Official "Got my copy" thread!

For discussion of Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, the PSP remake of Lunar 1
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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

I'm the same way. I want to kill them all! The only time I don't bother is when I get bored fighting the same batch of enemies.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by DragnMasterHiro »

Got my LE today. Box is sweet, and I would LOVE a poster of the reverse jacket art. Guide I had to order from Gamestop online. You'd think a EXCLUSIVE guide to Gamestop would be in stores, but no....

Also, I may have lucked out and be getting a Promo PSP giant box to add to my ever expanding collection of Lunar goodies. :D

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Unfortunately stores seem to be only receiving small batches of two or three guides. Once they sell out hopefully they'll be restocked with more.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Final Night »

whitedragon_nall wrote:Why must I work tomorrow? I wanna play more Lunar!!! Didn't put as much time into it as I would've liked because I had to work late, but oh well. About 3 1/2 hours in and just got to Meribia. I really like the prologue and I enjoyed the new Boat Song too, but I must listen to it a bit more before I decide which one I like better. The game is sooo gorgeous and the music is fantastic....I'm really enjoying it so far.

Anybody else find themselves charging into battle rather than trying to avoid them? I don't know why I'm doing this, but I'm clearing every room before I continue.
I'm in the same boat. Just got to Meribia and taking out everything I see! Unfortunately I don't think I'll get to play much tonight. Today's my long day. Heading to work now (about 8 AM) and won't get home until after 9 PM tonight. OY! Lunar!!!!!!!
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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by MaroonChan »

whitedragon_nall wrote:Why must I work tomorrow? I wanna play more Lunar!!! Didn't put as much time into it as I would've liked because I had to work late, but oh well. About 3 1/2 hours in and just got to Meribia. I really like the prologue and I enjoyed the new Boat Song too, but I must listen to it a bit more before I decide which one I like better. The game is sooo gorgeous and the music is fantastic....I'm really enjoying it so far.

Anybody else find themselves charging into battle rather than trying to avoid them? I don't know why I'm doing this, but I'm clearing every room before I continue.
Luckily I have today off, so I can play lots of Lunar.

I kill everything too, I always do in these types of games. I rather enjoy the battle system though. Its fun!

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by whitedragon_nall »

It's not nice to rub it in!!! :evil:


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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by HiroOne »

I went into my local center city, philadelphia mall before work today at 9:30 and found out they didn't open until 10! So of course it's now 2:40. I just got back from the mall on my lunch break at work and returned triumphant. Shame on EB Games, they didn't have anything on display, the game was in a shipping box in the back, and the manual wasn't even out! They had to go into the back to break out the manual. I know it's a bit early for me to say this, but how are you expected to have a "great fan turnout" on a game if the stores don't advertise that it's coming or arrived?

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Aaron »

Got my copy.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by MaroonChan »

whitedragon_nall wrote:It's not nice to rub it in!!! :evil:

Sorry! :oops: If it makes ya feel better I gotta go back tomorrow.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Late reply! I got mine yesterday morning, just been too busy playing it. :P
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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by KnightofAncient »

I picked mine up yesterday at gamestop. Really enjoying the game.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by TerraBemani » ... HCover.jpg ... verArt.jpg

Sorry my scanner isn't the best quality. But feel free to use those for the site as well.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by ShindoW »

I got mine w/the guide yesterday (discount~) and I was 10 minutes late to Community Resources and Corrections class... >>; Curse you, Prologue, being long and unreadable in the sun...

But I am loving the game so far. I just want my gf to see it so Im playing it when shes home and on the HDTV. Its great! :D

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by WhiteKnightLeo »

Update: I woke up this morning and promptly yelled out "Alright, That's enough! I can't wait until vacation" Got up grabbed my psp and played the prologue. Enjoyed it and now I satiated that desire until Friday when I make the 14hr drive to FL. I must say, everything looks great and well done. I am more surprised than I thought I would be. Stopping by Gamestop today to see if they have another copy of the guide. (Which was on display at my local Gamestop)

EDIT: BTW Pirate accent for the M'Fin WIN!


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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Alunissage »

Alan_Geitz wrote:That's all you get from the demo? A Silver Sling?
Oh, well. Game's too cool to bother with the nit-picking.
(that's saved for AFTER we get through the game! XD)
Silver Darts, not sling. And they're pretty useful, so quit complaining. Has to be something that's useful but doesn't unfairly penalize people who couldn't play the demo for not having it.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

SP: I don't collect fan merch, so your t-shirts are all yours. :mrgreen:
Yeah, they're certainly not produced by anyone other than a fan but you can appreciate the thought. Also, one of them has Silver Phoenix on the back of the shirt but it looks like a flaming red chicken. Shame on you Renn to this day!

I'll have to take a picture of them because I know people will appreciate the imagery. On a side note, people are complaining about SSH being too easy but I found it interesting that I died very early in the White Dragon Cave, because in the beginning you have no money to buy upgraded equipment. I didn't get a game over, but Alex was killed. Nall revived him.

Of course the more often you go into battle the stronger you become, so if people weren't obsessive with killing everything onscreen the game would present more of a challenge. We're also seasoned players, so we know how to battle efficiently.

Was Luna's dream before setting out for Meribia a new addition, or was that in the first remake as well? It seemed new to me, but I only played SSSC once so I may have forgotten.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by ShindoW »

Im positive the dream sequence was in SSSC. It scared me the way they shifted Luna's voice...

As for SSH, did you just confirm Nall still revives characters on occasion? I have yet to experience death in battle so this would be awesome to know. XD

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by whitedragon_nall »

Nall still does. Nash died on my way through Nanza Pass (curse you, confusion treasure chest!) and Nall immediately revived him.

It was kinda funny though. I opened the confusion chest, battle started, and the characters started beating up on each other. Alex turns around and kills Nash, then Luna puts her hands above her head and runs to the corner of the screen and defends. It looked like poor Luna was running away, scared for her life, after Alex just mercilessly slaughtered Nash. Gave me a good laugh.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

People still complain about Nall's voice, but it sounds rather cutesy when he says "Don't give up!" Nall not only revives fallen characters, but he can also cure your status ailments. It may only be at the end of battle though, as that's the only time I've seen him cure anyone.

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Re: Official "Got my copy" thread!

Post by Alunissage »

Yeah, I got most of the way through the import and only saw the status thing at the end. I guess someone thought it was important to show that in this game, unlike FF or some other RPGs, status ailments do not persist outside of battle.

And yes, the dream sequence is in SSSC also. Luna's monologue (okay, it's a conversation, but she does nearly all the talking) at Dyne's Monument was also rewritten, or perhaps reverted more to the Japanese sense, rather than being WD's text. I didn't have time to transcribe the XSEED version, but I'll do that eventually and compare the two.

I'd like to see the t-shirt. ^_^

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