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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:52 pm
by Ruby
localflick wrote:Ruby, did Sephiroth954312872 join the MB with the sole intent to spite you?

Hmmm, I, along with everyone else that beat FF7 killed Sephiroth. So since he's dead there should be no more of his followers right?

Rage on Ruby! Fight the good fight! That bastard uses Supernova for goodness sake. Supernova!

Ha ha ha.. It's probably just G1 or Undine or Jenner or someone who's just playing around with me. I actually found the Sephiroth#### creation to be quite funny. I suppose this means I've overused that joke then. ;p

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:09 pm
by localflick
That's funny. The reason I'm in this MB instead of others like Eyes on FF or Fool's Gold is because there are real people like that who will only join to start flamewars, and/or mess with people for no reason. Hell I know half of the instigators in person. Also I love the Lunar series way more than the FF games.

As much as I like FF (yeah I said it). FF fans sometimes scare me. They actually had a thread on Eyes on FF that went for several pages debating the material Vincent's coffin was made out of. "Well, it looks like wood, but it sounds like metal..." "oh, no it's wood for sure. But what kind? I think it's oak..." AAAARGH!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:48 pm
by Alunissage
Yeah, it's just a joke sign-in. Wish I'd thought of it first. :P

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:52 pm
by Skylark360
Zhirl, you don't like Dark Cloud 2?

*Gets on boxing gloves* Oh, it's on now. :P ...even though I barely know you... :)

Okay, on topic!

The worst, I'd have to say, is Legend of Dragoon. I hated Hatchel much more than everybody else, though... Yeesh, too much training is bad. Bad!

BTW, I don't know if I've asked this already, but I wonder what happened to Ruby's comics? Or was it someone else I was thinking of...? :?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:16 pm
by meru
Skylark360 wrote:The worst, I'd have to say, is Legend of Dragoon. I hated Hatchel much more than everybody else, though... Yeesh, too much training is bad. Bad!

Grrrrrr.... :evil:

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:47 pm
by Sephiroth954312872
What? Joke account!? The power of Sephiroth will destroy you all! My feloow 954312871 Sephiroth fans will destroy you all. Viva la Gha... uh... Sephiroth!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:02 pm
by meru
Eep! The sephiroth fan is back! AIIIEEE!!!! *Runs away*

Death to Sephiroth!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:57 am
by localflick
Yeah, Vive la Ghaleon! Sephiroth is dead... and there are no FF sequals! (uh, except for X but that barely counts as a game at all so let's over look it) So Sephiroth willl be gone forever (except for that Advent Children thing) but Ghaleon just keeps coming back! It doesn't matter if he's brought back by Zophar, or some other force, you can't stop him.

...oh yeah Aeris was the only decent magic user you heartless bastard! :evil:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:33 am
by Sephiroth954312872
Bah. I did that poser Cloud a favor by offing Aeris. Tifa was 10x better, and a looker too. I expected him to thank me for it, but what does it do? He kills me instead. No respect for Sephiroth.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:29 am
by phyco126
If I had a chance, I would have killed Sephypooh too.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:03 am
by Sephiroth954312872
Humph *casts Meteo on phyco126 watching stars, comments, planets and more exploding inward on him*, *falls asleep waiting for the spell to finish*, *3 hours later wakes up from naptime to find the spell only did a few hundred HP damage* Damn... I knew I should have taken Borgan up on learning Gravity Bomb...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:39 pm
by meru
Eek! It's Sephy! *glomps* Ahhhhhh!!!! *Runs away screaming*

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:19 pm
by phyco126
*flexes* Sorry, those few hundred HP was actually yours. I used white dragon protect, which protected me, then countered with Red Dragon Anger. Have a nice day. :D *tosses sephy a Friendship Ring*

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:27 am
by Jenner
Ruby wrote:
localflick wrote:Ruby, did Sephiroth954312872 join the MB with the sole intent to spite you?

Hmmm, I, along with everyone else that beat FF7 killed Sephiroth. So since he's dead there should be no more of his followers right?

Rage on Ruby! Fight the good fight! That bastard uses Supernova for goodness sake. Supernova!

Ha ha ha.. It's probably just G1 or Undine or Jenner or someone who's just playing around with me. I actually found the Sephiroth#### creation to be quite funny. I suppose this means I've overused that joke then. ;p

I, an equal hater of FF7, would never belittle myself in such a way just to pester you.

