I visit this site once and a while because...

General talk. News, religion, politics, your daily life, whatever, it goes here. Just keep it clean.
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I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Aaron »

I'm interested in hearing your answer but mine is the following:

New lunar news

That's it. However god damn is this forum toxic. You (and you guys collectively know who you are) have single handedly destroyed this community. Harsh on newcomers. Soapboxing about things that have nothing to do with Lunar. And lastly you're a clique.

So congrats this is your little bubble of the internet. You guys are mostly fringe in your personal beliefs. So please take that into account before you speak.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Sonic# »

I'd say it's toxic to make a post where you attack other members of the forum, representing others as "fringe" and in a "bubble" or "clique." That's a kind of passive aggression that's equivalent to a person claiming they want no drama but then causing drama in how they disrespect other people.

So I'll be direct: Aaron? Don't do that. If you have a specific issue raise it directly, and find a way to do that without attacking other people. And if you really can't do that without insulting other people, then please don't say it.

Otherwise I'd say I visit to read discussions about Lunar, hear what people are playing, and chat generally with other people.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Imperial Knight »

Between increasing polarization and the ability for people to seek out like-minded internet communities, it's more important than ever for all of us to remind ourselves that not everyone thinks the same way as we do and that reasonable people can disagree.

When you write off views different from your own as fringe, you're sealing yourself in a bubble.

When you imply that those with different views from yourself should not even express those views, you're sealing yourself in a bubble.

When you call a community toxic because of those things, you're sealing yourself off in a bubble.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

I was a newcomer to this place as of last year and everyone has been nice and I haven't felt anything of what you mentioned.

I'm sorry those things happened to you :( Maybe PM an Admin to see if they can help you out?

As for your question. I come here to see what new posts are relevant to my interests. If I have something to share to a topic, I will. I love chatting with fellow LUNAR fans ^_^
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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Shiva Indis »

I like to catch up with folks around here. I'm interested to know what's been on people's minds lately, whether Lunar-related or otherwise.

Looking at your post history, I know we haven't heard much out of you lately. I suppose that's because the opinions of other posters have been rubbing you the wrong way. I'm sorry to see that since you've made a lot of welcome contributions to the forums over the years, and I would like to know what you've been up to also.

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Re: I visit this site once and [sic] a while because...

Post by Alunissage »

Because I like Lunar olds as well as news. When I get ancient Japanese magazines with early TSS artwork and screenshots, I know there are people here who will think it's as neat as I do. Unfortunately, since we're all pretty much grown up, our schedules don't line up all that well.

And, because quite a number of us go back quite a few years now, it's nice to discuss non-Lunar stuff too. Even non-gaming stuff that's important to our lives. Hence why there are a number of boards, this one in particular, which are set aside for just that. There are Lunar boards for Lunar topics, and non-Lunar boards for non-Lunar topics, and no one is under any outside compulsion to read any threads that they don't want to. (Can't do anything about internal compulsions; it's taken me years to be able to just not read something that has new posts because it's totally irrelevant to me, and of course the admins need to at least skim things as part of the job.)

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

This is one of the reasons why I made the Telegram LUNAR group which you can find in my signature. We chat in there all the time ^^
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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Ardent Fox »

I haven't been back in a very long while. What happened while I was away?

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

Ya know...People posted, people replied, that old chest nut :P
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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Maus »

I don't talk much on these forums, but not because they are toxic or anything (in fact, this has been one of the most welcoming communities I have ever been part of). I'm just not that interested in Lunar for the time being.

I'm honestly sorry if someone hurt you, dude. But I just don't see this place as being all that.

PS: I come here to read Lunar news and just share with the lovely folk found in this place.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Kizyr »

Well, a series with hardly any new installments where the only new products tend to be bad (...Dragon Song) or underwhelming (...Silver Star Harmony) or simple ports (...Silver Star Story Touch) doesn't lend itself to a lot of new conversation or news. Anything new in the pipeline is either fan-made content or translations of previously-untranslated stuff, so there'll be some buzz about that, but to be honest it's all being done for love of the game and the world of Lunar, not for any popularity or attempt to garner more fans. KF
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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by AlexHiro4 »

I visit this site once in a while because of the scrambled eggs! They're so delicious! Lol.

In all seriousness Aaron, several months ago I got really frustrated specifically with the political conversations on here. I won't go into detail on my personal thoughts on those posts from back then because it's irrelevant now. Now, I feel a lot calmer about political related things. Growing up as a Conservative (which is still the direction I lean), I always believed that Liberals were wrong about everything, and that they were the bad guys. However, this past year I've taken a long, hard look at both sides and I've come to the understanding that there is a tremendous amount of hate and intolerance from both sides of the political equation (not including minor third parties). Once again, I won't go into detail because I have zero desire to start up trouble with anyone.

I'm not sure what your faith is Aaron, but I'm a Christian. With all the political turmoil going on in the United States the thing that gives me peace is knowing that I am first and foremost a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven, and my American citizenship is a VERY distant second. This has kept me from engaging in political arguments on social media like I used to, and it's also helped me keep a cool head when I see a political post from an opposing view that frustrates me.

If you're not a man of faith, it may help to find some. It gives you something bigger than politics, bigger than hate..to hold onto.

