Final Fantasy The Sprits With or FF7 Advent Children

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Final Fantasy The Sprits With or Final Fantasy VII Advent Children?

Final Fantasy The Sprits Within
Final Fantast VII Advent Children
Total votes: 21

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Final Fantasy The Sprits With or FF7 Advent Children

Post by celestiallight »

What do you choose? Final Fantasy The Sprits With or Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Easy Choice, really. The Spirits Within didn't have any Final Fantasy in it. Not really. Too many guns, among other things, and who ever heard of a final fantasy where everyone had guns?

AC by default.
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Post by Greensky »

AC is in a whole different league... with all new rules, and all new expectations. It's won numerous awards for being the BEST CG movie ever made in the world to date. The story is simply amazing if you are an FF VII fan. It's pure Final Fantasy at the core.

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Advent Children by a landslide. I know it could actually be renamed Final Fantasy Fanservice, but who cares :P The CG was absolutely beautiful and I'm not surprised hearing it to be the best CG ever. I wasn't a huge FF7 fan infact I actually didn't care for the game all that much but I really did like Advent Children. I watched it two or three times within the first few days of getting it... mainly because I was watching it with friends who hadn't seen it, but it was a nice excuse anyhow :)

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Post by Sonic# »

Angelalex242 wrote:Easy Choice, really. The Spirits Within didn't have any Final Fantasy in it. Not really. Too many guns, among other things, and who ever heard of a final fantasy where everyone had guns?
Well, there was FF8. It had tons of guns... and a gunblade! Now all they need is a scythebow. ^_^

I've actually not seen either, so I can't vote. But for me... the setting isn't what makes the games Final Fantasies for me, so much as the atmosphere. I can't say whether The Spirits Within had that, but... that's it.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Gunblades are traditional cause there's a blade part.

But flat out automatic weapons?

It's like an army of Barrets, without the Gunarm part.
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Post by Greensky »

In case you peoples don't know, they did use FF VIII gunblades in Advent Children. I thought that was awesome that they incorporated such a thing into an FF VII storyline.

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Post by phyco126 »

FFVII had guns ;-;

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Not even a contest. I have not even seen AC yet, and I know it's better than that crapfest Spirits Within.

When I first saw it I tried to convince myself it was decent....but it was too bad. I could that thing even bear the FF title???

AC will be better, no doubt.
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Post by phyco126 »

I'm sure AC will be good, I haven't seen it yet though. The only thing that dissapointed me was the FF title of Spirits Within. That's the only thing, I fail to see how it was that bad. The animation was very stunning and (at the time) the most realistic.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

phyco126 wrote:I'm sure AC will be good, I haven't seen it yet though. The only thing that dissapointed me was the FF title of Spirits Within. That's the only thing, I fail to see how it was that bad. The animation was very stunning and (at the time) the most realistic.

The effects were the only thing good about that movie. Honestly, I think they released it to be just an experiment for the digital technology, to see how it worked on a massive scale.

The graphics were amazing....they story, characters, and premice blew monkey chunks. The characters were annoying, the plot was something a ten year old could have come up with, and it was predictable to the very end. I actually cheered when the guy voiced by Alec Baldwin (another mistake) died.

FF is about fighting the good fight against impossible odds...not some intangible enemy like that in SW.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Yeah, I found Spirits Within very plain, in terms of being entertained (which is the main point of a movie right?). I've seen parts of Advent Children (like, half of it, but just select scenes) and really liked what I saw. I'll be picking it up in January for sure. That said, Advent Children by a landslide.

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Post by SSSFan »

Advent Children, no doubt. Spirits within wasn't based on any FF game and didn't have a great story. Advent Children did :D

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Post by Ozone »

Because AC was an amazing actionfest and Spirits Within seemed half assed in some areas, though it is a lot better than a lot of people have given it credit for here.
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Post by Kale »

Greensky wrote:In case you peoples don't know, they did use FF VIII gunblades in Advent Children. I thought that was awesome that they
incorporated such a thing into an FF VII storyline.
Just so you know, those are diffrent gunblades than in VIII, In Final Fantasy VII, the gunblades regular gun rounds, where as in VIII, when the trigger was pulled, the blade would get an energy boost that would make it more powerful.

and btw, I liked Sprits within and havent seen AC yet. When I do, I'll post more.
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Post by snaztacular »

Advent Children :D It has at least 2 of the best 5 fight scenes I've ever seen.

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Post by iamstillhiro1112 »

I don't get FF Spirits within. I don't know why they had to make it so wierd and unrelated to any Final Fantasies. FFVII Advent Children is much more to my liking.

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Post by Godson »

Strange as this is gonna sound, I actually liked FF:TSW. Sure, it wasn't what I was expecting, but the graphics blew me away. But the male protagonist looked too much like Alec Baldwin.

Despite that, it doesn't hold a candle to Advent Children. But that could be in part due to my love for FFVII. I ordered the First Print Limited Edition upon its release. :)

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Post by Jyd3n »

Advent Children, Cloud's just the most badass character ever made. . . well one of the most badass, Dante is cool too

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Post by Lunar6000 »

Advent hands down...

Spirits within was horrible.... horrible... so so horrible... shame I saw it in theatres... one big laser light show.
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