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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

One thing you shouldn't do is worry too much about getting girls. I used to fret way too much about it, and my lack of dating success shows how much all that worrying helped.

People say this, but it does seem to have some truth for it: don't care too much and things will work out. It wasn't until after I stopped stressing about my love life (or lack thereof) that I finally met the girl who I'm going to end up marrying.
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Post by Monde Luna »

The less you worry about meeting someone and having a relationship the more likely you are to end up in one. That's my opinion anyway & it worked for me. I was happy content and wanted to enjoy the single life and boom I wound up w/ a boyfriend real fast. And as to what girls like. You don't have to be drop dead gorgeous we just like men that are real and that have no shame in who they are. Be yourself and enjoy who YOU are and eventually you will find an amazing woman you likes you for who you really are, not who you are trying to be. A lot of guys have that problem.

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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

Monde Luna wrote:The less you worry about meeting someone and having a relationship the more likely you are to end up in one. That's my opinion anyway & it worked for me. I was happy content and wanted to enjoy the single life and boom I wound up w/ a boyfriend real fast. And as to what girls like. You don't have to be drop dead gorgeous we just like men that are real and that have no shame in who they are. Be yourself and enjoy who YOU are and eventually you will find an amazing woman you likes you for who you really are, not who you are trying to be. A lot of guys have that problem.

I second this -- it's very similar to how me and my fiancee ended up together (she also wasn't too interested in guys at the time either). I only wish she was as big a Lunar fan as I was, hehe. :)
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Post by Zalbag »

Wow Old Topic lol,

I was recently in a relationship (by the way 20) lol and boy I was happy because well the girl I liked happened to like me back to, we date 9 months so much love in one life time to be honest and one day I get on my PC ( and we do live closely by lol) anyways she sends me a message she wants to break up. Why? So much ahead of her in life, she is gonna have a band and is going to a "food academy."

Really hurt when she did this to me...but then again it happens to alot of people (men and women) but I mean why would you do this? And then she tells me to wait 10 years....what the heck lol. I thought love was built on time and everything but turns out she really wanted to date some guy she met. Then she got pregnate. We are still friends but a lesson in life, love isn't what it is all cracked out to be, each other's sexual status (male/female) will always and I do repeat ALWAYS will confuse the other.

She turned out to be one of those "party girls" who wanted to party all the time hang out with friends, me I am one of those guys who likes to have his peace and quite but be with the one he loves when he can. Plus her best friend influenced her to drop me like I was hot. Best friends also have an impact.

BFriend: "You will meet plenty of other men besides he just wants to spend most of his free time with you, and you would rather party am I right of what?"

ExGF: "Your right! I will break up with him today"

Friend that told me: "I Don't think this is right how are you going to just break up with him, he's so sweet and does alot of things for you."

and so forth.

Me I am a multi-talented guy, laid back, talk somewhat alot (not gossip) I help my family if they ever need anything, I am pretty smart I would say (I.Q 136) but in all honesty its just the person, give it time, no need to rush, hell wait too your 50 then a realistical woman might just be the one you wanted.

I know how you feel, you want love so atleast you can enjoy life right? Keep things on track with love.

In my "observations" chicks always use the line "wait a while and someone will find you."

To me, it sounded like a death sentance I mean come on....here's a chick who tells you this, but will hook up with every guy she meets... so it ought to tell you something, she has more experiance and perhaps regrets ever multi-dating, or maybe not.

Love is a big complection. Girls have rules...

Have to be above this line, but below this, make sense? If not then I don't know how you could read all of this. :D

Girls have to be respected yes! Be #1 kid around but don't be too serious, they like a non-tight up guy. Some girls are advertrious.

But to the girls who use that excuse that I dealt with...your full of it.

Being serious about this too because how are you going to throw out this great guy to improve yourself? It neither improves nor worsen's (not even a actually word) yourself, Of course its going to crush the guy whom you "thought" you loved, then there's those girls who like the whole excuse "I did it for you/Us" and its like horrible like she slept with another man or something.

Oh boy I would continue and perhaps I will get flamed for this but I had to say something lol.

Me I've had alot of girls dump me...why? Because I am just too loveable and close and I had to learn from my experiance, some girls just don't want close guys. But hey, their loss not mine.


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Post by Jenner »

*pulls out her rocking chair and cane, settles it in on this thread, sits down upon it, draws her lap shaw over herself and pushes her glasses up her nose.*

Let me tell ya something son, open your ears and listen to the Wisdon of the Ages. I will tell you the honest truth of my years of experience regarding this.very.subject.

You, of course, will snort, and throw it aside. Then, many years from now, it'll stike you and you will realize how true my wrds were and wish you had listened to me then. So, gather 'round children. *draws out the Cudgel of Reality.* It may sting a little.

