Writer's Curse...your good idea someone thought of first

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Roas Atrades
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Writer's Curse...your good idea someone thought of first

Post by Roas Atrades »

I don't generally suffer from normal writer's problems like a block, but I do repeatedly run into the situation of used ideas.

Generally, I come up with a great idea, at least I think it is, but then BAM I see this same idea the next day or something on a show or in another book. Most recently I had the idea to use incarnations of the seven deadly sins in an upcoming story (don't ask which one, Rune, else beware spoilers :twisted: ), but then I realized each of the sins were portrayed in FMA. Granted, the homunculi are merely named after the sins. But if I decided to go through with this idea, to me it feels like I'd be copying too close to FMA. I've come up with a decent substitute (again, don't ask :P ).

But this was not the first time. Because of Tolkien I can't put elves in trees, so I'm putting them in deserts (Elfquest doesn't count as doing it first :P).

I came up with a reptilean alien race for some sci-fi stories, and then Farscape came out with the Skarens. I've altered my race enough, but it is still a hassle.

So what is the moral of the story?

If you look hard enough, every idea has probably already been thought of. The best you can do when you discover this is make slight alterations to your own idea to make it a similar yet distinct version. You cannot get discouraged in the face of a situation like this. Either make the idea your own in a special way, or present it in a fashion that is an obvious homage to a predecessor.
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Post by Kizyr »

Why be so worried?

Folks here are way too paranoid about perceived plagiarism, so if you come up with an idea that's similar to someone else's, people will start claiming you 'ripped off' or whatever. You look hard enough, though, and everything is ripped off.

I find this to be the typical case with idiot anime fans (not all anime fans, I'm talking about the idiot ones... you know who I mean if you've been to enough conventions). This and that movie / Disney cartoon 'ripped off' of such-and-such anime. Yeah, whatever, while about 90% of anime out right now borrowed the same or similar themes and styles from other series. And we still like them.

Point is, there's nothing wrong with borrowing or being influenced by other sources. Makes it more challenging to find ways to put used ideas into a new light to create something original. KF
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Post by Roas Atrades »

Oh, I'm never worried about plagorism, Kiz. I stopped worrying about that when I was 17, heh. And stupid fans with criticism, well, they have never bothered me and my stories. Only once did I get an email trying to tear my plot apart, and my knowledge of the series far outmatched this person so I dismantled their arguement instead 8)

I just want to try and be as original as possible :)
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Post by Alunissage »

I find this happens to me in other areas, such as when I'm designing my knitting projects. It irritates me to no end to see a project like the one I just came up with in the next magazine I picked up, especially with the thought that people might think I'd gotten the idea from somewhere else or was using a commercial pattern instead of my own...it's not a question of plagiarism, of course, since most knitters use patterns by other people, but it's a matter of pride for me that I never copy someone else's work exactly; even if I like a pattern I see, I won't consider making it unless I have a way to do something differently (and better).

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Post by Roas Atrades »

I find this happens to me in other areas, such as when I'm designing my knitting projects. It irritates me to no end to see a project like the one I just came up with in the next magazine I picked up, especially with the thought that people might think I'd gotten the idea from somewhere else or was using a commercial pattern instead of my own...it's not a question of plagiarism, of course, since most knitters use patterns by other people, but it's a matter of pride for me that I never copy someone else's work exactly; even if I like a pattern I see, I won't consider making it unless I have a way to do something differently (and better).

Exactly what I'm talking about.

A great idea comes to you, but someone else, with more exposure, inevitably has a similar idea, so you have to go back and make sure yours looks as original as possible.

I agree. My main concern is that my ideas are shown as original and not totally copied from other ideas. Yes, I get inspiration from many things and use them as patterns, but I try never to blatently mimic something without giving it my own flavor.
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Post by Katze »

Eh, happens to me too. But unless the other person's idea is EXACTLY like the one I thought of, I normally just continue on with what I planned.

But I had a character who's situation was VERY similar to Alphonse's from FMA, so I felt the need to alter it. And I got something better, yay! XD

And you're right, almost everything has been thought of at least once. But there are still ways to use similar themes and make them different, you just need to be creative enough.

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Post by Rune Lai »

I run into used ideas before, but one thing I try to do when I'm working on something is to ignore what other people have done as much as possible. For instance, there is a story I've written centered around a necromancer, a good guy necromancer. Even though the initial short story is done, I'm still fleshing out how necromancy works and how my protagonist walks the line between the reprehensible and the forgiveable since I intend on using him again.

In the meantime there's a fantasy trilogy I've discovered that also features a good guy (good girl actually) necromancer protagonist. I'd love to read the series since it apparently has been well reviewed and I like the idea of a good guy necromancer (otherwise I wouldn't be writing one), but until I feel I'm satisfied with my own work, I won't be touching that series. That's just my way of avoiding accidental contamination and to ensure that my ideas remain my own.
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Post by Spirit Icana »

Just think wild, or outside the box, and write whatever works for you. I wrote a story about a Cyber World and how it's being infested by the evil Dr. PS2 and Sir Xbox. Thankfully, Gamecube (all consoles have arms and legs) was there to save the day....or at least Papa NES, whom was held over a juice of zapping electricity during the course of events. I think the fight scenes in the story would perk some eyes up.

