X-MEN: The Last Stand

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Post by Ozone »

Spoiler alert:

Getting rid of Cyclops will focus the story, though it does limit the possibility of getting to Cable, etc. But, while I would love to see them go through the whole Fatal Attractions crossover, that would take a movie all by itself, not to mention the freaking complication behind Cable and what happens to Wolvie as a result of having his adamantium removed by Magneto (how he goes feral and out of control after the adamantium was removed, and how his regenerative ability is actual constantly healing the toxins that adamantium releases into his system, then how apocalypse puts it back in). I would love to see an Age of Apocalypse movie though :D
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Post by NallOne »

If they give me an Age of Apocolypse Trilogy of movies, I'll shut up. :P

As for DBD:

More SPOILERS follow:

I can understand the reason to kill off Cyke, but the fanboy in me just wasn't happy. :P Not to mention Storm was one of my favorites until Halle Berry ruined the movie version, IMHO. She just doesn't do a good job of conveying the powerful, level-headed leader that Storm could be most of the time. She makes Storm seem really unlikable, coupled with her off-screen demands for more focus on her character. And, honestly, I don't think it has anything to do with Storm being important as a character, either. If Halle Berry had been cast as ANY other character I'm sure she'd have done the same thing. No matter how unimportant that character might have been. She just gave a really Diva-ish attitude in the interviews about this and I just...bleh.
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Post by Zalbag »

Hallie Berry.....I don't like her


Gambit, Oh man big fan of Gambit was upset that they didn't just perhap have him but they did really screw up most of the movie, so I figure that Bishop should be popping up shortly :P

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Post by Kizyr »

It would've been extremely awkward to have Gambit in the movie... I always thought Gambit and Rogue were the perfect couple; Gambit was the perfect one to play off Rogue's "can't touch this" powers. But then again we're talking the older Rogue, the one who's all strong-willed. And, not only is Rogue young, she's also already with Iceman.

Then again, if I were him, I'd rather have Kitty Pryde anyway. KF
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Post by Asmodean »

Kizyr wrote:It would've been extremely awkward to have Gambit in the movie... I always thought Gambit and Rogue were the perfect couple; Gambit was the perfect one to play off Rogue's "can't touch this" powers. But then again we're talking the older Rogue, the one who's all strong-willed. And, not only is Rogue young, she's also already with Iceman.

Then again, if I were him, I'd rather have Kitty Pryde anyway. KF

Actually, the young Rogue goes for the older Gambit in the Ultimate X-Men. And Iceman eventually ends up with Kitty Pryde at that. Rogue and Iceman are a thing until she sees Kitty and Bobby kiss. Then she runs off with Gambit. Of course after that, Juggernaut confesses his love for Rogue as well, and then Gambit kills himself to stop Juggernaut. Of course right after Gambit asks for one real kiss from her, and of course he dies in the process and she absorbs his powers and memories. She also gets the cool eyes!!

AND! In Ultimate X-Men, Storm has a thing with Beast, until he is killed. And afterwards she has a thing with Wolverine. Which could be where they got the idea for that lil' bit in the movie!

And instead of Colossus havin' a thing with Kitty Pryde, he has a thing with Northstar, he gets all excited about gettin' invited to the Homecomin' dance... aww.

So dependin' on the comic... it kinda changes the story anyway!

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Post by Werefrog »

Asmodean wrote:AND! In Ultimate X-Men, Storm has a thing with Beast, until he is killed. And afterwards she has a thing with Wolverine. Which could be where they got the idea for that lil' bit in the movie!

In the animated series that was on in the 90s there was also a thing with Wolverine and Storm. It was an alternate time-line thing if I remember correctly.

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Post by NallOne »

I love the new Rogue with Gambit's eyes and all, but I'd rather Gambit still be around. =(

Werefrog wrote:
Asmodean wrote:AND! In Ultimate X-Men, Storm has a thing with Beast, until he is killed. And afterwards she has a thing with Wolverine. Which could be where they got the idea for that lil' bit in the movie!

In the animated series that was on in the 90s there was also a thing with Wolverine and Storm. It was an alternate time-line thing if I remember correctly.

I vaguely remember that as well, but hated it then too, which is why I figured that was where they got the idea. =P
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Post by Asmodean »

OH! Saw it again!

