So um.....does Nintendo have a screw loose?

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Post by Zophar »

Werefrog wrote:
Roas Atrades wrote:
Werefrog wrote:Okay... then you're just being really insensitive by calling them simpletons. My bad.

Holster that attitude, man, unless you have the real ammo to back that up. If you are daring to call me insensitive, then why don't you say that to G1, or the couple others who have had the same reactions as myself so far?

I started this as light and silly, just poking some fun at, what has been pretty much agreed on so far, a pretty absurd name Nintendo has come up with. But if you really want to watch me be insensitive, by all means, start pushing my buttons.

Watch it, dude. Don't pick a fight over nothing.

You know I actually realized the thing about G! as well; I just didn't realize it last night. It was rather late my time.

And I've always been of the opinion that people who use the word dude while trying to intimidate someone should just back down.

The end.

Using the word 'dude' has nothing to do with anything at all. And YOU should just back down, Mr. Attitude. Roas Atrades said his oppinion and then you come along and start flaming him with no reason to help back you up. If you had said that you disagree and said your oppinion it would have been fine.

I agree with Roas, you are getting all uptight about nothing. If you can't stand the fact that people are making fun of a silly little name then leave and don't come back. Also lighten up.

Still what was Nintendo thinking? "I wanna play with my wiiii!" Or better yet: "Hey Bob, let's play with my wiiii!" "I've got a wii!" XD

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Werefrog wrote:
You know I actually realized the thing about G! as well; I just didn't realize it last night. It was rather late my time.

And I've always been of the opinion that people who use the word dude while trying to intimidate someone should just back down.

The end.

I happen to use the term "dude" when speaking to people on a regular basis. It's a common convesation pronoun I prefer to use. I like to think it creates a sense of ease and comfort in a conversation, a sense of comradary. To me, when someone refers to me as dude, it shows they are comfortable in the conversation and they are trying to form a connection.

Perhaps when ppl threaten you they call you dude, but that's not my problem. I'm not about to censor myself to please you.

I've never attacked you at all in this thread, yet for some simple comments you're all over me. I'm just poking fun at this silly name that will indeed make a long of Americans scratch their heads. I really don't think anyone from Nintendo Japan would be at all phased by mine or any other random internet personality's comments.

If you wanna be a part of the internet sensitivity police to protect people from those of us who do not conform to all PC standards, fine, but don't try and push that crap on people.

Zophar was right. You could have just said you did not agree with my perspective and left it at that, instead of making a petty little flame.
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Post by Werefrog »

You guys are all using attitude as an insult. I don't find it to be one. I guess I have always been an iconoclast in a way. I don't see that changing. I feel bad that I'm not getting along with people here because I feel that this is my last connection to the gaming community, but I'm not going to change my attitude. You said something I didn't like in a way that I didn't like. I don't see why I can't say something you don't like in a way that you don't like.

Zophar wrote:
If you can't stand the fact that people are making fun of a silly little name then leave and don't come back. Also lighten up.

Please don't tell me what to do.

Roas Atrades wrote:Zophar was right. You could have just said you did not agree with my perspective and left it at that, instead of making a petty little flame.

I don't believe that I was "flaming." I refuse to conform to all the Internet standards. If you want to fine. But don't force that crap on other people.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Werefrog wrote:I don't see why I can't say something you don't like in a way that you don't like.

Please don't tell me what to do.

I don't believe that I was "flaming." I refuse to conform to all the Internet standards. If you want to fine. But don't force that crap on other people.

There is a difference between disagreeing with a point of view and taking a shot at someone for no reason. I never directed any of my comments towards you prior to this, and you took a shot at me because you "disagreed" with something I said.

Grow up, get off your soap box hyprocracy train, and don't try to turn this around so that you look like the wounded child who was attacked for no reason.

I'm gonna forget this crap and go watch Advent Children again :P
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Post by Kizyr »

I'm gonna ask both of y'all to drop the subject. Roas already indicated his willingness to do so.

That said, I want to get a WIIIIII!!! myself.
And the commercial is kind of cute. KF
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Post by Roas Atrades »

Kizyr wrote:And the commercial is kind of cute. KF

I take it the commercial is at the site, since I doubt there is a NA media campaign yet.
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Post by Alunissage »

Good think you said "both", since that doesn't include me. :P

Just a question: does it only count as flaming and insulting if the object of it is around to defend himself? Because if I see this right, Werefrog is objecting to Roas's characterizations of the name as a product of "mentally deficient mole [men]", and Roas is very strongly objecting to being called insensitive. I mean, it seems odd that the latter, not nearly as insulting as the former, is getting the much stronger reaction. Sure, it's big and all of Roas to cool down and drop it but there wouldn't be anything to drop had he not first made his "light and silly" comments and then blown up when someone characterized them as insensitive. He could have just said he disagreed with Nintendo's perspective in his first post, but he decided to be funny in just the way that the whole freaking Internet was "funny" (or outraged) and it didn't really sound as light and silly as he thought.

