Final Fantasy VII

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Final Fantasy VII

Post by Jolkie »

has anyone played Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children?

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Post by Imperial Knight »

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children isn't a game; it's a movie. Were you thinking of Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII?

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Post by Ramza Izlude »

Imperial Knight is right. It's a movie. It would be nice if it were a game. Maybe Final Fantasy VII-2? haha.
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Post by Jyd3n »

I dunno, my brother keeps IMing me about some redone version of FFVII being made, I keep telling him it's a FPS with Vincent but he says otherwise.

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Post by Jolkie »

oh ya! i kind of forgot it was a movie. does anyone know where you can buy it? besides netflix.

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Post by Imperial Knight »

Jyd3n wrote:I dunno, my brother keeps IMing me about some redone version of FFVII being made, I keep telling him it's a FPS with Vincent but he says otherwise.

He may have seen something about the PS3 Final Fantasy VII tech demo. It has led to some confusion among people, with many thinking that this is footage of a PS3 FFVII remake. However, it's just meant to show off the graphical capabilities of the PS3 by recreating an early scene from FFVII.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Reminds me of those Square N64 FFIV tech demo's that were published in Nintendo Power. People went nuts over those.

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Post by Imperial Knight »

Yeah, I remember when those screens came out and they were touted as being from "Square's new Final Fantasy game for the Ultra 64." One thing I didn't realize back when I first saw them was that they used characters from Final Fantasy VI (aka FFIII) (I recall both Locke and Celes being used, I can't remember if any others were as well). In the transition from sprites to polygons I didn't recognize them at first.

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Post by GhaleonOne »


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Post by Jyd3n »

Thanks, I'll be sure to tell him the screen shots are just a preview and not that of an actual game.
Nice shots there G1, I wasn't much of a gamer back then so I don't really remember much of the 64s release but them stating they would release FFVII, that's pretty crazy.

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Post by Jenner »


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Post by Mei Ling »



What's wrong with FF7? It's fine...XD

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Post by Imperial Knight »

Thanks for the scans, G1. Looks like I'd forgotten that Shadow was in the demo as well. I did have this nagging sense that I'd forgotten a character.

I remember my anticipation for an N64 Final Fantasy game, and my later shock when the news broke that Square was jumping ship to the PlayStation. It's still probably the most surprising bit of video game related news that I can remember. I was 12 at the time I heard it, and I remember at first being angry at Square for having "betrayed" Nintendo

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Post by jinpachi »

final fantasy is cool
jinpachi is the best
you better belive it
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Post by PurifyWeirdSoul »

FF7 was the last great Final Fantasy. VIII sucked (although I own the PS and PC version. Don't ask why :? ). IX was okay, X was okay, X-2 was utter fecal matter, XI doesn't count, and XII will probably suck big time. After FF7, the Final Fantasy series as a whole lost its magic to me. In a way, it died with...

SPOILER ALERT!! It's been almost a decade, but heck, I'll be polite. Do NOT, I repeat do NOT read below if you've never played FF7!

Final Fantasy to me, died with Aeris that fateful day. What a sad day it was indeed. When she died, I was in denial. Till the very end of the game, I was clinging on to the last glimmer of hope that there was the possibility of reviving her. *Sobs in backround like a little school girl*

Anyways, a remake of Final Fantasy 7 will never happen. It's been stated by Square/Enix officially that there are no plans, nor will there ever be plans to remake FF7. It's a shame really. I'd pay at least $100, my right testicle, and my dog (I don't have a dog, but if I had one...) as payment for a copy of FF7remake. Shoot, I would live a life of celebacy for a 2nd hand bootleg copy of FF7remake (degraded sound quality from compression, read errors, scratched CD/DVD resurfaced disk, in Japanese dialect even as I can't speak or read Japanese).

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Post by Werefrog »

Well... the thing is Final Fantasy 7 brought a lot of flaws into the series. It's not as easy to see these flaws in it since when we first played the game it was novel. However, it had its share of problems in it that people would complain about in future FFs. Over use of FMVs, overly complicated plot twists, a shift away from gameplay-- all of these elements were present in FF 7.

So really, if you want to say that the games post-FF7 were bad, you have to admit that in a part they are bad because of FF7.

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Post by PurifyWeirdSoul »

Werefrog wrote:Well... the thing is Final Fantasy 7 brought a lot of flaws into the series. It's not as easy to see these flaws in it since when we first played the game it was novel. However, it had its share of problems in it that people would complain about in future FFs. Over use of FMVs, overly complicated plot twists, a shift away from gameplay-- all of these elements were present in FF 7.

