My pet rabbit

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My pet rabbit

Post by Aaron »

Well on Halloween I decided to buy my wife a pet rabbit and now I am learning more about rabbits then I ever wanted to.

Some interesting facts are:

Rabbits eat their own poo...Apparently there are two types of poo that rabbits have. One is waste the other is a deposit of minerals from food they ate. And they re-ingest it...gross...

Rabbits are very social, and like to assert their dominance similar to the way a alpha dog would, except in this case it would an alpha rabbit.

If you ever see a rabbit and it freezes, that means it is scared to death.

Rabbits can be house trained just like a cat...meaning they'll go use a litter box.

So it's neat to have a rabbit, especially when you're using the computer because they enjoy sitting in your lap. They're very calm usually, and remind me a lot of a living teddy bear. We even got a harness so we can take it to the park. Haha.

Anyone else have a "house" rabbit? I never knew they could be like cats/dogs. I'm actually quite glad I got it even though at first I purchased it because my wife had been begging to get one.

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Re: My pet rabbit

Post by phyco126 »

I did, a long time ago. However, I've been bitten by cats and dogs, and let me tell you, rabbit bites hurt much, much more. They can be prone to bite versus a cat or a dog, so just watch out for that.

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Re: My pet rabbit

Post by Blue_Sycro »

I had a rabbit a few years I miss him :( We used to let him run around our whole yard, and he never ran away. Then when we moved to coyote country he had to be confined to the balcony, and he gained some weight. He was so fat, that when he was just sitting there, you couldn't see his feet because his fat rolls covered them.

We had the harness too, thinking it'd be just adorable to take him on little walks and such. Let's just say it didn't work out :mrgreen:

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Re: My pet rabbit

Post by Justinzero »

My childhood friend had a few rabbits. One was mauled by a dog, and the other one ate his A/C cord for his NES. He didn't get anymore rabbits after that ha ha.

I always enjoyed feeding them though, which was usually with Lettuce, or other leafy crap.

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Re: My pet rabbit

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

I had two rabbits when i was 3, their names were peter and Susie, they lived in the second floor of our house, thats all i can remember about them.
A friend of mine had a rabbit they let run around freely around the house he used the litter box and they could even let him outside on his own and he wouldn't take off. My cousin and auntie have Rabbits they both keep theirs in cages though

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