a call to arms

For discussion of rumors of any new Lunar games, including the nonexistent Lunar 3
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a call to arms

Post by sylanthir »

i'm now 20 years old and don't really play video games anymore but as a child the lunar games and most particularily the first struck something in me that has never really been struck again and through all the years it has remained the one game and game series that has had the greatest impact in my life. i do not own any of the new systems and don't really have any interest in picking any of them up but i have always maintained that the day a true Lunar 3 is ever released or even set to be released (fingers crossed) that i would go out immediately reserve a copy and then pick up whatever system it comes out on when released. in my eyes this is a trilogy that must be completed and while i'm not really up on what efforts have been made to urge game arts to make L3 but i think that all of us on here (assuming you feel as i do which i gather most of you do) should write a deeply personalized letter to Game Arts explaining to them just how much these games mean to us and in the letter pledge to buy the game and the system regardless of how it is released. i imagine this sort of stuff has already been done numerous times already but i say let's give it another push, let's keep pushing this as hard as we can because this game needs to be made.
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Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

I 100% agree with you. Lets keep pushing gamearts untill they make lunar 3.

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Post by phyco126 »

Meh, I think RPGs against Square-Enix would be pretty effective. At least to ravage the company that dared purchase a large sum of shares of the company that gave us Lunar. :evil:

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Post by Kizyr »




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Post by sylanthir »

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Post by GhaleonOne »

You don't want someone pointing out your grammar flaws then fix them. It's not like you just made a a few spelling errors. It would take very little effort to fix them up. Don't get pissed off when someone calls you out on it on a public forum because your post is a chore to read. You said yourself you're 20 years old. Learning to type like you're not still in grade school might get you taken seriously. Especially when you're trying to get a company to take you seriously on something.

And for the record, if you make a comment like that towards one of my admins again and you'll be banned instantly.

As for the initial post content, writing a deeply personal letter isn't going to do anything. I'd be willing to bet GameArts may not even have that much control over which games it works on anyways. They're pretty much a company under the thumb of another company at this point.
Last edited by GhaleonOne on Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

Well I think this guy has a good idea. I mean I know it probably won't do anything for Lunar 3 but it wouldn't hurt to try...
Last edited by Alex_Pwns_Hiro on Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sylanthir »

where i come from if i wanted someone to correct my grammar i would've asked someone to proofread for me not earnestly post on an internet message board where all sorts of stylistically incorrect grammar is used.

and you had to shoot the idea down too.

i find your posts a chore to read...
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Post by Kizyr »

GhaleonOne wrote:As for the initial post content, writing a deeply personal letter isn't going to do anything. I'd be willing to bet GameArts may not even have that much control over which games it works on anyways. They're pretty much a company under the thumb of another company at this point.
Dude, writing a deeply personal letter to GameArts isn't going to do crap if he can't even use punctuation correctly.
sylanthir wrote:i find your posts a chore to read...
We use capitalization and punctuation, and words with multiple syllables. It's common practice in the English language. If you're having a difficult time with that, then you might want to work on some basic communication and comprehension skills to begin with, before trying to convey complex ideas. KF
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Post by Werefrog »

sylanthir wrote:post on an internet message board where all sorts of stylistically incorrect grammar is used
Okay... I honestly have no clue what this means. Do you mean that on a message board the proscriptive rules of grammar are ignored to create a style of writing that mimics the spoken word? If so... yes. You are right.

Do you mean to say that we break some rules of style? If so... no. There aren't really rules for style... so to speak-- only guidelines. That's something that you have to come up with on your own. Sure, there are some books that try to teach a "correct" style. However, most of these books do not encourage any sort of creative writing. Also, they generally revolve around a writing style that's akin to Hemingway's (ick).

Although there is no "correct" style of writing, your "style" is definitely wrong for a couple of reasons. First, it's very ambiguous. Without punctuation your ideas run together. These ideas have to be reconstructed by the reader who may or may not construct them in the same way as was intended. Second, no one is going to take the time to do that while reading a complete stranger's letter.

