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Moderator: WD RPG WD

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Post by Aaron »

omg you guys grow a spine...I didn't insult him I just said that the maps were ugly. i offered to help. and there is nothing wrong with the art work (the ripped files) its the way it was put there...its plain.

All I was saying is you could make it better...and I offered to help...

not everyone has to be all raves about something just cause everyone else is.

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Post by WD RPG WD »

Aaron my boy, this board is a group of close friends and I am making this game for my friends here. No one was making the game before and I am taking my precious free time to make this game for everyone(not trying to gloat).

How do you expect me to react when some outsider comes in a tells me the maps are ugly? If you don't like it then tough. Go away. I don't care if you can map (with tiles you didn't rip yourself BTW.) This game isnt being made for you. You try ripping your own tiles and map them before you open your mouth. If you think I'm over reacting, tough. Your not invited to play the game anyway. Peace.

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Post by Aaron »

k thats cool, enjoy your clique

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Post by HiroOne »

Hey there wd rpg wd, this reminds me of long long ago. I'm sorry for dropping the ball on the project with you back then. I don't have the website I was hosting it from anymore either unfortunately. However if you need help I'll see what I can do ::smiles::
To Aaron, you do have some skill and potential there with the mapping. I do have to defend wd a bit here, the graphics aren't meant to look great (they're sega cd era and most of the people here are fanatics about that kind of stuff) however I do definately recognize your talent on making realistic and unique maps regardless of what tileset they use.

Perhaps you two can come to some sort of agreement point. If the world is 300 years younger than T:SS some of the world will look a bit different, although continuity is rather important as well. I'm assuming you played L:TSS OR L:SSSC at the very least so you should have a good idea for what things should look like geographically.

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Post by phyco126 »

Yikes, calm down you guys. It's obviously just a small misunderstanding, just take some deep breaths, go have a few beers or whatever you guys do you relax, and come back later when you're not angry anymore.

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Post by YoungDyne »

I agree with HiroOne, Aaron's map is pretty good. I enjoy 2D graphics and an upgraded version of the classic maps would be nice to wander around on. But I was saying that for the desired outcome, the words used probably weren't the best choice. There was a condescending feel to them. Expect a response affected by the way you speak. If you want a polite response, speak politely.

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Post by WD RPG WD »

There will be no upgraded maps. This game is based off Lunar. Im not going to use another tile set and especially not the one that is being used for about 90% of all fan games out there. Aaron took RPg maker's tiles and made a map with them. It's not really "his" map. Just like my maps arn't really mine since they are actual maps from Lunar meant to look exactly like it. If you think it's "ugly" then thats too bad. Nothing I can do about your opinions of Lunar's graphics..

I've already mapped about 40 maps and Im not about to start over, plus put in perspective that my game will have about 4000 tiles compared to the 300 or so in RPG Maker's set. I'm maybe the only fan game that actaully ripped it's own tiles instead of just taking from others hard work.

And ripping isn't just taking full town from Lunar in one big picture pasted into the game. Ill give you all an example. It took 3 hours to rip the river next to Burg because it is about 40 tiles plus the animtion of it so its doubled to 80 tiles that had to be detailed in a paint program. Ill have to post a picture one day to show how tedious it is.

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Ugly? O_o I don't think they're ugly in the least. (If my opinion even matters though xD lol) Truthfully, I think they're very good.
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Post by Kizyr »

Hey WD, no worries, nearly all of us here are more than appreciative of your efforts, and are willing to help in whatever way possible. Me, I'm more so in the information department, although I could likely help with some stat balancing at a later point in the game if that's needed. You're going to have a few 'detractors' no matter what, so I hope you don't let it get you down. KF
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Post by Dark_Fairy »

The game's actually looking really nice so far. I can tell you are putting a lot of effort into it and doing a pretty dang good job. I wish there was something I could do to help, but I have no knowledge of how to rip, make sprites, or anything else except for using what's on RPG Maker. So, basically I couldn't do any of the stuff your doing to make it right now, so I give you props for knowing how to do the programing, ripping, etc.

