Well, at least it was nominated (Smithsonian)

This board is for general discussion of Lunar. Especially things such as Lunar merchandise, general discussions about the story that span more than one game, etc.
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Well, at least it was nominated (Smithsonian)

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

So the Smithsonian is doing an Art Of Videogames exhibit from all eras, where people were allowed to vote for the winning entry to be displayed. For PlayStation RPGs, Final Fantasy VII won (obviously), but what was interesting to me was that in the far right column for nominations (i.e. the runners up), the next runner up was Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, followed by Grandia.


Full list here... http://americanart.si.edu/exhibitions/a ... ggames.pdf

Nice to see Lunar get some runner-up love. It's better than nothing. ^_^

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Re: Well, at least it was nominated (Smithsonian)

Post by Sonic# »

I had the same thought. And I voted for Lunar. >_<

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Re: Well, at least it was nominated (Smithsonian)

Post by Shiva Indis »

Yay, Lunar is a pretty important part of video game history! Not as important as Final Fantasy VII, but I can accept that.

I wonder how Lunar ended up becoming a nominee?

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Re: Well, at least it was nominated (Smithsonian)

Post by Werefrog »

Yeah, I have no complaints about this list. FF7 is a great game and definitely more influential on the current state of RPGs (for better or worse). For a museum exhibit that wishes to show off the evolution of video games, it was sort of a no-brainer.

I'm also glad to see Secret of Monkey Island in the lineup.

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Re: Well, at least it was nominated (Smithsonian)

Post by Solana »

PS1 was kind of a legendary era for RPGs. It's nice to see some Lunar love there.

Also, yay for Okami! I think I'm getting more and more addicted to that game every time I play it...
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