Would you buy a remake of EB?

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Would you buy a remake of Lunar Eternal Blue?

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Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Monde Luna »

I know you are all thinking there is a chance for this to happen now.

My answer is hell ya! (I'm assuming most people will agree) I'll buy the remake if that is what it takes to get the funding to finally deliver Lunar 3. I'm going to hold the faith and believe we may finally get a true Lunar 3. (or a prequel)

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

For sure. I hope this Lunar SSS remake sells well so we can see an EB remake.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Kizyr »

Lunar: Eternal Blue to Lunar: The Silver Star is like Star Trek: The Next Generation to Star Trek: The Original Series.

One of gets remade, while the other one kind of sits there. Meanwhile, the latter one is far superior, and it's not as if you need to have watched/played the first one to follow the latter one. KF
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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Dark_Fairy »

I would love GameArts if they finally remade it! Seriously, I love both of the Lunars, but the first one gets too much attention. Lunar 2 needs some love too! D:

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Monde Luna »

I'm partial to SSS because it was numero uno and it was the first game that I truly fell in <3 with. But a remake of EB would be awesome. After all it is equally deserving. Personally I think the Star Trek analogy doesn't work for me because I slightly favor SSS. But that is the beauty of opinions. :wink: The next gen was epic though! Deep Space Nine = Lunar Dragon Song?

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by GhaleonOne »

To be honest, if the current homepage poll wasn't so fresh and relevant to the recent announcement, this would make a good followup poll. I may use it once the current one has been up a while.

And to answer the question. Lunar 1 has gotten far more love than Lunar 2. Lunar 2 always comes out at the end of the lifespan of a system, or not at all. Lunar TSS was a big hit for the Mega CD. Lunar EB? It came out WAY late, and didn't do nearly as well. In fact, I believe WD lost money on it. Then came the remakes. That was better, as at least in Japan, the game came out before the Saturn was dead, but by the time it made it to the Playstation over here, it was much later in the PSone's lifespan. Then came Legend. EB didn't even get a remake then. Though I think it may have more to do with the inability to tell the story correctly due to hardware limitations than anything. Now the PSP certainly could do EB justice, so to answer the question.. yes. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Kizyr »

Monde Luna wrote:I'm partial to SSS because it was numero uno and it was the first game that I truly fell in <3 with. But a remake of EB would be awesome. After all it is equally deserving. Personally I think the Star Trek analogy doesn't work for me because I slightly favor SSS. But that is the beauty of opinions. :wink: The next gen was epic though! Deep Space Nine = Lunar Dragon Song?
...don't make me ban you for making that comparison! Deep Space 9 was the best of the Star Trek series. The Dominion War was the highlight of all things Trek; since then it's been in a slide (although I do admit that I liked Enterprise). Lunar: Dragon Song is more like Star Trek: Insurrection.

...sorry, geeking out there.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by phyco126 »

No no no and no! TNG is like SSSC for me, where as EB is like Voyager. TNG has nostalgia and good memories, Voyager had its ups and downs, but I still enjoyed it. Lunar: DS was more like, Star Trek Nemisis. God. THEY KILLED DATA!!!!!! ****! DS9 is like, something better than all those games combined. Like... LotR...

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Sonix »

I, for one, enjoyed EB more than SS, so I would prefer EB being remade. But even with HoSS (is that how we call it?), I'm happy.
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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Sonic# »

I inserted spoiler text. I was angry the first time someone ruined that for me.
phyco126 wrote:No no no and no! TNG is like SSSC for me, where as EB is like Voyager. TNG has nostalgia and good memories, Voyager had its ups and downs, but I still enjoyed it. Lunar: DS was more like, Star Trek Nemisis. God. THEY KILLED DATA!!!!!! ****! DS9 is like, something better than all those games combined. Like... LotR...
... no, I think Kizyr's comparison still stands, especially since, though the second series couldn't exist without the first, the second was better.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Monde Luna »

Guys I guess I will just have to ask forgiveness for my DS 9 blasphemy.

And about EB being better... I just might have to create another poll because I personally disagree. :D

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Agawa »

Kizyr wrote:
Monde Luna wrote:I'm partial to SSS because it was numero uno and it was the first game that I truly fell in <3 with. But a remake of EB would be awesome. After all it is equally deserving. Personally I think the Star Trek analogy doesn't work for me because I slightly favor SSS. But that is the beauty of opinions. :wink: The next gen was epic though! Deep Space Nine = Lunar Dragon Song?
...don't make me ban you for making that comparison! Deep Space 9 was the best of the Star Trek series. The Dominion War was the highlight of all things Trek; since then it's been in a slide (although I do admit that I liked Enterprise). Lunar: Dragon Song is more like Star Trek: Insurrection.

...sorry, geeking out there.

......carry on. KF
Hey, you're right on! All the Star Trek shows were at least some kind of good, but DS9 had the best running plot and the most consistently good episodes. Enterprise was a kind of okay idea with decent characters and terrible writing.