For Boys:
GIRLS ARE -Borgan-. There are many women I know who are very good, friendly, decent and wonderful women but most of the girls out there that guys fall for (unless they get really lucky) are downright horrible -Borgan-. Some of the girls I know and think are wonderful may still, behind that happy sunshiney screen, be nasty bitter harpies who will destroy you. Girls are a game of moods and masks, we change them on a whim and expect you to know what mask we're wearing and evolve to it at the drop of a hat. We expect you to accept it and cope without us having to do it back. We are selfish, empty, jaded people. We can be truely loving and noble and decent, but those moments rise and fall with less fequency then the tides. We are all (humans in general) selfish and conceited. Before you get invloved in a relationwhip make sure you've figured yourself out first so you do not get strung out on some girl who will, if she can, wrap you around her finger and make you her slave. We'll do it, trust me, even the nicest sweetest most fabulous girl WILL DO IT. Know your boundaries, your limitations, set them, stick to them, don't bend. Tell her this, maintain that communication, and if she pushes too hard too often let her go, it's not worth it. Women come, women go, but we're all evil horrible people. Really, honestly, truely. Figure yourself out first, get your life together before you bring somene elses life into the equasion. Girls are Evil -Borgan-.

For Girls
See Above, boys are here to spread their seed, deep down on the primal level they see you only as a moving uterus with which to inject their sperm. No matter how many layers of substance and love they put over it, and no matter how much respect they have for you, boys live for that one, intense, crutial nirvana that comes only after sex/ejaculation. Even if they haven't had it, and don't know what it is, it's hardwired into their genes. Yes they can be good, yes, they can be decent, yes they can be wonderful. Good luck finding that guy because the majority of decent guys out there are either taken or lonely wonderful boys that you're either not interested in or that you will walk all over and destroy. Most boys will lie, cheat, corrupt, avoid, WHATEVER THEY CAN DO to put their wee-wee in your hoo-ha. Many of them don't mean it, many of them ARE well-meaning, but not meaning to doesn't make it any less true. It's deep in their psyche, it's their purpose for existence. Know who you are and clearly set your boundaries. Do not be overly complicated, boys are also DENSE. NO, TELLING THEM ONCE IS NOT ENOUGH, they will forget, they will ignore it. Nagging them won't work either they'll blow it off. If they forget/blow it off (and they will) a scathing reminder may be enough. Make sure you find the proper level of reminding and handle infractions of your boundaries on a case-by-case basis. If he pushes to hard or is just too hopelessly forgetful, drop him. Boys are selfish, conceited people who will be very self-absorbed. They are not observant, they are not perceptive, they will not know when something is wrong. So, if something is wrong; TELL THEM, don't hint, TELL THEM If you hint, they will never figure it out. It's not that they're stupid, they're just notoriously one-track minded. As always, know who you are before you bring someone else into the equasion. it's not that you're meat; it's that Boys are Dense Beasts.

Thank you.
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Post by Angelalex242 »

I find myself having to chuckle at that. Especially the honest and realistic parts about it.
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Post by Dunkleheit »

As insulting as I find that, important parts of it ring true, mainly the ones that tell you what you should do.

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Post by Zalbag »

Lol seems accurate but mainly yeah its 99.8% true, but men and women can basically change I mean I would want meaningful sex, not hey stranger got the time?

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Post by JWL »

Jenner wrote:See Above, boys are here to spread their seed, deep down on the primal level they see you only as a moving uterus with which to inject their sperm.

This is completely correct. Is it an accurate representation of the animalistic nature of men. Every man is both animal and human, and unfortunately many of us choose to be more animal than human.

The route to become a truly human man is different for everyone. As a religious sort, I would find it through God. That is, I recognize that 'in the beginning He created them male and female', different yet equal in dignity. Treating a woman as an object is an attack on her equal dignity as a child of God. It's not a coincidence that St. Paul instructed men to sanctify and love their wives.

This can easily be accomplished without religion - it is a simple philosophical matter to come to the reality that men and women are of equivalent dignity as human beings.

As I said, however, many men don't want to live as human beings, but prefer to be animals. The rest of us have the responsibility to show them that there is a better way.

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Post by Zalbag »

JWL wrote:
Jenner wrote:See Above, boys are here to spread their seed, deep down on the primal level they see you only as a moving uterus with which to inject their sperm.

This is completely correct. Is it an accurate representation of the animalistic nature of men. Every man is both animal and human, and unfortunately many of us choose to be more animal than human.

The route to become a truly human man is different for everyone. As a religious sort, I would find it through God. That is, I recognize that 'in the beginning He created them male and female', different yet equal in dignity. Treating a woman as an object is an attack on her equal dignity as a child of God. It's not a coincidence that St. Paul instructed men to sanctify and love their wives.