I never want to force my faith on anyone, but if you or anyone else would like to ask me about my faith I'd be happy to answer any questions via PM. If not, no worries. Either way, I hope you're able to find some enjoyment on these messages boards. I've been a member for about a decade, but my participation has always been inconsistent. Nevertheless, I've always been welcomed back with open arms and kindness, even in situations where I ran my mouth rudely due to my own political frustration.

Try not to give up on this place. God bless.

P.S. - I really do love scrambled eggs.
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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Monde Luna »

I haven’t visited this site in ages, mostly because I gave up hope for a new installment after Dragon Song. That being said I’ve always thought of this site as a small community of people who share a love for Lunar. Many of the people on this board have strong, often intelligent opinions and they generally have facts to back them up. I’ve never witnessed any one person being attacked by another and I generally think everyone is kind and helpful.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by jay_are »

I visit this site cause I like knowing what others think of my favorite games. I am fascinated when I hear about when and how people discovered this series. I also care about any little news that keep the fire alive, like for example I'm really happy I got to see Lunar for iPhone being improved way after its release! I got really happy when Lunar 2 got released for PSN in Japan. But then I got a bit sour about it because the PlayStation 4 seems it will never get PS One Classics -.-
I also like to make Lunar fan art and remake(or demake) its music sometimes so I've posted them here. Currently I've made some nice friends thanks to the chat ShugoHanasaki mentioned! My Lunar fan art has lived on there and it's kind of the only series I ever get motivated to make art for.

Speaking about a toxic fanbase, sadly it happens. I can be toxic too. But I think Lunar still has the most reasonable fanbase out there :P
I used to be like "OMG Lets make Lunar popular so we get fans asking for games!", but this has changed. Yes I want more games, but half of me doesn't want this anymore, this is where I get really sour and toxic because I really really don't like what happens when a series is popular especially in today's age. Unless the Sonic Mania treatment happens and people with the right mindset get on this series, I don't want anything new.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by AkagisWhiteComet »

This is a pretty good place to find everything LUNAR, and stuff like the old articles & artwork and such are really nice to read & look at. I particularly enjoy articles because back in the early 90s it wasn't exactly easy to just go out and buy every magazine in existence, and buying mags from Japan was effectively unheard of.

The only thing I can say about the community is a lot of the long-time members & founders here I'm guessing came from the WD boards. I remember lurking the WD boards but never joined or posted (I guess just never felt the need to). In that respect it's good that LUNAR fandom continues but indeed in retrospect I can see a clique of sorts that separates from new or non-WD era members. Most fandom forums are actually not all that bad. I've done some admin work for forums and currently admin a few FB pages and if you want to talk about something toxic admin a 10,000+ member FB page that relates to a fandom.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Alunissage »

Actually, not as many of us were at the WDMB as you might think. I was (it was the first forum I ever joined), and I met G1 there, but Kizyr and Sonic# weren't, as far as I know. I think ImperialKnight posted there too, and a few others. Kizyr was on the Shrine to Ghaleon board, and I dunno about Sonic#. G1, of course, founded LunarNET, which became RPGFan, and then he redid LN as its own site in, I dunno, 2000-2001? (There was a forum upgrade in late 2002 that required us all to reregister, which is why several of us have join dates within a day or two.) Some people also used to post at lunareb.com.

So...same era, I guess, but several different places with this as a common point.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Sonic# »

I came here from AOL (Althena's Court), and never did more than lurk at the Shrine of Ghaleon and WDMB.

I did post at lunareb.com, but only briefly and after I had already been active here.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Alunissage »

I totally forgot about ACO, since I was never part of it. That's probably where most of the seed members here came from.

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Imperial Knight »

Alunissage wrote:Actually, not as many of us were at the WDMB as you might think. I was (it was the first forum I ever joined), and I met G1 there, but Kizyr and Sonic# weren't, as far as I know. I think ImperialKnight posted there too, and a few others. Kizyr was on the Shrine to Ghaleon board, and I dunno about Sonic#. G1, of course, founded LunarNET, which became RPGFan, and then he redid LN as its own site in, I dunno, 2000-2001? (There was a forum upgrade in late 2002 that required us all to reregister, which is why several of us have join dates within a day or two.) Some people also used to post at lunareb.com.

So...same era, I guess, but several different places with this as a common point.
Yes, I posted a bit at WDMB, though I joined it fairly late and always felt a bit like an outsider there.

Lunareb.com was the first forum I ever joined. I think I joined it about a year or so after it launched and was active until it shut down. I have fond memories of the place but it sure had a lot of forum drama (which I mostly tried to stay out of).

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Re: I visit this site once and a while because...

Post by Kizyr »

AkagisWhiteComet wrote:The only thing I can say about the community is a lot of the long-time members & founders here I'm guessing came from the WD boards. I remember lurking the WD boards but never joined or posted (I guess just never felt the need to). In that respect it's good that LUNAR fandom continues but indeed in retrospect I can see a clique of sorts that separates from new or non-WD era members.
The bulk of the "original cast" came from these old AOL-era forums and ACO (Althena's Court Online). G1 and I, plus Sonic# (and several of the older members) interacted there and later through RPGFan before the WDMB boards were created -- I actually never joined WDMB myself. I think over the years we had some people join here from various other places -- WDMB, Lunareb, etc. -- but except for the very beginnings of the forum, there wasn't any one place that most people came from. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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