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Post by phyco126 »

Okay then, would you want to host L:L game saves then? I have a ton of them from every point in the game, all the way to the end.

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Post by Alunissage »

I wouldn't think that'd be appropriate, since the chances of someone playing their own legal copy of the GBA game that they ripped themselves on emulator are pretty low. It's not like cart copiers were mainstream the way Dex Drives were.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

That's kind of what I was going to say. At least with Sega CD and Playstation emulation, you have to own a copy of the game to play it.

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Post by phyco126 »

Well I can certainly understand that.

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Post by RPGMan »

Thanks for clarifying that. Ummm, why would you use a game save? Unless it is on like diablo or something I wouldn't.

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Post by Alunissage »

Sometimes people want to just see or play a particular part without having to put hours into getting there. Useful for research.

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Post by RPGMan »

Yeah I guess so.

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Post by Dr. Casey »

No, not "I guess so." The correct answer is "you're right."

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Post by RPGMan »

No, it is I GUESS SO. That is my answer, because I still do not agree with it 100% because if you wanted to do research go to the walkthrough and look up whatever you need, the only way the idiom, "You're right." would be permissable is if that was the only plausable solution available. And given said case it is not, so I still stand with my answer, the correct one. I guess so.[/b]

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

There's plenty of things that aren't covered in walkthroughs, though, namely things that deal with the plot. Some of us hardcore Lunar nerds occasionally find ourselves in debates over plot points, character motivations, etc. Having bookmarked saves to go back and check specific moments in the games makes settling these debates much easier.

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Post by RPGMan »

I have not found one walkthrough I have used that did not include plot details, it might just be the sites I go to, but I have seem to found that I could find any and all plot details I needed through walkthroughs or wikipedia. And or looking up the game on the net for plot info, there is always a fan of the game who makes a webpage dedicated to the info of the game.

And also.

-By Alunissage-
Sometimes people want to just see or play a particular part without having to put hours into getting there. Useful for research.
That does not have anything to do with debates over plot points in games, she is stating that soemone may use a game save to see a part in the game without having to expend hours to get there, albeit that could be open to the catagory of discussing games, it clearly is in a gray zone on the subject. Thus rendering the argument you and the other guy moot.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Not every little thing is found in walkthroughs, though. Exact dialogues of certain cut scenes, for instance. And text found in conversations with NPCs and in books, some of which reveal important things about the mythology of Lunar (the fact that prior to TSS Althena reincarnated as a human every 500 years, for example).

And sometimes research helps settle debates. It's not the only use, but it is one.

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Post by RPGMan »

I know you are certainly right Ilovemyguitar, I am just stating that my orignal statement of I guess so is totally permissable and that my argument is valid. And that also goes onto my saying that you can find a site that has info like that. Not just walkthroughs.

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Post by Alunissage »

No, it is I GUESS SO. That is my answer, because I still do not agree with it 100% because if you wanted to do research go to the walkthrough and look up whatever you need, the only way the idiom, "You're right." would be permissable is if that was the only plausable solution available. And given said case it is not, so I still stand with my answer, the correct one. I guess so.
Research is not just for plot points and dialogue (and note that exact dialogue rather than a summary of plot would be needed). The music in a particular scene. The spell graphics. The sound effects. The effect of a particular spell or item on a particular enemy or party member. The way AI behaves in a given situation. A bug with interesting ramifications. What makes you think everything that one could possibly want to research has been researched already? A walkthrough is not going to tell me everything I want to know, nor will other sites (where do you think the info in Wikipedia comes from?).

So I cannot imagine why you'd say that wanting to do research is not completely plausible, just because YOU don't want or need to know anything not covered by a walkthrough or other online resources (again, where do you think those come from?).

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Post by Kizyr »

RPGMan wrote:I have not found one walkthrough I have used that did not include plot details, it might just be the sites I go to, but I have seem to found that I could find any and all plot details I needed through walkthroughs or wikipedia. And or looking up the game on the net for plot info, there is always a fan of the game who makes a webpage dedicated to the info of the game.
And how do you think folks like us manage to put together those kinds of pages?

It's not just about telling people what's in the games. It's making stuff available so that everyone can find out for themselves if they wish. Or, perhaps, find out new things that we haven't already discovered. KF
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Also take into account people who have a save corrupted and don't feel like replaying halfway through a game just to get back to that point.

But yes, saved games have been of immense help in the creation of LunarNET, as Kiz is alluding to in a not so subtle way.

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

i noticed that lunar's wiki could be a lot better. would a few of the more articulated and thorough people here edit it?

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Post by GhaleonOne »

If you're talking about the Lunar pages at wikipedia, I think Alunissage and a few others have been the ones to edit in the past, but the problem is, people keep coming in and changes things to inaccurate. I'm also sick of whoever keeps removing LunarNET from the links on some of the Lunar games individual pages at the bottom. LN is the largest resource, by far, and really should be linked there. I'm suspecting Moby Games is doing it, because they look to be only keeping themselves on those pages for free advertising/spam to their pages that have little in the way of useful Lunar stuff.

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Post by Kizyr »

If I actually have time, I might go on there and do the same thing to keep LunarNET's resources on there, and update the information.

But, quite honestly, I'm more concerned about keeping everything here updated. After all, we actually have control over what goes on LunarNET. KF
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Post by Alunissage »

Yeah, I edit the Wikipedia pages occasionally, but mostly I just get too annoyed to put myself through that very often. Whenever I look there's just so much clumsy, stupid, inaccurate, biased stuff that it's exhausting to fix a single page. DragonmasterDan was working on it a while back though, and Shiva Indis still does. If it annoys me it must really be a pain for her.

That sucks about the LNet links being removed. Might be worthwhile to note the IDs or IPs of whoever is making those edits and seeing what else they do.

Taking a quick look, I've been reminded of another source of massive annoyance with Wikipedia. Search for "lunar silver star" and these are the first few hits:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar:_Sil ... y_Complete
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_The_ ... Star_Story
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar:_The ... Star_Story

There should not be seven pages for two (three at the most) games. The last two don't even have the name right! Fortunately, all of the "story" ones redirect to the same page... but if there's only going to be one page for all of the remakes (and there should), it should not have "complete" in the title; that's only the name of three of the eight releases of it. That's a less important point, but one that would be a pain to correct.

At least some of my corrections seem to have stayed since I last looked. I had to change dumb statements about the ocarina vs harp at least twice. But I see someone has removed my comment about the plothole, just two months ago... sure, take it out just because you didn't think of it yourself, rather than researching it.

That's why I don't deal with it often. :P

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