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For discussion of Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, the PSP remake of Lunar 1
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Thank you for your continued support!

Post by dobashi@gamearts »

Hello Lunar fans!
This is Masato Dobashi, and I am the producer of GAME ARTS and was in charge of "Lunar: Silver Star Harmony".
I am posting a message on this website today to express my sincere gratitude to you for your support for our Lunar series over the years.

I recently had a chance to talk to Mr. Shigema regarding the IGN's Best of 2010 Awards and PlayStation Network Gamers' Choice Awards 2011, and I would like to tell you that both of us were very flattered and honored that Lunar: Silver Star Harmony was nominated for a various awards.
And, as you may already know, the PSP remake took second place in the Best Music category of RPGamer Awards 2010, and of course I was very excited to share this news with Mr. Iwadare.

This is an opportunity I can't miss, and I would like to take this occasion to explain how excited I am to see how our game has been evaluated and to thank all the Lunar fans for your continued support on behalf of the development team.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you! You guys are the best game fans in the world!
Last edited by dobashi@gamearts on Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Sonic# »

Lunar deserves every award it gets. Thank you for making a game that has changed many of our lives for the better. In my case, it has encouraged me to continue my studies, and even to study medieval literature, something that wouldn't have come without the fantasy games I grew up with.

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Shin Otaku III »


A few things I'd like to say in response to your post:

I squealed like a little fan girl when I saw someone from GameArts post on here.

Silver Star Harmony did not disappoint, and despite being another remake, the fanbase was VERY thankful for the franchise to get another shot in the arm.

As Sonic# said, those games have meant a great deal to us. Enough to come together as a community here on Lunar-Net. (thanks G1!)

If I could tell GameArts anything, it would be that I hope they realize that the Lunar franchise will make them money. It's a good investment that would be well worth their time. This being said, they should consider the potential profit of releasing another game! coughLunar3cough

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to come on here and say hi. You may not have any idea how much it means to us! :D

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Aaron »

Lunar is special. Keep up the good work! We'll be here waiting for the next release.

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by whitedragon_nall »

Wow! Thank you for posting here! It's always nice to see companies that actually DO care. Your gratitude is greatly appreciated, but really...we should be thanking you! As you can tell, we all love Lunar very much. You deserve our continued support for making fantastic games.

And, as others before me have mentioned, we look forward to future releases. :D
Once again, THANK YOU!!!

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by phyco126 »

Oh, thank you very much for posting here!

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Angelalex242 »

Wow! An actual GameArts guy!

Nice to see them stopping in!
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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

It's an honor to see you post here, Mr. Dobashi.

As a LUNAR fan going all the way back to the Sega CD versions, I can say that no game has ever had the same place in my heart as these masterpieces from Game Arts. I just would like to thank you and the rest of the LUNAR team members throughout the years for making these amazing games.
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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Thank you Mr. Dobashi for visiting us!

Some of my fondest video game moments come from the Lunar series. Lunar has impacted my life more than any other video games out there, and I hope we continue to see more of the Lunar series in the future.

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Silver Phoenix »

This is a necro post, but you may want to thank XSEED for Dobashi's nudge in our LunarNet direction. They worked with him directly during SSH's localization.

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Re: Thank you for your continued support!

Post by Lishy »

dobashi@gamearts wrote:Hello Lunar fans!
This is Masato Dobashi, and I am the producer of GAME ARTS and was in charge of "Lunar: Silver Star Harmony".
I am posting a message on this website today to express my sincere gratitude to you for your support for our Lunar series over the years.

I recently had a chance to talk to Mr. Shigema regarding the IGN's Best of 2010 Awards and PlayStation Network Gamers' Choice Awards 2011, and I would like to tell you that both of us were very flattered and honored that Lunar: Silver Star Harmony was nominated for a various awards.
And, as you may already know, the PSP remake took second place in the Best Music category of RPGamer Awards 2010, and of course I was very excited to share this news with Mr. Iwadare.

This is an opportunity I can't miss, and I would like to take this occasion to explain how excited I am to see how our game has been evaluated and to thank all the Lunar fans for your continued support on behalf of the development team.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you! You guys are the best game fans in the world!
Not just as a Lunar fan, but as someone passionate about music in general, I have to admit that I really love what was done to the music!

My only complaint was it ruined the SSSC version of Silent Place, as the Voice Aahs(?) were replaced by strings(?), or some sort of synth, which kind of changed the original melancholy tone of the song. Granted the newer version has a much more peaceful feeling, the PSX version gave a sense of mystery.

However, other songs like the battle theme felt very faithful to the original Sega CD battle theme. It could have only been better if the Sega CD theme itself was used instead!

Also, Necropost++

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