Women's March on Washington.

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Re: Women's March on Washington.

Post by Arlia »

Gods. I came in here to find something from my PM box, and pop in to make sure it didn't get out of hand. But, this pathetic forum is so horrendously stuck in liberalism and feel-good rationalizations that of course it did.

White supremacist arguments? Really? Do you know where my saying what I did came from? This comment from the "lovely" Jennifer:

" invite you to join me in impotently and powerlessly screaming at the white men in the driver's seat"

Even if she only meant politicians, why, OH WHY, would she point to their color? This is inappropriate. Yeah, I get it- countries have extensive histories. None of the other people you mention are in play right now, though, so I didn't mention them. Why would I? I am only boomeranging what Jenner said back at her. I'm also providing spectacle as to why she would say such a nasty, terrible things as what I've outlined below, and assuming that she's troubled. Because she better be, if she thinks it's acceptable to say things like this:

"Hopefully many women and their allies will show up to make a mob..."

Potential violence. You're also installing a forced definition of women, and how to treat them. You're being very bossy, and unaccepting of others, all the while not allowing even basic conversation when addressed about these things. This is why I say, "denying others a voice". You're not doing women any favors by acting this way.

" ...while you and I are screaming, chanting and holding up signs...."


"(But if you get near your local rep's lawn and they're one of the insensitive pricks in support of this garbage you can take a -Dragon Diamond- on their lawn!*)"

"*don't really poop on your local representative's lawn. Not because they don't deserve itbut... "

People who don't agree with her are "insensitive", and deserve to get their lawns defaced. What if they're not politicians or representatives? What if they just have a sign in their yard, supporting their opinion? Does she go and ask them before she assumes they're an "insensitive prick", or, does she just assume that from their stance on public issues?

" -Dragon Diamond- -Fatal Hopper- -Dragon Diamond- -Dragon Diamond- -Dragon Diamond- -Fatal Hopper- -Dragon Diamond-"

She is not strong for cussing me out, and ignoring everything I had to say, and telling the entire world that she's gone through this, that, and the other, and therefore, she "deserves" something. It's not a "look what I've been through; I'm the biggest victim, so I have more say than you" contest. She cannot deal with her own problems, so she screams, stomps, marches, and acts like a child when she can't get what she wants. She's not a respectable woman. She's an under-developed toddler who needs to grow up, quickly.

People are going to stop paying their taxes because of people like you. The government doesn't have any money, that comes from hard-working people, and their families. We can see your protests, and your marches, and think, "Well, I'm not going to support those people, seeing as they act like that..."

No one like you deserves any help. I'm ashamed that money from my family is potentially going towards a couple like you. I even offered my sympathies at first, and said I wanted to help you, but, you decided to spit at me, instead. I was only trying to talk with you. Now, it'll be a cold day in Hades before I ever decide to support anyone who has your sort of ideals ever again. You can't project yourself in an image of hate, and snarling, violent madness, and expect to be respected and cared for.
That is what you've accomplished in this, Jennifer, Kiyzr, and everyone else who rolled their eyes, and attempted to lock me out of conversation.

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Re: Women's March on Washington.

Post by Sonic# »

A short collection of contradictions, briefly commented.
Arlia wrote:Here. This will be my last post.
<makes another post>
But, this pathetic forum is so horrendously stuck in liberalism and feel-good rationalizations that of course it did.
You're being very bossy, and unaccepting of others, all the while not allowing even basic conversation when addressed about these things.
Simple personal attacks here. You're being bossy against people who share a view you disagree with, and shunted any attempt to discuss that disagreement on a particular issue. :roll:

I was only trying to talk with you. Now, it'll be a cold day in Hades before I ever decide to support anyone who has your sort of ideals ever again.
Promising you'll never do something for some attempted shock value seems like tantrum-throwing to me. :roll:

I even offered my sympathies at first, and said I wanted to help you, but, you decided to spit at me, instead.
first post wrote:
If something bad does happen, you don't break everyone else's stuff and riot, and protest, and act like a screaming toddler because you were taught how to act strong during a hard time.
No you didn't. Even in the first post, ad hominems were being flung like candy. The "screaming toddler" comparison to the women's march (and hence to Jenner, who wrote about the march) was put out there before Jenner said anything to you directly. You launched the first volley.
Arlia wrote:You can't project yourself in an image of hate, and snarling, violent madness, and expect to be respected and cared for.
She cannot deal with her own problems, so she screams, stomps, marches, and acts like a child when she can't get what she wants. She's not a respectable woman. She's an under-developed toddler who needs to grow up, quickly.
Let me just repeat this: you wouldn't be in this position if you took your own advice and recognized how angry, hateful, and snarling you were from the very first reply, and if you didn't take this latest reply as an opportunity for further attack a page after most people cared about what you said.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Re: Women's March on Washington.

