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Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:34 pm
by PKChristina
Hi LunarThreads folks! My name is Christina, I'm 24, and have been a Lunar fan since SSSC. :)

Hmm... my favorite characters are Jessica and Ghaleon... um... I'm really enjoying Silver Star Harmony even though I have trouble making time to play handhelds so I'm not very far... I'm terrible at introductions :P

I run a gaming blog with my fianceƩ, PK Bloggin'!, it's only a few months going now so it's still small, but we hope it's going places. I primarily handle design and code for it and that sort of thing, since I'm a graphic designer, but I've done a few real posts as well... If you check out the Archive and go to the "Christina" category (Yes, I gave myself my own category :P) you can find a nice retrospective about Lunar: The Silver Star and its many iterations, as well as an interview with XSEED Games' Jessica Chavez about Lunar and the localization process in general.. So that's kinda interesting.. ^^

I don't really know what else to say.. I live in Boston, and am very excited for the upcoming PAX East that's taking place here (Anybody else going?)... I have a degree in graphic design, I work in the print industry (reluctantly), aspire to work from home eventually if I can design some awesome stuff, I like anime, manga, video games, singing, and drawing... I have forum ADD but I try to make a few posts a week, at least. I guess that's it, really ^^;

Hope my avatar and signature are within forum policy, I just copied over what I use on a different forum. :P Any inquiries feel free to ask, I look forward to chatting with you all!

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:48 pm
by Sonic#
PAX East! I wish I could go, partly (okay, mostly) because Wil Wheaton's going to be there. Hope you enjoy it!

PK Bloggin' - I'll check it out after I post this. Is the title in reference to Earthbound?

Otherwise, welcome! Good to see other 24 year olds around. (There probably are several.)

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:07 pm
by PKChristina
Yess it's very exciting that Wil Wheaton's going to be the keynote speaker! I hope it'll be a good time. As excited as I am for it, I had to choose between PAX and Anime Boston (which I've attended for the past 4 or 5 years) since we can't really afford both, soo... it better live up to my expectations! >_> Hehe.

Yes, the title (and layout!) are inspired by Earthbound :3 I'm a gigantic Earthbound fan, and I've converted my fianceƩ into one, too! Now to do the same with Lunar.. (muahaha.)

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:13 pm
by Kizyr
Welcome! So you interviewed Jess, huh? That's pretty awesome {^^}.

Hope you enjoy this place.

EDIT: And this just reminds me that I haven't been activating new users in a week... sorry! KF

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:01 pm
by Dark_Fairy
Welcome to L-Net! *PKChristina a welcome cookie*

I have poked around classes in the printing industry myself, but then I decided it really isn't something I want to mess with (still have a shirt and a bunch of stickers I made though). It was fun to make those stickers and the shirt though.

I also wanted to do Graphic Design, but the way my college has it set up will interfere with my financial aid, so then that was out of the question. Now I'm just kind of floating and need to figure out what I'm doing. ^^;

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:16 am
by MaroonChan
Welcomes! *waves*

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:02 am
by Old_School
Welcome to the boards! You're going to like it here.

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:26 am
by Ardent Fox
If you ever need a game review posted to your blog that's uniquely worded, come see me. I'll make about a thousand analogies.

Other than that, welcome.

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:30 am
by Sonix
Ha, I knew that was an Earthbound reference.

Welcome. :)

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:40 pm
by ShindoW
Welcome ;)

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:53 pm
by whitedragon_nall
Welcome! Love the Pokemon sprite in your sig!

Re: Hello LunarThreads :)

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:09 am
by Vyse of Arcadia
PK Bloggin'! That's such an awesome name. Welcome!