The Dragonmaster's Trials

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The Dragonmaster's Trials

Post by Omegazero108 »

This was something I wanted to bring here... but with Dragon Song and Silver Star Story being the only games to make a deal of it...

I wanted to ask to be sure I was remembering the Trials correctly.

Dragon Song, from memory of the game... The way it's Trials felt honestly gave me the impression that they were more focused on testing a person's martial ability, with only a touch of the SSS reasoning showing through (especially IIRC on the prefight exchange each has with Jian)

Am I crazy or does that line up?

Then in turn... as I understand it, SSS and it's remakes are built on the idea of instead testing the character of the Dragonmaster to be (which I liked how Nash was interested in in the title, but failed Quark's trial)

If memory serves too on what each trial represents...

Quark sought Humility and Kindness in his Trial, wanting to grasp the potential for his Trial-goer
Amelia obviously sought courage going off the nature of the volcano and the various flame walls.
Cyan as I took it was seemingly focused on love considering that it took Alex and Luna to raise the Blue Dragon Shrine
Rubeus... his trial focuses on purity, which as I took it could mean two things
Rubeus either wanted genuine selflessness, or he wants you to be true to yourself and why you started the journey.

I get various stories focus on tests of character when giving the hero great power, I just wanted to be sure I had ahold of the trials correctly for Lunar (Dragon Song is more difficult to get a refresher on...) but does this hold up?

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Re: The Dragonmaster's Trials

Post by Alunissage »

I reviewed all the scripts I had easily to hand, and I would say that you remember the basic ideas but have ascribed them to the wrong games.

TSS: There aren't really individual dragon trials other than Quark telling Alex to find his brethren and then return. There are boss battles in the Blue and Black Dragon Caves, but they're not presented as trials. The Dragon Angels do tell Alex to prove himself to earn Althena's Sword:





SSS/SSH: The Dragons each have their own trial, of varying rigor.
  • White Dragon: find the Dragon Ring, which is a bit of a puzzle. "To obtain the Ring, you must pass through the Dragon Trial. [...] Unless you use the strength of both your body and your mind, as Dyne did...the Ring shall forever remain beyond your grasp."
  • Red Dragon: show courage by passing through flames. "You who seek to test your mettle in the Dragon Trial heed my words. If you wish to claim my power, your bravery must be demonstrated for all to witness. Move forward without fear... And I shall embrace you within the warmth of my presence."
  • Blue Dragon: just getting there, which may be read as specifically being able to raise the Shrine. "Anyway...just being here means that you've already passed the the Trial. If you weren't qualified to be the Dragonmaster, you couldn't even have entered the Shrine."
  • Black Dragon: heart. "My Trial is simple. You must only find the purity within your own heart, Alex. When that purity is revealed, your armor will shine bright, and the Trial shall be complete." The Japanese word is 正義 which the dictionaries say is "justice" or "righteousness"; I am not sure why that became "purity" in SSSC.
LL: Similar to SSS except for the White Dragon, which is probably the part of the game that differs the most from other versions of L1.
  • White Dragon: soul-searching questions. "My Trial tests a man to see if he is suitable to be a Dragonmaster. Show me your souls! [...] Why do you wish to be a Dragonmaster? What do you wish to do with that power? Show me the desires hidden in your soul. If you must use your Dragonmaster’s power to hurt the people you love, what would you do? If it’s the only way to save the world, what would you do? [...] A Dragonmaster must protect the Goddess Althena. And the world. He does not protect any single person. As the one to make the final decision about how to protect the entire world, I must understand your resolve. " Similar to TSS, Quark says to travel, meet his colleagues, and return with an answer. "I know there is no easy answer. Suffering can be a good thing. Suffer, reflect and find a good answer. [...] You must meet my colleagues around the world--the Red Dragon, Blue Dragon and Black Dragon--all of the Dragons. Pass all of their Trials and come back here. Prepare your answer by then."
  • Red Dragon: bravery. "O ye who seeks the Trial of the Red Dragon... Listen! If you seek my power then show me your bravery! Show me the bravery to fear no one, the bravery to go on without fearing hardship! I await you in the Red Dragon Room deep in this cave..."
  • Blue Dragon: getting there. "You seeing me now means that you’ve passed the Trial! An unqualified human could never make it to this room..."
  • Black Dragon: righteous heart: "The Trial for you is to find a righteous-hearted person." I suspect this is a slight mistranslation, since Alex is not looking for someone other than himself.
An interesting point is that both Nash and Alex take Quark's trial, and Quark says that he has seen the souls of "you two" -- but does not directly express a preference or say anything about them actually passing the trial. But only Alex finds a ring in his pocket, after the others have all walked away. Nash, of course, also passes the Red and Blue Dragons' Trials simply by virtue of tagging along with Alex. I don't remember at what point he stops aspiring to Dragonmasterhood himself, but clearly by the time they meet the Black Dragon he's no longer considering it.