Post by Jenner »

Hello Arlia, it's nice to see you're back after saying you were done. It's nice to see you're still making assumptions about me and denying and dismissing my lived experiences. It's also nice that you are demanding politeness, respect, and consideration from me when you won't even dignify me with the same. :)

Just so we're clear, none of this is nice and I am being sarcastic.

And gosh, it's just so great that you came storming into this thread about women's issues and derailed it into being all about you and your goddamn feelings.


You come roaring in here with your -Fatal Hopper- hot takes acting like this -Dragon Diamond- is up for debate. MY HUMANITY AND PERSONHOOD IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE. WHETHER OR NOT I SHOULD EXIST IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE. MY RIGHTS ARE NOT UP FOR DEBATE.

This is not a debate. And the fact that me and people like me have to keep organizing and protesting for our own basic -Fatal Hopper- survival, that we have to fight for our rights and humanity, is obscene.


But since you so desperately want attention, I'm here for you.
Arlia wrote:Gods. I came in here to find something from my PM box, and pop in to make sure it didn't get out of hand. But, this pathetic forum is so horrendously stuck in liberalism and feel-good rationalizations that of course it did.

White supremacist arguments? Really? Do you know where my saying what I did came from? This comment from the "lovely" Jennifer:
Right out the gate and she's calling me a name that is not my name. Funnily enough, it was once one of many names I've gone by and she either guessed correctly or looked me up. If I were transgender, this would be dead naming. This is basically harassment, if not an outright threat.

My name is Jenner, Arlia. Please call me Jenner.
" invite you to join me in impotently and powerlessly screaming at the white men in the driver's seat"

Even if she only meant politicians, why, OH WHY, would she point to their color? This is inappropriate.

It's inappropriate Arlia? Really? What's so inappropriate about it? Hmm? Please tell me.

And you know why I'm pointing out their color, Arlia.
(*Whispers quietly* It's because the governance of my country has been headed almost exclusively by white men. I am pointing out that my country has been dominated white, cis, heterosexual, males. This is a factual statement. This is truth.)


Let's play a game, Lunarthreads. It's called: Spot the non-white person. Ready?

That one was pretty easy, let's up the difficulty.

Oh dear.

Oh gosh.


First black president, cabinet is still kinda white.


Oops there's less now.

Let's move away from the United States and take a look at YOUR government in New Zealand, Arlia!

Oh dear, this is your parliament.

14.6% of your population is indigenous Maori. There are currently 7 Maori representatives in your parliament. 14.6% of your population is represented by 7 people. Wooooo! PROGRESSIVE AS -Fatal Hopper-! (This is sarcasm.)

"Jenner, you can't talk about the skin color of the people in charge that's racist."

It's actually pretty much the opposite of that, try to keep up.
None of the other people you mention are in play right now, though
I mentioned no specific people.
assuming that she's troubled.
Woah! Friends! Arlia admits she's making assumptions about me!

she thinks it's acceptable to say things like this:

"Hopefully many women and their allies will show up to make a mob..."

Potential violence.


Oh no! I used a word that defines a large group of people but which also is used to define a violent large group of people. I WONDER WHICH DEFINITION I MEANT! Considering I made absolutely no calls for violence whatsoever I know it's gonna be really hard to tell! (This is sarcasm.)
You're also installing a forced definition of women
When do I define women?

A woman is: A person who identifies as a woman.
how to treat them.
When do I say how to treat women?