You could have the greatest idea ever, but no one will read it if it looks like that.

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Post by phyco126 »

Werefrog wrote:Second, no one is going to take the time to do that while reading a complete stranger's letter.

You could have the greatest idea ever, but no one will read it if it looks like that.
Correction; Not everyone will want to read it if it looks like that. There are still some of us who will.

Seriously, I just can't comprehend what the big deal is here. You humans are so... so... there is no word that collectively describes you. The only one that comes to mind is "intriguing" and "intresting."

Now before I'm confused with someone who might be sticking up for someone else...

Sylanthir, dude, man, pal, puny human, fellow L-netter, you are not doing yourself any favors here, and certainly not winning any points for anything. If anything, you are ruining your chance at people taking your idea seriously. How can we take your idea seriously if you begin to be childish about, and towards, something that can be easily ignored OR taken to PMs?

You are also not being smart about who you are picking your fights with either. Saying "Blow me" to an ADMIN, and not just any ADMIN, but the ADMIN that is the WORST ADMIN to talk back to, and then pointing out the OWNER's own grammar mistake? Are you the guy I see on Court TV who argues with a cop after being pulled over for speeding only to be thrown to the ground and taser'd a few times? That is essentially what you are doing right now.

Also, they are NOT shooting down your idea, rather they are being quite truthful about it. Think about it. One: Why would a company that is practically owned by the evilist game company ever created (aside from EA) care about a game that has a small cult following? They would rather make FF games that some vegitable could play than make an actual RPG with intelligence, beauty, and heart. Yes, I just did go there. No, I don't actually mean it, but the point is there and has truth to it. Two: If people on the internet can't stand your grammar, then as they have pointed out, the chances of someone in some office half a world away who makes company decisions that affect many people's lives to actually care about said letter, is very very very very slim.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

where i come from if i wanted someone to correct my grammar i would've asked someone to proofread for me not earnestly post on an internet message board where all sorts of stylistically incorrect grammar is used.
You might try GameFAQs then.
and then pointing out the OWNER's own grammar mistake?
Did I miss something? I've re-read my post a few times and don't see any mistake?

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Post by phyco126 »

? I thought you would have been the one that deleted his post. Yes, he pointed out your grammar mistake somewhere.
You don't want someone pointing out your grammar flaws then fix them.
That was all is post was last night. I took it as him pointing out your mistake (forgot the "if?") Maybe I'm wrong, no one can be right all the time. *shrugs*

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Post by Werefrog »

phyco126 wrote: Seriously, I just can't comprehend what the big deal is here.
Well, for me it's a mentality that keeps coming up on the Internet. People just assume that because they're on the Internet they don't have to use correct punctuation. And it gets annoying. There are (believe it or not) people who use the Internet for actual communication.

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Post by Kizyr »

GhaleonOne wrote:
and then pointing out the OWNER's own grammar mistake?
Did I miss something? I've re-read my post a few times and don't see any mistake?
I actually deleted that because this guy triple-posted. I deleted the two posts with less merit.

Actually, phyco, G1 didn't make any grammar mistakes. Sylanthir over there just was unable to understand what G1 said due to his (not G1's) poor communication skills, it would seem.

The line was "You don't want someone pointing out your grammar flaws then fix them." Sylanthir apparently didn't understand that this was an imperative sentence; i.e., it said "(if) you don't want someone ... then (you) fix them." Technically, it could use a comma, but the meaning is still fine.
phyco wrote:You are also not being smart about who you are picking your fights with either. Saying "Blow me" to an ADMIN, and not just any ADMIN, but the ADMIN that is the WORST ADMIN to talk back to, and then pointing out the OWNER's own grammar mistake?
Hey! I am totally not that mean an admin!