I guess all I can do is cheer you on as you continue to make the game. I just hope I don't get addicted to this MMORPG since I have a tendency to get addicted to MMORPGS. :P

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Post by WD RPG WD »

Well after a day to calm down, I didn't mean to get so angry. Aaron, if your still around, you have to understand that Im the only one making the game and doing every aspect of it. Yesteday I programmed 7 characters to all say differant things depending on what class you are. Each one had 4 differant things to say based on that. It took me 3 hours and then I had to go to bed for work. I just have so much to do that I don't have time to focus on just one map. I have about 700 or so maps to make. I can't take my time and make each one perfect.

Lunartic, your opinion matters. :o

Kiz, you and I need a private message board so we can throw some ideas at each other. :x

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Post by Aaron »

Thanks, that means a lot to me. I want to sincerely apologize that I sounded...offensive. I truely did not want to sound that way.

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Post by phyco126 »

Eh, like I said, I think it was just a misunderstanding. Now that apologies where dealt and everyone calmed down, we can now all focus on ideas for the game :D

WD, would it even be possible to make a quest where you can get a fish for a Dragon? :P

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

How about including something similar to Gad's Express? It wasn't really a terrible concept, it was just poorly implemented in Dragon Song, and I'm sure that with some careful planning it could be a great way of receiving quests in the game.

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Post by WD RPG WD »

Phycho, Ill add the mission only if it has some major consequence where the world hangs in the balance. :o

What's Gad's express?

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Post by phyco126 »

WD RPG WD wrote:Phycho, Ill add the mission only if it has some major consequence where the world hangs in the balance. :o

What's Gad's express?
Aww :P Well, here we go, the world is in danger from Ghalnobiaphar. Only the mystical dragons can reach this person, and their only weakness is a fish, as they are deadly alleargic to even the smallest fish (liek a minow). So yeah, you go on a quest for the dragon to get the fish, but since the dragon keeps losing control and eating the fish, it's a quest that can be done indefinately :)

;) :lol:

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Post by MinisterGhaelon »

Hey WD would the characters have like permanent items such as Alex's Ocarine(forgot how to spell)?

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

WD RPG WD wrote:What's Gad's express?
Gad's Express was the courier system used to make money in Lunar: Dragon Song. Every town had a Gad's location, and you would go there to receive jobs that consisted of delivering various ordinary objects (which would be received in battle if playing in Combat Mode) to someone in a different town.

It really was an interesting way of making money, and I thought it was a great concept, but it was hindered by the fact that to complete these quests you had to fight battles to find items, and the battle system in that game was horrendous.

But basically, I think that with some tweaking it would be great if implemented in this game. Simply include different sorts of quests besides merely collecting items and delivering them to someone. Maybe make it similar to the Bounty Hunter jobs that were in Phantasy Star 4.

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Post by WD RPG WD »

Well, this will basically be the whole concept of the game. You live in the world. You join guilds and complete quests such as deliveries, smuggling collections, stealing, healing, bounties, etc... depending on what guild you are in. You gain levels and build your chr. There will be a story as well and some permanant chr deaths, meaning if you get killed by a monster I warn you about (on the main menu news) then your chr is deleted. So when I say, avoid this area and you decide to go there, you better be strong. Good quests for high level chr's. Once you gain some real money you then can buy a house, Own a ship, a shop, form guilds, become an outlaw and have a bounty on your head etc..

Some quests will be basic that everyone can do and some will be for whoever does it first.

Alex isnt around during the time so no Ocarina. The only permanent item is the overworld map.

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Post by Werefrog »

This sounds really cool WD. I like the idea of being killed by certain monster deleting your account. It does seem kinda harsh though... but still cool. Appreciate the work you're putting in a game for us all to enjoy.

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