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I'm sure this has been talked to death, but...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:58 pm
by DaWrestla
I haven't been able to find an answer on the boards anywhere, so I will bring it up again:

What's the deal with Althena's rebirths? In EBC Luna says to Lucia that she is reborn multiple times. How does this contradict anything in SSSC? Was it specifically stated in SSSC that Althena is NOT reborn multiple times? If it's not, I wouldn't call it a contradiction, merely an omission.

Plus, where is the difference here between SSSC and TSS?


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:34 pm
by Alunissage
Not sure about SSSC. I had the distinct impression when I played it that she only became human that one time -- hence why it was hard for Ghaleon to accept, because she hadn't done it before. Other people seem to think her multiple rebirths are mentioned in SSSC but haven't shown screenshots.

In TSS, it's completely clear that Luna is but one of many incarnations. One of the NPCs, in fact, says that Althena has taken shape on Lunar many times, even as a human! Which rather makes one wonder what shape she had when she wasn't human. She doesn't become Luna for any other reason but routine, and only retires as a goddess because she found true love (as the recording in EB states).

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:41 pm
by Shiva Indis
You may have just asked the most complicated question relating to this series.

LTSS: While the nature of Althena's rebirths is rather vague, It does seem that Luna is but one of many.

LEB: Based on the same concept, but clarifying that Althena will not be reborn anymore.

LSSS: Previous rebirths are seldom mentioned (or am I making this up?), and Luna is a special rebirth.

L2EB: Luna's English dialogue is unchanged from the original version, and contradictory to LSSS, since in the remakes Luna's decision to become mortal preceeded her falling in love.

And TSS and SSS are very very different. Alunissage recently supplied a link to a speedrun of LTSS. Reccomended viewing!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:47 pm
by DaWrestla
So basically it sounds like this issue is unresolved :shock: Until someone provides screenshots in SSSC that tips the scales one way or another! After LDS I got the two Golden Suns to play...and if it still seems like there is some time before FFXII, KH2, or Zelda...then maybe I'll take up SSSC again.


Actually, it could be both. Let me explain:

The rebirth of Althena in the hands of Dyne was one of many, but was supposed to be the last one becuase of Human dependance on her. This is why Ghaleon got P.O.'ed. However, it wasn't until Luna (now realizing she's Althena) fell in love with Alex that she decided...once and for retire.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:30 pm
by Angelalex242
DS Spoiler:

[spoiler]Well, she OBVIOUSLY became human in Dragon Song...was revived by Ignatius as Althena, somehow got killed by Ignatius as Althena...and the next time we see her, she's Lucia again. Very nearly a mirror image of what happens to her in SSSC. Apparently, however, Jian wasn't good enough for her to give up reincarnations forever, like Alex was. Poor secondrate Jian.[/spoiler]

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:51 pm
by phyco126
DaWrestla wrote:The rebirth of Althena in the hands of Dyne was one of many, but was supposed to be the last one becuase of Human dependance on her. This is why Ghaleon got P.O.'ed. However, it wasn't until Luna (now realizing she's Althena) fell in love with Alex that she decided...once and for retire.

That is pretty much my belief of Althena's rebirths. As for screens, what can I say? I'm lazy :P I dun feel like playing 40 hours find out I was really wrong ;-;.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:50 pm
by GhaleonOne
And it's also yet another reason why I like the original stories more in that regard. Not just because of Ghaleon's changed motives, but because in EB, Luna directly stated she chose to die as a human because of Alex. SSS goes against that by pushing the idea that Althena was reborn as Luna, and it would be the final rebirth. It makes Alex less important in the remakes because of it. EBC kinda corrects that, but still, it throws kinks in the plot at that point.