Terrible Games

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Post by Rune Lai »

I wrote an essay on my beef with Xenogears (click here) and the game became the inauguration of the Flame Bait review section of my website just because I had to vent about how that game sucked away 50 hours or my life. I only played it because my brother finally got me to cave in and see what it was about. The encounter rate was high, the battle system mind-numbing (since learning combinations was pretty useless and there was no option to just do a plain old Attack), and the story seems to take particular joy in appearing to be deep while also rambling on in a nonsensical fashion about religion and science.

If a writing team is going to attempt to do hard science fiction, they'd better know their science (the writers of Xenogears did not). If the writing team is going to refer to the works of Charles Jung you'd think they'd at least understand the gendered pairing of Animus and Anima (they don't). If they're going to use Biblical allegory, they shouldn't name characters after two of the Three Kings of the East without at least mentioning what the heck happened to the third one (if he exists in the game, I haven't a clue).

And that's not even touching on how much I disliked Fei as a main character. The best times of the game were when he was incapaciated and out of my party.

On the plus side though. Xenogears had a memorable soundtrack.

Arguably my biggest beef with the game is that it had the potential to be all that it claiemd to be, but fell flat on its face. I dislike so much wasted potential.
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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Final Fantasy VIII was a big letdown, especially after VI and VII had been so good. There was nothing in it that made me feel compelled to play onward. The plot was ridiculously stupid (The school turns into an airship? The characters all grew up together, but they all forgot about it because they've been using GFs? Do they expect anyone to take this seriously?). The combat system left a lot to be desired (Having to draw magic from enemies was probably the silliest idea I've ever seen implemented in a game.) The only redeeming quality the game had was some neato animation sequences, but to get to each neato animation you had to trudge through all those idiodic plot points and annoying random battles repeating that damned "Draw" command over, and over, and over.

Did I mention that I'm not a fan of this game? :wink:

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Post by Dark_Fairy »

I'd have to say the WORST game I have played was...Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage for Nintendo 64.

Dark Cloud for PS2 was also a stupid game.

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Post by Sonic# »

I happened to like Xenogears a fair bit, but maybe I've been numbed to terrible allusions, or perhaps I didn't know what they were in the first place, in some cases. Many of the Biblical allusions fly right past me as to what they mean, even though I can tell that they're derived from it. I liked it, enjoyed it, and actually beat it, but it was flawed, and yes, could've been better.

I haven't played an RPG that I've been totally turned off by. I bought Everquest once but didn't play it because I discovered it costed money... I was naive, and thought online play was free like in Diablo. That sucked.

I haven't played one that's terrible, though.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by keele864 »

What was the name of the first action/rpg for the PS2? I believe it was like everquest or everlast or something along those lines. You played as a guy with white hair and a sword. That was by far the worst game I believe I have ever played, except for american gladiators on the SNES


If they're going to use Biblical allegory, they shouldn't name characters after two of the Three Kings of the East without at least mentioning what the heck happened to the third one (if he exists in the game, I haven't a clue).

As I recall, all three were accounted for. I think one of them is a guy you meet in a cave relatively early in the game. Chrono Trigger also names characters after the Magi, which is probably part of the reason for the naming convention in Xenogears. It's hard to believe, but I think the two games were made by more or less the same team.

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Post by Alunissage »

The ones in Chrono Trigger were only named for the Magi in the US version, though. In the Japanese they were Hash, Bosh, and something else. I think.

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Post by Rune Lai »

Of the Magi in Xenogears, Balthasar was in the cave and I think it was Melchior that shows up later on, with Casper being missing. A die-hard Xenogears fan once told me that the missing third Magi was killed off prior to the start of the game in some old conflict and that detailed in the Xenogears Perfect Works or whatever the artbook was called, but that doesn't help the game out any. :|
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Post by SinReVi »

What's with all these Lufia haters? :evil: Wel, I am gone here farewell losers!

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Post by Sonic# »

One of the worst I can think of is Lufia: The Legend Returns for the GBC. It may of had some good points, but the randomly-generated dungeons ruined it all. RG dungeons are like a giant flashing sign from the developers that says: "We don't care about you."

Lufia: The Ruins of Lore- Why can't I save in dungeons? Why?

Lufia 1 Rise of some dum gods

What's with all these Lufia haters? Wel, I am gone here farewell losers!