::bans phyco::

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Post by Alunissage »

sylanthir wrote:where i come from if i wanted someone to correct my grammar i would've asked someone to proofread for me not earnestly post on an internet message board where all sorts of stylistically incorrect grammar is used.
What makes you think this is about what you want? Though it should be pretty obvious that if you want people to actually read your post and respond to the content you'll have to make it readable.
and you had to shoot the idea down too.
Then again, when people DO respond to the content you don't seem to like it much. At least if it's not enthusiastic concurrence.

By the way, Werefrog, it's "prescriptive" grammar, not "proscriptive". Not trying to give you a hard time, it's just that the meaning would be rather different... As a linguistics major, I had to come to terms with my decidedly prescriptive impulses vs. the descriptive nature of the field of study; one must study what language actually is, not what it's supposed to be. And yet establishing the grammatical rules that speakers and writers are expected to follow makes it possible, or at least easier, to analyze what is happening when they do not.

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Post by phyco126 »

Kizyr wrote:
phyco wrote:You are also not being smart about who you are picking your fights with either. Saying "Blow me" to an ADMIN, and not just any ADMIN, but the ADMIN that is the WORST ADMIN to talk back to, and then pointing out the OWNER's own grammar mistake?
Hey! I am totally not that mean an admin!

::bans phyco::

Hah! KF
:( Always picking on me! IT'S BECAUSE MY NAME IS CHARLIE BROWN ISN'T IT?! *runs off crying*

Though, since we are on the topic of grammer and what not, when I see this: "The boy jumped over the moon [sic]" what does the [sic] mean?

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Post by sylanthir »

am i allowed to debate this or will i be banned or have further posts removed if i continue?
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Post by Alunissage »

phyco126 wrote:Though, since we are on the topic of grammer and what not, when I see this: "The boy jumped over the moon [sic]" what does the [sic] mean?
[sic] is used when quoting to indicate that you're transcribing the source material exactly. In other words, if it's a misspelling or the like, it's not your fault. For example:
Phyco wrote:That was all is [sic] post was last night.
I'm indicating that the typo "is" for "his" is something you did, not a mistake on my part, which is sometimes an important distinction when you need to establish your credentials to your readers by making it clear that you're not careless or ignorant. It can be a hard call whether to clean up quotes to make them more legible or leave them as is to be clear on what the source actually said yet risk people thinking YOU'RE the one being unclear or are perpetuating someone else's mistake; [sic] helps clarify the latter.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Don't worry phyco, I didn't know what it meant for some time either, and only just looked it up about 2 years ago.
am i allowed to debate this or will i be banned or have further posts removed if i continue?
You're certainly allowed to debate, but keep in mind, debating doesn't mean responding with a "BLOW ME" comment to an admin who is trying to get you to post legibly. No one expects absolute perfect spelling and grammar, but it's just plain lazy to not even try and capitalize and use better punctuation. It makes your posts far more readable and gives your posts more credibility.

And for the record, I don't think anyone here is trying to shoot your idea down. Keep in mind, I've been running this site for almost 2/3rds of Lunar's existence. And many of the others have been around here for 5 years or more. But most of us learned that sales are what drives a company to make a new game. In most cases anyways. A petition would actually be better than just having some fans send personal letters to the company, but even petitions almost always fail. Going out and buying the games when they come out makes far more a difference. The problem is, they expected fans to support them with Dragon Song to continue the series, but for fans to support them, they need to put out a good entry in the series. Whether they understood poor sales was due to a poor game, or lack of interest, I don't know. I do know GameArts president, Mr. Miyaji, has said he would really like to do more games in the Lunar universe. This was well after Lunar Genesis/Dragon Song was released here and in Japan. And keep in mind that Lunar: Dragon Song was a big surprise to most people. Many people thought the series was dead and done. I still think there's a good shot at a Four Heroes game made, but I think your best bet for pushing the series is to keep the fan-base strong.

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