So um.....does Nintendo have a screw loose?

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So um.....does Nintendo have a screw loose?

Post by Roas Atrades »'s not going to be called the Revolution...

Nintendo is now calling the new system the...Wii.

I'm am I supposed to take them seriously with a name like that?

I know this has nothing to do with the games...but what mentally deficient mole man came up with this?
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Re: So um.....does Nintendo have a screw loose?

Post by Werefrog »

Roas Atrades wrote: I'm am I supposed to take them seriously with a name like that?
I don't think you're supposed to take them seriously. They represent the youthful side of gaming.

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Re: So um.....does Nintendo have a screw loose?

Post by Roas Atrades »

Werefrog wrote: I don't think you're supposed to take them seriously. They represent the youthful side of gaming.
Youthful as in clueless :lol:

I still say their marketing strategy is the brain storm of a simpleton :P
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Why in the hell would they change the name? Revolution was a great name for the system. Wii is just wii-tarded (sorry, couldn't resist - yes, it is pronounced "we", not "wi", "why" or "weee"). Okay, so I stole that from the GamesAreFun article. Still, the name just doesn't make sense, and is definately a dumb direction from the Revolution. Maybe Nintendo of America will go with something different. The Famicom was named the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES or "the Nintendo" as most of us called it). I'm not sure what it means in Japan, but here in American, they'd be smart to call it something else. Wii just looks and sounds too weird.

And yes, this is coming from someone who was really interested in the Revolution. I still am. I'll just feel weird saying it.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

GhaleonOne wrote:I'm not sure what it means in Japan, but here in American, they'd be smart to call it something else.
Something that is not close to a synonym know where I'm going with this 8)
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Post by GhaleonOne »

I assume you mean WWII, but I figured there was some completely different meaning. That wasn't what I was getting at. More that perhaps it meant something in Japan that was lost on Americans.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

GhaleonOne wrote:I assume you mean WWII, but I figured there was some completely different meaning.
No. My mind is in the gutter on this one :)

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Wanted to try and infer rather than just come right out and say it :P
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Post by Alunissage »

I'm sure every possible "clever" joke was on the net within an hour of the announcement, and every possible unclever one too. One sincerely hopes not to encounter more repetition of the same here.

One comment I saw was that it would probably tie in to Wi-fi somehow, as a commercial with the F fading out or something.

I dunno. I thought I heard something about concern that the name "Revolution" would sound quite dated when the following generation was out, but this seems the wrong way to address that. Many stories of product names which are homophones of undesirable words in other markets are coming to mind. At least a long word like Revolution isn't likely to have that problem, although perhaps it's cumbersome for the Japanese speakers also. As various people have pointed out, we are not the target audience. Perhaps Kizyr will have some insight into how the name would sound to a Japanese person.

I wonder if it will end up abbreviated by letter. NW. Endub? Better or worse?

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Post by Werefrog »

Alunissage wrote:I'm sure every possible "clever" joke was on the net within an hour of the announcement, and every possible unclever one too. One sincerely hopes not to encounter more repetition of the same here.
Very true.

And Roas, I agree that it's not the greatest name, but I think everyone is over-reacting.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Werefrog wrote: And Roas, I agree that it's not the greatest name, but I think everyone is over-reacting.

I don't think I'm over reacting. I just think it's really stupid.
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Post by Werefrog »

Roas Atrades wrote:
Werefrog wrote: And Roas, I agree that it's not the greatest name, but I think everyone is over-reacting.

I don't think I'm over reacting. I just think it's really stupid.
Okay... then you're just being really insensitive by calling them simpletons. My bad.

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Post by Kizyr »

Well, it sounds rather silly in Japanese, too, if you ask me. Nintendo's writing it as "Wii", phonetically spelled as "ウィー", and sounding something like "Whee!".

Come on! It's a fun name!

Checking out their ad for it (off, here's their rough explanation: "[Wii], which resembles the English "We", implies a concept that can be enjoyed by the entire family. The "ii" in [Wii] implies the unique controller, and how people can use different controllers to play."

...still sounds rather silly, although the name itself looks ok. I certainly hope they change the name before coming stateside, though; it's not as bad a marketing thing in Japan I don't think, but the name would be a liability here. KF
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Post by Roas Atrades »

Werefrog wrote: Okay... then you're just being really insensitive by calling them simpletons. My bad.

Holster that attitude, man, unless you have the real ammo to back that up. If you are daring to call me insensitive, then why don't you say that to G1, or the couple others who have had the same reactions as myself so far?

I started this as light and silly, just poking some fun at, what has been pretty much agreed on so far, a pretty absurd name Nintendo has come up with. But if you really want to watch me be insensitive, by all means, start pushing my buttons.

Watch it, dude. Don't pick a fight over nothing.
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Post by Alunissage »

Well, some people might consider "mentally deficient mole man" to be insensitive. ;) I'm sure that whoever thought of it was intelligent and insightful...just not aware of how it reads to the English-speaking audience. And really, it probably wouldn't seem nearly so bad if we hadn't had a different and perfectly acceptable name entrenched for so long. "X-Box" is a pretty idiotic name too, but we're used to it now.

Unfortunately, there have been press releases from NOA and NOE with this name already, so it doesn't seem likely that they'll rename it. I wonder how many NOA employees knew about it before then, though. Chris didn't the last time I talked to him (a few weeks ago), although he knew a different name existed. And I sure have sympathy for the poor NP writers who have to preemptively defend it.

By the way, have people watched the commercial with the logo? It's cute.

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Post by phyco126 »

Anyone see the comic for penny arcade about this? I can't seem to get a picture, so I don't know if this is just on my end or what.

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Post by Asmodean »

The way I see it, they did to get people talkin' about it. And that's just what everyone is doin'.

It seems to have worked.

:: walks off ::

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Post by GhaleonOne »

After thinking about it, Playstation, Dreamcast and Saturn are somewhat strange names too really. Dreamcast specifically was weird to me at first. I'm sure the weirdness in the name will disappear over time (especially when we see some good games) but I do agree with Kiz that the name is a liability in the US.

I mean, instead of people saying they're a Nintendo-man, now they can say they're a Wii-man! ... okay, I'll stop. :P

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Post by Sonic# »


I dunno. Perhaps this is some sort of absurdity coming out, but I kinda like it. I mean, I'd rather stay with the Revolution, because it's more familiar and such, but...

The Dreamcast had the project name 'Katana.' And yet the name was still changed. However, Dreamcast still has more syllables than... Wii.

I guess the main reason I like it is that it's just fun to say. I mean, you could say, "I play an X-box 360," or "I play a Playstation 3." But now you'll be able to say, "I play a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

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Post by Aquaignis »

I don't see the "Wii" selling well in America...

I mean, who want to say,
"I play a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"
seriously to all your "cool" friends.

Besides Sonic#.
.........................................just kidding Sonic#. :lol:
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Post by Werefrog »

Roas Atrades wrote:
Werefrog wrote: Okay... then you're just being really insensitive by calling them simpletons. My bad.

Holster that attitude, man, unless you have the real ammo to back that up. If you are daring to call me insensitive, then why don't you say that to G1, or the couple others who have had the same reactions as myself so far?

I started this as light and silly, just poking some fun at, what has been pretty much agreed on so far, a pretty absurd name Nintendo has come up with. But if you really want to watch me be insensitive, by all means, start pushing my buttons.

Watch it, dude. Don't pick a fight over nothing.
You know I actually realized the thing about G! as well; I just didn't realize it last night. It was rather late my time.

And I've always been of the opinion that people who use the word dude while trying to intimidate someone should just back down.

The end.


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