Genesis/Dragon Song: These trials all end in combat, but honestly they're mainly mind games. As such, they all involve a lot more dialogue to express.
  • Red Dragon: "unwavering willpower"
    Jian: Of course... I have come to undertake the Dragon's Trial.
    Red Dragon: Well, well! And you think yourself up to my challenge?
    Jian: ...I believe so.
    Red Dragon: Regrettably, that is not going to be possible.
    Jian: But why...? If I may be so bold... Am I unworthy?
    Red Dragon: That is not the problem, child of man. If you wish to become a Dragonmaster, you must know about Ignatius, do you not? That he has turned against the Goddess in rebellion?
    Jian: I do... And that is why I must become a Dragonmaster, the same as Ignatius! In order to defeat him!
    Red Dragon: We dragons, as servants of the Dragonmaster, cannot turn against Ignatius. Furthermore, we cannot allow the existence of anyone who would threaten our master. It follows that we cannot aid anyone who wishes to become such a threat. Even if he is the leader of a rebellion against the Goddess, the Dragonmaster means everything to us dragons.
    Gabryel: Hold on a moment! So you're saying that you don't care what happens to this world?!
    Red Dragon: I am not the one who decides such things. My role is merely... To serve the Dragonmaster, the master of us dragons. Please, leave this place.
    Jian: I have to defeat Ignatius and rescue Lucia. I have to! Which means I have to pass the Dragon's Trial! I can't leave here until I have! [...] Red Dragon... You leave me no choice! I shall defeat you!
    Red Dragon: You have passed.
    Jian: You mean... this was the Trial?!
    Red Dragon: That is correct. A Dragonmaster requires unwavering willpower in the face of all adversity. You have overcome the Trial of the Red Dragon and proven yourself worthy to receive my powers. I acknowledge your strength and shall bestow my Black Magic upon you.
  • White Dragon: seeing through lies
    Gabryel: Jian is here for the Dragon's Trial. Please, let him take it! Quickly!
    White Dragon: Ah, the Dragon's Trial... Just like Ignatius before you. He took my trial, received by [sic] Black Magic, and went on to become a Dragonmaster. Thus, what proof can you offer me that you will not follow the same path of rebellion that he has?
    Jian [gestures]: What? You think that I would choose to become like Ignatius?!
    White Dragon: That is not what I said. I merely asked for proof from you that such a thing could never happen. [...] I fear you'll never convince me. No matter how you try to explain it, there is no way for me to know the truth. The only truth I can know is that which I have seen or experienced.
    Flora: But that's so... hard-headed! Jian is nothing like Ignatius! I promise! Please believe me! Let him take the Dragon's Trial!
    White Dragon: Ah, well... That, at least, you need not worry about. For, by being here, you have already passed my Trial. [...] People have learned to obey just because it is the simplest thing to do. So long as it does no harm, people tend to believe and follow such superstitions. But therein can lie danger. A Dragonmaster must be able to both perceive truth and be willing to put these perceptions to the test. You have already admirably displayed these skills. Which means, you have passed.
    Flora: That was the trial...?! Well, if you say so.. Good news, eh, Jian?
    Jian: No... not at all! I don't believe it! [...] You said it yourself, White Dragon! That I must prove I am different from Ignatius!
    White Dragon: You are right. I did. What of it?
    Jian: I'll prove it to you, then, here and now! That I am nothing like Ignatius! [assumes fighting stance]
    White Dragon: I see... So, rather than believe me, you want to prove yourself in combat, do you?
    Jian: I'm going to save Lucia! That's why I'm different from Ignatius!
    White Dragon: What difference does that prove...?
    Jian: Unlike him, I have someone to protect... Someone I love!
    White Dragon: Congratulations, Jian...! You saw through to the truth. Past my lies that you had already passed the Dragon's Trial! And that is not all! I saw through to the truth inside you! Your pure heart, so different from Ignatius!
  • Black Dragon: recognizing evil inside yourself?
    Black Dragon: Ah, the Trial... Well, Jian, I have been observing your battles. You certainly appear to have the qualities required in order to become a Dragonmaster... [...] so let us get started. The Trial of the Black Dragon!
    Jian: What?! Don't you have something to say first? That's it? We just fight?
