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20th anniversary chat

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:56 pm
by GhaleonOne
I know there's not many left around here from the very beginning or early years, but for the few that are, or that want to know the history of this site (and the original version, which is now RPGFan): ... index.html

Back in September, I did a roundtable "Founders Chat" with Mike (Chronologist) and Eric (Rudo) from RPGFan about how LunarNET and eventually RPGFan, came to be. It's more the history of RPGFan, as the current LunarNET is more of a splinter of what RPGFan came to be, but the two sites are intertwined together for sure. Thought it might be interesting for some of you! I don't remember if the discussion talked about this, but I left RPGFan after about 2-3 years and reformed this site (which went through a couple incarnations before settling on being the LunarNET it is today by around 2001-2002).

Re: 20th anniversary chat

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:29 am
by Temzin
G1, this is great! Thanks for this, and of course for all your work over the years in building such an important center for Lunar. As a kid in the 1990s, I never met a single person with a Mega CD, so Lunar was one of the first things I searched for on the internet, in hopes of finding information and occasional people to chat with. This conversation at RPGFan is fun---great to see mention of early RPGFan reviewers (our pal Ramza included) and Althena's Court Online (Nasch sez: "it roacks!").

Re: 20th anniversary chat

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:38 am
by Ardent Fox
Good ol' nostalgia. I remember seeing this place from afar from the LEB boards before they went into the abyss. I came here as a refugee years later still with a love of Lunar and seeing a few folks from the old boards here.

Your hard work is greatly appreciated. Truly, thank you for the experience you've given all of us.

Re: 20th anniversary chat

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:24 pm
by ShugoHanasaki
Congrats on the 20 years! How time flies! Proud of you!

Re: 20th anniversary chat

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:32 am
by Mog Dragonheart
This takes me back! My favorite still is the '99 collage banner. I remember back then how much of bad ass you were G1. I would introduce my buddies to your site and tell them I know the guy who made this -Dragon Diamond-!

Re: 20th anniversary chat

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:35 am
by ssdninja
We just had a pretty packed Lunar panel at my home anime convention last week. It may be getting up there in years but Lunar still has a pretty big appeal out there. Glad we all found this place, despite how long it took :3