Just so everyone knows, I feel that women should be treated with respect, consideration and kindness but that women are also people and if they're being misogynistic white supremacists (like Arlia) or something you don't have to humor or tolerate them.
You're being very bossy, and unaccepting of others

WOW! I'm unaccepting of others? Me? Ms White Power over here thinks I'm unaccepting of others. Oh gosh, I have a concern about what this bigot thinks about me. (No I don't, this was sarcasm again.)
all the while not allowing even basic conversation when addressed about these things. This is why I say, "denying others a voice".
Neither I, nor anybody else, has made any attempts to disallow conversation. We have been responding to you and conversing with you. Our criticism is not denying you or anyone else a voice. Our criticism is not a denial of your speech and expression. You are not entitled to a platform for your bigoted trash, we as a community do not have to sit back silently and permit your -Dung Beetle- to go unchallenged. Criticism is not silencing, oppression, or censorship.

You're not doing women any favors by acting this way.
Oh no.
Whatever will I do. Woe is me.

Hmm yes Arlia, you are literally attacking my very existence. You condemn the systems that kept me alive and call for them to be stripped away which would have condemned me to death. Yes, Arlia, you are effectively calling for my death. And I'm supposed to be calm, and level headed, and respectable while you attack my very existence?

Why should I show you any measure of respect and consideration when you've shown me zero? The entitlement is appalling. You don't get to march in here and -Dragon Diamond- all over me then cry when I -Dragon Diamond- on you back. IMHO, you shat first. If you didn't want to be shat on maybe you should have not started shitting on me.
"...while you and I are screaming, chanting and holding up signs...."

This is not tantrum-throwing, this is a description of protesting and it is legal in my country and enshrined in our Constitution. Protected by our First Amendment as a form of speech and expression.
"(But if you get near your local rep's lawn and they're one of the insensitive pricks in support of this garbage you can take a -Dragon Diamond- on their lawn!*)"

"*don't really poop on your local representative's lawn. Not because they don't deserve itbut... "

People who don't agree with her are "insensitive", and deserve to get their lawns defaced.
Hmm... I don't know friends. Is cutting health care to millions of needy Americans sensitive? Is forcibly separating families and deporting children's parents and leaving them without guardians sensitive? Is trying to regulate a person's body sensitive? Is stripping the protections for vulnerable transgender persons and trying to control what bathroom they use sensitive? Is banning the immigration of religious minorities (Muslims),even green card holders and legal residents, sensitive?

I guess I'm just making sweeping judgements with no evidence, huh? Silly me! (This is sarcasm.)
What if they're not politicians or representatives? What if they just have a sign in their yard, supporting their opinion? Does she go and ask them before she assumes they're an "insensitive prick", or, does she just assume that from their stance on public issues?
Arlia, If someone puts up a sign in their yard that says, "Kill all Jews" I can't guarantee that I won't -Dragon Diamond- in their yards. BECAUSE WANTING THE ANNIHILATION OF AN ENTIRE RACE OF PEOPLE IS NOT AN OPINION. WANTING THE OPPRESSION OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE IS NOT AN OPINION. MY RIGHTS ARE NOT UP TO PUBLIC OPINION.

You wanna cut taxes on the rich? I'm not gonna poop in your yard.
You wanna invest in fracking and clean coal? I'm not gonna poop in your yard.
You wanna deregulate or privatize certain things? I'm not gonna poop in your yard.
You want religious freedoms? I'm not gonna poop in your yard.
We can debate this, we can discuss this, these types of things are opinions. I'm happy to debate and discuss policy and such with conservatives, I bet many of us would be, but some things aren't policy. Some things aren't opinion, some things are just bigotry and I'm not gonna debate with bigotry because it doesn't deserve the legitimacy.
" -Dragon Diamond- -Fatal Hopper- -Dragon Diamond- -Dragon Diamond- -Dragon Diamond- -Fatal Hopper- -Dragon Diamond-"

She is not strong for cussing me out, and ignoring everything I had to say
I responded directly to you and the things you said multiple times. Just because I didn't respond how you wanted me to doesn't mean I ignored you. In fact, it is you who are ignoring me.

