Same old boring stuff....

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Same old boring stuff....

Post by chiiruchan »

Yep. Same old boring thing every day... on the plus side I lost 45 lbs before I saw the doc that said I'd better lose 30 or else....

But it's been the same old thing. I wish something would change... but I feel like I am... just sitting and waiting... I know if I move out grama will not be properly taken care of... :cry: I wish I could do it...

Anyone else feel stuck.... like their life is going nowhere? Like they are sitting in waiting for something to change? Something you know will happen.... but you have to wait....?

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Re: Same old boring stuff....

Post by Shin Otaku III »

I used to feel that way. I became dissatisfied with the way things were going and decided I needed a change in perspective.

I'm not really into new-agey stuff, but I would have to recommend that you read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It completely applies to what you're feeling right now.

Also, keep in mind that some people rely on routine and don't even realize that they do. Being spontaneous or changing your perspective may be uncomfortable if you unconsciously rely on the consistency of routine.

Remember this is just my two cents. It's not for everyone. To each their own!


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Re: Same old boring stuff....

Post by chiiruchan »

Hmm.... I guess I'm chomping at the bit to move out because my home situation..... but If I change perspective.... it might not be that bad. :3 I should work on that. I can think of a few good things about being here... maybe that can help with changing perspective...

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Re: Same old boring stuff....

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

I was exactly the same, i would do the same thing every day for about 6 years, i got so depressed i wouldn't leave the house for a month at a time (i had no reason too) I lived with my Nana and Papa and would help them around the house and when they needed something (both are sick in some way) and then one day i decided to let a guy i've only met in person once and been talking to online almost everyday for two weeks (good friend of my close cousin) to drive 6 hours to get me and 6 hours to take me back to my cousins/his place (roommates) and we fell in love and life is a lot better, we're living together and i'll even be applying for a job tomorrow or the next day.

So things do turn out whether you wait for it, or take a chance or make it happen yourself, just if you wait it can take a very long time.

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Re: Same old boring stuff....

Post by LuNaRtIc »

I totally get that feeling.

It drives me insane, it makes me angry, I get depressed about it. I realize that I'm the one holding myself back, and it's terrible to realize that and still not do anything about it. I hate waiting. I want to do so many things, but don't even know where or how to begin.
I'm just too scared to move. It pisses me off.

They say nothing really changes until the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change.
I think I might be reaching that point.
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Re: Same old boring stuff....

Post by chiiruchan »

._. The pain of staying reaches the same pain of leaving. Hmmm... It's gotten pretty close for me before.... but I couldn't find a way to move out when it happened. *sigh*

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Re: Same old boring stuff....

Post by whitedragon_nall »

I've been stuck in a rut for quite some time now. I don't know what my problem is though. Maybe I am afraid of change and just can't admit it....I don't know. Every day it's the same thing. Wake up, go to work, come home and play games, then go to sleep. The weekend is pretty much a day of nothingness. Just lay around and BS all day. I always come up with things to do, but then NEVER follow through with them. It gets better in the Summer when I actually DO take up hiking as a hobby.

It's a very odd and confusing feeling when you want to change but just don't.

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