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Fortifying Conditioner
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Post by Fortifying Conditioner »

I saw the Introductions heading and figured proper etiquette dictated that I introduce myself before I started posting in earnest, so umm...hey I guess.

I've been playing Lunar since the golden days of the Sega CD and have consistenty crapped my pants because of the sheer awesomeness of each subsuquent release in the series...well except for Dragon Song. I still crapped my pants because of the game, but for entirely different reasons. Those were dark days indeed. :cry:

What i'm saying is, Lunar's awesome and I figured i'd try and get in with a community that shares that point of view.

So once again, hey to everyone and i'll see you on the forum. :)
Fortifies and Conditions!

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Post by Kizyr »

well except for Dragon Song. I still crapped my pants because of the game, but for entirely different reasons. Those were dark days indeed.
Bwa hah... don't worry, you're not the only one with that reaction. But welcome to the boards. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Sonic# »

Welcome to the board!

We could all use a little fortifying conditioner. Otherwise my hair goes crazy. >_<

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Kizyr wrote:
well except for Dragon Song. I still crapped my pants because of the game, but for entirely different reasons. Those were dark days indeed.
Bwa hah... don't worry, you're not the only one with that reaction. But welcome to the boards. KF
Haha, I'll second that thought. (Or third, I guess.) We really should have gone with "Dark Skies" for that game's title.

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

you mean, "Depressing Sacrelidge"?

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Post by Alunissage »

Man, just shut up about the game. We know you didn't like it. No need for you to chime in every time it's brought up. And you seem to be missing the point; ilovemyguitar is referring to the naming poll run by this site at Ubisoft's request. Dark Skies was one of the other choices.

And the word is spelled "sacrilege".

Oh, and welcome to the boards, Fortifying Conditioner. Um, why that particular username?

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Fortifying Conditioner
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Post by Fortifying Conditioner »

I was taking a shower and saw a bottle with Fortifying Conditioner on it. I thought it'd be funny and was pretty sure no one else had already taken the name.
Fortifies and Conditions!

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Post by YoshiMars »

I like it! Unique... and so stylish! Welcome to the boards!
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

Fortifying Conditioner wrote:I was taking a shower and saw a bottle with Fortifying Conditioner on it. I thought it'd be funny and was pretty sure no one else had already taken the name.
Got a smile out of me, anyway. :)

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Post by Amethi »

Simply put, Nash would LOVE you for your name! XD

Him and his hair... it never gets old.

Oh, nd by the way, HI! Welcome! Bonjour! Shoobleedoobleedoo! What ever you want to say! =D My name is Irene (Or, my Lunar name is Amethi, either name is fine by me). Hope you like it here!

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Post by Faust »

Greetings from Faust.

9.5/10 for the original screen name
8.5/10 for the avatar

Have fun posting here...^_^
*Grabs Fortifying Conditioner and squeezes some over own head*

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Post by Fortifying Conditioner »

Watch it now, you've got to take me to dinner before you start doing that. :wink:
Fortifies and Conditions!

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Post by phyco126 »

Hello, welcome to Lunar-net :D Enjoy yourself here, be sure to try as much as my infamous friendship muffins and also have a few dozen friendship rings. Courtesy of North Korea and Phyco :D

- "Sometimes life smiles when it kicks you down. The trick is to smile back."

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