Warhammer and Warhammer 40K

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Warhammer and Warhammer 40K

Post by Jyd3n »

Does anyone on this forum play Warhammer or Warhammer 40K? Has anyone even heard of this table top game? I have a 3,000 point White Fangs Space Marine army, a 1,200 point Tyranid army, and a 750 point Vampire Counts army. If you want to learn about the game or discuss the pros of certain armies, or just brag, please post it and I'll try to help.


Post by Guest »

Well isn't that game like really expensive i've heard that new players wishing to start playing should expect to spend upwards of $200 to $300 for a reasonably sized army (1000 to 2000 points worth of models), including costs for rulebooks and paints and that the cost of boxed sets vary widely ($35 to $200) depending on the contents.
Though other than that it sounds like a cool game albet a bit expensive.

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Post by Jyd3n »

Yeah it is pretty expensive. I started my army in the 6th grade and now i'm a freshman in college so it's pretty big. Can't tell how much i've spent but a lot of it has been gifts so i'd say around . . . 300+ dollars. I can't remember exactly but yeah it's worth it if you take time to paint em well.

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Post by SSSFan »

I would love to play it, buuut I don't have that much money. I could only buy some things when I'd spend all my money on it, and I'm not addicted enough to do that :wink:

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Post by Jyd3n »

I guess you could try EBay, thats what i did a bunch of times. I would get the battleforce sets for like $60 instead of 110

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Post by Wolfman_Samurai »

Well I am really into the whole 40k lore, but right now I need to spend money on textbooks and gas. College is very bad to me. I still try to pick up a novel or 2 when I get the chance. I tryed to buld up an Iron Warriors chaos army but the only shop in twon that suported WH and 40k went under so basically I'm stuck with a tac squad and 2 unassembled obliterators.




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Post by Jyd3n »

Yeah, my favorite shop went under too, it was really cool and all it's stuff was cheaper. About a month after he went out of buisness though a Games Workshop came to our mall and another store i went to started to carry it. I guess i got pretty lucky huh.

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