Minigame Translations

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Shiva Indis
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Minigame Translations

Post by Shiva Indis »

To demonstrate that I'm serious about translating the minigame, here's a very rough translation of the beginning events! I guess its usefulness is diminished now that the thing's been taken down, though. :P
Alex: So this is Meribia, the city ruled by Admiral Mel, one of the Four Heroes...
Nall: It's a huge city, isn't it?! It seems like it will have a lot of fish-mongers, so I'm thrilled!
Luna: Oh, Nall, you really are a glutton... (giggle)
Alex: First of all, let's explore the city. Since we got seperated from Ramus, we have to look for him...
Alex: And we may find clues for our adventures to come!

Ramus Regular
Nall: Ah, it's Ramus! What were you doing, just disappearing like that? We've been looking for you!
Ramus: Sorry! Once we got off the ship I wasn't able to contain myself! It's a city where you can get rich quick!
Alex: It really is a big city with lots of people, isn't it?
Luna: It really is. I've never seen crowds this big... I wonder if there's some sort of festival today?
Ramus: The hustle and bustle and everything - it really is in a different league from our Burg!
Ramus: In a place like this, chances to make a lot of money come around in droves!
Ramus: Let's do big business together! Let's do our best, Alex!
Alex: S, sure...
Nall: What are you talking about, Ramus?! Alex is going to be Dragonmaster! He's not going to go into business!
Ramus: You never know till you try, right? Oh, well. That's been Alex's dream since he was little, after all...
Ramus: Well then, I'm off to find a buyer for the Dragon Diamond we got from the White Dragon. I'll meet up with you later!
Nall: Ramus just SKIPPED away!
Luna: He wanted to get out of Burg so much... He must be awfully happy that we came to Meribia.
Nall: Okay, Alex, let's carry on aiming for Dragonmaster!

Nash Regular
Nash: Hi there, kids, aren't your necks tired from all that craning?
Nash: Of course, you've never been to a big city like this before, so it's no suprise.
Nall: Ah! It's you! ...Who are you again?
Nash: (crestfallen)
Nash: That's not funny!
Nash: To think you'd forget me, an elite magician and member of the Magic Guild of Vane, the magical center of the world!
Luna: I'm sorry, Nach...
Nash: Nash! Nash Rumack! What do mean, Nach? Really, bumpkins are so rude!
Mia: Oh, Nash, there you are...
Nash: Wha!? M, Miss Mia!
Nall: Hey, it's a cute girl! Ya~y! I'm Nall, pleased to meet you!
Mia: Goodness! (giggle) My pleasure. Are all of you friends of Nash's?
Nash: What? Me, friends with these country folk...? They're ordinary villagers I met when I went to Honmel Island on Master Ghaleon's orders.
Nash: Nobody that you should pay mind to, Miss Mia!
Nall: What are you talking about?! Alex is going to be Dragonmaster! That's a promise!
Mia: Oh my, the next Dragonmaster...
Mia: Um, please excuse me for not introducing myself sooner...
Mia: I am Mia Ausa of the Magic Guild of Vane.
Alex: I'm Alex of Burg Village.
Luna: Hello, I'm Luna.
Nall: I'm Nall! You're really cute, aren't you, Mia? I already like you a lot!
Mia: Eh? S, surely... I'm not...
Nash: Hey, how dare you speak to Miss Mia like that?!
Nash: She is the the only daughter and future successor of Guildmisteress Lemia!
Nash: You aren't worthy of talking to her like that! Mind your manners!
Nall: Wow, Mia, you're famous...?
Mia: No, not really... I don't have any power myself... So, please, think nothing of it.
Nash: Not at all, Miss Mia! We guild members see you as the bearer of the authority and glory of the Magic Guild...
Mia: ...Authority and glory... But, I don't...
Nash: I'm sorry, did you say something?
Mia: No, it's nothing...
Mia: Anyway, Royce was searching for you. Shouldn't you go to Black Rose Street?
Nash: Oh no! What a place to be standing around in!
Nash: Well, here's my advice: give up on this Dragonmaster business already!
Nash: Now then, Miss Mia, shall we go? If you'll forgive my presumption I'd be happy to escort you Black Rose Street.
Mia: ...Thank you, Nash.
Mia: Well then, let's meet again, everyone. Be well, goodbye...
Nall: Wow, Mia is so cute... Right, Alex?
Alex: Y-yeah!
Luna: Alex... What's with that lovestruck look!?
Alex: uh, well, um...

