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Hey there!

Post by thepeaguy »

The name's thepeaguy. I'm an avid gamer who's been playing rpgs for years. I'm 26, employed, and a college student.

I've not played any of the Lunar games, but I am a big fan of Grandia. I hoping that one day I'll play all the Lunar titles and appreciate its influence on the rpg genre.

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Re: Hey there!

Post by LuNaRtIc »

Welcome to the boards! It's so nice to have people join the boards that have never played a Lunar game. Shows that there's interest out there! :D Will you be picking up Silver Star Harmony for the PSP? I hope you get a chance to play the games! It's great to have you! :)
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Re: Hey there!

Post by Aquaignis »

And may I be the one of the first to welcome you to L-Net! :D
I believe that you'll find this is a site dedicated to only the most refined and learned scholarly discussions regarding the noble art of "RPG" and the revered Lunar series...

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Sonic# »

Welcome to the board. I hope you enjoy it here.

Grandia's a pretty good start. It has a lot of similarities with Lunar, mainly in optimistic mood, composer, and other such details.

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Re: Hey there!

Post by ilovemyguitar »

Yeah, Grandia and Lunar are definitely two peas in the same pod. I can't imagine someone loving one and not loving the other (unless you're talking about the first Grandia game's awful English translation, haha).

Welcome to L-Net!

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Welcome to L-Net! *gives thepeaguy a cookie*

The Lunar series is a pretty awesome series. I'm sure you'll like it once you try it. I still have yet to play the Grandia series. I have the first game, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I think I have the third game as well, but I don't remember for sure. ^^;

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Shame on you again Dark Fairy!! You haven't played any Grandia, and you only have the first and possibly the third? I never played the horrible English translation as I have the Limited Collectors Edition from Japan, and Grandia II on my Dreamcast. I never played the third.

Grandia is a game that is definitely in need of a remake including a polished translation. It is a fantastic game.

As for thepeaguy, welcome to the world of Lunar! I hope you start with the first game and progress from there to get the proper experience. That would be either Lunar:The Silver Star on the Sega CD or playing the new remake of Lunar:Silver Star Harmony on the PSP.

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Silver Phoenix wrote:Shame on you again Dark Fairy!! You haven't played any Grandia, and you only have the first and possibly the third? I never played the horrible English translation as I have the Limited Collectors Edition from Japan, and Grandia II on my Dreamcast. I never played the third.

Grandia is a game that is definitely in need of a remake including a polished translation. It is a fantastic game.

As for thepeaguy, welcome to the world of Lunar! I hope you start with the first game and progress from there to get the proper experience. That would be either Lunar:The Silver Star on the Sega CD or playing the new remake of Lunar:Silver Star Harmony on the PSP.
I know, I'm terrible! I've been meaning to play it. In fact, it was one of my choices to play over break until I decided on Legend of Dragoon. And then I decided to play Lunar Eternal Blue for the Sega CD instead of LoD. If it counts for anything, I finally am playing through the Sega CD version of Lunar 2 again. I plan to finally beat it over break. :P

Is the English translation really that bad? Would it be better to find the Japanese version and play it? Well, if there's a patch or translation guide for it, anyway. I can't read Japanese for the life of me.

I say I may have Grandia III because I don't remember if I ever sold it or not. I sold a bunch of games that I had on the PS2 a while back and Grandia III may have been one of them. I'll check later since it'll start to bug me not knowing for sure.

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Grandia had a piss poor translation, but the most notable offender was the voice acting. It also couldn't measure up to the quality of the Saturn original, and that is just sad. I have never been able to experience the story the way it was meant to be understood, because I do not understand Japanese either.

Yeah, I could have bought the PS version but I'd rather not understand the story than have a bad translation taint it. If anything needs a high class remake it is Grandia. Game Arts wants to remake Lunar over and over, and never puts the effort into something else. Grandia 2 is also the first game (and only to my knowledge) to use video sequences incorporated into the spells. I've never played Grandia 3 or Xtreme.

I'm glad to hear you're playing Eternal Blue, and really invest yourself into the game to appreciate what the original has to offer. The remake just doesn't have the same flair, and the music is better as well as the original cinemas (more of them). Not to mention the detail that was half-assed in the remake. The horrible dungeon music is bad in either game.

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Quark »


I just lost a long comment that I tried to post, but will try to rewrite some of what I had before in bullet form. In summary:

-Try to start with Lunar The Silver Star on Sega CD. It is quite an investment of time/money to find/buy a Sega CD console and an original game, but it is well worth the effort if you want to experience the series in all of it's glory. I can't emphasize enough how much my love for the series is based on the originals.

-I played the games when they first came out, and the graphics were excellent at the time. I am not sure how someone would feel about the game if they played it for the first time today. I don't care too much about graphics, but if you do, the originals may seem dated. Overall, I would say that the remakes do not even come close to the originals in my opinion.

Anyway, welcome again!

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Re: Hey there!

Post by phyco126 »

Welcome to the forums!

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Burg Farmer
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Re: Hey there!

Post by thepeaguy »

Hello again, guys. Thanks for the warm welcome! This community seems more close-knit than the likes of Shining Force Central. (It's not all bad, but there are some people there which just grate you sometimes. :/)

I'm glad that some people here are aware of Grandia. I played the first game back when I was 15 on the Sega Saturn. The UK mag was bragging on about it, and so I had to get it. Despite the language barriers, the game was awesome (and I even managed to complete it in the end). And yes, I agree that the English translation and voice acting were both shoddy. Although, saying that, Grandia 2 was a big improvement in that regard.

Quark: I wouldn't mind getting the Mega CD version, but have you seen the prices on eBay? They're £80 on average! Now if Lunar 1 & 2 were released on the PSN network, that would be more economical and convenient for me. It probably won't happen because V. Ireland had a fall out with Sony, I believe. Sales might be another factor as well.

The PSP version sounds promising.

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Quark »

I hear you. The price is pretty steep. But at least consider it one day if money becomes less of a barrier.

Anyway, enjoy the PSP version when you get it! :P

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Re: Hey there!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Amazon has several of the original TSS games listed for sale with varying prices and condition.

http://www.amazon.com/Lunar-Silver-Star ... 652&sr=1-5

There is also a Game Gear listing for Lunar Walking School (Japanese) if anyone is interested.

http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Japanese- ... 652&sr=1-9

Burg Farmer
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Re: Hey there!

Post by thepeaguy »

Silver Phoenix wrote:Amazon has several of the original TSS games listed for sale with varying prices and condition.

http://www.amazon.com/Lunar-Silver-Star ... 652&sr=1-5
Oh lord. If the cheapest one had international shipping it would be mine. :(

Burg Farmer
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Re: Hey there!

Post by thepeaguy »

I managed to get a copy of Lunar for the ps1. Free Willy epic stuff.

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