I hate FF7 because it's degenerated the gaming industry and RPG industry as we know it. Up until FF7 the story of video games was told in stunning detail with deep, insightful plot. During and after FF7 you had to all but hunt for plot the story was told with scenes. Almost all the characters were stereotypes, the game ridicules and encourages these sterotypes. Homosexuals (Wanna find gays? Go to the gym!) Black people (Barret was so offensive,) and Cid ridiculed americans as a massive stereotype.

I found the game sickening, and now almost all Squares RPGs, and a great deal of other RPGs that try to copy Square have massive plot sandwiches and long cutscenes that take too long...

it was disgustingly intolerant and offensive, FF7 raped my genre.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:37 am
by phyco126
Jenn is right, though I never thought of the sterotypes before, but it does make sense when I think about it. Anyway, there is only one game that I wouldn't mind the long cutscenes, and that's really any Lunar game.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:36 pm
by Sonic#
Hmmm. I'll have to play devil's advocate to your song.

You say that it's FF7 that ruined RPGs. I say that it's FF7 that popularized them. To you, they might be synonyms, but to me, they're a front door opened with both advantages and disadvantages.

True, before FF7, there were good RPGs. But there weren't that many. How many Genesis RPGs are there? And how many SNES RPGs are there? Considering the length of the console's life, not very many.

After FF7 was released, interest skyrocketed! Games we might've never seen started coming over. True, some were cliched, but at the same time, some of them remain my favorite today! It increased the bilge, but it also boosted interest in the good stuff.

Even I will admit to FF7 being a sort of front door for me. I'd played other RPGs before, but it's one of those ones that's easily accessible. It makes one lust for similar gameplay. And many players find out soon that there's better stuff out there.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:02 pm
by Jenner
I know that it blossomed and awakened the RPG industry...
But it hyped it up...

The game really left a scarring mark on me.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:11 pm
by localflick
It seems like RPGs used to be like a really cool underground music scene. Then FF7 comes along as the big sellout which makes it all mainstream. Then thousands of one hit wonders follow trying to emulate it. It ruins the scene.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:47 pm
by ilovemyguitar
localflick wrote:It seems like RPGs used to be like a really cool underground music scene. Then FF7 comes along as the big sellout which makes it all mainstream. Then thousands of one hit wonders follow trying to emulate it. It ruins the scene.

This reminds me of a discussion I just had recently.

Have you guys ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show? It's a movie musical (and was a stage play prior to that) about an ordinary young couple that inadvertently falls in with a bunch of screwball characters having a party in a castle in the middle of nowhere. It's a crazy-fun movie, and it has a huge cult following that enjoys dressing up in costumes like the over-the-top characters in the movie and going to midnight screenings of the show, with lots of silly audience participation and whatnot.

But the aspect of the movie that is frequently overlooked is that it is a very clear-cut allegory that depicts what happens when an underground movement is brought into the mainstream. The ordinary couple, Brad and Janet, represent typical middle-class America. The party-goers in the castle represent those that are part of the underground movement. The character of Dr. Frankenfurter (played by Tim Curry in the movie) is the character that reaches out to Brad and Janet and includes them in the party. Eventually, Brad and Janet embrace the style of the party, but reject Frankenfurter himself. At the end of the movie the other people in the castle reject Frankenfurter as well; they kill Frankenfurter, and kick Brad and Janet out of the castle.

The most obvious parrallel to real life that this movie depicts is the sexual liberation movement of the late 50's and 60's, but it also applies to any other underground idea that is brought into the mainstream. The individual or group that actually is responsible for bringing it to the mainstream will eventually be rejected by both the mainstream, and those who were part of the underground movement before.

(For an obvious example of this phenomenon, look at the popularity of rap music. Who were the first artists to have a rap album that qualified as a bona fide chart-topping album? MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice.)

Really? I don't think so...

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:19 am
by Erasculio
Sonic# wrote:True, before FF7, there were good RPGs. But there weren't that many. How many Genesis RPGs are there? And how many SNES RPGs are there? Considering the length of the console's life, not very many.

Well, I'm not sure I agree with this. We had...

The Phantasy Star series
The Lunar series 8)
Beyond Oasis

And for the Super Nintendo...

The Final Fantasy series
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Mana
The Zelda series (ok, I'm not sure it counts, but...)
The Mario RPG

And some others I don't remember.

The PlayStation, in other hand, had what?

Other than the Lunar series and FF, it had Xenogears, and, as far as I remember, that was it. I'm not sure FF VII was anything bigger than FF VI, for example. I would link the RPG boon (if it really existed) to a new system, the PlayStation, rather than to that specific game.

(But hey, that was the time I stopped following video-games, not to mention my memory isn't exactly nice these days. I may be forgetting a lot of games.)
