Your top 5 video games

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Post by Royce »

1: Lunar SSSC (Probaly the one of the first games I've ever seen)
2: Super Paper Mario (Incredibly addictive)
3: FFIX (This game was truly awesome, especially the second disc)
4: Super Mario RPG (Another of one of my firsts)
5: Chrono Trigger (This game needs to be remade for the DS.)

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Post by exigence »

this is nearly imposible for me to pick just 5.

1. All of the lunar games its really hard to pick one over the other.
2. Zelda Ocarina of Time
3. Final Fantasy VII
4. Mortal Kombat
5. Ico

my list seems kinda weighed down with RPG's but i guess its because you spend so much time in that world it really sticks with you, it would be a more accurate list if i did my top 5 in each indivual genre but i dont feel like reminiscing the experience of every game iv ever played right now.
ilovemyguitar wrote: Minesweeper: Oh so simple, yet oh so aggravating. How many times will you say "just one more game?"
good call its so hard when you get down to one mine and it could be in one of 3 places and you have to make a call, thats a real life and death situation.

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Post by prinnie dude »

1. Sonic 3 & Knuckles

2. Legend of Zelda ocarina of time

3. Dark Cloud 2

4. Lunar dragon song

5. Banjo Tooie

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Post by phyco126 »

prinnie dude wrote: 4. Lunar dragon song
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

All my favorite games are a part of a series. So I'll just list the series because it is impossible for me to pick just one.

1 Lunar
2 Chrono Cross
3 .Hack
4 Fatal Frame
5. Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy

Not quite sure where Sonic, Zelda, and Metal Gear Solid fall in, but they're up there too. xD
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Post by Werefrog »

Hmm... I haven't thought about this in a long time. The last time I tried to create a top five list was about six years ago (freshman in high school). I'll try again though.

1)Lunar SSSC
2)Zelda: A Link to the Past
4)The Curse of Monkey Island
5) Phoenix Wright

I'm leaving out some really great games. EBC, Ocarina of Time, and Skies of Arcadia are really close to these games in my opinion.

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

phyco126 wrote:
prinnie dude wrote: 4. Lunar dragon song
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
playing lunar and DRAGON SONG making your top 5 list is like getting a watermelon and eating the green part.

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Post by Imperial Knight »

Looking back, I see I've not yet replied to this topic despite its age. So, since it's been bumped anyways, I'll give my list. Some notes first:

-I decided at the start to limit myself to one game per series.

-This is also very much a list of favorites, and not necessarily the games that I would consider "the best." I'm letting things like nostalgia factor in.

And now onto my list.

1) Growlanser - I think part of what amazes me so much about this game is that it contains so many of the features that I had always wanted to see in an RPG, while conversely containing very little that I would consider extraneous. The gameplay systems are some of the best and most tightly designed that I've ever encountered.

2) Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete - I can't really comment on the issue of whether SSSC or TSS is better since I never owned a Sega CD. In any case, seeing as this is a Lunar site I'm sure I don't have to explain why I like it so much.

3) Final Fantasy IV - This is definitely a case where nostalgia is factoring in, as I do consider Final Fantasy XII to actually be a better game. That having been said, FFIV is still a great game. It was my absolute favorite for quite some time.

4) Langriser IV - While I'm sometimes annoyed at how long the battles take place (and how much downtime there is in them), I like pretty much everything else about the game. The gameplay is a lot of fun and the cast of characters ranks among my favorites from any RPG.

5) Wing Commander: Privateer - While this game doesn't actually offer quite as much freedom as it appears to at first glance, it still offers quite a bit. There's a lot of fun in just flying around the galaxy doing your own thing, trying to find secret pirate bases, etc.

Some honorable mentions: SimCity 4, Final Fantasy Tactics, Grandia, Riviera: The Promised Land, StarCraft, River City Ransom.

