn't have cloud in it and doesn't have Final Fantasy for a name, it's automatically crap. (Creidt goes to phyco126 for adding this.)

6. Stupid hosts of a show based on reviewing games who are completely immature and obviously never played even two seconds of the game... just watched the intro and made fun of it like they were 2 years old - which is highly insulting to 2 year old since they probably have a higher IQ *X-PLAY* (Creidt goes to PrettyGirlJean for adding this.)

Thank you Phyco126 and Danni for adding things to the list. You have helped make the list of people who wouldn't like Lunar more umm.... complete.

And I believe X-Play would fall under #1 as well. As far as I know they haven't said a kind thing about any RPG. All they care about in my oppinion is junk like Grand Theft Auto where all you do is go around and shoot people.

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