X-MEN: The Last Stand

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X-MEN: The Last Stand

Post by Silver Phoenix »

I went to a matinee to see this movie, and while I loved it I hated feeling like I NEEDED MORE! I have some pet peeves with it as most people will, but for the most part it was a good movie. I don't want to give anything away to anyone who has not seen it, but stay until the credits are completely finished!

I'll be awaiting the start of discussion..........

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Post by Asmodean »


I loved it! It was soooooooooooo good!
I don't want to give anythin' away either... BUT I WILL QUOTE THE MOVIE!

"Don't you know who I am?! I'M THE JUGGERNAUT -Borgan-!!"

...censor away if you must!

Iceman in Ice mode!! SUPER SWEET!

I will be searchin' for sweet Iceman stuff, but it is bein' difficult!
Also I will need a new banner with Iceman AND the Human Torch!

I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! ...so much...

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Post by Kizyr »

Drats, I didn't stay 'til the end of the credits.

Anyway, I did enjoy it. Most of my friends, meanwhile, didn't... Deals with messing around with the story, and with some shoddy cinematography.

But yeah, I really did like it. Though it still felt like something big was missing... KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Silver Phoenix »

Let's see, something big was missing.... I know, giant flying penises! Well, there was a penis head early on, but it was missing a body. I could have definitely used a nice "Surrender Mutant" moment. That was a creative form of not spoiling what may be considered a very minor spoiler.

Kizyr, I was disappointed not to see a blazed out, fiery Phoenix. I mean, come on! Phoenix definitely had an Exorcist aura goin' on, daaaaaamn. I sorely missed Nightcrawler and his amazing teleportation effects. Psylocke was lame-o with her character appearance but no interaction whatsoever, Storm was kickass, and I'm sick of Wolverine. Hugh Jackman is either a Co- or Executive Producer, so he really puts too much focus on himself in these films. Now we have a Wolverine spin-off so he can have more screen time. Back to the characters....

I wish Iceman would have been completely iced-up for more than ten seconds but it was still nice to see. Dark Phoenix was not up to her potential as far as screentime. I didn't like that she just stood there most of the time looking stale, and definitely with the bridge scene in particular. Colossus didn't get enough to do, but he was damn sexy as always. Unfortunately he wasn't shirtless.

I think this is a movie that people should definitely go to see twice, especially if they missed the scene at the end of the credits. A lot of people are griping about the movie because it didn't meet their expectations and it doesn't fit with the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately, if the movies were direct translations of the comics then there would be quite a few hundred if not thousands of X-Men movies just to cover the various aspects of the stories. The first experience watching the movie can be looked at as the trial run, and the second time through people can focus more on what is really happening in the movie and the complexity of the characters being portrayed. Yes, the character growth isn't as heavy as in the first two movies, but this film is definitely the action packed climax that has been building up. Obviously much could have been handled better in the writing, but it appears as though we'll have a fourth movie to look forward to, according to the president of FOX. You'll have a better sense as to why just witnessing the very end of the movie, and especially the after-credit scene. Go see it again!

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Post by The Dan in Black »

I'm not sure if I want to see this in theaters or not.

I'm still so pissed about the Juggernaut. My favorite character in the marvel universe ruined in the comics and it looks like the film too.

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Post by Silver Phoenix »

Yes, his outfit is majorly hokey (bad helmet) but give the film a chance. Surely you need to see/hear the movie in the theater to get the full experience. Go to a matinee when it's cheaper if you're so afraid of wasting your money. Also, this is the first viewing of Juggernaut in the overall scheme of things so his character hasn't developed into anything substantial. Afterall, his primary focus is being a big hulking a**hole.

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Post by HuBBsDoctor »

The movie was good but not great. Somethings urked me pretty good, including the ending at the end of the credits.

spoiler below - highlight and read on if you dare

I did not like how Prof X transferred his mind and yet somehow managed to keep his powers to read minds. Hello, what are the chances that this body has the same mutagenic powers as him?