Roas, you and I have been through this before, but I really think you have a tendency to come across as able to dish it out but not take it. You make lots of strongly-phrased statements of the sort that would get you punched or banned if you were saying them about someone right there but when you're called on it you prepare to unleash the same sort of negativity on the person who critiques you because that person didn't get that you were just saying it all in fun or humorously exaggerating or I don't know what. Along with a tone of "You want a piece of ME? Then just keep going and you'll never know what hit you." He wasn't picking a fight!

You: What mentally deficient mole man...?
Him: I think you're overreacting.
You: No, I'm not, I just think it's stupid.
Him: Oh. Well, if you're not overreacting (and thus presumably really do think the people over there are subhuman retards), then you're being insensitive.
You: Can the attitude. How dare you accuse me and not others. I was just having fun, but I'll be ready to flame if you give me an excuse.

Some free interpretation there, but don't you see it? Of course he comments on what you in particular said; you started the thread and you put things the most strongly. (I think; those posts aren't covered in the topic review.) Back in December you told a lot of us repeatedly that we were overreacting; can't you take it once? You didn't even say you were joking, and indeed since you reiterated that sentiment ("it's stupid") he was not unjustified in calling it insensitive; you were certainly not being gentle about your opinions. Truthfully, I think your mode of expressing your negative opinions IS insensitive, as I've said before, since it always seems to have an undertone of "anyone who thinks differently is a moron." Whether you're being silly or not. Yes, I know you don't intend that, I'm just saying that's how it tends to come across.

I know you were exaggerating for humorous effect, but after a whole day of seeing tons of comments like that I don't blame Werefrog for his reaction one bit. Honestly, I winced as soon as I saw the topic title and author, because I knew what was coming. Not the reaction I want to have to your posts, because you frequently have thoughtful and worthwhile things to say, but almost inevitable in this case.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

Kiz, this is not meant to keep this going, but I feel I'd just like to explain to Alun that she's just slightly off in understanding my reasons.

Alunissage wrote:Just a question: does it only count as flaming and insulting if the object of it is around to defend himself?


Roas is very strongly objecting to being called insensitive. I mean, it seems odd that the latter, not nearly as insulting as the former, is getting the much stronger reaction. <

I know you are basically just asking me a question, Alun, so I am simply going to respond and try to explain this.

I think you are misinterpreting what I'm and why I've said these things. First, it's not that I was called insensitive. I can take as much as I dish when it's justified. It's that Werefrog decided to take a shot at me, for no real reason outside of disagreeing with what I said, when I didn't make any sort of remark directly at or towards him. I just found it uncalled for, and responded in kind.

Alunissage wrote:>snip<

You: What mentally deficient mole man...?
Him: I think you're overreacting.
You: No, I'm not, I just think it's stupid.
Him: Oh. Well, if you're not overreacting (and thus presumably really do think the people over there are subhuman retards), then you're being insensitive.
You: Can the attitude. How dare you accuse me and not others. I was just having fun, but I'll be ready to flame if you give me an excuse.

Some free interpretation there, but don't you see it?

Yes and no. I was never going to do anything close to flaming. I simply don't think it's fair to single me out for no reason and take a shot at me with no justification outside of disagreement. People can say what they want about me/to me, but as long as it's relavant and not simply to be a smartass.

And for the record, the phrase using mole man was not meant as any sort of derogatory term for the Japanese. Those of you who've known me for enough years know I am far from that kind of person. I came with that based on a mental image of some poor shlump locked up in a dark room thinking up absurd ideas without any contact to the outside world, which would tell him how nutz he was.

Alunissage wrote:I know you were exaggerating for humorous effect, but after a whole day of seeing tons of comments like that I don't blame Werefrog for his reaction one bit. Honestly, I winced as soon as I saw the topic title and author, because I knew what was coming. Not the reaction I want to have to your posts, because you frequently have thoughtful and worthwhile things to say, but almost inevitable in this case.

Hey say what you want, but I didn't find out about it until late into the night, and since no one had broached the topic I decided to. And yeah, I just wanted to have a little fun with it, but when I get plunked at for no reason, I'm gonna react in some fashion, not sit back and be quiet. I never openly attacked werefrog, even asked him to let it go.

Yeah, I have a "take me on" side, which opens and closes doors, both good and bad. And I have shown a lot of restraint over the past few months, but I'm not going to ignore someone picking at me for no reason.

Again, this was not mean to continue this, I just felt Alun needed to understand this before making such a decision about this and that.[/quote]
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Post by GhaleonOne »

I'm going to lock this. It's more or less to keep things cool. I think things were dying down anyways, as everyone seems to have gotten their say in. If anyone wants to continue discussion of the Wii, feel free to start a new topic.

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Post by Kizyr »

Wii!!! Topic Locked! KF
~Kizyr (they|them)


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