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Post by Patty Mac »

1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Lunar: Silver Star Story (SegaCD and PSX)
3. Lunar: Eternal Blue (SegaCD and PSX)
4. Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
5. Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess

This is a toughie for me but these 5 are generally my favorites.

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Post by Jasonb12 »

This is a tough pick. . .

Let's see. . .

1. LUNAR: SSSC - First LUNAR game I really played and changed me for the better!

2. RockMan 5: Blues no Wana!! Complete Works - Favorite Mega Man game from original series. Last one I finished before playing Powered Up.

3. CastleVania: Chi No Rondo - This was a tough one, but it's one of my favorites hands-down!

4. Phantasy Star II - Great music, good graphics, superb storyline just like LUNAR.

5. Sonic MegaMix - Great fan Sonic game. Just wish they'd fix the bugs.
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Post by DezoPenguin »

Let's see here...four of these will be very easy, rounding out the list with a fifth not so much:

1(tie). Lunar: Eternal Blue (both versions)

Eternal Blue is a brilliant game of traditional "high fantasy," with a likeable hero who says more than "..."; an interesting love story; a supporting cast of genuine characters; an honestly epic scope; Ghaleon's redemption; and the best damn final boss battle music in the history of gaming. Plus, the Epilogue is...genuinely an epilogue! I prefer the music arrangements in the original Sega CD version, to say nothing of the entire Azado sequence; on the other hand I enjoy the added animations and the byplay between characters in the remake (Ronfar getting toasted by Ruby never fails to send Lynne into gales of laughter). And the outtakes! All the great ones from the original and dozens of new ones! "Hiro, you don't understand anything! You don't have a clue!"

1(tie). Phantasy Star: End of the Millennium

PSIV...*happy sigh* The first genuinely cinematic game I played. Finally, something more than "destroy the bad guy"--actual characters displayed through extensive dialogue! Actual emotions! Actual interactions among the party! And finally the genuine destruction of the Ultimate Evil, none of this "sealed away" crap that pervades JRPGs. Better than that, the gameplay is fun--every part of the player-game interface is smooth as silk, from the surprisingly deep yet easy-to-use combat system to the fast walking speed to the don't-open-cabinets gags WD (well, somebody at least) ripped off for Rayearth. And the music rocks. And it has Alys Brangwin, which alone would make it a four-star game! :wink:

1(tie). Shadow Hearts

While later entries in the series feature better gameplay, cleaning up some of the things that were a bit clunky about the original, and the polygonal graphics are still a bit rough, this game is still extraordinary. For one thing, it's a Gothic Horror RPG! Unlike the two following games in the series, the original Shadow Hearts is pure horror (to the extent that you don't want to play certain dungeons after midnight with the lights out...the Dollhouse still gives me chills...). And come on, if you're going to have a female spy in your adventuring party, why have a fake Mata Hari when Shadow Hearts lets you have the real one! The Judgment Ring system, created here, adds a little reflex-timing skill to RPG combat, making even random battles a little less boring. The plot is brilliantly written, with creeps, tension, and humor. The "little touches" are fantastic--for example, every usable item, piece of equipment, monster, and major character has a page of explanatory text you can look at, making even the common Thera Herb something more than a game mechanic. And did I mention the BEST SOUNDTRACK EVER?

1(tie). Final Fantasy VII

As should be evident by now, I tend to prefer the "cinematic" RPG style, featuring strong character-based stories over games where the player has total freedom to act but in which the overall story lacks. Thus, it should come as no shock that I love the game that first brought that kind of story to the masses. While cinematic gaming did not begin with FF7 (PSIV and Lunar: EB on this very list, for example, preceded it, and you can surely name others), it can't be denied that the majority of post-FF7 RPGs are either spiritual descendants of it or deliberately trying to do something different from it. While some people find Cloud Strife's internal conflicts annoying, I love watching the reality of his past unfold. What's more, FF7's initial Midgar section is possibly the purest example of the "cyberpunk" genre to be found in gaming; I could have gleefully played a game that spent the whole sixty hours in the city. And the escape from the Shinra Building, from the boss fight on the elevator to the cinematic with Cloud jumping through the window (y'know, the motorcycle is cool, but did anyone notice that Tifa did the same jump with a three-wheeled pickup truck and with two people sitting in the back end? Much more impressive than using a high-performance motorcycle), the ensuing highway chase minigame, and then the Motor Ball boss fight, was one of the best hours in my gaming life the first time I did it. Excellent music, too, like all of my favorites--"Makou Reactor" is one of my all-time fave songs, period.