Couple things I noticed.

ONE! When Wolverine was dukein' it out in the woods! He got two wounds in his abdomen from Marrow/Spike like guy. Yet when Magneto has him up in the air his shirt is all better and no holes! Also neatly tucked in by the way.

TWO! When Magneto first starts to move the bridge, it's daylight out, but when the bridge lands and they are about to attack, all of a sudden it is night time. Kinda weird how I didn't notice that... :: blink blink :: Also, at the end, all the cars have their lights on. Granted my car has lights on all the time, they are actually dimmer than my night lights.

That's all I noticed this time around. Anyone else notice anythin' blooperish?

OH! Non-movie related, but I want to get an Iceman related tattoo. The only problem is I don't think an actual Iceman tattoo would be all that sweet. I was thinkin' of gettin' the X-Men logo with blue instead of the usual red, or gettin' the X that is on Iceman's uniform. Opinions?

ONE MORE THING! Do you think they sell Cyclops-like glasses anywhere? I mean if I can't get my own suit, I might as well settle on glasses.

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Post by NallOne »

I've seen a bunch of Cyclops' Visor replicas on E-bay and the like, but they seem to be just for show and they are also based on the comic/cartoon and not the movie version. (not sure which one you wanted)
- Mike

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Spoiler Warning!!! Kind of...

Post by The Dan in Black »

From the source:


The future of X-MEN is in his hands

Associate Editor
Published: 5/31/2006
Send this news to a friend.

LOCATION:The executive boardroom


X-MEN: THE LAST STAND enjoyed a smash box office weekend opening, prompting skeptics to wonder if this would truly be the last X-MEN movie. Only one man knows for sure, and that is producer Avi Arad who has been the driving force behind Marvel Comics’ motion picture presence.

iF caught up with Arad yesterday as he was enjoying the success of the weekend, and picked his brain about THE LAST STAND really being the last word on the X-MEN.


iF MAGAZINE: After the success of X-MEN: THE LAST STAND is WOLVERINE the movie going to be a sequel or a prequel?

AVI ARAD: I don’t want to call it a prequel nor a sequel. It is Wolverine’s story and it is really concentrating on him. It’s about his life, his mysteries, and his loves. It’s not really a prequel or a sequel. It’s just a story like in the comics where we have X-Men, Wolverine, and books dealing with the other X-Men. Obviously, Wolverine is the number one X-man, and deserves his own story. Hugh Jackman will make the story that much more compelling.

iF: Are you still planning a Magneto Movie?

ARAD: Starting with a younger version. It’s the story of Magneto’s life, and it will span some years.

iF: What are the chances of you and 20th Century Fox agreeing to do another X-MEN film?

ARAD: There’s always a chance of an X-MEN sequel. It’s more of an issue of what is the next X-Men story, and when to do it. The X-Men universe is forever and ever, and it’s the number one comic book. There are an endless amount of stories and great sagas that can go into the future, the past, and the present. There are so many more characters that we didn’t deal with yet. It’s such a rich world. I would not preclude anything.

iF: Are the characters that “died” in LAST STAND really dead?

ARAD: You heard what was said in the classroom right? How things were explained to the students, what’s possible. When you look at the way these people materialize when the Phoenix erupts, just reverse it and who knows?

iF: Was there anything cut from the film that will be on DVD?

ARAD: We didn’t cut anything for time, but we had things that we did specifically for the DVD. There are always choices, and lots of coverage. When you shoot a movie like that, there are a lot of choices to make and certainly some of it will end up on the DVD.

iF: So there will be an extended edition DVD with added scenes then?

ARAD: Absolutely.

iF: What was the original script that you started with like?

ARAD: The original script was more or less what we shot. Most of the scenes and the direction dealing with the cure and Dark Phoenix were all in there. The bridge scene was the first scene we plucked from a panel in the comics. These kinds of scripts are written with a lot of outlines, so it always starts with a big idea. The basic idea and characters were all done up front.

I got that from http://www.comics2film.com They are the source for all comic related movies. They usually know stuff before the comics creator.

The Wolverine/Storm thing has happened a couple of time in the comics IIRC. And on the TV show.

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I used to have a pair.

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