Hello Lunar Crew

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Hello Lunar Crew

Post by IMJ »

Hi Everyone. I'm a long time Lunar fan and was ecstactic when Working Designs released their ports of the games. Back then I was working in industry sales and that game release was very exciting. I've had Lunar on Sega CD, but the PSOne era really drew me in - the music, the clean animation, the story. It's led to me having a small microcosm of Lunar collection amidst my greater vintage and modern game collecting hobby for many years now.

Of course, I'm an 80's kid so I used to play Asteroids with my Dad on the Atari 2600. But not many other games made you care about the characters the way Lunar did.

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Re: Hello Lunar Crew

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

What a great introduction! Welcome to the group. I was born in 89 and grew up in the 90s, but I fell in love with the PS1 version too. It was awesome. I played the original, but i did prefer the Saturn/PS Complete version. It truly was magical
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Re: Hello Lunar Crew

Post by IMJ »

It was! And thank you, it was nice to find this place. I'm always hoping for a 3rd game, but I think that ship sailed a long time ago unfortunately.

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Re: Hello Lunar Crew

Post by Kizyr »


Yeah the... ship for a true "Lunar 3" sailed long ago. Magical School Lunar is fun (encounter rate aside), but after Dragon Song, I... kind of have come to terms with letting the series conclude.

BTW would not mind seeing/hearing more about vintage games! I have a love of older tech and get a thrill out of 70s/80s/90s-era computer and game hardware. I have a few friends also who are collectors. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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