2(tie). Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete; Xenosaga III; Final Fantasy Tactics; Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plus

All of these games are exceptionally good, but each lacks something. SSSC would have been a tied-for-first, but the reengineering of Ghaleon's motivations stole a certain something from a remake with in all other ways--gameplay, music, animation, dialogue, the fragging color of the on-screen sprites and art--I consider better than the original. Xenosaga III is too talky generally and awfully so in one particular place (from the end of Chapter 1 to the start of the infiltration of the CAT testing grounds you're doing nothing but walking around Fifth Jerusalem watching cinematic scenes and exploring the town in otherwise standard RPG style for three and a half hours of real time!). FFT devolves into Subquest Hell in Chapter Four, plus the lack of editing and proofreading work done on the massive quantity of text throughout the game subtracts from an otherwise excellent plot. PSO is fun and addictive to play--I've spent more time on it than any other game in terms of real-world hours--but doesn't have any real conclusion to its story and leaves way too much unexplained, plus what continues in PSO Episode III is often inconsistent and silly.

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Post by AnimeJei »

Sorry, I'll just do series... I am a child and my favs change all the time depending on if I am playing that game, like right now I am loving FFX all over again since I started playing it again...

1.Final Fantasy series (FFVII, X,IX,IV,VI, X-2)
2. Lunar series (too hard to put in order, they all are special to me)
3. Zelda series (OoT especially)
4. TBD
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Post by exigence »

Werefrog wrote:Hmm... I haven't thought about this in a long time. The last time I tried to create a top five list was about six years ago (freshman in high school). I'll try again though.

1)Lunar SSSC
2)Zelda: A Link to the Past
4)The Curse of Monkey Island
5) Phoenix Wright

I'm leaving out some really great games. EBC, Ocarina of Time, and Skies of Arcadia are really close to these games in my opinion.
earthbound, when was that released in the US.

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Post by Werefrog »

exigence wrote: earthbound, when was that released in the US.
Gamefaqs says that it was released in 1995. The original name for it was Mother 2. You're probably confused because the NES game, Mother, was going to be released as Earthbound. For this reason, fans refer to it as Earthbound 0.

I'm still disappointed that Mother 3 hasn't been translated and most likely won't be translated by NoA. I guess there's always the fan translation.

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Post by prinnie dude »

Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote:
phyco126 wrote:
prinnie dude wrote: 4. Lunar dragon song
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
playing lunar and DRAGON SONG making your top 5 list is like getting a watermelon and eating the green part.
I see why you guys are surprised now. Lunar DS was my first Lunar game. I didn't think it was that bad when I was first playing it. Later I played Eternal Blue. Now I realize how bad DS is compared to EB, and probably TST.

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Post by Werefrog »

prinnie dude wrote: I see why you guys are surprised now. Lunar DS was my first Lunar game. I didn't think it was that bad when I was first playing it. Later I played Eternal Blue. Now I realize how bad DS is compared to EB, and probably TST.
Personally, I like Silver Star Story the best.

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Re: Your top 5 video games

Post by prinnie dude »

this is my new list in no order (i like m all equal)

1. seiken densetsu (SNES)
I have almost beaten this game. I've been playing with my uncle ncd. (that's what most online guys know him as) Anyways, this game has one of the best action battle systems i've seen in RPGs. Also the way you choose items is pretty cool too. The story line is unique, and find the class changing interesting. :shock: how could i forget! You can choose three of six characters to be in your party. The game is different depending on who you have as your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd characters. Even the last boss is unique for each leading character you choose. I could go on and on about how great this game is, but i think i have to move on.

2. Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)
Ah i love this game, and everyone i've seen who owns this game says they love it also. Its pretty hard to find now. Im glad i could get my hands on a copy finally. Has there ever been a game that was done well enough, that it brought out your emotional feelings, and made you feel really sad or even cry? This is one of them for me. I havnt beaten the game yet but so far it happened in the end of chapter 3 and 4. This is one of the great qualities of game that would make me rank it higher. Now i dont want to make this post to long because if i included all the things it would make this post so long it might get boring after awhile. And you should try and journey into this game experiencing everything for yourself.

3.Sonic CD Japan (SEGA CD)
The only thing different between the American and the Japanese is the music, but the music is awesome! Its pretty much my favorite platform, made for its skills in time travel and addictiveness. :wink: This is the most unique of the original sonic games and i thought that was ok, because it was an ok game. :shock: How could i say such a thing! More like it was ... um ... awesome no ... i cant find a word for how cool it is. hmmm lets just say it like this it was AWESOME!!!!!! that will do. I am sure other people like this game... do they?

4.Lunar Eternal Blue (SEGA CD)
Does anybody here not like this game? One of the things i like about this game is the characters unique and life like personalities, something a good game got ta have. Man this lunar is so much better than dragon song. This game from what i've heard is a bit more challenging than complete which i like. The only games i think should be easy are the games you've beaten many times. This game is pure good, there is nothing that ive seen of it that i really don't like about it.

5.Banjo Tooie (N64)
This is my favorite adv. game yet. It has every thing a good adventure needs, good graphics for its time, a useful sidekick, three evil witches, some cool things to collect, and being able to turn into a washing machine and shoot underwear at the baddies.

i hope this post wasn't too long and happy new year!

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Re: Your top 5 video games

Post by kyle1992 »

since I can't do five i'll go to ten

1. Halo 3
2. Final Fantasy Tactics
3. Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
4. Assassin's Creed
5. Guitar Hero 3
6. Halo 2
7. Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete
8. Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones
9. Super Mario 64
10. Call Of Duty 3
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Post by ilovemyguitar »

ilovemyguitar wrote:Wow, this got dug up from nowhere. I missed posting before, though, so here goes:

1- Lunar: I'm including the whole series, because yeah, I'd put all four console titles on here otherwise and that'd be no fun.

2- Final Fantasy VI Advance: I would have put the original SNES version on this list, but the GBA remake of this game is pretty awesome. It fixes a couple glitches that were annoying in the original version (the evasion bug, blind status actually effects characters now, etc), and the bonus dungeon at the end is good fun.

3- Tetris: Come on, you can't deny the greatest puzzle game ever. I love Tetris DS in particular because of the WiFi multiplayer.

4- The Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past: This is just an awesome game. I still play around on it occasionally (the GBA remake), and I have yet to have a file with every single heart piece.

5- Super Mario Bros. 3: Yeah, it's a classic. And I'm still waiting for Nintendo to include that shoe costume in another Mario game.

Honorable mentions-
Chrono Trigger: I doubt I have to explain this one to anyone here.
Lufia 2: The storyline is silly cliche RPG fare, but the battle system is good (why don't other RPGs use this game's magic targetting system?), the puzzles are fun, and the Ancient Cave is great.
Minesweeper: Oh so simple, yet oh so aggravating. How many times will you say "just one more game?"
I'm adding a new honorable mention: Guitar Hero 3. I got it for Christmas, and I've been playing the hell out of it. It's definately a new favorite.

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Re: Your top 5 video games

Post by kyle1992 »

guitar hero 3 is awsome. But (and i should have changed this with Super Mario 64) Rock Band, is better than GH3. It's even better with a guitarist, bassist, drummer and lead singer.
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