Serenity (Trailer) - Join the Browncoats!

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Serenity (Trailer) - Join the Browncoats!

Post by Kizyr »

I'm still shaking...

I've been waiting for Serenity to come out ever since I first caught wind of it. The movie installation continuing the ill-fated Firefly series by Joss Whedon, Serenity continues the adventures of the crew of the Firefly...

The series flawlessly blends Sci-Fi and Western genres--with the good qualities of each and none of the down sides. In-depth, fascinating characters (as with any Whedon series), a stunning backdrop, and a storyline that really engages you. The background, meanwhile, is the most 'believable' view of the future I've seen: there's still the sort of disparity between rich and poor and social problems you have now, technology is all realistic (the only stretch is terraforming planets), and no aliens... it's all about humanity.

I suggest everyone to check out the trailer. If you like it, check out the series. And if you like that (as I'm sure you will), check out the movie come this September. KF
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Post by Sonic# »

Oh. My. God.

I've only seen the first episode of Firefly, and now I must see the rest. That is ... yeah. It definitely looks rockin'. ^_^

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Post by MiaOne »

Looks pretty cool! I still need to see Sin City....But, I want to see this too!

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Yay, more Browncoats! I'm a giganimous fan of Joss Whedon's work...have the complete series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel on DVD, and my Firefly DVDs should be arriving soon.

I'm counting the days until this movie comes out, and I'm SUPER excited about the news that Mr. Whedon will be writing and directing the Wonder Woman movie.

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Post by Dingle »

Spiffy trailer. ^^
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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Okay, this is a freakin old topic, but I just wanted to say that I saw this movie recently, and it's friggin' awesome. The closest movie to it, in terms of genre and style, I'd say is the Fifth Element, although this movie still has a very strong style of its own. Definately go see it. :)

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Post by Kizyr »

I almost forgot to recruit more Browncoats here...

The movie is absolutely, shockingly amazing. There are elements which couldn't really be conveyed so well in just two hours (e.g., the characters are all extremely deep, but some didn't get enough screen time to show multiple facets of their personality). But on the whole, it was absolutely amazing.

I'm seeing if I can't muster up the nerve to see it a second time. I got a bit emotional the first time around. KF
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Post by ilovemyguitar »

I've already seen it twice. The second time was with a girl who's really not into sci-fi, and I kind of had to force her to go, and she ended up loving it.

This is a really great movie, guys. Go see it. Now.

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Post by DevNall »

Yes. This is the definitely best movie I've seen lately. I was thinking about starting a topic for it, but didn't know if anyone else...

Anyway, you don't need to have seen the show to see the movie, although it's better if you have.

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

:shock: I have never heard of this before. The trailer looks awesome, I wanna see it now...
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Post by Sonic# »

Ah, I saw it the night it came out with a friend of mine. He isn't into sci-fi much, but he enjoyed it a whole lot.

It was... yeah, wonderful.

Kiz... how do the episodes of the series correspond to this? I've only seen the first episode.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by DevNall »

I haven't seen the whole series yet, but basically this sort of wraps most of its threads.

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Post by Kizyr »

Sonic# wrote:Kiz... how do the episodes of the series correspond to this? I've only seen the first episode.

The episodes are all events that occurred before the movie. The most valuable thing in them is that they give a chance for each major character to shine, and get you to really know who they are (one reason why the movie was so touching for me).

There are also specific events that explain why each character is where he or she is. It's nothing that can't be picked up by context, but it sheds some light on things that happened before. The comics do the same. KF
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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Do you have to watch the episodes to understand this movie?? Because I haven't seen any, and I would like to see the movie. :lol:
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Post by Kizyr »

Nah. The episodes add a lot, but I've heard nearly all good comments from people who've seen the movie with no prior introduction to Firefly. So you can still understand everything that's going on in Serenity either way. KF
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Post by Agawa »

Kizyr wrote:The movie is absolutely, shockingly amazing. There are elements which couldn't really be conveyed so well in just two hours (e.g., the characters are all extremely deep, but some didn't get enough screen time to show multiple facets of their personality). But on the whole, it was absolutely amazing.

I really do agree. Having enjoyed the television show immensely, I was joyfully apprehensive about the movie. Luckily for all the Firefly fans, it was amazing. Just sitting there in the theatres it blew me right away. The characters were really well used (if on the assumption that you'd seen the television series) and the plot was great. I'm glad they tied it historically to the show as well.

All in all, a great end for a great show.

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Post by That Other Person »

It really answers a lot of the questions that you had with the show, but it did it in a way that you didn't need to know what those questions were in order to understand the answers. (I hope that makes sense)

I loved it. I loved it a lot. The series is truly a masterpiece. Go se it! :)
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Post by Kizyr »

That Other Person wrote:I loved it. I loved it a lot. The series is truly a masterpiece. Go se it! :)

TOP, watch your language!

...{^^}. KF
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Post by DevNall »

Is it okay to talk about the movie here?
[spoiler]We now know why the Alliance was so worried about River; but was it ever cleared up as precisely what they were originally going to do with her?[/spoiler]

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Post by Kizyr »

Oh sure, please feel free to talk about the movie. I've been posting semi-regularly at lately, though the traffic there is somewhere around 50x as fast as it is here.

But yeah, just don't forget to mark all spoilers between the spoiler tags.

[spoiler]Well, the hwoon dahn at the 'academy' was talking up River's military potential. I'm thinking she was going to be used as something between a spy and an assassin. I mean, the psychic abilities plus her martial artistry make her a natural for that.[/spoiler] KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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