Your top 5 video games

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Post by Spirit Icana »

Oh, you've played Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword. You rock! Unless you got that confused with 'Blazing Sword,' which is the game with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector.

Good to see a Fire Emblem fan on here!

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Post by Angelalex242 »

...I hardly know where to begin. I've played, over the course of my life, well over 150 games, and now I'm supposed to pick 5? Bah on you people. Bah!

Obviously, the Lunars rank high for all of us, else we wouldn't be here. :wink:

So, that aside...

Hmmm. In no particular order...
Xenogears (Which I just recently nephew actually broke a disc on this once...)
FF9 (Happy hero>angsty hero)
FFX-2 (The fact I decided I wanted 3 Iron Dukes was telling)
Chrono Trigger (Also had excellent replay value)
FFIV (Old skool still rules, after all)
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Post by NallOne »

1.) The Lunar Series

I prefer to categorize smaller series (Such as Lunar, Suikoden, Shadow Hearts, etc) into one part of my lists because I tend to like them as a series in general. If there isn't even ONE game in the series that I didn't at least somewhat enjoy then I tend to group them together. :P Lunar is, obviously, high on my list. My first RPG ever was TSS, after all.

2.) Shadow Hearts Series

Koudelka was a very weird game, but it was one of the last RPGs I got for the PS1 and I really did love it. SH and SH2 on the other hand are both such wonderful, innovative (IMO) RPGs with a very likable Main Character who is a nice change from most other RPGs, especially Final Fantasy games. You either have the antisocial badass or the depressed lover boy - Throw those together, add a little sarcasm and some Chemical X and you've got Yuri. Such a great Series. It's too bad the next game is looking a little less than worthy of the name from what I've heard so far.

3.) Final Fantasy X-2

I get all kinds of comments for that being so high on my list, especially from Final Fantasy Fan(boy)s. I really don't see why it is so hated. Games have always been about fun to me, and I've never had so much playing a Final Fantasy like I did when I played this game. So much fun. It didn't hurt that I loved Final Fantasy X as well. It was like a huge revisit filled with girl power and...well..."fun". I treasure this game.

4.) Kingdom Hearts

I was a late bloomer into this game as I was severely turned off on the idea from the initial previews. The idea of mixing Disney Characters with an RPG setting just...worried me. Sadly that made me miss out until late last year when I finally caved in and got it. The rest is history. :P Amazingly fun and quirky not to mention familiar characters mixed with interesting (albeit severely repetitive) gameplay and a deep is a great mixture. I love this game. :)

5.) Xenosaga Series

What can I say? I'm a sucker for interactive movies. :twisted: It is funny that most of the things people complained about in the first game were the things I liked the most about it. Sadly, the developers listened to them and that ended up making the second Episode lack in many of the things I loved about the first. I still loved them both. I get a lot of heat for liking them more than Xenogears, but not as much as I get for liking Final Fantasy X-2 in general. :roll: :?

A few of those will probably switch around before the year is over. :P They always do. The only ones that have been on that list for more than a year or so are Lunar and Final Fantasy X-2. x_x I'm so indecisive - I like too many games and can never put them into a concrete order. :lol:
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Post by Ardekh »!?!?!?! *splodes*

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Post by NallOne »

Ardekh!?!?!?! *splodes*


Yes, I do. >_> Mainly because Xenogears was very bothersome to play through more than once for me. I don't have the time to play through RPGs in long sittings anymore like I use to, and with a game like Xenogears it is easy to get disconnected from the story if you've been away from it for a long time. :cry:
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Post by Greensky »

Yeah, I love the story of Xenosaga. I just hope to god that they actually make an Episode III, with the original storyline guy quitting and all that... :(

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Post by Angelalex242 »

...That's the problem with a series. Life happens to developers...and then things go into the dustheap of history, filled with incomplete stories we'll now never have an ending for.
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Post by NallOne »

Greensky wrote:Yeah, I love the story of Xenosaga. I just hope to god that they actually make an Episode III, with the original storyline guy quitting and all that... :(

Quiting? I'm quite certain both of the masterminds behind Xenogears and Xenosaga were fired. I could be wrong, but I am quite sure they didn't leave because they wanted to.

I fear for the future of the series. The plot is already terribly convoluted and down right confusing thanks to the 'new' team completely trashing the original story (which Episode I and parts of Episode II were telling), so Episode III is just destined to be a huge mess. I'll still buy it, but how well it is handled will decide whether I continue on with the series after this. That is assuming the series even continues on.
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Post by Apocalypse »

1.) Chrono Trigger (I'm sure many will disagree)
2.) Seiken Densetsu 3 (A GREAT import, in my opinion. Wish it was released here.)
3.) Final Fantasy 3(6) (classic)
4.) Secret of Mana (Nice game, pretty similar to SD3... as it is SD3's prequel.)
5.) SSB Series (Sorry, I couldn't avoid putting this up. May be modern in comparison to my other favorites, but 'tis a good game.)

Heh... I'm sure a few of you will be a little angered as to the lack of Lunar on my list. Well, to be honest, I have no experience with Lunar as of this point. Dragon Song will be quite literally, my first exposure to the series. As such, it would be unfair for me to put any of the Lunar titles in. If Dragon song impresses me, I'll likely look in to the other Lunar titiels a bit more. A good RPG is something I wouldn't typically miss. Who knows, maybe I'll have to edit my list to put it above CT. It'd have to be one hell of a series to do that though. 8)

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Post by Angelalex242 »

I won't shoot for your Chrono Trigger. I recall listing it myself.
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Post by Aaron »

in order from favorite to least favorite

1) Lunar Eternal Blue Complete
2) Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
3) World of Warcraft
4) Half-Life 1/2 (Because of Mod Content)
5) Wild Arms 1 (Teh Pwnz)

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Post by SSSFan »

Unless you got that confused with 'Blazing Sword,' which is the game with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector

the first fire emblem for GBA IS called the sealed sword right..right??that game includes eliwood, lyn and hector too, or not?
never heard of blazing sword...

