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Terrible Games

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:43 pm
by A l e x
I've always wondered other peoples answers to this-

What is the worst old school rpg you've ever played?

Mine is Phantasy Star 3. Good god. And number 4 is so good...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:48 am
by punkabof1
Lufia 1 Rise of some dum gods

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:57 am
by GhaleonOne
You didn't like Lufia 1? It started off pretty slow, but the later half of the game was good story-wise. It was hard as crap if you didn't stay leveled up. Lufia 2 was really good though.

The worst is Beyond the Beyond.

Oh and Final Fantasy VII. That was an utter pile of crap. :P ::waits to get flamed::

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:06 am
by Erroneous
GhaleonOne wrote:Oh and Final Fantasy VII. That was an utter pile of crap

*high fives*

Well aside FFX-2 & FF:CC*COUGHS*POS*COUGHS*, I'd have to say the worst RPG of all time would be Evolution.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:31 am
by Rune Lai
Well, the one that I despise that typically earns me flames is:



Most pretentious piece of crap I ever played.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:49 am
by Drake-Dark
Hmm... I'd have to say Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete



There is one I found really pointless, but its so bad I blanked out its name. Something with building your own house and getting mail and using items to create the dungons to get more dungon creating items...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:54 am
by Erroneous
Drake-Dark wrote:There is one I found really pointless, but its so bad I blanked out its name. Something with building your own house and getting mail and using items to create the dungons to get more dungon creating items...

Dark Cloud I believe.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:38 am
by GhaleonOne
Well, the one that I despite that typically earns me flames is:



Most pretentious piece of crap I ever played.

Actually, I agree with you. I didn't think it was horrible, but I just gave up about 30 hours in. The story wasn't doing it for me. There's worse out there, but I feel it's up there in the top 3 overrated RPGs out there, considering it's huge following. I couldn't get into Xenosaga either, but then, I only gave it maybe an hour and a half before quitting, so I can't really say I played enough to judge it.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:42 am
by Etherest
FFCC was crap...but Lufia was good...and it makes more sense if you play Lufia 2 first.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:16 am
by A l e x
Good posts, good posts.

Some more crap- Final Fantasy 8 and up, quest 64, Legend of Dragoon.

If you happen to like these, please keep it to yourself.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:06 am
by Alunissage
Don't tell us what opinions to keep to ourselves. :evil:

I don't really like these negative threads as they tend to encourage angry responses as people use exaggerated, general expressions of hatred to describe something that they personally didn't happen to like as if their opinions were objectively true, which tends to provoke people who disagree. However, even with that concern, telling someone they can't express even polite dissent? I don't think so.

I have little personal stake in this as I've yet to get to many, many RPGs. But simply stating an extreme opinion without one word of explanation as to why you dislike it is, well, simplistic is the most neutral word I can think of to describe it. But then, I don't see why people focus on the bad things as if they totally negate any good aspects. It's like they like to hate things and be contemptuous. :|

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:39 am
by Kizyr
I enjoyed parts of FFX-2. Two parts in particular. I never bothered to buy the game since I just downloaded some wallpapers that achieved the same purpose.

I still really want to play Xenogears. Too bad I never got around to it.

And Evolution was really fun... You're talking about the old one for SNES, right? KF

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:30 pm
by Guest
Hey Legend Of Dragoon Was A Good Game !!!!! well, other then the fact that the cut seans were horrible did u play all the way through it? oh and also what part was so bad about it.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:36 pm
by A l e x
Got to the fourth disk. It was bad, I gave it a chance.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:24 pm
by keele864
I can't say I really despise any of these games, but the following really get on my nerves:

Xenogears- Confusing plotline, ugly graphics, irritating puzzles, and the focus on slow-paced Gear battles all bugged me. Still, I liked the game enough to finish it.

Breath of Fire III- Just didn't really interest me. The Xenogears-style graphics didn't help.

Phantasy Star II- A great game, but the mazelike first dungeon (I understand later ones are much, much worse) and slow walking speed drove me mad. The GBA version really should have provided maps and the option to speed up the game. If it did, this might be one of my favorite RPG's.

Lufia: The Ruins of Lore- Why can't I save in dungeons? Why?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:35 pm
by Wizro
I have to choose Parasite Eve. I played the game all the way through and thought the plot was great, but the combat system made the game really boring for me.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:42 pm
by AbsoluteAlex
What was the name of the first action/rpg for the PS2? I believe it was like everquest or everlast or something along those lines. You played as a guy with white hair and a sword. That was by far the worst game I believe I have ever played, except for american gladiators on the SNES

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:56 pm
by Quark79
One of the worst I can think of is Lufia: The Legend Returns for the GBC. It may of had some good points, but the randomly-generated dungeons ruined it all. RG dungeons are like a giant flashing sign from the developers that says: "We don't care about you."

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:09 pm
by A l e x
About the Phantasy Star series-
Never played #1, probably good.
My big bro beat number 2, don't know how, that game is so fudging boring.
Don't make me talk about #3.

........Peace out.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:05 am
by Kizyr
Phantasy Star 1 was an absolutely amazing game that was way ahead of its time. KF