Kyle Regular
Nall: Come on, Alex! Let's hurry up and find some hints about becoming Dragonmaster!
Alex: You make it sound so easy...
Alex: the Dragonmaster is the warrior that protects the Goddess Althena and who commands the Four Dragons, the representations of magic power.
Luna: That's right, now that you mention it, but it's like wanting to be the most famous person in the world.
Luna: It'll take more than just wishing...
Kyle: Hey! Hold it right there!
Kyle: I can't help but speak up when you bring up the most famous person in the world!
Nall: Here comes a weirdo... Who're you?
Kyle: Hear and be amazed! Behold and be astonished! I quiet crying children, I bring joy to women; I am the great Kyle, a man among men!
Kyle: So what's this about a Dragonmaster being the most famous person in the world!?
Kyle: He's got some nerve ignoring me!
Kyle: Where is this Dragonmaster!? I challenge him to a fight! Get him out here! You won't like what happens if you hide him from me!
Alex: Um... You're Kyle, right? Right now there isn't a Dragonmaster.
Kyle: There isn't one? What's that supposed to mean?
Luna: There hasn't been a new Dragonmaster chosen since Dragonmaster Dyne passed away 15 years ago.
Kyle: What the...? So I win by forfeit, then? I really am the best!
Nall: What kind of sense does that make!?
Kyle: Ha, ha, ha! Yep, that's it! I amaze myself! Ha, ha, ha!
Nall: So, Kyle, right? You're awfully proud of yourself for something... but I have no idea what!
Jess: Excuse me! Have any of you seen an idiot around here?
Luna: What? An idiot...?
Nall: I bet she means that guy Kyle. Who else could it be?
Jess: Exactly! Kyle! He's been acting the fool again, hasn't he? I'd hoped he wouldn't, but...
Jess: This, after I go to the trouble of sneaking out of the temple for a visit! That jerk - wandering around town like a moron...!
Alex: Excuse me...?
Jess: Ah! I'm sorry, I still haven't introduced myself, have I?
Jess: I'm Jessica, a priestess from the Althena Shrine. Well, an apprentice one, anyway.
Alex: I'm Alex, I'm from Burg Village.
Alex: And I'm travelling with Luna and Nall. We-
Jess: Sorry! I've got to catch that guy and make him pay for this! We'll have lots of time to get acquainted later!
Jess: Meribia is a great place, so take your time and look around! See ya, bye!
Luna: W, What was that about...? She didn't seem like a priestess...
Nall: But she was so cheerful and full of energy - I like her! Don't you, Alex?
Alex: Yeah!
Luna: Alex... So is that the kind of girl you like? Hm...
Alex: Uh, well, um...
Luna: Hmph...!

Alex: Here in Meribia, I think we can get a lot of information about our next adventure. Let's split up and explore the city!
Nall: Okay, I'm going to search the fishmonger's!
Luna: Let's meet up again later, Alex.
Alex: (My heart is beating so fast... I've taken the first step on my journey to become Dragonmaster...)
So, the idea seems to be that Luna and Nall are NOT accompanying Alex after this, but in practice that isn't exactly the case. The game wants to have its cake (the Luna regular event) and eat it too (Luna and Nall chime in on almost every premium event). :P

Anyway, before the game went down I transcribed a few other events, but I would very much appreciate assistance in getting the rest of the text.

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Re: Minigame Translations

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Wow, that's certainly a good bit of text. Good luck getting the rest of it Shiva. I assume the minigame was taken down because the wallpaper links are no longer active.

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Re: Minigame Translations

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

Wow thank you for translating all that~
even though its down now, i still wondered what they where saying, and now i know
much appreciated ^^

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Re: Minigame Translations

Post by SilentApprovalRobot »

Shiva Indis's a very rough translation of the beginning events!

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Re: Minigame Translations

Post by Silver Phoenix »

TerraBemani needs to set up another GPP shot here... ;)

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Re: Minigame Translations

Post by Alunissage »

DevNall archived at least most of it; did anyone get all of it? Because we totally need to fan subtitle a video of it being played.

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Shiva Indis
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Re: Minigame Translations

Post by Shiva Indis »

DevNall indicated over here that it wouldn't be difficult to sub English text into the game. That would be VERY AWESOME, but I'm somewhat concerned about not stepping on the toes of copyright holders. :| The video idea seems like a good workaround.

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Re: Minigame Translations

Post by DevNall »

Personally, I doubt they'd care all that much. But feel free to PM me if you're actually interested in doing it.

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