I agree with the DS/Insurrection comparison, though I think you could also use Nemesis.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Kizyr »

Monde Luna wrote:Guys I guess I will just have to ask forgiveness for my DS 9 blasphemy.
Oh it's no problem. I'm just very particular about DS9, considering how awesome it was.
Monde Luna wrote:And about EB being better... I just might have to create another poll because I personally disagree. :D
The age-old debate of which is better, TSS/SSS versus EB...
Agawa wrote:I agree with the DS/Insurrection comparison, though I think you could also use Nemesis.
The other age-old debate of which was worse: Insurrection or Nemesis. My vote goes towards Insurrection, since the bulk of it had a nearly identical plot to one of the older episodes (Who Watches the Watchers). Nemesis was lousy, but at least its lousy plot was more original. KF
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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by exigence »

I understood kizyrs first analogy but now you guys have me completely lost is DS9 the one with the woman captain or is that Voyager. i remember watching a few of those episodes. I dont remember watching Nemesis at all. you guys have me so lost and confused i don't have cable or satellite anymore and when i did i didn't watch any reruns. So you guys are talking about shows that i haven't seen in about 10 or 12 years.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by GhaleonOne »

I'm not a Trekkie by any means, but I think DS9 was the Star Trek show that wasn't on the Enterprise. They were on some outer rim space station sort of thing. I remember a few TNG people showing up on that show, such as Worf, Miles (I think that was his name?), Q and didn't that Barclay guy end up on that show too? Voyager had the female captain. I never watched anything past that, and only random episodes of the others. TNG was the only one I watch quite a few episodes of. Always reruns though.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Monde Luna »

:oops: After watching Star Trek the movie I did some research and figured out that this whole time I was talking about Voyager. :oops: Obviously I am not a trekkie... Looking back now that I know what show I am talking about I actually liked DS9. I just have clearer memories from the orig Star Trek and TNG.

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by phyco126 »

*slaps the last three posters* Your Geek license is revoked!!!!

TNG = Enterprise D with Captain Picard.
DS9 = Space Stating near Bijour that housed Captain Sisko. Worf and Miles transfered to the station from the Enterprise D. However, I believe most of the main cast of TNG guest starred on DS9 at one point or another (including the pilot episode).
Voyager = On the USS Voyager with the female captain, Captain Janeway. Seven of 9? Kess? Hotness anyone? COME ON?!
Enterprise = Captain Archer on the first Enterprise, before The United Federation of Planets was formed.
TOS = The original Star Trek. Don't forget about Captain Pike!

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Monde Luna »

Pyscho I don't think I ever qualified for a geek license in the first place. Most of you have me beat on borderline obsessive knowledge. That's why I like to read everyones posts. I learn from you guys. :D

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Was Enterprise the one with Scott Bakula as the captain? Because if so that was terrible lol Sometimes in a humorous way, like anytime Bakula tumbled or jump he had this silly "gyah!" noise he made xD That's really the only thing I remember about that show... and something about a shower scene... but I got that from a preview as I don't think I ever watched it after that one episode haha.

I can see I will be in the minority here, but I find SSSC to be akin to TNG, and EB to DS9 (But Post-hair Sisko, I say this because he became a real badass once he became a baldy... obviously all the top tier captains had no hair ;p ). I like Voyager sometimes, but mainly when Q was guest starring - John Delancy - hello, too good! xD

Having said that, I think DS = Enterprise (or whatever incarnation of ST that had Scott Bakula). Oh and I would DEFINITELY buy a EB remake, no question... I must obtain all that is Lunar! XD

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Re: Would you buy a remake of EB?

Post by Kizyr »

...Enterprise was actually really good. They broke away from the mold of having every member of an alien race act identical (the only other time this was really done was in DS9)--so, you got to see a lot more aspects of the Andorians and Vulcans than you'd get to see any other series. They managed to make it look modern while still having noticeably older technology (polarized hull plating instead of shields, grapplers instead of tractor beams, shuttles instead of transporters). Language barriers were actually an issue, instead of just skirting it with universal translators all the time (Hoshi in particular was my favorite character). They even kept it within established canon--the episodes with the Borg were some of the best in that regard.

Above all, my favorite thing was that there was no Federation, humans weren't some all-powerful faction in the universe. So, Archer and his crew were usually the underdog and couldn't simply blast their way through every situation--same with most humans in space at the time. I also have fond memories of Scott Bakula since I grew up watching Quantum Leap. The only down-sides were a few of the lame story-arcs (the Space Nazi one of course, and, personally, the Klingon Augments arc); but those were outdone by some of the really good episodes.

I mean, given all that, I find it much better than Voyager and TOS.
PrettyGirlJean wrote:I can see I will be in the minority here, but I find SSSC to be akin to TNG, and EB to DS9 (But Post-hair Sisko, I say this because he became a real badass once he became a baldy... obviously all the top tier captains had no hair ;p ).
Sisko was bald since the beginning of the series... KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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