    Black Dragon: It's simple enough, I think. I am the embodiment of all you see as evil. You must learn what true evil is, for yourself. See it with your own eyes. Why? Because the knowledge of true evil, and thus the ability to recognize it, is a vital skill to a Dragonmaster.
    Jian: ...True evil...
    Black Dragon: Well then, are you prepared? Prepared to look upon purest evil? And do you think you can stand against, and defeat it?
    [battle: first Black Dragon, then Dark Jian]
    Black Dragon: Evil does not necessarily exist outside of yourself. Have you ever considered this? Evil lurks within each one of you... So long as that evil remains safely within, the world may yet know peace. [...] All people battle with the evil inside themselves. Standing against it is the only way to save the world from evil. It sounds easy, doesn't it. Easy to say, certainly. But it is actually the hardest thing in the world. Indeed, have you not just experienced, at the risk of your very lives, how hard it can be to fight against yourself?
    Jian: I have.
    Black Dragon: Then do not forget this lesson. Because you are the only one who can fight the evil that lurks within yourself. As a Dragonmaster... especially, remaining strong in the face of such pressure shall be your hardest task. You must not submit, as Ignatius has! Jian, I am counting on you...
  • Blue Dragon: accept wisdom in the form of counsel from others
    Blue Dragon: You've learnt, through battle, how to properly handle power and the respect such strength deserves. You have displayed the ability to see the truth in everything in this world, and you have stared down and triumphed in the face of true evil. And now, finally, I shall grant you wisdom.
    Jian: ...Wisdom?
    Blue Dragon: Yes. the final requirement of a Dragonmaster. [...] He who takes on the powers of a Dragonmaster has the command of Black Magic. As I am sure you have been warned, Black Magic can be highly dangerous. Thus, a Dragonmaster requires wisdom in order to use it correctly. Justice lies within wisdom! This is the final Trial! [...] As you are the one who wishes to become the Dragonmaster, you must take this Trial alone. Are you ready? Then let us begin!
    [scripted battle, 3 rounds only]
    Blue Dragon: Is that your best? Determination alone will not win you many battles! [...] You two, there? Help him, if you like. [...] Young one... I recognize within you the ability to judge all matters correctly. that is true wisdom! But as such wisdom progresses, you may lose your simple, pure heart and thus become capable of making a grave mistake. In other words... like Ignatius, you may pass this Trial and receive great wisdom, but forget your purity and succumb to vanity or desire, and you will end up turning that wisdom to evil! So, what should you do? Think carefully! Very carefully! Well then, again!
    Jian: It's no good... I don't know! What should I do?!
    Gabryel: Jian, don't think too hard! Just simply take in what the Blue Dragon is saying!
    Jian: Simply... take it in...?
    Flora: You've got ears, right? Like he said! Never forget your simple, pure heart!
    Jian: I see... That's it! That's the answer!
    Gabryel: Hey, Jian! NO time to celebrate now! Here comes the Blue Dragon again!
    [real battle]
    Blue Dragon: Jian, isn't it... You fight well! I am impressed. And it looks as though you have worked out that which I desired of you, too!
    Jian: I have... To be open to what others have to say... A pure heart, always valuing the opinions of companions.
    Blue Dragon: Yes! That is it! A Dragonmaster must undertake the vital role of being responsible for both Goddess Althena's magical power and the protection of the world. This places a great deal of power at their command. Thus, should a Dragonmaster stop caring for others and turn these powers to simply fulfilling their own desires, you can imagine what might happen! You only have to look at what Ignatius has become to begin to understand. [...] Three heads are better than one. The presence of your trusted companions is what led you to this conclusion! No matter how great the power you obtain is, you must never forget to listen to others! Do you understand?
My take on DS's trials is that the Dragons found they had chosen poorly in Ignatius and wanted to make sure that didn't happen again. Perhaps if they had given him these trials instead of however they did test him, they would have seen that he wasn't the right person to entrust with their magic and allegiance. As I recall, Genesis also uses a different Japanese word for "dragonmaster" (it's just spelled out phonetically in the other games), perhaps implying that the role is different at that time.