The idea spawned when Xbox and Gamecube were on the verge of release and debates of which system would be better were at its highest.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Spirit Icana wrote:Just think wild, or outside the box, and write whatever works for you. I wrote a story about a Cyber World and how it's being infested by the evil Dr. PS2 and Sir Xbox. Thankfully, Gamecube (all consoles have arms and legs) was there to save the day....or at least Papa NES, whom was held over a juice of zapping electricity during the course of events. I think the fight scenes in the story would perk some eyes up.

The idea spawned when Xbox and Gamecube were on the verge of release and debates of which system would be better were at its highest.

Um....I never said I was having any problems coming up with ideas. Nothing's wrong with my creativity, just was kinda thrown whenever I see ideas I was thinking on appear in mainstream media.

And did you seriously write a fic that basically looks like a bash Sony and Microsoft story?
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Post by Spirit Icana »

Yes, I did write a story for an English class that was ment to make Sony and Microsoft's consoles (at the time) look evil. Huge debates about the three video game consoles were being thrown around my school a little before the eve of GameCube and Xbox's launch, and this was one of my attempts to sway the crowd over to GameCube.

I don't really have anything personal against either Xbox and PS2, seeing as I don't own either. The Xbox's games just don't interest me, and the PS2 has too many mutters about the hardware breaking down, and whatnot, which compels me to wait until the generation is well over before (probably) picking one up-- although one of the key games I was interested in trying out on the system is now being remade for the Nintendo DS.

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Post by Sonic# »

That reminds me of the flash cartoon that's a parody of FF6 using game consoles...

http://gr.bolt.com/download/goodies/mov ... antasy.htm

This one concerns the PSP.

That form of a story is an interesting one, at the very least. ^_~

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Spirit Icana wrote:I don't really have anything personal against either Xbox and PS2, seeing as I don't own either. The Xbox's games just don't interest me, and the PS2 has too many mutters about the hardware breaking down, and whatnot, which compels me to wait until the generation is well over before (probably) picking one up-- although one of the key games I was interested in trying out on the system is now being remade for the Nintendo DS.


I have no idea what you are talking about or where you get your information.

PS2's are not and have never been known for breaking down. The only time my first PS2 was damaged was when I physically hurt it by accident when I was tinkering with it (which I should not have been). Xbox's may have had querkiness, but again, they run very well over a long haul and I have no problems with either of them.

And as for games being remade from a PS1 to DS, playing old PS1 games on a DS...I can already play those same games on my PS2 on a big screen :P
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Post by Werefrog »

Roas Atrades wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about or where you get your information.

PS2's are not and have never been known for breaking down.

There were all kinds of stories going around the 'Net about launch PS2's breaking. I'm assuming this is what he was talking about.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Werefrog wrote:There were all kinds of stories going around the 'Net about launch PS2's breaking. I'm assuming this is what he was talking about.

Yay, the Internet. The greatest tool of mass miss communication.

Rule #1: Question everything you ever hear on the Internet.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Roas wrote:PS2's are not and have never been known for breaking down.

That's completely incorrect. I can vouch firsthand, as my launch-system PS2 broke on me about 2-3 years ago and I'm still extremely pissed off about it and will never buy another Sony product at launch again. Especially when I called them on numerous occassions (as did countless others) to get mine fixed due to most games and DVDs just flat out not working, considering this was THEIR fault, and the answer was always the same: It would cost some odd like 100 bucks to have the damn thing fixed. I took extremely good care of it and Sony's attitude was pretty much "Oh well, should have bought the 30 dollar warranty". I understand warranties in the case that you drop the thing or something, but when the defects start in literally months after purchasing the system, that's a load of bullcrap.

It's a well-known fact that the PS2 launch machines were faulty as hell, and began breaking down. The internet may be known for false information, but in this case, there is a huge complaint against the launch PS2s.

Sorry if I sound defensive on this one, but having blown 300 bucks on a system that I was barely able to use due to faulty hardware, something that was not an isolated problem, is just not cool.

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Post by Rune Lai »

Yep. There are people at my work who've blown PS2s, also launch units. It's generally a good idea to never buy a system at launch because the hardware hasn't been fully stressed yet and there could still be issues with it. You can't tell from the outside, but if you open your systems up you'll see the interior changes from manufacturing run to manufacturing run as the hardware is improved.
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Post by Werefrog »

Roas Atrades wrote:Yay, the Internet. The greatest tool of mass miss communication.

Rule #1: Question everything you ever hear on the Internet.

Rule #2: After that, question again for good measure.

Oh yeah, I understand. I was just saying that I could understand where the guy (or gal) was coming from. I know my PS2 has held up all right, but it's not a launch unit.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Most of the non-launch PS2s seem to be fine. When mine died, I got another one and it's worked like a charm. I just will never buy another Sony product at launch, and likely, I won't be buying any game systems period at launch due to the new insane pricing of the XBox360 and what will likely follow with the PS3.

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