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Yea, yea, yea.

Post by Asmodean »

I finally got to see Advent Children.
And granted I don't like Final Fantasy VII, I will say that I enjoyed the movie. It was beautifully done. Although some scenes I don't like the way they looked.
The only other real gripe I have is the lack of the other characters.
I know, I know, everyone loves Cloud, but come on... HE DIDN'T DO ALL THE WORK!

The voice actin' was as bad as I thought it would be. Mina whatever her name is BUTCHERS Aerith in Kingdom Hearts II, but it's really not as bad. I was shocked, but I still say they should have stuck with Mandy Moore. I didn't like Cid's voice at all... they made him sound like a hick, and by that I mean, like one of my family members. I also couldn't understand a word Cait Sith said.

But I liked it. I love the ring tone in the movie as well.

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Post by phyco126 »

I just saw an add for it on TV last night/this morning. It's the first time I've seen any part of it. Already I want to see it.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

I might go rent it later if it's available for rent. I'll likely buy it down the line, but I've got other things on my list of needs more than wants right now.

Though from the 15-20 minute clips I saw, I did like it quite a bit.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

I'm in that 1% of the internet population that did not download it months ago and watch, deciding to wait til I had my own copy.

So, I ordered my copy a week ago from Best Buy, using it's purchase as a belated birthday gift. And it shipped last Friday from South Carolina. For the purpose of this, I will say I currently live in VA.

From SC it went to NJ and then to MD. Usually it will go from MD right to me...but instead it went to to Philidelphia...and now it's coming back to MD...

First I wonder why the hell it went from SC to NJ in the first place when I live in VA. MD I understand, because that is where UPS has its base of operations...but why the hell did it go to Phili?

So...basically...I won't get my copy til tomorrow now probably. In retrospect, I would have been better off going to Best Buy and buying a copy...but I though I was being smart and securing a copy by pre-ordering it :P
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Post by JWL »

Like Roas, I'm one of the people who really wanted to see it but waited for the english version. I did this because I don't like to illegally download stuff, and also because I'm a proud, ignorant, jingoistic Amelican gaijin who likes to play games/watch movies in English. And to perfect that image, I bought the DVD at Wal-Mart for $14.80.

I have no problems with the dub whatsoever. The main complaint I've been hearing from the Japan purists is silly. Not understanding Cait Sith is a good thing, heh.

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Post by phyco126 »

I usually have no problems downloading things illegally, but I have only downloaded a movie once, and hell it's a movie we already have. Lion King 2 <3. Ya ya, doesn't make it right, I'm going to hell, I'm gonna be sued, whatever. Still, even my morally corrupt soul has a limit. I rarely DL things anymore, who wants to be sued and pay $2-4 a song when I can just get em for $.99 these days?

Wait, this is about FF7: Advent Children. Sorry ^^; Seriously, I can't wait to see it :D

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Post by DeathBeforeDenial »

While I did not download it either, I fortunately have many friends that throw caution to the wind in regards to filesharing, and got a fan-subbed version a couple weeks ago.

Funny thing, I still haven't watched it yet. I'm to busy playing Dragon Quest VIII.

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Post by keele864 »

I didn't download AC either. I bought the DVD off Amazon and got it last week. I really liked the movie. I felt that perhaps some of the action was a bit over-the-top, but I forgive Square-Enix, as it was just so much fun to watch. I think I cheered a few times while watching the movie; it put me on a serious nostalgia trip. I felt like I was again the eighth-grader who played FFVII for hours and hours over Christmas break all those years ago, loving almost every minute of it.*

*OK, "all those years ago" means just five years. Allow me my flights of sweetly nostalgic fancy.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Ah, but the real question you have to ask yourself after watching AC is:


There's actually a whole forum for debating that very topic. ... /index.php?
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Post by Alunissage »

Haven't watched it -- no point, I haven't played FF7 much -- but thought those of you who did might be amused by this review. Or not. ... ntChildren

Oh, it's a followup to this, by the way: ... FantasyVII

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Post by lucia24 »

i haven't seen it yet.(because a friend of mine wont let me see it)... but i will see it this weekend... cant wait :D

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Post by Hirohiigo Togashi »

I downloaded and watched the fansub last year, and I loved it. My biggest beef with is was the lack of characterization and the lack of a sense of reality. Its physics were too... anime-ish. Especially in the boss battle. Very much overdone.

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Post by keele864 »

Haven't watched it -- no point, I haven't played FF7 much -- but thought those of you who did might be amused by this review. Or not. ... ntChildren

Oh, it's a followup to this, by the way: ... FantasyVII

Hm. I'm smelling microwave popcorn, which wouldn't be odd except that I work in a biology lab and am usually smelling much odder things from the same room from which the popcorn aroma emanates.
There's a lot of truth in that review and more humor. I find that Jeremy Parish is generally on the mark in his opinions, though I sometimes disagree with him. I still like the movie, though I agree with all the criticisms of it. It's not Art, it's way too over-the-top, it has pointless product placement (which annoyed me on my first viewing of the movie), and has plenty of plot holes. But it's fun, to me at least. Blame the nostalgia factor and the fact that I like sword fights.

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Post by The Dan in Black »

I finally got to watch this tonight and I loved it! Of course nostalgia plays a big part but I really dug the over the top battles. Like when Cloud used his friends as a ladder.

I just wish Red XIII had bigger part, damn lazy animators.

Overall the only thing that really stood out to me was how they kept screwing up the scale size of things.

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Post by YoshiMars »

Actually I have a friend who gave me a burrned copy of the thing months ago and it's still sitting on my desk. I feel kinda bad about that but I know it's on my "to-do" list. At this point all I can say is that I very much like the character design, though being a FF fan that would bias me in that direction...
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Post by lucia24 »

I finally got to see it . It was ok, there were some parts that were funny, but then again some parts were not so good.

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Post by AlasdairPalemoon »

I finally got to see it the other day ago when my visiting brother brought it over. I have to say the visuals were really nice and there was some good action in it. I felt the plot left something to be desired, though. It felt more like fan service than something meant to stand on its own, but that could just be me.

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Post by Mag »

Being new to these forums, I'll go ahead and say hi again. :)

I found Advent Children to be a great movie, and not just because I maxed the clock on my FFVII save game(without just letting it run constantly). The choreography alone on some of the battles was downright brilliant, and the music fit the movie as seamlessly as it could.

Seeing Zack re-united with Aeris was pretty cool too. It almost makes her getting impaled with a seven-foot sword a happy thing. :wink: I couldn't help but think about all the events that unfolded during FFVII and the way characters changed as the fight against Shinra turned into a battle to save the world.

Sadly, the entire movie couldn't be all good things. They put Cait Sith in; with a Scottish accent no-less(ugh). Don't be mistaken, I love me some Japanese culture(mm Schoolgirl uniform), I just wish they'd left Cait Sith out. :P

With all that said, is Lunar 3 out yet? :o
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Post by Angelalex242 »

There's a Novella called 'Maiden Over the Planet' that goes strongly against the ZackxAeris idea. Don't make the mistake of putting dead people together just because they're dead and walk through the same door.
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Post by YoshiMars »

But I thought that Zack and Aeris were together before they were dead... hence the Cloud being Zack and being attracted to her (or was it vice versa... I can't remember).
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