Juggernaut. His character was destroyed for the most part. No way would a little cell hold him and last I checked he wasn't a mutant. He was powered by a Stone he got from an excavation in some ruins. The part where he runs into the wall was just absurd too.

Killing Cyclops. I'm not really a fan of cyclops but that was a stupid decision.

The so called permanent mutant vaccine. If its wearing off in magneto after he took four shots of it then shouldn't the other ex mutants have their powers back by now?

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Post by Kizyr »

I still thought that they handled Juggernaut's character fine. The only big upset is that he's 'different' from the comics (i.e., a mutant). He's not exactly a deep, round character; so it was enough just to see him smashing through walls and delivering his trademark line. KF
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Post by Asmodean »

Kizyr wrote:I still thought that they handled Juggernaut's character fine. The only big upset is that he's 'different' from the comics (i.e., a mutant). He's not exactly a deep, round character; so it was enough just to see him smashing through walls and delivering his trademark line. KF

I love his line.

The Stone of Cyttorak, that's where his power is derived from. I'm not sure on the spellin'. Another thing, is he is Step/Half brother with Xavier, they changed that lil' tid bit about him.

It WOULD have been sweeter to see more of Iceman in Ice form, I <3 Iceman.

As for the Cure wearin' off type thing, maybe it has somethin' to do with the level of the mutant, Magneto is by far more powerful, and the rest were "Pawns" as he said. I think it would be kinda neat to see it wear off on someone at a pivotal moment.

Overall I was very happy with it. I know that it would not be exact to the comic books, and it would be it's own thing. Honestly, how many times have the X-Men died in the comics and come back? In just one version? Uncanny, Ultimate, you get the point.

Also, for character changes, in X-2, did anyone else find it weird that Nightcrawler was crushin' on his own mother?

Another thing they changed, is that Jean got her powers when she pyschically connected with her best friend RIGHT before she died. And the whole Phoenix saga is another thing in itself.

That's why I'm judgin' the movie on it's own. I just plain love it.
I could really go on and on, but I'm goin' to stop.
I'll just refer you to my previous quote. GO READ IT!

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Post by NallOne »

*looks at his posts in the other topic*

I was just as disappointed as I had expected to be. :? And with the sour taste of X3 in my mouth, I have what to look forward to?

A Wolverine spin-off film. Oh joy. Oh bliss. Oh puh-lease. :roll:

...k. I'm a just a *bit* annoyed. It was a good movie, just not what I was looking forward to after the end of the second movie. :cry:
- Mike

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Post by Imperial Knight »

I saw it. It was OK, but I wouldn't really call it great. I liked the first two better.

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Post by Silver Phoenix »

Obviously for many people it wasn't what they were expecting. I personally loved it, although I have my own gripes with it. As for the characters that die, think about the Marvel Universe and how nothing is set in stone. One particular character that dies early in the film is never shown lying dead, so the possibility exists that he is alive.

I just tried posting a spoiler along with this message in black but it wasn't working, is there a problem or something I'm forgetting?

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Post by NallOne »


Spoiler Space
Spoiler Space
Spoiler Space
Spoiler Space
Spoiler Space

The main beef I have with Cyke being killed is that it is obvious, in my mind, that they didn't intend that for the story. Which leaves out a whole ton of JeanxScott stuff to be completely tossed out, which bothers me since I love them both and Jean/Phoenix is my favorite X-Men character.

The reason I say it is obvious he wasn't originally supposed to be killed off is this:

1) When they planned out the movies, and even just X-3, I doubt they knew the actor that played Cyke would be so busy with Superman Returns that he wouldn't have a lot of free time for this movie. That's number one, and the biggest excuse they've given us. I think the one that bothers me more is...

