worst pet experiences?

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

GhaleonOne wrote:No offense, but how old are you? The same deal still applies, and in fact, is even worse IMO, to say you'd punch your own mother just because she tells you to do something you don't want to do. The age-old advise applies quite well. Honor your mother and father.

I'm 20. As you can probably guess, I don't exactly get along with my mother. I absolutely refuse to allow my mother to act like she gets to decide what i will and will not do..especially if i'm upset about something.

You're welcome to look down upon me for my moral differences but I still hold them.

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Post by Kizyr »

GhaleonOne wrote:No offense, but how old are you? The same deal still applies, and in fact, is even worse IMO, to say you'd punch your own mother just because she tells you to do something you don't want to do. The age-old advise applies quite well. Honor your mother and father.

Oh hell yes. 9 times out of 10 your parents are doing what they believe is in your best interest, and what's right for you to do. The unfortunate thing is, most teenagers (and many people who are older who still live with their parents) fail to realize this until they get older and are effectively on their own as well. It wasn't until I was a year into college that I realized that most of what me and my mother disagreed on, she was right.

The only time you're at the point where you have major decisions to make, and disagreement is understandable, is when you're effectively on your own (before then, we're either talking about unimportant decisions--like going to a high school prom--or decisions where the parents will usually be right). By then, you can either have ruined your relationship with your parents, or tried to maintain it and value their input. KF
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

I hear her voice but she isn't speaking. Budweiser and Xanax is. :lol:

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Post by GhaleonOne »

That's certainly unfortunate, and I definately don't look down on you morally. My mom had anger issues, and my dad had alcohol issues when I was growing up. At the end of my senior year, just after graduation, my parents split up. My mom would rather scream than work something out in a civil manner (and at times, can still be that way), and my dad, while he was never even close to being a violent drunk (probably because it took a lot to get him drunk, and he never went quite that far) he was just more the irresponsible drinker (wouldn't come home after work until midnight or later, and would forget things, such as my 18th birthday, because he would stay out at the pubs with his buds after playing soccer). It sucks, but the way I see it, I got over feeling angry with my parents (a few folks who have been around here a long time might remember me back then) and just tried to look past my disagreements. My dad actually quit drinking (though in the past 4-5 months he's been drinking quite a bit of beer, which has me fairly worried) and my mom is much better with her temper.

BTW, there's no point in taking something like Xanax if you drink. Anti-depressants and alcohol do NOT mix. In fact, it can be an extremely bad combination. Sorry to hear that.

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

If she wants to be an imbecile and combine them, she's welcome to. I pretty much just don't talk to her anymore because she turns everything into a fight and is incapable of holding a civilized debate.

She's pretty much someone who is unhappy and won't do anything about it. I consider her laughable.

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

As far as tragic stories go, my first dog died of heart worm when I was a kid and I was devastated. The dog we got afterwards died of bloat. :cry:
We used to have parakeets, one died by getting out of the cage and flying straight on into a wall, breaking its neck. The other one flew away outside as I was cleaning the cage. X__x
And the most recent, my dear ferret of nine years had to be put down for heart failure. :cry: I loved her dearly.

So those are my more tragic stories. As far as crazy stories go, my cat is the one that gives me problems. She has a habit of sleeping on my bed during the day. One day, I closed the door to my room and left the house, not knowing she was in there. When I came back, she had used my laundry basket as a litter box because she couldn't get out of my room. X__x I felt so bad and like the worst owner in the world. But at least she had the decency to use my laundry basket and not go on the floor, I'm proud of her for that. xD lol, I love my kitty.
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

Can you upload some pics of your previous pets? or at least the ferret anyway...those are adorable.

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