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Better Team

Lunar 1
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Lunar 2
Total votes: 3

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Better Team

Post by Angelalex242 »

So. A time warp was made, and a tournament was run.

In this mighty tournament, the Heroes of Lunar 1 (Including Luna) and the heroes of Lunar 2 (Including Lucia) duke it out in a no holds barred tournament!

These are 6 person teams rather then the usual five. Both teams have their flying kitty.

Who wins?

Assume Alex is Dragonmaster with Althena's Sword (and not a postgame Alex with 0 mp.)
Assume Luna has access to her healing spells (and isn't a postgame Luna with 0 mp.)

Assume both teams are level 99 with best equipment.

Assume Althena's Power is not available to Luna or Lucia.

Note:This is not a fight to the death. This is more a pay per view fight. Both sides want to win, yes, but they're not trying to cut each other's throats.

General Advantages:
Lunar 1
Alex is a real Dragonmaster with the 4 dragon spells innate.
More healers (Luna and Jessica)
Nash is the quickest member of the team, meaning a spell goes off first
More attacks. So many attacks that I've occasionally found Alex and Kyle are better off using a normal attack then using Sword Dance/Power Slash.
Nall can revive fallen party members (granted, with 1 hp, but still.)
Lunar 2
More AOE offense by far.
More available elemental magic.
Hiro's Triple Sword is a garunteed KO
Lemina's Catastrophe has no equal.
Lucia's Plasma Rain is non elemental, and even the Dragon EQ can't reduce the damage.
Ronfar's Tranquil Litany heals more hp then Calm Litany.
Jean hits faster then anyone else, and has slam dance to make it hurt more
Leo has HP Drain available, as well as a true AOE (as opposed to Sonic Riser)
They need only defend against 3 elements from the other team, and the most important one to block is Fire (Red Dragon Anger and Flameria).
Ruby does 40 damage. (Which makes no difference unless she's knocking down somebody Nall just revived.)
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Re: Better Team

Post by Aaron »

***Polling isn't working...***

But, Lunar 2 would win by FAR!

1st turn order

Hiro) Triple Sword on Alex
Jean) Have that spell to increase everyones speed
Lemina) Cast White Dragon Protect
Ronfar) Sit there and be cool maybe that spell that restores hp over turns
Leo) Soul Ripper or whatever its called the one that does 1k plus damage
Lucia) The rain spell

Also could I switch Lucia out for Mystere

Anyone who made it through that wont make it through the next turn...

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Re: Better Team

Post by Sonic# »

Althena > Lucia. Even without her power.


Keep in mind, Lucia isn't player controlled, and she's unpredictable. Her first motivation will be to rescue Hiro. So, the first move ought to be to gravely injure Hiro. Then Lucia and Hiro are preoccupied in the time it will take the other team to take out one character with a Triple Slash.

Luna and/or Jessica can heal the AOE spam by Lemina and others. Jean (w/ Leo's help) probably took out another character and got taken out as well. Let's say that leaves Jessica, Alex, Nash, and Mia to Ronfar, Lemina, and Leo. From here, it's a spam war. Nash and Mia spam enough to keep Ronfar occupied and then some with group heals, and Alex can wear down a character. Meanwhile, Lemina and Leo only have enough punch to keep Jessica busy enough that she can't resurrect anyone. In a couple of turns, Lucia is more permanently handled. In several more, the other characters in Lunar 2 fall.

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Re: Better Team

Post by Sonix »

More like "Do you like Lunar 1 or Lunar 2 more?"

Well, I'm in the latter group :P
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Re: Better Team

Post by Kitdra »

Yeah the polls aren't working for me too... but Lunar2... Has more humerous things then Lunar1 had... *Leo get stuck by Ghaleon's lighting attack thinking it was Lucia XD (as much as I love Leo, I like seeing him in those little "WTF" moments more, even if it hurts...)*

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Re: Better Team

Post by Angelalex242 »

Not sure why the poll messed up. Ah well.

Maybe one of the staffers can fix it for me.

I favor Lunar 2, though. Mostly because they do damage faster then Lunar 1 can heal it.

Even if Lucia decides to be random, there's STILL the issue of Grizzle Blade+Catastrophe+Blue Dragon Fist to deal with, not to mention Triple Sword. Even with two healers (+Blue Dragon Healing), they can't keep up with that much damage. If Lucia plays smart, the war of attrition goes that much faster.
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Re: Better Team

Post by chiiruchan »

This is a really hard question to answer.......... I'm leaning towards Lunar 1.... but I'm not sure. I've always loved tons of healers.

But... with the right items in your inventory, I might pick Lunar 2. O_O;

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Re: Better Team

Post by ilovemyguitar »

I think it would depend on whether Jean or Nash went first. Both are very fast characters. If Nash goes first we get a status effect spell that would debilitate several members of the Lunar 2 team (unless they have appropriate equipment, but I don't think it's possible to protect your entire party from all status effects; there just aren't enough Tri Rings out there). But if Jean goes first she could probably take Nash out in a single hit.

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Re: Better Team

Post by Angelalex242 »

In theory, Lunar 2 characters (except Lucia, who can't equip anything) could garuntee they all go first by putting 2 chiro crests on everyone in the party. And yes, it's possible to get 10 of those. Chiros drop them. And really, you only need 9, because the Goddess Crest coupled with a chiro does just as well.
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Re: Better Team

Post by LuNaRtIc »

I'm so ridiculously biased towards the original Lunar team for nostalgia reasons alone, so my vote would go to them. xD
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Re: Better Team

Post by Alunissage »

I really think that the only way to assess this would be to calibrate stats relative to the respective games, and the same with stat-altering items and equipment. If all the enemies in one game are slower numberwise than those in the other game, then the party of the first game will likewise have a lower agility stat, for example. Otherwise it's like comparing dollar values of different decades without adjusting for inflation.

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Re: Better Team

Post by Jenner »

Sonic# wrote:Althena > Lucia. Even without her power.
This is because Lucia isn't a goddess.

IMHO, TSS party > All other Lunar parties because all but Kyle had powerful and destructive magic.

Though Jean alone could own a handful of the TSS crew before going down.
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Re: Better Team

Post by lnrSaxon »

LuNaRtIc wrote:I'm so ridiculously biased towards the original Lunar team for nostalgia reasons alone, so my vote would go to them. xD
couldn't have said it any better myself. ^_^

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