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Re: The Dragonmaster's Trials

Post by Omegazero108 »

Jeez... so much to read for the trials, holy crap. Glad to see I made the right call going for a second opinion.

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Re: The Dragonmaster's Trials

Post by Sonic# »

FWIW, I don't think you're that far off saying that the Dragon Song tests are in part a test of martial prowess. That's incomplete but not too far off.

For all that each dragon engages in a kind of verbal play about a specific virtue, the final test is fighting. Each of those qualities could be viewed as a reason for fighting: willpower (persisting in adversity) is a foundational concept for every dragon, whereas seeing through lies and confronting one's evil self are both extensions of that willpower, persistence in the face of a specific adversity. Finally, the Blue Dragon's wisdom is persisting with others, collaborating as a group. So they are virtues; at the same time, the Dragonmaster is expected to fight for them, first in the test and then as "the protection of the world."

In the chronologically later Lunar games, I'm not sure whether that martial role is less important or whether they figured out that virtue was more important as a test. It seems like someone trying to become a Dragonmaster fights a lot whether it's as part of the test or not.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Re: The Dragonmaster's Trials

Post by Omegazero108 »

Your logic makes sense too Sonic# as it fits with the idea of how (as i'd understood it thinking back) a Dragonmaster is both sword and shield to Althena and the good people of Lunar. Combine it with Alun's wisdom and it makes one wonder of the characters of the Dragons themselves.

Quark honestly seems beholden to tradition and is a bit old-fashioned, since Dragon Song gives the impression the Dragon Rings were intended to be it and the only thing marking a Dragonmaster, but as Lunar changed and the view of black magic also changed... he changed his trial potentially the least. (Or the most depending on your viewpoint) to focus on the heart of the person undergoing the Trials. So he gives the Dragon Ring first, (keep in mind this is more headcanon fluff thoughts about their characters) which gains a jewel for each of the trials passed so far. The Wings likely were intended to be given upon Quark's trial finally being completed.

Amelia/the Red Dragon, while testing the bravery/courage of a hopeful Dragonmaster-to-be, may have also hidden something of a trick to her trial if you think about that homestretch (which IIRC in SSSC, after a point, the long hall of flames stopped hurting Alex and co.) though again, this could be reading too much into it. Which'd honestly imply something of a witty side to the Red Dragon if you think about it. Looking at it like this, the courage to face any foe and obstacle is why the Red Dragon's Ring eventually became the shield, something to let the Dragonmaster be like an invincible wall of steel between his allies and his enemies to quote FFXIV's first Paladin Job quest.

Cyan/the Blue Dragon, he seems much more interested in seeing how well his trial-goer fares with others in his trial... since it seems to require cooperation to find a way to advance. Thinking about how the trial factors into the Blue Dragon's character, and his chatterbox kind of nature, it makes you wonder if the Blue Dragon honestly felt rather lonely, or something. So he wants to be remembered, hence why if you think about it, the Blue Dragon's Ring instead becomes the Blue Dragon Helmet, meant to help a Dragonmaster save lives while safeguarding his own memories (head) with the helmet and choice to shift from black to white magic.

Rubeus/the Black Dragon, Given how his trial is seemingly both the easiest (in one sense) and the most difficult (from another perspective) it makes you wonder if the Black Dragon is naturally the most trusting of the four, or on the flipside, the most suspicious based on both SSS and DS. Since his trial makes you face your inner demons in a sense, it changes the importance of the Black Dragon, since his ring instead becomes the Black Dragon armor, intended to protect the just heart of the Dragonmaster.
Thanks a bunch, both of you for this getting me thinking about the Trials and the Dragons.

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