2) Halle Berry. Everyone knows how she threatened not to do X3 unless Storm was given a bigger role in the movie. Halle Berry makes this statement and...what happens in X-3? Cyke dies, leaving Storm in command of the X-Men. On top of that, they hint at a little sexual tension between Wolverine and Storm...and I can't think of anyone I know that likes them together. Hell, isn't Wolves busy enough in the movies with Rogue and Jean? :roll:

Sure, it probably wasn't ALL Halle Berry, but just think it is too much of a coincidence that so many things worked in her favor for this movie after her threats of leaving, and Cyke dying just has "MAKE ROOM FOR QUEEN HALLE" written all over it.

My other big gripe is the story. Hello, didn't we just go through using a mutant's juices to kill Mutants in the LAST movie? Sure, Striker's Son's Brain Fluids and Leech's...fluids weren't exactly the same and didn't work the same, but in the end they were just FAR too similar for my tastes. With all of the things they could've done (;_; Apocolypse prz), why do something that kept making me feel like I was watching an alternate version of X2?

The rest of the movie was okay, and I'm glad they played out Phoenix's death quite similar to the comics, but it just didn't feel...right. Angel got WAY too little time on screen, Prof. X's little "cop-out" is laughable (though typical X-Men, I guess) and most importantly: LEECH'S POWERS SHOULD NOT HAVE EFFECTED JUGGS. :(

k. I'm done. <_< I still enjoyed the movie. It just didn't satisfy my hopes for it. Like I said, Phoenix is my favorite X-Men. When I saw her in the ocean at the end of X2 I had *SUCH* high hopes for this movie. SUCH high hopes. =/ Not to mention I really wanted me some Apocolypse, rather than X2 Mach II.

Spoiler Space
Spoiler Space
Spoiler Space

End Spoilers. >_>

Sorry for the long post. :x
- Mike

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Post by AlasdairPalemoon »

I'm one of those people that tries not to compare two mediums, like books and movies, comics and movies, etc. Obviously, you can't fit 40 years of convoluted plot into three movies. Granted, I love the X-Men franchise, but all those things like Juggernaut's comic origin would not fit well with the movie and its themes, and would likely just confuse the average movie goer (keeping in mind that the movie business is just that - a business - they have to look at a wider audience to appeal to). I think looking at the movie as its own universe, knowing the kind of limits it has, I thought it was done very well. I can understand why there would be people angry with it, especially concerning some of the stuff that happened in it, and they're entitled to that opinion.

I had some personal disappointments with it, too (like how my favorite X-Man, Nightcrawler, wasn't in it), but looking at it as a movie and a conclusion to the three movies in that version of the X-Men, I thought it was done well.

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Post by The Dan in Black »

The thing that is the most irritating is that I knew that Juggs would just be giant hulking A-hole bashing thing and delivering catch phrases from the T.V. show and comics.( I'm gonna beat your ass, Charles!!) So why cast a (what I consider) good actor for the part!!? It makes no sense to waste the money or the talent.

If they just plugged Nathan Jones, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0428923/ ,into the movie in a semi traditional Juggie costume and had him bash stuff it would have been perfect. Don't explain his origin, don't explain anything. Just a big guy bashing stuff for money and kicks. And being a general PIA. The comic fans and audience goers alike would have loved it.

Some of you may know Nathan Jones as Boagrius from Troy. 6'11" 360 lbs the guy is the Juggernaut after a diet.

Allright I'll shut up and just go see the movie and forget the comic exsists like I did for the other two.

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Post by DeathBeforeDenial »

There are a lot of spoilers within what I am writing here, you have been warned.

I thought it was fantastic, and it put all the pieces together in regards to the story it was trying to tell. If anything I think it needed more time to get into some of the new characters they brought in but it was fine, because for the most part we know Beast's story and Angel was pretty self explanatory (Especially considering the tiny role he played). They had the first two movies to develop the characters, and Callista/Multiple Man/whoever else didn't need a lot of backstory considering the story being told.

