Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

For discussion of rumors of any new Lunar games, including the nonexistent Lunar 3
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Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by LunarRaptor »

Let's think about this for a second. Lunar: TSS, and Lunar 2: TEB, were great games. Classics, as are their various remakes. Walk School was okay, but nothing really special. And Lunar: DS. :cry: Oh my God... What were they thinking? Its been about 12 years since the last quality installment into the storyline, as the creators have shown themselves to be incapable of doing it again, and they've sold themselves out to Square, which shall we say, not been at its best lately. So... In my mind, I can live with just Lunar and Lunar 2, if it means that the series' name does not become besmerched with crap.

Ideally, a new Lunar new would be heavenly (if they can try 'not screwing it' up this time), but I think we should take quality over quantity, and be happy with the quality we have now. Most RPG series with a lot of titles in them have few stinkers in their resume (or in the case of the Mana series (Secret of Mana, Legend of Mana), most of the series IS a big honking piece of crap). As of now, Lunar was only one truly horrible title, and I'm happy to keep that way.
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Sonic# »

I liked both Legend of Mana and Secret of Mana. I haven't played the others though, so I can't say.

I don't know about not wanting a sequel because it may not live up to the originals. I'd be alright if they didn't make another one, but it's not because of a fear they'll screw it up. Game companies mess up sometimes. They also have surprise successes. So I agree that we don't need a Lunar 3, but not with your reasons. Rather, the series feels complete as it is without tons of gaping plotholes.

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by LunarRaptor »

I liked both Legend of Mana and Secret of Mana. I haven't played the others though, so I can't say.
So do I. Sorry, I didn't mean to put you under the impression I hated those titles. The early Mana games are brilliant, but the later ones go out of their way to abandon everything that made Secret of Mana and such great games.

Its not so much the fear of having new Lunar games that won't live up the sequels, persay, that I'm afraid. What I'm afraid of is the makers of Lunar outright screwing it up again. As of more recent times, their game shave become less and less fun and have had considerable less quality, plus they've sold themselves to Square, which is an artistic suicide for any RPG series.
I thought of bringing up that Lunar's story feels complete of as now, but I didn't feel like arguing with anyone who could think up a million plot holes and argue that they need to be filled or something.
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

After the release of FF6, Square did nothing but go downhill.

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Sadrin »

I think we do need a Lunar3. Just as long as its true and not a spinoff.
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

Sadrin wrote:I think we do need a Lunar 3. Just as long as it's true and not a spinoff.
I agree with this. Just keep getting more people to play these games. Expand the fanbase as much as possible and hope something good happens. Don't just be discouraged and comfort yourself with "yeah well i didn't want it anyway!".

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

Sadrin wrote:I think we do need a Lunar3. Just as long as its true and not a spinoff.
I agree.

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Kizyr »

This actually gives me a good idea for a new frontpage poll...

Anyway, I think we could really use a good Lunar 3. But we don't need another damn handheld game. Don't get me wrong; I like the DS, but GameArts just is not willing to put enough effort into making any of its handheld games any good. KF
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by LunarRaptor »

Don't just be discouraged and comfort yourself with "yeah well i didn't want it anyway!".
I'm not being 'just discouraged'. I'm being realistic, basing my expectations of what Lunar 3 would hold given GameArts and Square's current (mostly terrible) track records. As things stand now, can you truly look someone in the eye say you want another Lunar game made by those people?
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Alunissage »

I'm OK with not having a Lunar 3. Always have been.

But in your original post you refer to L2:TEB. There is no T in that game's title, or indeed in any of the games' titles after the very first one, TSS. Nor is there a 2 in the SegaCD game's title, although the Roman numeral II does appear on the spine of the box and in the title of the artbook associated with the MegaCD games. One Japanese fansite I found abbreviates the games as TSS, EB, SSS, and 2EB, the last being because the only difference between the name of the original game and its remake is the number 2.

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by LunarRaptor »

:?: Er,okay, but, I don't really care what the second Lunar games is tecnically called. Let's not get to worked up over names here.

That's not the point of this discussion,but EB is the second Lunar game to be in the main series. Whether or not '2' is in the actual title is completely irrelevant as its obviously meant to be 'Lunar 2'.
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Werefrog »

LunarRaptor wrote::?: Er,okay, but, I don't really care what the second Lunar games is tecnically called. Let's not get to worked up over names here.
It was just some constructive criticism. It's not like she Gannon-Banned you.

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by LunarRaptor »

I was hoping that was what it was. You know Alun better than I do, I'll take your word for it. Sorry, but I'm always on the defense when it comes to the internet. I'm attacked for no apparent reason often enough that sometimes, replies kind of tend to seem all alike.
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Alunissage »

It's just kind of annoying to see, much as when people call the first Lunar 1 remake TSSSC. One sees the abbreviation and fits words to the letters and it doesn't work. I was being overly pedantic regarding the 2, but the T is what stuck out.

When I first started acquiring enough copies of the various games to need to be able to distinguish between them all (usually for filename purposes), I spent a fair bit of time coming up with a naming scheme to identify each uniquely. This was necessitated because of the difficulties in having one of the consoles (Sega Saturn) having the same initials as the words common to the names of the first two versions of Lunar 1 (Silver Star). So I just called them all by (L1/L2/MS)-(console)[region]-[variant], which worked OK. Then Dragon Song came out and presented me with the same name/console problem. Sigh. As it's the only one with a significantly different title in the US, I've just ignored that US title and called it LG-(DS/DSJ/DSE).

Anyway, as you can see, I've thought rather a lot about nomenclature, so it kind of sticks out to me. ;) For what it's worth, I don't use my elaborate naming system much on the boards because few would know what I mean. I usually use TSS, EB, SSS, EBC, even though that last C bothers me because it's only the US version that has it. But while the Japanese site I mentioned solves this nicely with 2EB, I can't bring myself to use it.

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by ilovemyguitar »

LunarRaptor wrote:I was hoping that was what it was. You know Alun better than I do, I'll take your word for it. Sorry, but I'm always on the defense when it comes to the internet. I'm attacked for no apparent reason often enough that sometimes, replies kind of tend to seem all alike.
Worry not. We pride ourselves in being more welcoming than the angry geeks on sites like GameFAQs. Alun's pretty good at tactfully helping newer people to the site get up to speed on stuff like Lunar lore and our commonly used abbreviations. (More tactfully than I probably would, at least. :lol:)

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by LunarRaptor »

The GameFAQ boards...cold, so very, very cold..eyes, growing dark...chest, tighting...spleen, spasming...don't much longer...I can...describe...symptons...
Anyway, yeah, I'm glad you guys are a lot more friendly than the typical bunch, I won't say it. No sense in getting banned when I've just joined.

I can see your point, Alun. I can see you're probably going to be a bit annoyed with me, because I'm usually not too picky about the names of things, but I'll try to be mindful of what the Lunar games are called.
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

I keep it straight simply by naming which system I'm referring to.

Example. Lunar: Eternal Blue (Sega CD) vs. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete (Saturn/PlayStation)

Naming the system makes it 1,000,000x easier for me than trying to keep every last name straight (not that I don't know them but you know... ^^)

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Cinder6 »

Except that the Saturn versions didn't have "Complete" at the end :)

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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by LunarRaptor »

Gotcha. :mrgreen:
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Re: Do we really need a Lunar 3, in all actuality?

Post by Nobiyuki77 »


Pretty much the same game anyway. :-P

(see why I stick to systems rather than names?) XD I should know this, seeing as I own both Saturn versions... >>

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