This can easily be accomplished without religion - it is a simple philosophical matter to come to the reality that men and women are of equivalent dignity as human beings.

As I said, however, many men don't want to live as human beings, but prefer to be animals. The rest of us have the responsibility to show them that there is a better way.

LOL, Animals or human....

Tell me this what defines a human?

Charactristic traits? Values? Intelligence? From my experiance we are what we are. Its Self-Disipline that defines us. With it we can either be Savages or Very Strict. I mean look at it this way.

Most men aren't self disiplined. Which is why most men eat like animals, and sound like animals. To be honest ever man wants sex because it gives him what? Pleasure. Just like a female, but remember the female and male glands of animals are infact different.

I mean come on, its like saying a woman doesn't want to get pregnate, or give birth because infact most women want it (most) but its like most men want sex for pleasure and women want it to, if they didn't then they should seriously zip that up (pants wise)

I hate the whole sexist stories because infact humans are humans, we define ourselves and sometimes I hate how we infact fight amungst each other. One's bad, but the other good, one's acts are as bad as the other, we differ yes but we seriously had to take into consideration that we aren't any different just stronger in one trait then the other.

Thats what I think.

Remember its

Men = Women


Men > Women
Women > Men

We are all equal.

Humans > Althena


A true beast ...



And this Post doesn't go against anyone by the way.

If this offends you well...

I am sorry

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Post by JWL »

Zalbag wrote:LOL, Animals or human....

Tell me this what defines a human?

Charactristic traits? Values? Intelligence?

There is an ancient word: agape, pronounced ah-gah-pay. It means selfless love; charity. I would say that anyone who practices agape is a human being.

As for equality, Thomas Jefferson said it best. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal. This does not mean that everyone is the same, but that we all have equal human dignity from nature and/or God.

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Post by Ozone »

JWL wrote:
Zalbag wrote:LOL, Animals or human....

Tell me this what defines a human?

Charactristic traits? Values? Intelligence?

There is an ancient word: agape, pronounced ah-gah-pay. It means selfless love; charity. I would say that anyone who practices agape is a human being.

As for equality, Thomas Jefferson said it best. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal. This does not mean that everyone is the same, but that we all have equal human dignity from nature and/or God.

Why not just use the word 'altruism'?
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Post by Zalbag »

In my life news....

My ex girlfriend whom said she would love me forever even after we broke up well...she's looking for a new boyfriend after 3 months...which is sad because now she is talking to me like I don't exist....and I mean we are just friends not trying to influence her to come back or anything, but yeah she disrespects me and most of her friends are upset with her.

I loved her...the old her....

but now she's a changed person let it be a lesson people change :(

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Post by JWL »

Ozone wrote:Why not just use the word 'altruism'?

I agree; why not? It's a perfectly fine word to describe selflessness.

I myself use "agape" because it is a sacred word to Christians in particular. It is used many, many times in the Gospels, though it is usually translated as "love".

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Post by GhaleonOne »

I'd use the word agape too, because it can't really be translated into any English word, and it describes what true love should be, and what should be emulated in a marriage.

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Post by Jenner »

I am not the oldest member on this board, but I have had a lot on crap fall on me in my life that has blessed me with a great deal of perception and wisdom. My words may seem pessimisitic and abrasive but they come from realisitc observation. They are not the words of someone bitter over the years. I'm as credible a source as you're gonna find until you get Dr. Ruth on here.
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Post by phyco126 »

Eh, I myself am a torn man, between romanticism and reality. On one hand, I want to find the perfect girl, never divorce, make passionate love to one another, and grow old and die together. Sort of what the movies make love to be. They never wait until marriage, but they still marry and stay together till they both die. That is what I want, that kind of love. Unfortunately, I don't think love like that exists out side of the movies they are in.

On the more realistic side, being a man, I just want to have sex. For me to say anything other than that, is just silly. Knowing that my wanting of a perfect relationship is nothing more than a unrealistic fantasy, that just leaves me wanting to do the deed. Fortunately, I at least would still wait until I am in a meaningful relationship to before wanting to carry out such an act, because for me, I feel that sex outside a meaningful relationship isn't what sex should be about. Just my opinion though.

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Post by Dunkleheit »

I want to find someone who I can share my life with, someone who I cherish and who cherishes me. I want to wait until marriage until I lose my virginity to that person. Anything else would be a desecration of what love is.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

I still find the whole statement vastly amusing.

The '-Borgan-' deserve no better then the 'dense beasts'. And likewise the same. Perhaps...humanity is meant to deserve eachother after all. The human race has lived this long under such circumstances and has not died out for lack of progeny.
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Post by Mag »

I just want to meet a cute girl that is into Lunar as well so I can live out my Hiro/Lucia fantasy. :lol:
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