The loss of Nightcrawler was a big dissappointment, and the fact that Storm was taking over the School was kind of a downer, especially because Halle Berry said she is totally done with the movies now. But as for what the movies were I was quite pleased. It had scenes where I was just like "WHAT THE.....HOW!!!!" as well as some awesome displays of Mutant powers, but Ratner failed by not including a Juggernaut/Colossus battle. It was unfortunately a little Wolverine heavy, he's going to have his own spin-off he doesn't need a whole bunch of screen-time especially considering it was all about him in X-2.

Even though there were some annoying issues that came from the comic to movie adaptation, I didn't let those minor changes get to me, for what the movie set out to accompliush it did it perfectly, and it was a very enjoyable two hours and well worth my $10.

Nall, some of your complaints I would like to address if that's alright.

*Enter Spoiler Mode*

Cyclops/Phoenix (Jean/Scott) OK, I understand. I know the relationship is an important parts of the X-Men universe, extremely important within certain story arcs. However, the story that was being told (A script that was finalized and only went through minor changes when Ratner came on board) would not call for it, coupled with the fact that James Marsden will almost certainly be filming Superman sequels and not have the time for a demanding and pivotol role such as being the husband to Jean and a tie ins with other mutant organizations like X-Factor (Havok etc). With the story that was being told, his Cyclops' death was a bit of a surprise, but not impactful on the story. As much as it sucks, it didn't matter.

As for Halle Berry's increased role in X-3, I say she deserved it, not because she's Halle Berry, but because Storm deserves to have a large role in these movies, just as much as Wolverine, Jean Grey or Cyclops. James Marsden ducks out because of his chosen obligations to another movie, you can't blame Storm for getting the time on screen she deserves and becoming Headmistress of the school. It works out well especially because without Jean/Phoenix, Cyclops has got nothing going for him anyway.

As for your complaint wth the story and similarities to X-2, I can't believe you're going to go so far as to make that a complaint. X-2; A rogue Military Officer with a yearning for mutant extermination vs. A pharmaceutical company creating a cure thus sparking a violent mutant uprising led by Magneto with the X-Men in hot pursuit trying to stop Magneto as well as Dark Phoenix. The similarities there are miniscule at best.

And yes, we know, Juggernaut's powers are gotten from the Crimson Ruby of Cyttorak, would that, as well as his relation to Xavier been nice? Of course, but that complicates the movie so much more probably demanding at least a half-hour explanation for each piece of information. Plus talking about Cyttorak adds the whole mystical/alien element which the movie doesn't need to add, and probably doesn't want to add, casual viewers don't need the added confusion.

As for Apocalypse/Mister Sinister, maybe time traveling with Cable and Bishop, or even Onslaught for the more ambitious of us sounds like a cool premise, but seriously do you realize how many movies it would take to pull that off. The set up of who and what he even is (More aliens and magic) would take one movie alone. The idea, while awesome, doesn't fit into the Singer scripts. It would be like after the first dozen original X-Men comics introducing quite possibly the strongest villain they would ever face. It makes no sense from a storytelling perspective.

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Post by Zalbag »

Curious as to know what happened at the end of the movie?

Payed 8 bucks but missed the ending (after credits) because I had to rush out (traffic)

IF anythign PM me it.

If not Spoiler space it :p

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Post by Asmodean »

If it helps at all. A friend of mine said that they already confirmed X-4. They said that the Last Stand was the end of this Saga, and that the new X-Men movie would be based more on the whole Apocalypse thing, but with new people. Gambit, Bishop, and Nightcrawler were announced, they also announced the spin-offs for Wolverine AND Magneto.

I didn't think to ask him for his sources, but he is a huge Comic Book buff and wouldn't jump into this lightly.

Either way I am happy, I just want to be able to find some sweet screen shots of Iceman in Ice form! I NEED AVATARS, BANNERS, AND MY MY SPACE UPDATED!!


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Post by Werefrog »

Dang... there are going to be X-Films until the year 3000.

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Post by Dragonlord911 »

That's okay with me... I won't be alive for most of them. By the way, why did they have to make Jean look like a She-*Borgen*. That made me sooo mad. Why didn't they make her glow like in X-2. Why... WHY... WHY :?:
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