So really, if you want to say that the games post-FF7 were bad, you have to admit that in a part they are bad because of FF7.

Other than those 'flaws' you mentioned, I don't really know of any. Sure FMV's were overused, but they integrated the cg backrounds with the movies. In some instances, you could even interact while the CG was playing. As for the plot and storyline, I didn't think it was overly complecated. Shift away from gameplay? Are you talking about the minigames and side missions? If you are, I'd have to disagree there.

The real reason behind the post FF7 apocalyse was the shift in priorities. Square was out to make a buck, and it didn't seem like anyone on the development team really cared about the game. Notice how they're pumping out FF games every year, released a sequel, and 2 expansions to FF11 on multiple systems. I'll take quality over quantity any day.

Even the music wasn't that great. FF8 didn't have much of a story. The characters were pretty empty, and if I hadn't been told that the main characters were in love, I wouldn't have known. The characters were hard to like, so I didn't really care for them. There was no connection between the player and the characters, at least for me.

I don't have much to say about FF9, because of my lack of experience with the game. FF11 is a mmorpg so it doesn't technically count as FF.

FF10 is pretty decent, but has alot of the problems with FF8. The music isn't memorable, the story could have been better executed, and the characters are a mixed bag. Because they added voiced dialogue, it hurt the game more than it helped, imo. The only characters that I really cared for were Waku, Auron, and Lulu. Again, the connection wasn't there with most of the characters. There was an element of love in the game, but I sure as hell missed it. Maybe I've been spoiled by Lunar, but Square sucks at making love stories.

FFX-2 was another way for Square/Enix to make a quick buck. It's probably the worst FF ever made. Has anyone played the Saga series by Square? They reek. FFX-2 is only a hair better than those games.

For me, Final Fantasy ended with FF7.

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Post by Shiva Indis »

PurifyWeirdSoul wrote:Notice how they're pumping out FF games every year, released a sequel, and 2 expansions to FF11 on multiple systems. I'll take quality over quantity any day.

I understand that you don't like the direction that Final Fantasy is going in these days, and I empathize, but I think you're stretching. There have been 3 FFs per platform if you don't count side stories and spin offs, which Square has been making since the NES days (the original Seiken Densetsu, for example). Since, as you say, FF11 is an MMO so it doesn't technically count, it doesn't matter if S-E releases expansions for it, and it doubly doesn't matter since a large-scale MMO all but needs expansions to stay viable.

I don't like FF7 either, but I won't deny that it was a well-made game. It didn't appeal to me. I still don't understand at all why people make such a fuss over Aerith, or Aeris, or however they've decided to romanize it these days. FF7 had a negative impact on the RPG genre because FF7 reshaped the genre. It was RPGs with pre-rendered backgrounds, three-character parties, and a cast of aproximately 10 playable characters as far as the eye could see. Is it any wonder that they've fallen out of favor?

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Speaking of which, if anything, the main Final Fantasy series has been neglected for years now. FFX was the last standard Final Fantasy game that wasn't online. True, there was FFX-2, but that was extremely short, and definately not worth the 50 bucks I paid for it. I'm actually looking forward to FFXII. I generally have a great time with the main Final Fantasy series when they're released, but after playing through them, they don't retain the charm that Lunar 1 and 2, Chrono Trigger, Suikoden 1-3 and others do. At least for me. The only Final Fantasy games that stuck out to me were VI and X. None of the Playstation ones, nor IV and V really made me care about them after being them, and I hated the NES games, and still do. People love the original Final Fantasy, but I always found it extremely boring.

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Post by BraveKing »

FF7, In certain places Im notorious for hating this game :P

just didnt like it at all. I maen for starters we got a villain who quite frankly dosent relaly do much except wear a black claoky thing and carry a giant phalic symbol.

Then we move on to our other charecters who range from "do nothings" to "annoying" I honestly never uderstood why people liked Cloud so much.

"Oooooo giant sword!!" makes me wonder what would happen if these folks took to reading Berserk.

Really, poeple go on and on about how they like Cloud but whne someone mentions a main charecter who is liekable and genreally good and not a nut job like say Alex or Hiro for example, we treated to "There cliche and un realistic"

anyways, as for my thoughts ont eh battle system. One word. Crap. materia is arguably the most broken thing ever (no thats not true, Junctioning was far worse) and all the charecters lacked any real major differnce in stats and abilities. Limit breaks may look differnt but in the end all came down to doing stupid amounts of damage and were to far and few in between to be all that usefull anyways.

The graphics, I honestly dont see how we thought they were good at the time. There blockyand the colors dont blend well at all. major eyes strain on this one.

anywyas jsut my thoughts, anyone who likes it, more power to ya.

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