Also I like swearing and -Fatal Hopper- you Imma keep swearing.
telling the entire world that she's gone through this, that, and the other, and therefore, she "deserves" something.
I'm not allowed to say I deserve to live but you're allowed to say I deserve to die? Hmm yes, that's very fair. (This is sarcasm.) Fun fact Arlia, nobody should have to go through anything to deserve basic survival. I would like us to, as a society, grow past basic survival being something that is earned to it being something that is assured.
It's not a "look what I've been through; I'm the biggest victim, so I have more say than you" contest.
The only one who seems to be turning this into some kind of contest is you, imo. You spouted some stuff about how your life is so hard and I came back all, "Gee, that sucks. My life sucked too." I was just telling people what I personally experienced and letting them know my story, same as you.
She cannot deal with her own problems, so she screams, stomps, marches, and acts like a child when she can't get what she wants. She's not a respectable woman. She's an under-developed toddler who needs to grow up, quickly.
Arlia you have no idea what a respectable woman is and you don't know me. Stomping and marching is not acting like a child. Stomping and marching is how we got civil rights. Stomping and marching is how women got the right to vote. Stomping and marching is how the disabled got the Americans with Disabilities Act. Stomping and marching is how we got a 40 hour work week. Stomping and marching is how we got a minimum wage. Stomping and marching is how we got sick and paid vacation days. Stomping and marching is how we stopped the Vietnam War. STOMPING AND MARCHING IS HOW WE ACHIEVED PROGRESS.
People are going to stop paying their taxes because of people like you.
Then people are going to get arrested for not paying their taxes. And their wages are going to get garnished, or they will be audited, or their property and investments will be seized. The government will still get what it's owed.
The government doesn't have any money, that comes from hard-working people, and their families. We can see your protests, and your marches, and think, "Well, I'm not going to support those people, seeing as they act like that..."
You don't get to choose where your money does and does not go and what it does and does not support. I don't want a border wall but if it happens, I'm paying for it. I don't want drones gunning down innocent people, but I paid for that.
No one like you deserves any help.
Advocating for my death again. [The thumbs up emoji goes here and it is 100% sarcastic.]
I'm ashamed that money from my family is potentially going towards a couple like you.
Aren't you and your entire family in New Zealand? Your family's money didn't go to me. But if it did then thank you for your money, Arlia. I'm really grateful that I got to live.
I even offered my sympathies at first
No you didn't.
and said I wanted to help you
Kinda sorta in a backhanded way you did yes. While victim blaming me, making assumptions about me, condemning me and my family, and demanding my spouse control his woman. [Italian chef kissing their finger tips emoji goes here.]
you decided to spit at me, instead.
Gee I wonder why.
I was only trying to talk with you.
Now, it'll be a cold day in Hades before I ever decide to support anyone who has your sort of ideals ever again.

Oh no, friends, Arlia is going to rescind her benevolent support. Whatever shall I do?

You can't project yourself in an image of hate, and snarling, violent madness, and expect to be respected and cared for.
*Looks at all the posters who respect and care for her. Looks at all her real life friends who respect and care for her.* Damn she's right! I'm alone and unloved!
That is what you've accomplished in this, Jennifer
My name is Jenner.
Kiyzr, and everyone else who rolled their eyes, and attempted to lock me out of conversation.
Nobody has locked you out of anything, you haven't been moderated at all. I am a moderator and I could have tossed you out on your ass ages ago, I didn't. I could have edited your posts to say, "Gosh I sure do love being a Nazi!" I didn't. I could have deleted your posts, I didn't. You are not being censored, you are not being locked out, you are being called out and taken to task for your ugly, hateful ideology.

Nobody's making you stay, Arlia. There's plenty of room for you over at Stormfront or ReturnOfKings. Go be among your people.

And AlexHiro4 and Shinra-Cetra, it's already been explained well enough but you smug jackasses know damn well this isn't about the use of the word ladies. There is nothing innately offensive about the word ladies but the way AlexHiro4 used it was to dismiss and disparage women. Contextually, it was an insult and you both knew it. This -Fatal Hopper- rules lawyering horseshit is disgusting. "Ha ha, coon is just short for raccoon. I'm just talking about animals. NOT RACIST." You know better and we're not gonna play along. Please don't do that -Dragon Diamond- again.

Also wanting my personhood and humanity is not whining. We are literally fighting for basic human rights and survival.

Anyway this post was long and most people are gonna TL;DR it but I don't give a -Fatal Hopper-.
The Infamous Jenner!
Maker of Lists.
RIP Coley...
still adore you Kiz.

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Re: Women's March on Washington.

Post by Sonic# »

Thread locked for going thoroughly off the rails.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time


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