Well, the point of this topic is to talk about games that you didn't like, so obviously there'll be more talk of people not liking games, even popular ones, than praises for it. ;) If you'd notice, despite all of these objections, G1 did defend Lufia, and I do too, though admittedly, the GBC Lufia was weaker than the others. Three does not qualify for "all these Lufia haters."

And if you want people to treat your opinions as courteously as others have been treated in this topic, it's a good idea to not call them losers. It gains no cool points and a few :roll: eyerolls.

And, ilovemyguitar, I personally like flying schools, but I can see where that would be disadvantageous, especially if it was like my old one with a leaky roof. ;)

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by Mog Dragonheart »

Hm... the worst RPG's I've ever played.. I'd have to say Xenogears bcuz of freakin' sole fact that after that ridiculously LONG ass'd dialogue in the tower of babel or ABOUT the tower (shh I don't even know) that I sat thru and had to endure, my freakin' save file goes and ERASES. It pissed me off so badly and made me hate the game so much that when i tried playing thru it again I noticed the sounds my PSX would make when I was about go into battle.. yeahh.. f' that game.

Chrono Cross? I don't know... I got to the part RIGHT before the end but i could never finish it bcuz some ass decides to take it from me but anyway... I think there was some pretty good things about it.. but I cant remember so I guess not. haha. What a big let-down. You gotta be careful with that type of stuff. Once they set the bar so high cuz of Chrono Trigger, anything down here dont matter.

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Post by A l e x »

Stupid kids leaving hate mail then leaving.

I played lufia for the snes. It was dix. In fact, I might order it off amazon.com.
I have the Italien Remix of Spark in the Dark.
It's much better.

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Post by SinReVi »

Lufia 1 Rise of some dum gods

1. It is Rise of the Sinistrals!
2. Rise of the Sinistrals is Lufia 2, not 1! You little hoochee! :twisted:

Lufia: The Ruins of Lore- Why can't I save in dungeons? Why?

Because you're a weakling. Duh.

One of the worst I can think of is Lufia: The Legend Returns for the GBC. It may of had some good points, but the randomly-generated dungeons ruined it all. RG dungeons are like a giant flashing sign from the developers that says: "We don't care about you."

Some? A lot you mean. And if you want a real boring game with random generated dungeons you should try Dokapon Monster Hunter.

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Post by Mog Dragonheart »

Hate mail~ naw.. the last RPG i really enjoyed was Skies of Arcadia.. before that Suikoden 2... and before that FF7.. a lot of the inbetweens sucked.

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Post by Etherest »

SinReVi, if you like defending Lufia so much, why don't you make a forum for it or something?...I'm not saying I don't like like Lufia....just that..." Opinions are like butts, everyone has one and no one thinks theirs stinks. "....
Okay, Hacker, listen up. I am tired of your fake assumptions! What is your problem?! Do you just like to mess with 14 year olds, who KNOW they don't lie to people at a site they consider HOME?!! PM ME NOW!

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Hey, SinReVi, I like Lufia. Fudge the nay-sayers.

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Post by SinReVi »

SinReVi, if you like defending Lufia so much, why don't you make a forum for it or something?...

Sorry, I already have a Lufia forum, and it would be useless for me to make a second Lufia forum.

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Post by Etherest »

Oh...sorry, I did'nt see those links...
Okay, Hacker, listen up. I am tired of your fake assumptions! What is your problem?! Do you just like to mess with 14 year olds, who KNOW they don't lie to people at a site they consider HOME?!! PM ME NOW!

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Post by keele864 »

I get the impression I'd love the first two Lufia games and that I'd probably like the third as well. Unfortunately, I only own the weakest game in the series. You can be assured, however, that if I ever see a used copy of Lufia I or II that I will buy it. I've wanted to play those games for a while.

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Post by DragonMaster Sam »

The only terrible games I've played were WrestleMania (NES), NFL Football (NES), and Pit Fighter (SNES).. All three of them were god-awful.

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Post by A l e x »

Boys, please. Now go back for a pass.

Have any of you played Phantasy Star 3!?!? Random battle music is the same beat repeated after one second! You don't see your party in a battle! The enemies sink into the ground after they die! WREN LOOKS LIKE A FREAKIN' WOMAN!
I have the Italien Remix of Spark in the Dark.
It's much better.

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