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Post by Mormon88 »

1. Fire Emblem (7)
2. Metroid Prime
3. Golden Sun: The Lost Age
4. Knights of the Old Republic
5. the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

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Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

1. Lunar Silver Star Story
2. Lunar Eternal Blue
3. Resident Evil 4
4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
5. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Wow, this got dug up from nowhere. I missed posting before, though, so here goes:

1- Lunar: I'm including the whole series, because yeah, I'd put all four console titles on here otherwise and that'd be no fun.

2- Final Fantasy VI Advance: I would have put the original SNES version on this list, but the GBA remake of this game is pretty awesome. It fixes a couple glitches that were annoying in the original version (the evasion bug, blind status actually effects characters now, etc), and the bonus dungeon at the end is good fun.

3- Tetris: Come on, you can't deny the greatest puzzle game ever. I love Tetris DS in particular because of the WiFi multiplayer.

4- The Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past: This is just an awesome game. I still play around on it occasionally (the GBA remake), and I have yet to have a file with every single heart piece.

5- Super Mario Bros. 3: Yeah, it's a classic. And I'm still waiting for Nintendo to include that shoe costume in another Mario game.

Honorable mentions-
Chrono Trigger: I doubt I have to explain this one to anyone here.
Lufia 2: The storyline is silly cliche RPG fare, but the battle system is good (why don't other RPGs use this game's magic targetting system?), the puzzles are fun, and the Ancient Cave is great.
Minesweeper: Oh so simple, yet oh so aggravating. How many times will you say "just one more game?"

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Post by Dragonmaster Dyne »

1. Luner SSSC

2. Legend of Legaia

3. Final Fantasy Xll

4. Gears of War

5. Halo 2

I love all these practically the same, so its hard to say which one is better. This would probably be the order they would be in.

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Post by Zophar »

I. The Lunar Series
II. Xenosaga (I,II, and III)
III. Kingdom Hearts II
IV. Final Fantasy X
V. Halo 2

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Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Lunar: The Silver Star/Silver Star Story Complete - Ah, The Silver Star. Where it all began. I remember how it went for me. It was all a flook really. I didn't read any outstanding reviews, didn't hear any praise from the gamer masses. No. I walked into the local video rental store, bored out of my skull, saw the amazing artwork on the cover of Silver Star Story Complete and picked it up. I didn't expect much. After all, a majority of the games in that run down little business are awful... But lets just say I had an outstanding late fee. Uncanny character and emotional development. Amazing storyline and plot. Simply outstanding voice acting. And of course, Ghaleon, the single greatest RPG villain of all time. After I played through this a little over ten times(that numbers somewhere in the fifties now), I delved into EBC, and then into the classics. Good ol' Lunar.

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue/Eternal Blue Complete - The equally amazing sequel. It has all of the perks of the first, including Ghaleon! Woo!

Suikoden II - The only game that comes even remotely close to the overwhelming charm of good ol' Lunar in my opinion. A stunning plot focused around the tyrannical campaign of Lucas Blight and the expansion of the Highland army. The hero and his best friend Jowy obtain one of the 27 true runes, the Rune of Beginning. This is seperated into two opposing forces; the black sword rune and the bright shield rune focusing around the creation myth in the Suikoden world. Amazing game. I recommend playing the first game prior to second to those who were swayed by this of course.

Xenogears - One of the most complicated and appealing plots I have ever encountered in any video game. There is just so much depth in this game! Focuses around the Jewish Sephirot and the Zohar, Freud's theory behind super ego and ID, the man-made god Deus. Simply amazing. A+.

Valkyrie Profile - Excellent adventure focused around Norse mythology. The main character, Lenneth, is a Valkyrie under the rule of Lord Odin, ruler of Valhalla, the realm of the gods. Ragnorak is breaming over the horizon, the war to end all wars, the end of the world. In order to prevent this, Lenneth has gone to recruit fallen heroes known as Einherjar to serve lord Odin and his cause, but will it be enough? Highly recommended.
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Post by Nall.TWK »

Final Fantasy VI. The game started it all. Really to be honest, I sucked at the game so much it took 90 hours to win. and half way through the game I don't think I had any idea what exp points were. But it was well worth it. Now the game isn't that great because I played it so many times.

Chrono Trigger. My second RPG. That game was quite possibly the best I experienced in my time. That made me love RPGs even more.

Final Fantasy IV. I didn't like the game at first, but I tried it again, and ended up liking it a lot.

FF7 but I haven't played it in ages. It was my first game for my first playstation. I loved playing it then.

Lunar series for playstation I played later on. I loved the games, and they reminded me just how great an RPG can be. Great story, characters, music, etc. I couldn't really find a better game after that.

I'm sorry Lunar isn't on the top, I'm listing them in order of games I first discovered and fell in love with.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Nall.TWK wrote:I'm sorry Lunar isn't on the top, I'm listing them in order of games I first discovered and fell in love with.
You can defend it all you want, Kiz is gonna ban you. :P

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