Life where you live

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Post by Dragonlord911 »

Hawaii is soooo cool. The Saphirre blue Ocean, great volcano fields, exotic plants and animals, and friendly people. I want to go back.
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Post by AbsoluteAlex »

Yeah, im prety excited, all expenses are covered, im gonna try and learn how to surf, go scuba diving, and take a deep sea fishing trip.
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Post by lucia24 »

my internet hasnt been working right and i happy that it is now working again. tomorrow the teachers at my school are going to act in funny plays ... only one day before i go on the art i got first place on a painting i did. :D

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Post by Ozone »

I live in two places, more if you count extended family, but I won't get into that. Near college gas is over 3 dollars a gallon, and it's practically #$&^*%$&$% flooded because of the %$#@^%#$@ rain that got dumped over there. At home, it's nice, about 68-73 average temperature, we're going to get a lot of mosquitos though. Gas is still under 3 dollars out here though :D
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Post by phyco126 »

We used to get alot of mosqiutoes when we first moved here, but after the drought there really haven't been any. Lucky us I suppose, I always hated them.

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Post by rf_switch »

life is boring. I dunno what gas costs becuase I almost never drive. It's still over $3/gal. Public transportation still costs the same. Being Unemployed was cool at first. Now it sucks. So it's time to seriously look for a job instead of just applying to jobs i know ill never get just to keep the check coming.

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Post by Wolfman_Samurai »

Man I miss $2.75 gas. Around here it's $2.83 to $3 depending on what part of town your in. As far as school goes it only gets worse. until you have your Masters or you become a doctor.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Right now, here in Wichita, it's only about $2.55. For some reason, we've dropped and other parts of the country have stayed up. Years ago we used to have really cheap gas, but the past 2-3, when I've gone to Colorado, even the mountains gas prices (which ALWAYS used to be high) were practically the same. But the past few weeks we've managed to drop a few cents each couple of days until we're down to around $2.54-2.59.

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Post by lucia24 »

Gas here went down about 10cents and yesterday i went on my art trip ... it was so cool i went to the mall over there... well its my final week of school tomorrow and i have no test to take so im going to be in each class for 2 hours doing nothing( some body save me)... :D

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Post by phyco126 »

Yeah, suddenly gas dropped to about $2.77/$2.75 and has stayed that way for about 2 weeks. Kind of waiting for it to shoot up to over $3.00 in one day though :P

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Post by Wolfman_Samurai »

Yeah same here it is actually back to $2.75. WOOT! It's more than likely gonna spike again in a week or so when the mass summer vaction madness hits the nation. Our local record was $3.10 for regular, so I guess it will at least hit $3.25.

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Things are okay I suppose. Since I'm in Michigan, the weather's always crazy and changing from really hot, to really cold. Hmm, the Feast of St. Clair festival is happening in Pine Grove Park right now. It's a kind of French and Indian War renaissance festival. It's fun to go to and see everyone in costume. Anyway, that's only a couple of minutes from the Blue Water Bridge.

School's boring. The seniors graduated Friday, so I'm without a lot of my friends now. The Anime North convention is going on in Toronto, which I really wanted to go to. It's only a couple of hours away from me, I wanted to go and see Quinton Flynn and Jeff Nimoy again, so I'm upset that I couldn't make it. But other than that, things have been pretty slow for me.
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Post by lucia24 »

Life has been boring. I'm out of school for the summer. Today we got thunderstorms and some tornado warnings which we had to get ready( the last time they said an tornado warning there was one and it was only a couple of streets from where i live :shock: ) Plus now that school is out I have to clean my house and take care of my sister ( she now has the flu) and i need to pratice drawing the human body for my art ap class next year. :?

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Post by YoshiMars »

Lets see... life in Florida? Well... Gas is 2.63-2.68 a gallon the weather is HOT and nasty with NO rain (we've been so dry... we really need it, the pollen is taking over... still.). I finished my semeseter last month-ish so my finals are long gone, and I've already signed up for fall semester.

I've been working a lot lately, but I'll chalk that up to it being Memorial Day Weekend and go back to work... x.X
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Post by Tai Dandora »

I don't really pay attention to gas prices all that much since I won't have my license until the end of July (yep I'm a young'n) but life's been pretty good lately. I've been getting real close with this girl that I like and my lacrosse team just qualified for states. :)

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Post by AlasdairPalemoon »

Life is okay where I live, which is in Redding, California (up north). The weather usually gets very hot around this time, but it's actually been kinda nice the last couple of weeks. Finals are over, but I have summer school in a couple weeks. Next year I'll get my associate's degree in culinary arts. I live in a city, which has just about all the typical stores you can find. There isn't a whole lot to do as far as a night life goes, but I'm not the clubbing sort, so that's okay. I wish there was more of a gaming community, though, as I know there are a lot of gamers here but they're kinda scattered around...or all playing Magic.

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Post by DarkenRyu »

Heh... Wichita Kansas still sucks, I'm still stuck here. Just glad I have a wonderful job babysitting adults in a "climate" controlled facility called the County Jail. Woohoo! I love my job!

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Post by Zalbag »

Austin Texas,

Great skys and lovely weather, I never EVER would move from here.

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Post by lucia24 »

Zalbag wrote:Austin Texas,

Great skys and lovely weather, I never EVER would move from here.
I used to live in Austin when i was about 5... i wish i could go back there :cry: .Well lately i have been bored.. i cant draw and i need to find my sister something for her birthday or she will kill me :shock: .Gas, well i dont know how much it is because i havent left my house yet. :( .. the days have been taking forever to end and its getting hot outside. :( Maybe sometime later this month i will do something that doesnt make me bored. :)

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Post by Mag »

I'm out of college, waiting anxiously for the Fall semester. I get into the real meat and potatoes of Object-oriented programming. That excites me; possibly more than it should any human.

One of my best friends also had a wake up call and realized working in a factory his entire life wasn't the way to go. So he enrolled to my University too. :lol:

Gas prices don't bother me as much as they do everyone else; I fill up at least once a week while smiling because the USA still pay less at the pump for petroleum products than many other countries.

The first week of July I'm headed up to Canaan Valley, WV.


I've gone there every year for the past 17 years; very nice place indeed. Mountain biking, walking down the grassy ski slopes and getting some awesome views in the process. There's also a wildlife refuge and two state parks; both within 10 minutes of our place.

More than likely the younger family members and I will roadtrip up to Deep Creek, MD for a day of Jet Skis and the like.

WD isn't really out of business, it's just sleeping. Yeah, that's it. Sleeping...

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